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1、中考英语高频短语100组(收藏版)经常,我们会发现几个单词都认识,但它们构成的短语往往就不知道是什么意思了。短语和单词一样都是构成句子的重要成分,偏废任何一个都是不可取的。今天,给大家总结了初中常考并且生活中也常会用到的100组短语解析,希望对同学们有所帮助。1agree with 同意的意见(想法);符合Icant agree with you about that就那件事,我无法同意你的看法。21isten to倾听When she arrived,1 was listening to English她来的时候,我正在听英语。3get to 到达I get to school at abo

2、ut 7:30 every day,and I get home at 5:00 in the afternoon我每天7:30到校,下午5:00到家。4fall off (从) 掉下Thegirl fell off the bike女孩从自行车上摔了下来。5knock aton 敲(门、窗)There was a heavy knock at the door有人在猛烈地敲门。6laugh at 嘲笑Its not good to 1augh at a person who is in trouble讥笑一个陷于困境的人是不对的。71earnfrom 向学习Bob,you should le

3、arn from your brotherHe does well in his homework鲍勃,你应该向你哥哥学一学。他的作业完成得很好。81ive on 继续存在;靠生活People in my hometown live on rice我家乡的人们靠大米为生。91ook after 照顾,照看I must look after my old grandma when my parents are not at home父母不在家时,我必须照顾我的老奶奶10helpwith 帮助做My friend helps me with my English study我的朋友帮助我学习英语。

4、11at the end of 在的结束时,在末尾Weare given an examination at the end of each month我们每个月底都有一场考试。12be keen on 喜欢,热爱,醉心于Iam keen on studying English我热心于学习英语。13next to 旁边的Whos the boy sitting next to you?坐在你边上的那个男孩是谁?14in the middle of 在中间Don't put the sand in the middle of the path!别把沙子倒在路中央。15work as 担任

5、,从事I will study science well and work as a scientist我要学好科学,将来做个科学家。16be responsible for 为负责,形成的原因He was responsible for making plans for the meeting他负责做会议计划。17pay for 为付钱,赔偿We have to pay 345 yuan for the cost of the trip我们必须为这次旅行交345元。18for free 免费地,无偿地The website provides English vocabulary to eve

6、ryone for free这个网站免费向每一个人提供英语词汇。19try ones best 竭尽所能;尽力,尽自己最大努力Students ought to try their best to learn all subjects well学生应该尽力学好每一门功课。20believe in 信仰,信任We do not believe in God我们不相信上帝。21.keep fit 保持健康We must do sports to keep fit我们必须参加体育锻炼,保持身体健康。22get on well 和睦相处We all get on well with eachother

7、 here in the schoo1我们大家在学校里都和睦相处。23the sameas 和同样的I feel the same as you我与你有同样的感受。24no longer 不再,己不,不复,再也不He has been a famous musician for a long time, but he plays nolonger他成为有名的音乐家已很久了,但他现在不演奏了。25instead of 代替,而不They must go out and play balls instead of staying at home.他们必须走出去打打球,而不是呆在家里。26.get

8、away 走开,离开逃走I hope to get away early in the morning我希望一早就动身离开。27breakdown打破,损坏The robbers broke the door down强盗们把门砸开了。28.in addition to 除之外(还)She can speak French and Japanese in addition to English除英语外,她还会讲法语和日语。29be angry with 生(某人)的气My teacher was angry with me because 1 was late for schoo1我的老师对我

9、很生气,因为我上学迟到了。30happen to 碰巧I happened to meet a friend of mine in the street yesterday昨天我碰巧在街上遇到了我的一个朋友。31be unaware of 没有警觉到 He seemed to be unaware ofthe trouble he was causing他似乎还没有警觉到自己惹起的麻烦。32depend on 依靠My success depends on myfriendshelp我的成功是依靠我的朋友们的帮助。33for the time being 暂且,眼下Shestayin

10、g with her aunt for the timebeing她暂时住在她姨妈那里。34be pleased with 对感到满意We are sure you will be pleased with ourproducts我们确信您会对我们的产品感到满意的。35Take chargeof 负责照料,承办,掌管My mother tries to take charge of everything in our shop母亲试图管理商店里的所有事务。36break into 闯入,强行进入,破门而入We had to break into thehouse as we had lost

11、the key因为我们弄丢了钥匙,所以不得不破门而入。37make mistakes 犯错误A computer sometimes willmake mistakes电脑有时候也会犯错误。38rush down 冲下来,冲过去When it rains heavily,water can rush down the sides of mountains如果雨下得很大,雨水就能顺着山冲下来。39make jokesabout 开玩笑,取笑某人They make jokes about my oldhat他们就我的旧帽子取笑我。40along with 和一起,随着,除以外(还)The boy

12、came along with his parents and visited the museum那个男孩与父母一道参观了博物馆。41succeed in 在某方面取得成功At last he succeeded inclimbing up the difficult mountain他终于成功地登上了这座难以攀登的山峰。42be made of 由制成(看得见原材料)The desk is made of wood这张桌子是由木头制成的。43be made from 由制成(看不见原材料)Wine can be made from rice,sweet potato,wheat and g

13、rape酒可以用大米、番薯、小麦、葡萄制成。44feel like 想要She really feels like havinga talk with him about his study at schoo1她的确想和他谈一下他在学校的学习情况。45take care of 照顾,爱护P1ease take care of the babyfor me for a while,will you?请替我照顾一下这孩子,好吗?46trade in 做买卖They trade in their carevery three years他们每隔三年就以13汽车贴换新车。47in no time 很快

14、He11 be back in no time他很快就会回来。48sell out 卖完He decided to sell out allthe clothes in his shop cheaply他决定便宜卖掉店里的所有服装。49take pleasurein 从中所获得乐趣Mary takes pleasure inwatching TV for one hour every day玛丽以每天看1小时电视为乐。50a11 ones life 一辈子He lived in the countryside a11 his life他一辈子都生活在乡下。51start off 以开始,出发;

15、开始They start off early,so that they can catch the train他们出发得早,可以赶上火车。52complain about 抱怨Youve got nothing to complain about你没什么可抱怨的。53take off 脱掉Take off your hatIt doesnt fit you取下你的帽子,它不适合你。54right away 马上Its getting latePlease excuse me,but I must leave right away时间不早了。对不起,我得赶紧走了。55in return 作为回报

16、He gave her some roses in returnfor her kindness他送了她一些玫瑰以答谢她的好意。56shout at 大声说话,大声喊叫Dont shout at meAllow me to explain别对我大吼大叫。让我解释嘛。57come back 回来It doesnt matter when youllcome back你什么时候回来都没关系。58be used to(doing something) 习惯He is used to getting upearly他习惯了早起。59have the ability to 具备的能力 I dont ha

17、ve the ability todo the job well我不具备做好这项工作的能力。60be free from 摆脱,免于We must be free from theheavy homework我们必须从繁重的作业中解脱出来。61as 1ong as 如果,只要,既然As long as it doesnt rain,we can go只要不下雨,我们就可以去。62apply for 申请,请求He applied for a job in the supermarket他申请超市的一份工作。63get upset 难过Dont get upsetIts not your fau

18、lt别难过,不是你的错。64be prepared to do 准备You must be prepared lo workhard!你必须认真准备工作。65keepfrom 阻止The heavy rain kept us from coming on time大雨使我们没有及时到来。66give up 放弃We should give up smoking in order to keep healthy为了健康我们必须戒烟。67know of 熟悉,了解I dont know the writer,hut I know of him我不认识这个作家,但我了解他。68put out 扑灭A

19、t last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California消防队员终于扑灭了加利福尼亚洲的一场森林大火。69from then on 从那时起From then on she knew she wouldwin她从那时起就知道自己会得胜。70be strict with 严格要求You should be strict with yourselves and spend 1ess time on playinggames and more on study你应该严格要求自己,少玩游戏多学习。71fall ill 生病She have

20、to stay home because her son fall ill因为儿子生病,所以她得待在家里。72be grateful to 感谢,感激This is Teachers Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers今天是教师节,也是向所有教师致谢的日子。73at the age of 在年纪(岁数)In Britain,people get to the vote at the ageof 18在英国,人们到十八岁有选举权。74in place of 代替I will go to this meeting inplace of you

21、我会代替你去参加这次会议。75be curious about 对感到好奇It is good to be curious aboutthe world around you对你周围的世界感到新奇是件好事。76lead to 导致Too much work and too littlerest often lead to illness过量的工作和过少的休息会引起疾病。77be tired of 感到厌倦I am tired of waiting我等厌烦了。78set up 建立,建造,创立,竖立People plan to set up somenew factories here人们计划在

22、这里开办一些新工厂。79search for 搜索,搜寻After he felt better,he searched for work at thedifferent factories他感到好些后,就在各工厂找工作。80It takes sb. some time to do sth花费某人多少时间做某事。It took me half an hour todo the work完成这项工作花了我半个小时。81Its nicekind of sbto do 某人做某事太好了Its kind of you to give meso much help给予我这么大的帮助,你真是太好了。82T

23、here is no space (room) to stand in.没有站的地方或空间831ook up 查阅Look up the words in the dictionary when you dont know what they mean不知道单词的意思,就要查阅字典。84hear from 收到来信We are happy to hear from my father,although he is far away from home虽然父亲远离家里,但是我们很开心能收到他的来信。85mistakefor 误把当作I often mistake him for histwin

24、brother我经常误把他当作他的同胞弟弟。86thanks to 多亏,因为Thanks to the Great GreenWall,they can growa lot more cotton than before多亏有了绿色长城,现在他们种的棉花比以前多得多了。87make friends with 与交朋友The students make friends with one another and usually get on well学生们相互交朋友,通常相处得很好。88because of 由于Because of his carelessness,he lost his money on the way home由于粗心大意,在回家的路上他把钱丢了。89be goodbad for 对有好处有害Reading books in the sun isbad for your eyes在太阳下看书对你的眼睛不好。90be supposed to do  应该/被要求干Students are supposed tostudy hard学生应该好好学习。91bother s


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