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1、初高中英语教学衔接简易教材高一英语备课组编说明一、教学内容1) 语音知识及实践演练2) 词汇知识及实践演练3) 句子结构及实践演练4) 阅读教学及实践演练二、教学实践安排高一新生入学第一学期第一、二周内完成,共用6-8课时。其中语音知识讲解及练习为3课时;词汇知识练习及练习1课时;句子结构及练习为3-4课时;阅读及练习1课时。实施:一、语音教学衔接高中英语是初中英语学习的延续和提高。初中英语注重口语及交际教学,教学重点在于英语口语及句型的运用。口头的东西多,而书写的少。所以学生能模仿出发音,但是不懂语音知识。48个国际音标的概念很模糊。记忆单词还是处于记忆字母的状况,很难应对高中英语词汇量加大


3、30;ei(2)双元音:aieiauuiiu2、辅音(1)辅音:pbtdkgfvszhrðlmntdtsdztrdrjw(2)辅音的分类分类一:清浊成对的:清:ptkf / st / tstr浊:bdgvðzddzdr单干户(即不成对的辅音)mnlrhjw2 / 23记成:三个鼻音(m、n、)、l、r和h、j、w分类二:(1)爆破:pbtdkg摩擦:fvðszrh破擦:tdtsdztrdr记成:前3对、中5对(添上r、h)、后3对(2)mnljw记成:三个鼻音,一个边音(l),两个半元音(j、w)老师讲分类的作用:1、记住清辅音,对名词变复数,动词变第三人称单数,

4、动词的过去式的读音规则有极好的分辨作用。2、了解爆破音,对读英语的失去爆破很有帮助。拼读单词目的:运用英语音标拼读单词,教学生自己拼读,并要拼得准确。英语语音练习题比较下划线部分的发音1.  honest       A. heart   B. hire  C. hour    D. human2.  hunt     

5、;    A. finger  B. think   C. language   D. recognize3.  sorrow    A. notebook   B. rope  C. fond  D. seldom4. occur     A. office   B. offe

6、r  C. obey   D. operation5.  share        A. fire   B. glare  C. inspire   D. desire6.  experience    A. exercise  B .explanation   C.

7、experiment  D. extra7.  nature       A. natural  B. native C. international D. adventure8.  consider      A. combine  B. poison C. total D. movement9.  question   &#

8、160; A. emotion  B. situation  C .suggestion  D. information10.  means      A.  wise  B. seize  C. swallow  D. simply11.  creature     A. culture    B

9、. desert   C. actor   D. spirit12.  cloth        A. breathe   B. breath   C. clothes   D. worthy13.  custom    A. industry   B. studio   C. cruelty &#

10、160;D. unfold14.   silver       A. director  B. prize   C. icy  D. advice15.   peace      A. leader   B. breast   C. peasant  D. pleasant16. 

11、0;include      A. pollution   B. publish  C. gun  D. hunt17.  represent    A. medal  B. prepare  C .effect D. complete18.  point        A. rank   B. t

12、hink   C. final   D .ink19. ancient       A. custom   B. scene  C. actress  D. official20.  weight       A. height  B. seize  C. ceiling   D. eight21.

13、  succeed      A. coffee  B. electricity   C. agree   D. skip22.  measure     A. pleasure   B. peace   C. pleased   D. breathe23.  obey  

14、60;   A. official   B. office   C. organize   D. common24.  reduce     A. rebuild  B. valuable  C. particular  D. opportunity25. package     A. apology  B. struggle

15、 C. globe    D. argue26.  musical     A. whisper  B. slave  C. desire   D. universal27. instrument    A. industry  B. dust  C. unhappy  D. stupid28.  character

16、  A. chance  B. headache  C. choice   D. match29.  shoulder   A. should  B. could  C. would  D. chose30.  village     A. character  B. variety  C. valuable   D. habit31.&

17、#160;opinion      A. conclusion  B. stomach  C. nod   D. soft32.  balance    A. pace  B. major  C. national D. nation33.  chemical    A. Chinese  B. character  C.

18、60;cheek  D. choose34.  unit       A. unite  B. mixture  C. island  D. diet35.  cycle      A. joy   B. plenty   C. young   D. July36. &

19、#160;surely     A. conclusion  B. shock  C. beside  D. positive37. anger     A. answer  B. handbag  C. announce  D. anxious 38.  gently     A. garage  

20、0;B. general  C. grasp  D. group39.  manage    A. message  B. crazy  C. translate   D. narrow40.  foot      A. blood   B. cool   C. pool  D. cook41.  

21、spare     A. admire  B. fire  C. declare  D. desire42.   mean     A. meant  B. pleasant  C. dead  D. seaside43.   surface    A. voyage  B. face   

22、;C. paragraph D. relation44.  unfair     A. unless  B. uncle   C. unite   D. unusual 45.  honest     A. hardship  B. forehead  C. handkerchief  D. heaven46

23、. method     A. wisdom  B. golden  C. discovery  D. soil47.  couple     A. doubt  B. mouth   C. double  D. mountain48.  certain      A. daughter   B.

24、persuade   C. percent   D. perfectly49.  exist        A. exercise   B. explain  C. excuse   D. example50. looks A. books B. laps C. cakes D. lengths51. says A. lies B. opens C

25、. booms D. leaves52. cases A. bushes B. matches C. faces D. raises53. washed A. booked B. wrapped C. touched D. watched54. watched A. loved B. famed C. boomed D. closed 55. wanted A. wasted B. lifted C. reminded D. included56. spot A. spend B. spider C. stick D. skill57. A. bookkeeper

26、 B. blackboard C. football D. handbag58. A. please B. grow C. admit D. excitement二词汇教学衔接初高中教材对词汇的要求不同,初中阶段英语教学要求学生掌握约1500生词,而进入高中以后,要求词汇量达到3500-4500,因此巩固扩大词汇量是完成初高中衔接的关键一步。首先要突破语音关,增强词汇学习能力。要从26个字母的发音开始,系统地复习语音规则。其次,为了扩大和巩固词汇量,在日常教学中除了坚持每周对每一个单元的生词和短语进行1-2次听写外,还应做到以构词法为主线,拓宽词汇;以词义辨析为主线,新旧结合,广泛联想;要求收

27、集在学习过程中遇到的生词并通过查词典、资料等方式弄懂意义加以记忆,走好学习单词这一步,很快适应高中的英语学习。、运用构词法。构词法通常有转化、派生、后缀等。构词法可帮助学生掌握和扩充单词, 如: rebuild, rewrite, reread, reunite, recover, dislike, discover, disappear, beautiful, successful, careful, useful, wireless, hopeless, homeless等许多单词。 转化法则可以帮助扩大词汇的使用功能,如map, inch, head, dirty, warm, cool

28、等名词、形容词均可以转化为动词使用。合成法也可以帮助掌握诸如:classmate, classroom, football, volleyball, baseball等大量单词。为此,在词汇教学中,我们必须了解构词法的基本知识。、同族词联系 同族词又称同根同源词,是指词根相同的一类词。只要先掌握词根,加以对比,既能提高记忆单词的效率,又能进一步构成新词,扩大词汇量。掌握了词根就等于掌握了打开整个英语词汇库的金钥匙! 、采用对比法进行词汇教学  英语中有许多词形、词义相近的单词,教学过程中对词形相近的词进行对比对于我们正确使用单词很有好处。如form, from; advice, ad

29、vise; hard, hardly; invent, invite; decide, divide; choose, choice等许多单词常被混淆,及时加以对比就可以认识它们之间的差别,避免用错写错单词。对常用的同义词或词组,如divide, separate, tell; say, speak, tell, talk; join, take part in; run out, run out of等应该及时弄清楚它们之间的异同点,以便在实际运用中能正确使用。 、在语境中进行词汇教学  所谓语境指的是上下文,即词、短语、语句或篇章及其前后关系。要有效地掌握词汇,就应该将词汇与句子

30、、语篇结合起来。在课文教学过程中,把词汇与句子,语境结合起来,应该多让学生自己造句,掌握词的用法。在词汇与句子结合的基础上,我们还应该将词汇、句子与语篇相结合,进一步扩大词汇的交流功能。同时也能发展运用语言的能力,达到学好英语的目的。、及时复习,及时巩固。在词汇教学中,要组织学生及时复习,以便及时强化,加深理解,巩固所学单词。复习要注意经常性、复习形式多样化。如通过归类复习、同义、反义复习,采用听写、单词游戏、单词竞赛、讲故事、唱英语歌曲等等。词汇练习题:用适当的单词形式填充:1. The headmaster is giving a talk on the latest _ (develop

31、) of our school, isnt she? 2. The manager was amazed at the _(absent) of his _(assist). 3. In _(add), I did it just for _(amuse). 4. Mike made a _ (decide) to travel to _(French) for holiday. 5. The plan has been under _ (discuss) by the _ (engine) for a year now. 6. Both of

32、 the _(cook) are of the same _ (weigh). 7. The policeman tried to show his _ (kind) to those _(Italy). 8. My _ (know) of _(electric) is poor. 9. The _ (waiter) called Jenny is the same _(high) as you.10. The _(city) are all pleased with this _(advise).11. The _(fish) has got a co

33、in _(collect).12. All the _(graduate) cant afford such a big _   (expensive).13. The _(govern) is taking actions to promote international _(friend).14. The _(cycle) made a good _(begin)   in the race.15. The _(chemical) teacher has a _(calculate)  in his

34、hand.16. Then the _(detective) went to the _(check)   to pay the bill.17. There is no _ (choose) for you before _(honest).18. The room is _(crowd) and full of _(active).19. The _(conduct) led the _(passage) to the_ (enter).20. The _ (male) judge showed her ability in the case of _ (ro

35、b).21. For me, to watch _(perform) is the best way of _(relax).22. He made a _(speak) on the _(important) of English study.23. His _(invent) is no use to our _(message).24. The _ (visit) is one of the greatest _ (invent) in the world.25. Our English teacher is always very _ to us(friend)26

36、. The _ (science) is fond of Chinese _(paint).27. The _(tour) carried the boy to _(safe) at last.28. He made a _ (suggest) about fighting _ (pollute).29. Its a _(please) to receive such an _ (invite).30. This is a sort of _(busy) _(organize).31. It's not far from here. It' about three _walk(

37、minute)32. Hurry up! I don't want any of you to get_(lose)33. I can hardly describe the wisdom of the _(win).34. The pilot cancelled the _ (fly) because of his _  (tooth).35. Whats the _(different) between the two ?36. Besides nationality, here is some more _(inform) about him.37. They

38、 were on _ way to school when it began to rain(they)38. All the _ (act) and the _(act) were walking from the stage.39. They were all _(excite) by the _ (excite) film.40. The fish is _(live). Its a _(live) fish.41. They were truly _(frighten) by the _ (frighten) aliens.42. Rivers can be _ (freeze) in

39、 _ (freeze) weather.43. My sister does some _(run) every morning, so she is very healthy44. Im _ (interest) in _ (interest) games.45. The news was _(surprise), and I was much _ (surprise) at it.46. Its _ (rain) today, and you ought to be _(care) while riding.47. They were all _ (satisfy) with such a

40、n _(enjoy) autumn outing.48. One day I saw a _(home) cat beside the _ (wood) box.49. Either my father or I _(work) on a farm this week50. The weather is _(change) during the _(snow) season here.51. Li lei tried hard _(work) out the problem.52. Would you please _(not turn) on the radio?53. Do yo

41、u find it easy _ (ride) a bike?54. English is _(use) than Maths.55. Yesterday it rained as _(heavy) as it is now.56. Who runs _(slow) in your class? -Wei Fang _(do) . She runs _(slow) than any other student in the class.57. It takes me half an hour _(go) home every day.58. It is difficult _(learn) E

42、nglish well.59. You must finish _(do) your homework next week.60. _(drink) milk is good for your health.61. The boy is old enough _(go ) to school.62. If you want to be _(thin) and (healthy)_. You have to eat _(little) food.63. Is there _(something) wrong with your cars?64. I will try _(not be) late

43、 for school.65. If you go soon, you _(be) late.66. He couldnt sleep _(good) last night.67. My mother doesnt feel like _(drink) anything.68. I will call you as soon as she _(come) back.69. This isn't take-away food. It is home _(cook)三句子结构教学鉴于初中英语要求,在教学中对于句子结构的分析较浅。进入高中后老师发现大部分学生都不能认清句子结构,尤其是模块1-

44、4的重点语法是定语从句、ing结构、名词性从句等。做好句子成分教学,给学生形成定语,状语,补语及其在句子中位置的概念。从简单的分析起步,逐步学习并列句,状语从句及名词性从句等。英语句子成分和英语句子结构讲解及练习1. 主语(subject): 句子说明的人或事物。The sun rises in the east.          (名词)   He likes dancing.      (代词)Twe

45、nty years is a short time in history. (数词) Seeing is believing.     (动名词)      To see is to believe.           (不定式)What he needs is a book. (主语从句)It is very clear that the el

46、ephant is round and tall like a tree.  (It形式主语,主语从句是真正主语)2. 谓语(predicate): 说明主语的动作、状态和特征。We study English.        He is asleep.    3. 表语(predicative): 系动词之后的成分,表示主语的性质、状态和特征。He is a teacher.     (名词) 

47、         Seventy-four! You dont look it. (代词)Five and five is ten. (数词) He is asleep.                 (形容词) His father is in.    &

48、#160;(副词)        The picture is on the wall.       ( 介词短语)My watch is gone / missing / lost.(形容词化的分词)To wear a flower is to say “Im poor, I cant buy a ring. (不定式)The question is whether they will come.(表语从句)(常见

49、的系动词有: be, sound(听起来), look(看起来), feel(摸起来),smell(闻起来), taste(尝起来), remain(保持,仍是),feel(感觉) . It sounds a good idea.             The sound sounds strange.Her voice sounds sweet.         

50、  Tom looks thin.The food smells delicious.          The food tastes good.The door remains open.           Now I feel tired.4. 宾语(object):1)动作的承受者-动宾I like China. (名词)  &

51、#160;  He hates you. (代词)How many do you need? We need two. (数词)We should help the old and the poor.(定冠词+形容词)I enjoy working with you.  (动名词)I hope to see you again.  (不定式) Did you write down what he said? (宾语从句)2)介词后的名词、代词和动名词-介宾Are you afraid of th

52、e snake?Under the snow, there are many rocks.3)双宾语-间宾(指人)和直宾(指物)He gave me a book yesterday.     Give the poor man some money.5. 宾补(object complement):对宾语的补充,全称为宾语补足语。We elected him monitor.   (名词)We all think it a pity that she didnt come here. (名)We wil

53、l make them happy. (形容词)We found nobody in.  ( 副词 )Please make yourself at home.(介词短语)Dont let him do that. (省to不定式)His father advised him to teach the lazy boy a lesson. (带to不定式)Dont keep the lights burning. (现在分词)Ill have my bike repaired. (过去分词) 6. 主补(subje

54、ct complement):对主语的补充。He was elected monitor.            She was found singing in the next room.He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson. 7. 定语(attribute):修饰或限制名词或代词的词、词组或句子。Ai Yanling is a chemistry teacher.(名词)He is our friend. 

55、(代词)We belong to the third world.   (数词) He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson.(形容词)The man over there is my old friend. (副词) The woman with a baby in her arms is my sister. (介词)The boys playing football are in Class 2.   (现在分词)The trees planted last y

56、ear are growing well now. (过去分词)   I have an idea to do it well.      (不定式)You should do everything that I do.    (定语从句)8. 状语(adverbial):用来修饰v., adj., adv., or 句子。表示时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、程度、条件、方式和让步。  I will go there tomorrow.&

57、#160;           The meeting will be held in the meeting room.The meat went bad because of the hot weather.  He studies hard to learn English well.He didnt study hard so that he failed in the exam.I like some of you very much. 

58、0;      If you study hard, you will pass the exam.He goes to school by bike.                Though he is young, he can do it well. 句子结构简单句的五个基本句型1、主语不及物动词     &

59、#160;    She came/ My head aches.  2、主语及物动词宾语        She likes English.3、主语 系动词   表语        She is happy4、主语 双宾动词间接宾语直接宾语  She gave John a bookShe bought a book for

60、me.5、主语 宾补动词    宾语    宾语补语She makes her mother angryThe teacher asked me to read the passage.6、( There +be 结构)   There lies a book on the desk. Exercises           分析下列句子成分1.

61、Our school is not far from my home.         2. It is a great pleasure to talk with you3. All of us considered him honest.        4. My grandfather bought me a pair of sports shoes.5. He broke a piece of glass. 

62、        6. He made it clear that he would leave the city7. -I love you more than her,child     8. Tees turn green when spring comes.9. They pushed the door open.         10. Grandma told me

63、an interesting story last night.11. He wrote carefully some letters to his friends.  12. All the students think highly of his teaching13. We need a place twice larger than this one.  14. He asked us to sing an English song.15. Don't get nervous,help yourself to what you like1

64、6.We will make our school more beautiful.17. He didn't comeThat is why he didn't know18. She showed us her many of her pictures.   19. The old man lives a lonely life.20. Luckily the 1989 earthquake did not happen in the center of town.21. The cars made in Japan are better tha

65、n those in Germany22. There are so many people in the hall that it's hard for me to find him23. No matter how difficult the task may be, we must fulfil it this month.24. Go back where you came from.     25. We must do whatever the people want us to do.26. At last he got

66、home, tired and hungry.     27. Would you please pass me the cup?28 Mary handed her homework to the teacher.  29. Do you know the latest news about him?30. Ill get my hair cut tomorrow.翻译练习:主谓结构  ( 主语 不及物动词 )1你应当努力学习。     2她昨天回家很晚

67、。   3那天早上我们谈了很多。    4会议将持续两个小时。5在过去的十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化。 6这种事情全世界各地每天都在发生。71919年,在北京爆发了“五.四”运动。     8每天八时开始上课。        9这个盒子重五公斤。10. 五年前我住在北京。主谓宾结构 (主语 及物动词 宾语  )1昨晚我写了一封信。    &

68、#160;    2今天下午我想同你谈谈。       3这本书他读过多次了。    4他们成功地完成了计划。5你们必须在两周内看完这些书。    6那位先生能流利地说三种语言。7我收到了笔友从澳大利亚寄来的信。8Jim 还不会自己穿衣服。       9我们大家都相信Jack 是一个诚实男孩。   10他不

69、知道说什么好。主系表结构 (主语 系动词表语 )1我的兄弟都是大学生。     2  冬季白天短,夜晚长。3布朗夫人看起来很健康。    4十五岁时他就成为有名的钢琴家了。   5孩子们,请保持安静。     6这本书是有关美国历史的书。7她的工作是在幼儿园里照看儿童。     8他失业了。   9树叶已经变黄了。      10这个报告听起来很有意思。双宾语结构(主语双宾动词间接宾语直接宾语 )1Johnson 先生去年教我们德语。  2奶奶昨晚给我们讲了一个有趣的故事。3Mary把钱包交给校长了。  4请把那本字典递给我好吗?5他把车票给列车员看。     


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