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1、A Red, Red Rose -by Robert BurnsvA brief Introduction about Robert BurnsvHis influencevHis worksvBackgound InformationvThe Genre of the poemvAnalysis of the poemvSome similar expressions in ChinesevDifferent translation versionsvMy own appreciation about the poemRobert BurnsScotlands favourite son t

2、he Ploughman Poet the Bard of Ayrshire In 2009 he was chosen as the greatest Scot His influence on Bob Dylan When asked for the source of his greatest creative inspiration, American singer songwriter Bob Dylan selected Burns 1794 song A Red, Red Rose, as the lyrics that have had the biggest effect o

3、n his life. Bob Dylan names Scottish poet Robert Burns as his biggest inspiration. Daily Mail (London). The American singer-songwriter was asked to say which lyric or verse has had the biggest effect on his life. He selected the 1794 song A Red, Red Rose, which is often published as a poem, penned b

4、y the man regarded as Scotlands national poet.Works Poems Cheifly in the Scottish Dialect 1786 苏格兰方言诗集 The Tree of Liberty 自由树 1794 Burns was an outspoken supporters of the French Revolution,under the influence of which he wrote a number of poems on the theme of revolution, such as The Tree of Liber

5、ty and A Revolutionary Lyric.In these poems, Burns calls on the people to rise in arms for a happy life in future. Scots Wha Hae (English: Scots, Who Have;)is a patriotic song of Scotland written in the Scots language which served for centuries as an unofficial national anthem of the country.苏格兰人179

6、3 Satire Poems: Holy Willies Prayer威利长老的祈祷 The Twa Dogs两只狗 Lyric Poems: My Heart,s in the highlands 我的心在高原 A Red, Red Rose 红玫瑰 John Anderson, My Jo 约翰安德生 我的爱Backgound Information During the poet,s stay in Edinburgh, Robert Burns met printer James Johnson who planned a project to print all of the fol

7、k songs in Scotland. This project enthralled Burns and embarked upon a journey throughout Scotland to collect as many folk songs as possible. Burns collected over 300 songs and wrote a few poems, including A Red, Red Rose.A Red, Red Rose Genre: a ballad 民谣 Structure: 4 quatrains Ballad: an old form

8、of verse adapted for singing or recitation, originating in the days when most poetry existed in spoken rather than written form. The typical subject matter of most ballads reflects folk themes important to common people:love, courage, the mysterious, and the supernatural.A Red, Red Rose O, my Luve,s

9、 like a red, red rose,(simile) That,s newly sprung in June. O, my Luve,s like the melodie,(simile) That,s sweetly play,d in tune.Luve: Scotish dialect =lovemelodie:=molody来自法语,是来自法语,是1919、2020世纪法国世纪法国从德国的抒情歌曲学来的,从德国的抒情歌曲学来的,它是带伴奏的艺术歌曲。它是带伴奏的艺术歌曲。1919世纪的世纪的melodiemelodie一般用严肃抒情诗做歌词,一般用严肃抒情诗做歌词,由钢琴伴奏的

10、独唱演员演唱。由钢琴伴奏的独唱演员演唱。Melodie Melodie 的特点是的特点是诗歌与音乐的完美统一。诗歌与音乐的完美统一。因此,因此,melodie melodie 准确地说准确地说不是不是“乐曲乐曲”、“曲调曲调”,而是而是“歌曲歌曲”。sprung:p.p. of springplay,d :诗歌用语:诗歌用语=played As fair art thou, my bonie lass, So deep in luve am I, And I will luve thee still, my dear, Till a,the seas gang dry. art 古英语,第二人

11、称系古英语,第二人称系动词,动词, = are thou 古英语,古英语, 第二人称第二人称主格,主格, = you bonie 来自法语来自法语 健康的,健康的,美丽的,可爱的,可人的美丽的,可爱的,可人的 lass 年轻未婚女子,姑娘;年轻未婚女子,姑娘;多数用于非正式对少女的多数用于非正式对少女的称呼;因与称呼;因与lassie有关,有关,所以也有女性恋人的意思所以也有女性恋人的意思 a 诗歌语言,诗歌语言, = all gang 苏格兰方言,苏格兰方言, = go Till a,the seas gang dry, my dear, (repetition) And the rocks

12、 melt wi,the sun,(hyperbole) O, I will luve thee still, my dear, While the sands o,life shall run.(Metaphor) wi 诗歌语言,诗歌语言, = with thee 古英语,第二人古英语,第二人称宾格,称宾格, = you o 诗歌语言,诗歌语言, = of And fare thee weel, my only luve, And fare thee weel a while! And I will come again, my Luve, Tho,it were ten thousand

13、 mile! (Hyperbole) fare-thee-weel 诗歌语言, = (bid)farewell (to)thee 再见 tho 诗歌语言, = though While red is the expected hue of the flower, the repetition of the adjective represents the fullest and most lovely manifestation of the rose: its ideal state. Such also is the nature of the poet,s love. Newly spr

14、ung , it exists in its purest and most perfect state.sands o,life The ancient Europeans used a sand glass(or hourglass) to measure the time. When all the sand in the glass was gone, it was the end of an hour. Here it is a hyperbole to say that the man,s life is measured by a sand glass. While he liv

15、es he,ll always love her.Some similar expressions in Chinese上天呀!我渴望与你相知相惜,长存此心永不褪减。除非巍巍群山消逝不见,除非滔滔江水干涸枯竭。除非凛凛寒冬雷声翻滚,除非炎炎酷暑白雪纷飞,除非天地相交聚合连接,直到这样的事情全都发生时,我才敢将对你的情意抛弃决绝!上邪!上邪!我欲与君相知,我欲与君相知,长命无绝衰。长命无绝衰。山无陵,山无陵,江水为竭,江水为竭,冬雷震震,冬雷震震,夏雨雪,夏雨雪,天地合,天地合,乃敢与君绝!乃敢与君绝!敦煌曲子词菩萨蛮枕前发尽千般愿,要休切待青山烂,水面秤锤浮,直待黄河彻底枯。白日参辰见,北斗回

16、南面,休即未能休,且待三更见日头。 In A Red, Red Rose Burns is telling us what the epitome of love is to him. The similes he uses are meant to show us the grandness of love. He compares his love to a rose and to a melody, showing us that love is beautiful and precious. Burns also shows us how love is not fleeting; t

17、hat if it really is love,it will always be there no matter how near or far the two people may be from each other. Summary: while stanza 1 is an introduction about her beauty, the next 3 describe his love for her from 3 dimensions: depth, length, and distance Format (格式) : four quatrains(four-line st

18、anzas) with the following characteristics Rhyme (韵脚): In each stanza, the second and fourth lines end with masculine rhyme(阳韵), Rhyme also occurs in a repeated word at the end of the first and third lines of the third and fourth stanzas. Meter(韵律) iambic tetrameter (四音步抑扬格)in lines 1&3 iambic Tr

19、imeter (三音步抑扬格) in lines 2&4 “A Red, Red Rose” begins with a quatrain containing two similes. Burns compares his love with a springtime blooming rose and then with a sweet melody. These are popular poetic images and this is the stanza most commonly quoted from the poem. The second and third stan

20、zas become increasingly complex, ending with the metaphor of the “sands of life,” or hourglass. One the one hand we are given the image of his love lasting until the seas run dry and the rocks melt with the sun, wonderfully poetic images. On the other hand Burns reminds us of the passage of time and

21、 the changes that result. That recalls the first stanza and its image of a red rose, newly sprung in June, which we know from experience will change and decay with time. These are complex and competing images, typical of the more mature Robert Burns. The final stanza wraps up the poems complexity wi

22、th a farewell and a promise of return. “A Red, Red Rose” is written as a ballad with four stanzas of four lines each. Each stanza has alternating lines of four beats, or iambs, and three beats. The first and third lines have four iambs, consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syl

23、lable, as in da-dah, da-dah, da-dah, da-dah. The second and fourth lines consist of three iambs. This form of verse is well adapted for singing or recitation and originated in the days when poetry existed in verbal rather than written form.呵,我的爱人象朵红红的玫瑰,六月里迎风初开;呵,我的爱人象支甜甜的曲子,奏得合拍又和谐。我的好姑娘,多么美丽的人儿!请看我,多么深挚的爱情!亲爱的,我永远爱你,纵使大海干涸水流尽。 我的爱人象朵红红的玫瑰 王佐良 译纵使大海干涸水流尽,太阳将岩石烧作灰尘,亲爱的,我永远爱你,只要我一息犹存。珍重吧,我惟一的爱人,珍重吧,让我们暂时别离,但我定要回来,哪怕千里万里!啊,我的爱人像一朵红红的玫瑰,它在六月里初开,啊,我的爱人像一支乐曲,美妙地演奏起来。你是那么美, 漂亮的姑娘,我爱你那么深切;亲爱的, 我会永远爱你,一直到四海枯竭。 一朵红红的玫瑰 袁可嘉 译亲爱的, 直到四海枯竭,到太阳把岩石烧裂!我会永远爱你,亲爱的只要是生命不绝。我唯一的爱人,我向你告别,我和你小别片刻;我要回来的,亲爱的,


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