1、E英语教程英语教程 第一册第一册Unit 64教学内容1235教学目标教学要点教学方法教学过程 说 课Cultural expressListening & speakingGrammar教学内容教学内容ReadingWriting Unit61.通过通过Grammar&Writing帮助学生掌握帮助学生掌握Verbs&Using correct pronouns 的语言规则的语言规则. 2.通过通过Listening and speaking,Reading和和Culture express帮助帮助学生掌握谈论爱好的语言表达。学生掌握谈论爱好的语言表达。 1、通过动词
3、目标知识目标 情感目标能力目标能力目标重点重点难点难点 1. 1.帮助学生学会帮助学生学会谈论谈论likeslikes/ /dislikesdislikes 2. 2.帮助学生体会阅读、剪纸艺术的快乐帮助学生体会阅读、剪纸艺术的快乐 3. 3.帮助学生体会读书的意义,以及平凡中的美帮助学生体会读书的意义,以及平凡中的美 3. 3.帮助学生发现并培养自己的爱好帮助学生发现并培养自己的爱好教学要点教学要点 1.理解PassageAThe pleasure of reading中 pleasure 2.理解PassageBCutting the ordinary into extraordinary
4、中ordinary 如何转换extraordinary导入导入热身热身阅读阅读语法写作语法写作文化拓展文化拓展warming-up: 进行听说内容进行听说内容Listening to time进行热身进行热身教学过程Lead-in:谈论本单元谈论本单元likes/dislikes听力听力内容,根据听力内容,根据听力functional language提示,让学生分组提示,让学生分组做对话谈论个人爱好;然后结做对话谈论个人爱好;然后结合本单元合本单元A&B阅读主题,谈论阅读主题,谈论是否爱好读书以及剪纸艺术;是否爱好读书以及剪纸艺术;让不同组同学在课堂中做展示让不同组同学在课堂中做展示
5、。热身热身导入导入阅读阅读语法和写作语法和写作文化和作业文化和作业 由谈论爱好进入由谈论爱好进入主题。主题。2.让学生自读课文,熟悉课文让学生自读课文,熟悉课文大意。大意。3. 采用学生主体、教师主导的采用学生主体、教师主导的任务驱动式教学法。任务驱动式教学法。4. 通过讨论和分享来体会课通过讨论和分享来体会课文主题,结合自己经历对主文主题,结合自己经历对主题进行升华和深化,发现和题进行升华和深化,发现和养成自己的爱好,并受益终养成自己的爱好,并受益终身。身。热身热身导入导入阅读阅读语法和写作语法和写作文化和作业文化和作业Grammar:让学生完成关于让学生完成关于Verbs练习,然后就练习,
6、然后就出现的问题教师进行分析和讲解。出现的问题教师进行分析和讲解。Writing:主要通过做练习的方式使学生了解并主要通过做练习的方式使学生了解并掌握英语代词的知识,设计自我介绍、掌握英语代词的知识,设计自我介绍、介绍好朋友的活动帮助掌握代词的使介绍好朋友的活动帮助掌握代词的使用。用。热身热身导入导入阅读阅读语法和写作语法和写作文化和作业文化和作业Cultural express:小组讨论和学习关于小组讨论和学习关于此部分列出的作家及此部分列出的作家及其作品;找小组代表其作品;找小组代表和班级内其他小组同和班级内其他小组同学就自己喜欢的作家学就自己喜欢的作家及其作品与他人分享。及其作品与他人分
7、享。Assignments:完成课后练习和预习完成课后练习和预习第二单元内容第二单元内容热身热身导入导入阅读阅读语法和写作语法和写作 文化和作业文化和作业4 Warming-up:Listening to time 1235 Lead-in:Talking about likes & dislikesPassage A & BGrammar & WritingCulture express & Assignments 讲 课 Warming-up:Listen to some sentences and complete them with the time y
8、ou hear.1 The plane took off at _.2 The party ended at _.3 My father went to his office at _.4 Dr. Johnson has an appointment with Dr. Smith at _ on Monday morning.5 Professor White is going to give a lecture on Western music at _ this afternoon.9:40 4:053:3010:158:40Lead-in:Talking about likes &
9、; dislikesQuestions about hobbies:lDo you have any hobbies?lWhat are you interested in?lWhat are you fond of?lWhat do you often do in your spare time?vConversation 1 Talking about likesvConversation 2 Talking about dislikesvPassageI like reading bestConversation 1 Talking about likesFunctional Langu
10、ageTALKING ABOUT LIKESTALKING ABOUT LIKESWhat do you like / prefer? I live for / I cant live withoutDo you like / love / enjoy? I like / preferWhat is your favorite ? Im mad / crazy aboutAre you fond of. ? Im interested in very much.I am fond of / keen onConversation 2Talking about dislikesFunctiona
11、l LanguageTALKING ABOUT DISLIKESI dont likeI really hateIm not crazy / mad aboutI cannot stand / bearI hate (doing) I find disgusting / dull.Class Report Work in pairs to talk about your hobbies. Then report to the class what your partner likes/dislikes to do in his / her spare time.Passage-I like r
12、eading best Listen to a passage and check () the speakers likes.Word tipsAndersens Fairytales安徒生童话someday 有朝一日watching TVdancingreadingwritingsingingdrawinglistening to music lLangugage points-exerciseslText study-writing stylelQuestions-quotationsQuestions-quotationsBooksarethequietestandmostconsta
13、ntoffriends; they arethemost accessibleandwisestofcounselors; andthemostpatientofteachers.C.W.Eliot书籍是人类最宁静很最永恒的朋友,也是最易接近和最具智慧的顾问,还是最有耐心的良师益友。 C.W.艾略特 Thereadingofallgoodbooksislikeaconversationwiththefinestmenofpastcenturies.ReneDescartes读好书的感觉就如同与先哲们交谈。 雷内笛卡尔Questions-quotationsvAccording to the a
14、bove quotations, discuss the following queations together:vDo you think what kind of reading can be seen as pleasure?vWhere does the pleasure lie in such reading?Text studyTasksPassage A Listening and Decide main ideas for each paraPassage B Reading: Put the six main ideas in orderWhat have you disc
15、overed from it?What do you know about your discover?What can you do with your discover?Lets share: Companionship of Books(以书为伴)Text studyDecide main ideas for each para.Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 6 Paragraph 5 A Reading enables one to know more about remarkable people.
16、B Reading can make your mind work.C How satisfying it is to read books!D Reading may not be fun if you read the books that other people force you to read.E Books have a connection with each other.F There are various people and things in books.Put the six main ideas in orderParagraph 1How satisfying
17、it is to read books!Paragraph 2 Reading enables one to know more about remarkable people.Paragraph 3There are various people and things in books.Paragraph 4 Reading can make your mind work.Paragraph 5 Books have a connection with each other.Paragraph 6 Reading may not be fun if you read the books th
18、at other people force you to read.What have you discovered from it?Part I (Para. _)Part II (Para. _)Part III (Para. _)12-56What is pleasure of reading.What are the plessure we can read from reading.How to get the plessure of reading.What do you know about your discover?Part I (Para. _)Part II (Para.
19、 _)Part III (Para. _)12-56What: What is pleasure of reading.Why: What are the plessure we can read from reading.How: How to get the plessure of reading. argumentative writingWhat can you do with your discover?vMake Presentation with the title:vTht pleasure of .vby using the structure: what-why-how.L
20、ets share: Companionship of Books(以书为伴)v A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.1.I am not so skillful at skiing. I
21、am skillful at skating._2.I am not very fond of the song. I am fond of the singer._I am fond not so much of the song as of the singer. Langugage points-exercises Combine the following sentences using the structure “not so muchas”.I am skillful not so much at skiing as at skating. Sample: Others are
22、not very interested in who. Others are interested in how.Others are interested not so much in who as in how.3.He is a hard worker rather than a genius._4.Success lies in hard work rather than in luck._He is not so much a genius as a hard worker. Success lies not so much in luck work as in hard work.
23、 Langugage points-exercises Choose the correct Chinese translations for the following sentences from the passage.I am most interested in people, in meeting them and finding out about them.2. Although they are separate, together they all add up to something.A我对人最为感兴趣,喜欢结识他们,喜欢了解他们。B我对人最为感兴趣,喜欢和他们约会,喜
24、欢把他们找出来。A尽管它们分散在各处,但聚在一起就成为了一体。B尽管它们相互独立,但结合起来后便产生了意义。1.所有的比赛都要根据规则来进行。(accordingto)Allgamesshouldbeplayed _.2.这本书能给你用时就会通知你。(available)Youwillbeinformedwhen _.3.与我的房间相比,苏珊的房间就像是宫殿一样。(comparedwith)Susansroomseemedlikeapalace_.Langugage points-exercises Translate the following Chinese sentences into
25、English with the help of the words or phrases given in brackets.according to the rulesthis book is availablecompared with minelLangugage points-exerciseslText study-the story about A4 paper lPre-reading activityPre-reading activity1 What do you usually do with paper in your daily life?2 Can you cut
26、something with paper and knife? Lets do it now.3 Do you know there is another paper cutting that is different from what we have done?Text studyTasksPassage B Listening: Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).Passage B Reading: Answer the following questions.Can you underst
27、and deeply how does Callesen make the ordinary into extraordinary?Which do you prefer, Chinese paper cutting or Callesens paper cutting? Why?Now, do you want to cultivate your hobby and benefit form it?First reading:Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). T1 Imagination an
28、d creativity are the key to paper cutting.2 The name Peter Callesen is famous around the world.3 Callesens works take people to a land of dream far from reality.4 Callesens works are always complex in design.5 The actual value of the A4 paper is often ignored because it is too common.FFFT1 Why does
29、the writer love paper? Second reading: Answer the following questions. 2 What makes Callesens works attractive and successful? The writer loves paper because it helps him to record his thoughts, emotions and experiences. It is the medium that facilitates his understanding of the world.Callesens work
30、s are impressive and rich in meaning, which makes his work attractive and successful.Can you understand deeply how does Callesen make the ordinary into extraordinary?vClass presentationWhich do you prefer, Chinese paper cutting or Callesens paper cutting? Why?vFree talkNow, do you want to cultivate
31、your hobby and benefit form it?vEvery person has his own interests or hobbies. Literature and art are two of peoples popular hobbies, but they mean much nore than just hobbies. For many people, they are about the things that make life meaningful: beauty, love, imagination, and feeling. They help us
32、enrich our minds, broaden our horizons, and prepare us for new experiences. No matter what our hobby is, we should stick to it, as it may bring us unexpected rewards someday.Langugage points-exercises Combine the sentence beginnings in Column A with the endings in Column B to form complete sentences
33、.Ipreferstayingathome.Itwasinthestreet.ShewontheOscarthanksto.Althoughhewastired.Column AHelivesinatown.hewentonworking.thatImetherfather.whichisaboutfivehoursridefromhere.hergreatperformance.togoingout.Column BLangugage points-exercises Choose the correct Chinese translations for the following sent
34、ences from the passage.1. I have always been quite taken by the stories they tell and the sheer beauty ofhisdesigns.2.I kind of prefer his delicate works on A4 paper.A 我一直被他作品中的故事和他设计中纯粹的美丽吸引。B 我总是被他作品中的故事和他设计中非凡的美丽感动。A 我有点偏爱他用A4 纸创造出的精致的作品。B 我有点喜爱他用A4 纸创造出的微妙的作品。1.他觉得很难把自己的想法表达出来。(give shape to) He
35、 found it difficult to _.2.讨论中出现了很多问题。(arise) Many problems _.3.他的发言和现存的问题无关。(relate to) His speech doesnt _.Langugage points-exercisesTranslate the Chinese sentences into English with the help of the words or phrases given in brackets.arise in the discussion relate much to the current mattersgive s
36、hape to his ideaGrammar-Verbs(动词动词)lRules lExercisesGrammar - VerbsRules实义动词实义动词连系动词连系动词Ifyoulook carefullyyoucanseeourhouseontheothersideoftheriver.Jeremylooked alittletiredafterthetraining.Icouldfeel thewarmsunonmyback.Ifeel sadabouttheresultofthegame.Thebellsounded,tellingpeopleitwas12oclock.Acup
37、ofteasoundsperfect.Grammar - Exercises Identify transitive verbs, intransitive verbs, and linking verbs among the underlined words in the following sentences and put them into the corresponding columns. 1 Johnson went ( ) into the room and lighted ( ) the fire.2 The fire made ( ) all the difference;
38、 the room became ( ) alive at once.3 Birds fly ( ) in the sky.4 Tinas face remained ( ) expressionless ( 无表情的).5 Bolt ( 博尔特) overcame ( )a slow start to cross ( ) the line in an Olympic record time of 9.63 seconds.ITTLILTT1. The sky _ dark and it began to rain.2. Why do you _ so sad?3. Its already 1
39、0 in the morning, but the store _ closed. Whatsthe matter?4. This tea is very weak. It _ like water.5. The cloth that _ smooth and soft sells well.Grammar - ExercisesComplete the following sentences with proper linking verbs below. Change the form if necessary.grewfeel remainstastes feelsWriting_Usi
40、ng correct pronounslImportance of using correct pronounslRuleslExercises2. As David stepped into the hall, they sang the most beautiful song to him. 1. Grace told Lucy she would receive a piano as a birthday present.Writing - Using correct pronounsRead the following sentences and discuss the problem
41、s of them in groups.代词代词 she 指代不明,即可指代指代不明,即可指代 Grace,也可指代,也可指代 Lucy。代词代词 they 没有明确所指。没有明确所指。the importance of using correct pronouns3. In the U.S.A., you can really know what the American Dream is.Writing - Using correct pronouns4. When I learned of the victory of Chinese athletes, this made me mor
42、e than excited.代词代词 this 不能用来泛指前文所传递的信息。不能用来泛指前文所传递的信息。代词代词 you 不能用来泛指人。不能用来泛指人。Read the following sentences and discuss the problems of them in groups.the importance of using correct pronounsWriting - Using correct pronouns总结:英文中除了不定代词,其他代词一定要有明确所指,否则就会英文中除了不定代词,其他代词一定要有明确所指,否则就会出现意义模糊或指代不明的现象。认真学习
43、和掌握代词的使用规则,为写出规范的文章打出现意义模糊或指代不明的现象。认真学习和掌握代词的使用规则,为写出规范的文章打好基础。好基础。the importance of using correct pronounsWriting - Using correct pronouns一、代词有唯一所指Bob told Michael he had done a very good job in the concert. ()二、代词有明确所指When he went by the doghouse, they rushed to the fence and barked at him. ()三、代词
44、it, they 和 you 不可用于泛指1 In ancient times, you cannot use computers. ()2 It says in the TV program that the famous basketball player may retire. ()3 Throughout China, they like the panda. ()四、代词this 和 that 不可滥用1 When I lost my phone; that made me depressed. ()2 Jim won the lottery, that was exciting. ()Rules2.Helen called 110, but they didnt arrive in time.Writing - ExercisesCorrect the following sentences.Miller told Sam, “I am still responsible for the organization of the ceremony.”Or : Miller told Sam, “Sam, you are still responsible for the organization of the
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