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1、 仁爱英语 九年级 Unit 1 考点解析九年级unit 1 考点解析Topic 2一、词组Section A10get lost 迷路,迷失 living conditions 生活条件 at that time 在那时 call up 打电话给at least 至少 take place 发生because of 由于,因为 one-child policy 独生子女政策be strict with 对严格 Little Emperor 小皇帝Section Bincrease by 增加了developed countries 发达国家carry out 实施 Developing co

2、untries 发展中国家population problem 人口问题control the population 人口控制 Section Cmore than 多于living space 生活空间for example 例如take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事work well in doing sth. 在方面起明显作用improve rapidly 迅速提高 one fifth 五分之一 be short of 短缺,缺乏so far 到目前为止be known as作为而闻名,被公认为thanks to 多亏,由于have a long way to

3、go 还有很长的路要走Section Dhelp each other 互帮互助places of interest 名胜古迹Summer Palace 颐和园shopping centers 购物中心public transportation 公共交通,公共运输quick development of modern society 现代社会的快速发展 a couple of 一些,少数几个such as 例如the Forbidden City 紫禁城,故宫huge markets 大超市keep up with 赶上某人,跟上某事二、 语言点详解Section A1.Have you fo

4、und him yet?No, he has probably gone home.yet adv. 意为“已经,仍然,还”,多用于完成时态的否定句和疑问句,常放在句末。链接 和现在完成时连用的副词还有already, just, ever, never, recently.already 多用于肯定句中,可以放在句中,也可以放在句末。如:I have already cleaned the windows. 我已经把窗户擦干净了。just 多用于肯定句,也可以用于疑问句。如:The manager has just come back from the United States. 经理刚从

5、美国回来。ever 多用于疑问句中,询问曾经的状况。如:、Have you ever been to Hong Kong? 你曾经去过香港么?never 多用于否定句。如:He has never been to Canada. 他从没去过加拿大。recently 表示时间概念,多用于句末练一练:用just, already, yet, recently, ever, never 填空1. Have you _ been to the West Lake?No, I have _ been there.2. I have _ read the novel twice.3. Have you f

6、inished your work _?4. I havent heard from her _.5. He has _ gone shopping with his parents.2. I really hate to go to such a place. 我真的讨厌那样的地方。 So do I. 我也是。So do I. 为倒装句,表示前面提到的肯定情况也同样适合另一个主体。So 后接倒装句式,结构为“so + be/ 情态动词/助动词/主语”,意为“也一样/也是”。如:They like playing basketball. 他们喜欢打篮球。So do we. 我们也喜欢。Lily

7、 can speak English. 莉莉会说英语。So can I. 我也会。链接:1)如果对上文所述的事实加以认可强调,用“so+主语+be/情态动词/助动词”,表示“确实如此”。如:He is a good student. 他是一个好学生。So he is! 他确实是这样。Li Lei can swim. 李雷会游泳So he can. 他确实会。2)如果表示上文提到的否定情况也同样适合另一个主体,则用“neither/nor+ be/情态动词/助动词+主语。”如:I dont like the weather here. Neither /Nor does she.我不喜欢这儿的天

8、气。她也不喜欢。They arent in Class One. Neither/Nor are we.他们不在一班。我们也不在一班。练一练:1. Tom does well in English. So _ I.2. She cant play the piano well. Neither _ Tom3. Lucy studies hard at school. So she_ _4. She hasnt been to China before. _ _ I5. He didnt do his homework last night. _ he _.6.( )(2011年福州市质检)1.

9、 -I came to this school two years ago! -_. A. So did I B. So I did C. So was I7.( )2. You have made great progress in English. _.A. So I do. B. So do I.C. So I haveD. So have I.3. He says he has never been to such a beautiful country before. 他说他以前从未去过如此美丽的国家。such 与 so 都有“如此”之意。such 修饰名词,so 修饰形容词或副词原

10、级,只有修饰可数名词单数时,可以互换。如:such a clever boy= so clever a boy 如此聪明的一个男孩名词前出现much, many, little, few 等表数量的词时只能用so.so nice a flower= such _ _ _ many/few people; _ much/little milk_ nice flowers4. But it seems that their living conditions were not very good. 但他们的生活条件似乎不太好。seem 系动词,表示好像,似乎,看来。其后可接形容词、名词、动词不定式

11、和that从句。 You seem happy. 你好像很高兴。He seems a nice man. 他看起来像个好人。动词不定式和that从句可互换。如:He seems to join the school basketball team. = It seems that he joins the school basketball team.他似乎参加了学校的篮球队。He seems to know everything. = _ _ that he _ everything.5. But great changes have taken place in China in rece

12、nt years. 但中国近年来发生了很大变化。take place 发生,举行。是不及物动词短语,尤指通过计划或安排后的变化。通常不用于被动语态。如:The class meeting will take place on Monday. 班会将会在星期一举行。happen 一般表示事件偶然发生。用法如下:1). sth + happen + 地点、时间,如: The story happened in 1998.2) sth + happen to sb,如: A car accident happened to her last week.3) sb + happen + to do s

13、th,某人碰巧做某事,如: I happened to meet him on my way home. = It happened that I met him on my way home.练一练:1. The Olympic Games of 2008 will _ _ in Beijing. 2008年奥运会将会在北京举行。2. What _ _ you? 你怎么了?6. Im the only child in my family, and I used to be a “Little Emperor”. 我是我们家唯一的孩子,我过去是个“小皇帝”。used to be 过去/曾经是

14、 如:He used to be a teacher.used 相关用法总结如下:1) used to be (usednt/didnt use to be )过去/曾经(不)是used to do (usednt/didnt use to do)过去常常(不)做某事He used to be a teacher. 他过去是个老师。He used to have a walk after supper. 他以前常常晚饭后散步。2) be/become/get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事 He is used to getting up and going to bed e

15、arly. 他习惯于早睡早起。3) be used to do be used for sth/ doing sth 被用来做某事。如: A knife is used to cut things. = A knife used for cutting things. 小刀是用来切东西的。练一练:1. 我以前抽烟,但几年前就戒掉了。(give up)2. 我习惯在早上跑步。3. 他过去不是一个老师。4. 她不习惯午饭吃那么多。5. 钢笔是用来写字的。Section B7. And it is increasing by 80 million every year. 并且它(世界人口)正在以每年

16、8千万的速度增长。1) increase v. 意为“增加,增大(数目),”构成短语increase by, increase toincrease by 后加倍数或百分数,意为“增加了倍/百分”。如:The population has _ _ 20% in this country. 这个国家的人口已经增加了20%。2) increase to 后接具体的数字,表示增加到了。如:His salary _ _10,000yuan a month. 他的月薪增加到了一万元。8. Whats the population of the U.S.A? 美国的人口是多少?1) population

17、不可数名词,意为“人口,人口数”,故针对人口数量提问时用“whats the population of ”? 而不能用how many。2) 通常用big/large, small 来修饰人口数的多少,不用more/little 来修饰人数的多少。如:India has a large population. 印度人口众多。Singapore has a small population. 新加坡人口少。3) 具体的人口数用 “has a population of + 数字”来表示。如:China has a population of about 1.3 billion. 中国大约有13

18、亿人口。链接 Whats the population of? 对人口提问的方式 = how large is the population of=How many people are there in .?例:( )1. Whats _ people in Australia?the number of B. a number ofC. numberD. the population of( ) 2. _ is the population of China?How B. What C. How many D. How much( )(2011年福州市质检)3. -What's _

19、 population of the U. S.A? -296 million. A. a B. the C. 不填Section C9. China has the largest population in the world, and about one fifth of the people in the world live in China. 在世界上中国有着最多的人口,世界上大约有五分之一的人生活在中国。one fifth 五分之一。英文分数表达法:分子为基数词(one, two, three, four),分母为序数词(first, second, third, fourth,

20、 fifth)。先读分子后读分母;当分子大于1时,分母的序数词用复数式,直接在词尾加 “s”。如:1/3 one third, 3/5 three fifths, 1/4 one fourth/ a quarter3/4 three fourths/three quarters, 1/2 a/one half 2/3_; 7/8_; 5/6_注意:分数的谓语动词单复数要根据它所修饰的单词决定例:( )1. In China, about _ of people live in the country.A.three fifthB. third fifthC. third fifthsD. th

21、ree fifths( ) 2. Two fifths of fish _ left on the plate.A. are B. is C. were10. One is known as the one-child policy. It has worked well in controlling Chinas population. 其中一项众所周知的措施是独生子女政策,它在控制中国人口数量方面取得了显著成效。1) be known as 作为而闻名,被公认为。如:London is _ _ a foggy city. 伦敦作为雾都而闻名。2) work well in doing st

22、h. 在方面起明显作用。如:Doing eye exercises _ _ _protecting our eyesight. 做眼保健操对保护视力有明显作用。Section D11. I cant go shopping in big stories unless I travel for a couple of hours. 我得花几个小时才能到大的商场去购物。1) unless连词,意为“如果不,除非”,用于引导条件状语从句,相当于ifnot._ we are very careful, we cant do our homework well.=_we _ very careful,

23、we cant do our work.2) a couple of 常指一些,少数几个,也可以指两个。couple 的用法:1) 两人,两件事物。如:I saw a couple of men go out. 我看见有两个男人出去了。2) 一对,夫妻,情侣。如:The couple were married in 1976. 这对夫妇在1976年结婚。3) 几个。相当于a few, several, 修饰可数名词。如:We went there a couple of years ago.4) 类似的短语有 a pair of (指连在一起的,相似的两部分构成的) 一双(一副);一对,都用于

24、裤、袜、手套等。如:Put on a clean pair of jeans!12. And sometimes it is hard to see my friends because they live so far away. 并且有时看望我的朋友很困难,因为他们住得太远。1) It is + adj + for sb.+ to do sth. 这是一个动词不定式短语作主语的句型。It 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语。_ _ important _ us _ learn a foreign language well. 对我们来说,学好一门外语是非常重要的。= _ _ a

25、foreign language is very important.2) far away 遥远的。如:The village isnt far away. 那个村庄离这儿不远。away from 远离,离多远 如:The post office is five miles away from my home. 邮局离我家有5英里远。The railway isnt _. Its only 5 miles _.14. People have to study and work hard to keep up with the quick development of modern socie

26、ty. 为了跟上现代社会的快速发展,人们必须努力学习和工作。keep with up with sb/sth. 赶上某人,跟上某事。如:We should _ _ _ the times. 我们应该赶上时代步伐。catch up with 也表示“赶上,跟上”,但是keep up with 表示同时起步,并肩前进,不至于落伍,掉队。catch up with 表示在已落伍或起步较晚的情况下赶上,追上。如:Hurry up, or you wont catch up with them. 快点,否则你就赶不上他们了。三. 情景交际1. I have just called you, but yo

27、u werent in.2. Bad luck.3. So do I.4. Neither do my parents.5. What a large population!6. So it is!四、 巩固练习一、词汇根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. Yao Ming is one of the most e_ players in the world.2. Kangkang thinks that Chinas economy(经济) i_ slowly in the past.3. I often go the m_ to buy vegetables after work.4. Tha

28、nks to the Partys p_, our lives are getting better and better.5. Do you have any d_ in learning English?根据汉语提示完成句子。1. _ _ (到目前为止), Lisa has collected over 100 Chinese stamps since she came here.2. Running _ _ _ (起明显作用) keeping healthy, doesnt it?Yes, it does.3. In the past, each family had _ _ (至少)

29、three or four children in our country.4. We must drive for _ _ _(好几个) hours to get to the store.5. The government has _ _(采取措施) to save these pandas already.用所给词或词组的适当形式填空。1. _(thank) to the policy, China is developing quickly.2. On New Years Day, all Chinese meet their friends and _(relation) and s

30、ay “Good luck” to each other.3. Have you ever been to a _(Europe) country before?4. More and more people have been interested in English _(recent).5. It _ _ (belong to) the Peoples Republic of China.二、单项选择1. I _ get up late one year ago, but now I _ getting up early.A. get used to; used to B. used t

31、o; get used to C. used to; used to 2. I havent seen the film _. Would you like to go to the movie with me this evening? A. already B. yet C. never D. ever3. When we were in the big store, we got lost. A. Dont mention it B. Im sorry! C. Youre great! D. Bad luck!4. I must study hard all the time to _

32、up with the other students in our class. A. catch B. keep C. come D. put5. _ is the population of China? Its _ population, about 1.3 billion. A. How much; a lot B. What; a large C. How many; a small D. Which; a big6. The railway isnt _. Its only 5 miles _ here. A. away from; far away B. far; away C.

33、 far away; far away D. far away; away from7. Your brother has made great progress._, and _. A. So has he; so have you B. So he has; so you have C. So has he; so you have D. So he has; so have you8. I cant believe my eyes. Suzhou is so beautiful now! Yes, since 2004, Suzhou has developed rapidly. Eve

34、rything _. A. has changed B. changed C. changes D. changing9. _ of the students _ boys in our class. A. One fifth; are B. One fifths; are C. First fifths; is D. One five; is10. He has _ his dictionary. Have you seen it? Yes, of course. I _ it on your desk just now. A. lose; saw B. lost; have seen C.

35、 lose; have seen D. lost; saw11. When are we going to carry _ the play? Next week/ A. on B. off C. out D. back12. It _ that their living conditions _ not very good in those days. A. seemed; is B. seems; were C. seems; are D. seem; were13. We wont wait for you _ you come here on time. A. if B. unless

36、 C. when D. till14. The mountain is _ meters high. A. eight thousand eight hundreds and forty-eight B. eight-thousand-eight-hundred and forty-eight C. eight thousands eight hundreds forty-eight D. eight thousand eight hundred and forty-eight15. We are short _ energy and water _ the over population.

37、A. for; because B. of; because of C. in; for D. in; because of三、句型转换1. Jane has seen the film on TV. Maria has seen the film on TV, too. (同义句转换) Jane has seen the film on TV. _ _ Maria.2. He seems to know everything. (同义句转换)_ _ that he _ everything.3. If it doesnt snow, I shall go skating. (同义句转换) I

38、 _ go skating _ it snows.4. China has the largest population in the world. (同义句转换)China has a _ population than _ _ country in the world.5. Mary has already cleaned the room. (改为一般疑问句)_ Mary _ the room?6. Because it rained very hard yesterday, we had to stay at home. (同义句转化)_ _ the rain, we had to s

39、tay at home yesterday.四、完形填空The population problem may be the greatest one in the world today. The worlds population is growing _. Two thousand years ago, there were only 250 million people _ earth. Four hundred years ago, the number was _ 500 million. But at the beginning of the _ century, the worlds population was about 1,700 million. In 1970, this number was 3,600 million. In 1990, the number was five billion. A report said that


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