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1、WHAT IS THE PHILOSOPHY WHAT IS THE PHILOSOPHY OF SPORT?OF SPORT?What is Philosophy?What is Philosophy?Philosophy means literally love of wisdomPhilosophers are interested in how we should life our lives and what it means to be human.They also ask about the nature of reality (ontology and metaphysics

2、) and our knowledge of reality.Philosophy uses reasoning and good argument.What is Philosophy?What is Philosophy?Kongzi (551-479 BCE)Plato (424-348BCE) and Aristotle (384-322BCE)Karl Marx (1818-1883)What is Philosophy?What is Philosophy?Time is a child moving counters in a game; the royal power is a

3、 childs.Heraclitus of Ephesus (535-475BCE)What is Philosophy?What is Philosophy?One night, Zhuangzi dreamed of being a butterflya happy butterfly, showing off and doing as he pleased, unaware of being Zhuangzi. Suddenly he awoke, drowsily, Zhuangzi again. And he could not tell whether it was Zhuangz

4、i who had dreamt the butterfly or the butterfly dreaming Zhuangzi.Zhuangzi (c. 369-286BCE)The Philosophy of SportThe Philosophy of SportPhilosophers can ask ethical questions about sport: what is fairplay and respect for my opponents?; should I commit professional fouls?; might I learn my ethics (or

5、 virtues) from playing sport?The Philosophy of SportThe Philosophy of SportPhilosophers argue! Philosophers give reasons for their opinions. Philosophers try to remove ambiguities and confusions.Should athletes take performance enhancing drugs?1. It is against the rules to take drugs, therefore drug

6、 taking is cheating. Cheating is wrong, therefore athletes should not take drugs.The Philosophy of SportThe Philosophy of SportShould athletes take performance enhancing drugs?2. The real question is whether the rules of sport should be changed to allow drug taking. Athletes use many forms of techno

7、logy to improve their performance. Drugs are a form of technology. Therefore the rules of sport should allow drug use. The Philosophy of SportThe Philosophy of SportBut philosophers can ask more abstract questions:What is sport? What does the word sport mean?The philosophy of sport draws upon other

8、areas of philosophy, such as theory of knowledge (epistemology), philosophy of action, and philosophical anthropology.What is Sport?What is Sport?In groups of three or four, take a few minutes to think of as many different sports as you can.What is Sport?What is Sport?Track and field athletes; cycli

9、ngTable tennis; wrestling; wushuBowls; pitch-pot (touhu)Equestrian events; greyhound racingFishing; hunting; bull fightingFootball; cricket; baseball; kabbadiMountaineering; surfing; hang gildingTai chi; aerobicsChess; weiqiMass effect (a video game)What is Sport?What is Sport?League of Legends Vide

10、o gaming contest 2014Sport as a practiceSport as a practiceAny coherent and complex socially established co-operative human activity through which goods internal to that form of activity are realised in the course of trying to achieve those standards of excellence which are appropriate to, and parti

11、ally definitive of, that form of activity, with the result that human powers to achieve excellence and human conceptions of the ends and good involved are systematically extended. (Alasdair MacIntyre, After Virtue, London: Duckworth, 1985)Sport as a practiceSport as a practiceSports are complex soci

12、al activities, often with long histories and traditions.Sports have internal goods when we play a sport, we are set specific challenges.Sports have standards of excellence.Sport extends and challenges human limitationsSport as a practiceSport as a practiceSports are complex social activities, often

13、with long histories and traditions.England cricket team in North America in 1859Sport as a practiceSport as a practiceSports have internal goods when we play a sport, we are set specific challenges.Sport as a practiceSport as a practiceSports have internal goods when we play a sport, we are set spec

14、ific challenges.External goods (i.e. extrinsic reasons for playing a sport) might include getting fit, making money, passing the time. But all these can be achieved by other activities. Sport as a practiceSport as a practiceSports have standards of excellence. Consider what is entailed in being a go

15、od (or excellent) basketball player, gymnast or mountaineer.Yao MingSport as a practiceSport as a practiceSport extends and challenges human limitations Citius, Altius, Fortius!Al Oerter Constitutive RulesConstitutive RulesA game is an activity directed towards bringing about a specific state of aff

16、airs, using only means permitted by the rules, where the rules prohibit more efficient in favour of less efficient means, and where such rules are accepted just because they make possible such activity. (Bernard Suits, The Grasshopper: Games Life and Utopia. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, 2

17、005.)Constitutive RulesConstitutive RulesWe respect the rules of a game.The rules stop us using easy means to achieve our goal. Lydia KoConstitutive RulesConstitutive RulesThe rules stop us using easy means to achieve our goal.Using more efficient recumbents is banned by the rules of cycle racing.Co

18、nstitutive RulesConstitutive RulesThe difference between a sport and a game is that a sport places a physical challenge on the player.Lewis Chessmen (12th century)Constitutive RulesConstitutive RulesThe rules of a sport constitute the sort of activity a sport isYou cannot score a homerun unless you are playing (according to the rules of) baseballBarry


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