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1、deliver argue institute refer respect nest shade support crowd intend audience organization outspoken worthwhile specialist inspire inspiring inspiration entertain considerate achieve modest modesty entertainment achievement P 1 6 be put to death get the Nobel Peace Prize concern oneself with devote

2、 to instead of rather than P 2 7+4+2+1=14 Follow ones way in the shade of move off most of the time eitheror as a way of doing sth make it all worthwhile Spend time observing and recording their daily activities 2. Communicate with 3. body language 4. Work out Set up lead a busy life 1. Once I stop,

3、 it all comes crowding in 1. Why not? 2. do some research on 3. by chance 4. come across 5. be busy in ones chosen career 6. catch ones eye 7. cut the death rate 8. care for 9. free from 10. be intended for 1. suddenly it hit sb. that 2. second to 3. Further reading made me realize that it was hard

4、work and determination as well as her gentle nature that got her into medical school . 4. deliver a baby 5. of ones own 6.carry on 五级词汇 respect support refer 四级词汇 behave argue crowd intend deliver 三级词汇 campaign observe 二级词汇 shade reference as in/with referred him to look up refer to respectful respe

5、ctable show win/earn/gain in with respects respectful respect for is respected as 五级词汇五级词汇 Support V. 1. 支撑支撑 支持支持 A post in the center supported the roof. They supported us in the struggle for an increase in pay. 2.供养供养 I had to work to support my family. 3. 为为提供证据提供证据 You have the evidence to supp

6、ort you story. n 支撑物,支持支撑物,支持 in support of 支持,证明支持,证明四级词汇四级词汇 behavebehavevtvt. & . & vivi. (to act or function in a specified or usual way). (to act or function in a specified or usual way) 举动;举动;( (举止或行为举止或行为) )表现表现 behavio(u)r n. 行为,举止行为,举止behave oneselfbehave oneself 举止规矩,有礼貌举止规矩,有礼貌beh

7、ave well/badly towards sb behave well/badly towards sb 对某人态度好对某人态度好/ /不好不好Do behave! Do behave! 规矩点!规矩点! Behave yourself! Behave yourself! 口语口语 规矩点!规矩点! intended intention by with had intended to catch/catching is intended for over to a speech give was delivered of 重点句型others just enjoy watching the

8、m.whileC 2.2.Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time.get medical training at that time. It hits me It hits me 从句,意为从句,意为“我突然想到我突然想到”【相关拓展】【相关拓展】 It occurs to sb(It occurs to sb(某人某人) )突然想到突然想到 It

9、strikes sb( It strikes sb(某人某人) )突然想到突然想到 It happens that It happens that碰巧碰巧【活学活用】【活学活用】(1)(1)他没有想到她会拒绝他的邀请。他没有想到她会拒绝他的邀请。 _that she would refuse his that she would refuse his invitation.invitation.(2)(2)碰巧他们在同一个村子里度过了他们的童年。碰巧他们在同一个村子里度过了他们的童年。 _ they spent their childhood in the they spent their c

10、hildhood in the same village. same village. ItIt didndidn t t occuroccur toto himhim ItIt happenedhappened thatthat what I aminside what is called B 开心练intention observe delivered respect argument referring to came across carry on carried through C B B D C C B B A C 6 620102010湖北卷湖北卷 Mistakes dont j

11、ust happen Mistakes dont just happen;they occur they occur for a reason.Find out the reasonfor a reason.Find out the reason,and then making the and then making the mistake becomesmistake becomes . . A. favourable B. preciousA. favourable B. precious C. essential D. worthwhile C. essential D. worthwh

12、ile【解析】【解析】 D D favourablefavourable表示表示“赞成的,有利的赞成的,有利的”;preciousprecious表表示示“珍贵的珍贵的”;essentialessential表示表示“必要的必要的”;worthwhileworthwhile值得的。值得的。 7 720102010浙江卷浙江卷 The majority of people in the town The majority of people in the town strongly strongly the plan to build a playground for the plan to b

13、uild a playground for children.children. A Aconsider Bconsider Bsupportsupport C Cconfirm Dconfirm Dsubmitsubmit【解析】【解析】 B Bconsiderconsider考虑;考虑;confirmconfirm确认;确认;submitsubmit提交,提交,8 8Why not go surfing this weekend?Why not go surfing this weekend? _.Im a sports lover and likes getting close _.Im

14、 a sports lover and likes getting close to sea.to sea. A AI couldnt agree more I couldnt agree more B BIm afraid soIm afraid so C CIt all depends It all depends D DCertainly notCertainly not【解析】【解析】 A A I couldnt agree more.I couldnt agree more.比较级的否定式表比较级的否定式表示最高级概念,意为示最高级概念,意为“我非常同意。我非常同意。” ” 9 9W

15、hy not take my car to the museum instead of walking?Why not take my car to the museum instead of walking? No No,thanks. thanks. . . A AIm used to BIm used to BIm able toIm able to C CIm about to DIm about to DIve got toIve got to【解析】【解析】 A A考查交际用语。本句中的考查交际用语。本句中的be used tobe used to为为“习习惯了某事惯了某事”后面省

16、略了后面省略了walkingwalking。 101020092009湖北卷湖北卷 Hiking by oneself can be fun and good Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health.It may also be good for for health.It may also be good for building.building. A Arespect Brespect Bfriendshipfriendship C Creputation Dreputation Dcharactercharacter【解析】【解

17、析】 D Dcharacter buildingcharacter building为为“性格培养性格培养/ /养成养成”,respectrespect尊重;尊重;friendshipfriendship友谊;友谊;reputationreputation名声。名声。 111120092009江西卷江西卷 It is reported that the police will It is reported that the police will soon soon the case of the two missing children.the case of the two missing

18、 children. A Alook upon Blook upon Blook afterlook after C Clook into Dlook into Dlook outlook out【解析】【解析】 C Clook into“look into“调查,审查调查,审查”1212It is worth considering what makes “convenience” It is worth considering what makes “convenience” foods so popular, and foods so popular, and better ones o

19、f your own.better ones of your own. A Aintroduces Bintroduces Bto introduceto introduce C Cintroducing Dintroducing Dintroducedintroduced【解析】【解析】 C Cintroducing introducing 和和considering considering 是平行结构,用是平行结构,用在在worthworth的后面,表示的后面,表示“值得做值得做”。1313Let your baby sit on the floor with cushions to _L

20、et your baby sit on the floor with cushions to _ him.him. A Asupport Bsupport Bundertakeundertake C Ctake Dtake Dliftlift【解析】【解析】 Asupport 意为意为“支持支持”。句意为:让你的婴儿坐在地上,用坐垫撑着他。句意为:让你的婴儿坐在地上,用坐垫撑着他。 1414She remembered nothing about him She remembered nothing about him his hair his hair was black.was black

21、. A Aexcept that Bexcept that Bexcept forexcept for C Cexcept when Dexcept when Dbut forbut for【解析】【解析】 A Ahis hair was black his hair was black 结构和意思都完整,因结构和意思都完整,因此用此用that that 引导名词性从句作引导名词性从句作exceptexcept的宾语。的宾语。 1515I have the greatest respect I have the greatest respect Zhai Zhigang Zhai Zhigan

22、g and his partners.and his partners. A Ain Bin Bfor for C Con Don Dwithwith【解析】【解析】 B Bhave respect for sb“have respect for sb“尊重某人尊重某人”,为固定,为固定用法。用法。 1616The headmaster will The headmaster will a speech to the a speech to the visiting foreign guests this afternoon.visiting foreign guests this after

23、noon. A Adeliver Bdeliver Baddressaddress C Cannounce Dannounce Ddeclaredeclare【解析】【解析】 A Adeliver a speech“deliver a speech“发表演讲发表演讲” ” addressaddress也有发表演讲的意思,但其后跟的是听众,如:也有发表演讲的意思,但其后跟的是听众,如:to to address an assemblyaddress an assembly向与会者发表讲话,向与会者发表讲话, to address an to address an audienceaudience

24、向听众发表演说。向听众发表演说。announce“announce“宣布,通知宣布,通知”,declare “(declare “(正式正式) )宣布,声明宣布,声明”。1717My father My father my brother for driving but he my brother for driving but he wanted to pick wanted to pick the knowledge of the the knowledge of the computer during his spare puter during his spare time. A Aa

25、dvised; up advised; up B Bpersuaded; outpersuaded; out C Cintended; up intended; up D Dmanaged; outmanaged; out【解析】【解析】 C Cintend sb for sthintend sb for sth意为意为“打算让某人做某打算让某人做某事事”; pick uppick up在此为在此为“学会学会”,这里指学会电脑知识。,这里指学会电脑知识。 1818He is very popular among his students as he always He is very popu

26、lar among his students as he always tries to make them tries to make them in his lectures.in his lectures. A Ainterested Binterested Binterestinginteresting C Cinterest Dinterest Dto interestto interestA A1919The two students The two students for a few minutes about for a few minutes about the exact

27、 meaning of the sentence.the exact meaning of the sentence. A Adiscussed Bdiscussed Barguedargued C Cquarreled Dquarreled Dclashedclashed【解析】【解析】 B argue about sth“B argue about sth“辩论辩论/ /争论某事争论某事”,quarrel about“quarrel about“争吵某事,因争吵某事,因吵架吵架”,discussdiscuss讨论;讨论;clashclash冲突。冲突。 2020While cleaning

28、 the room yesterday, I While cleaning the room yesterday, I an an old photo of my mother.old photo of my mother. A Acame across Bcame across Bcame outcame out C Ccame about Dcame about Dcame upcame up【解析】【解析】 A Acome across(come across(偶然偶然) )碰到碰到/ /发现;发现;come outcome out出来;出来; come aboutcome about发

29、生;发生;come upcome up出现,到来。出现,到来。2121While cleaning the room yesterday, I While cleaning the room yesterday, I an an old photo of my mother.old photo of my mother. A Acame across Bcame across Bcame outcame out C Ccame about Dcame about Dcame upcame up【解析】【解析】 A Acome across(come across(偶然偶然) )碰到碰到/ /发

30、现;发现;come outcome out出出来;来; come aboutcome about发生;发生;come upcome up出现,到来。句意为:我出现,到来。句意为:我昨天清扫房间时,意外地发现我母亲的一张旧照片。昨天清扫房间时,意外地发现我母亲的一张旧照片。 1_two exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend. AWithBBesides CAs forDBecause of 2They_ the train until it disappeared in the distance. AsawBwa

31、tched CnoticedDobserved1.A2.B 3Washing machines made in China have won_ worldwide attention and Haier has become _ popular name. Aa;theB/;a C/;theDthe;a 4The international agreement,_ encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the habit,was signed on February 27. A. intending toB. being in

32、tended to Cintended to Dto intend to3.B 4.C 5Thank you for your MP4 player.Ill get Mary to take it to you soon. _.Ive bought a new one. ANo sense BNo hurry CNo wayDNo use 6You promised to_ the goods to our address,but we havent seen any of them yet. Apass Brelay Chand Ddeliver5.B6.D 7Alice,what are you arguing _the teacher?You should think highly of the teachers opinions. Aabout Bwith Cwith about Dabout with 8She is young and pretty,and she loves children. My pupils,Donnie included,all_ her very


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