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1、Module 6 Book VII The Worlds Cultural Heritage 外语教学与研究出版社外语教学与研究出版社Introduction Where is it? How many people live there? Why is it famous?Introduction Introduction Introduction Do you know what happened in Suzhou in June 2004?Read the passage and find out what happened in the following year? 1972 19

2、85 2003 2004The World Heritage ListIntroduction Vocabulary and reading Part 1The Amazing Caves of Zhoukoudian Vocabulary and reading The first thing that was found at ZhoukoudianThe number of items that were eventually foundThe number of places where Beijing Man livedThe percentage of people who liv

3、ed to the age of 50The reason why work on the site stoppedWhen the site became a world heritage siteBeijing man used fire.Part 2Beijing Man Heritage Site in Danger Vocabulary and reading Read part 2 and find: Two natural causes of the destruction of the caves The origin of pollution that is affectin

4、g the caves Two demands from UNESCO Two possible groups of people who can help to repair the cavesVocabulary and reading 1. They came from an unknown species of man.2. They also made tools from bones and sharpened stones.3. They have never been found.The bonesThe prehistoric menMost of the fossilsVo

5、cabulary and reading Explain what the word they refers to in these sentences. 4. They have recommended that the site be closed and repaired.5. They have suggested that the general public be encouraged to help with the problem.6. They can help by contributing to the cost of maintaining the caves.7. T

6、hey are a precious part of our cultural heritage.The Chinese Academy of SciencesOrdinary peopleThe cavesUNESCOVocabulary and reading Vocabulary and reading assistance catastrophe evolution primitive recommend sharpen warmthComplete the questions with words in the box.1. How can the general public gi

7、ve their_?2. Apart from providing_, what was fire used for?3. Is there any way that we can avoid the_ of the closing of the site?assistancewarmthcatastrophe4.Did Beijing Man _stones and bones to make tools?5.What do the remains tell us about the _ of the human race?6.What else do you know about _ so

8、cieties like Beijing Man?7.Would you _ that tourists visit the site?sharpenevolutionprimitiverecommendVocabulary and reading assistance catastrophe evolution primitive recommend sharpen warmthWhat have you learnt about the caves of Zhoukoudian?Do you know why they are “amazing”?What is the connectio

9、n between Zhoukoudian and Beijing Man?Why do you think the Beijing Man Site is “in danger”?How important is it to repair the Zhoukoudian sit?Vocabulary and reading Look at the photographs and the titles of the two parts of the passage. Answer the questions.Listening and Vocabulary StonehengeReading

10、and Writing KunquReading Practice Tangible culture heritageIntangible culture heritageThe Summer PalaceGuqin MusicThe Temple of HeavenShaolin Kung FuMountain Resort and Outlying Temples, ChengdeBeijing operaImperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing DynastiesDragon Boat FestivalBrainstormReading and Practice Chinese Cultural Heritage Bid for UNESCO GuqinMid-Autumn FestivalReading and Practice Reading and Practice TCPReading and Practice Shaolin kung fuReading Practice Poem of Tibetan King GesserReading and Practice Chen-styl


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