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1、会计学1MUreadingasprin part 修改修改(xigi)用用第一页,共36页。What medicines do you often take when you are sick? 第1页/共36页第二页,共36页。Two life-saving medicinesM7U2 Reading What are the two medicines mentioned in the ariticle?第2页/共36页第三页,共36页。第3页/共36页第四页,共36页。answer the question 1,2,3 in C1 on page 20.第4页/共36页第五页,共36页。

2、1. When was aspirin first made? 2. When did people find that drinking a special kind of tea could reduce body pains and fever?In 1897. 【line 6】Nearly 3500 years ago. 【line 7】第5页/共36页第六页,共36页。3. What other things can aspirin help with besides reducing fever and pain?1)2)3)4)5)It can reduce the risk o

3、f heart attacks. It can prevent strokes. 【line 24】 It can reduce the risk of some cancers. 【line 26】It can increase the length of peoples lives. 【line 28】It can reduce blood sugar levels to help people with diabetes. 【line 29-30】第6页/共36页第七页,共36页。Part C2Part C2sold in shops in the form of tabletsprov

4、ed to help the blood circulate better.used to prevent strokes1971used to reduce blood sugar levels190019772003第7页/共36页第八页,共36页。1.The basic chemical used to make aspirin can be found in nature. 【line 6】2. 用于制造阿司匹林的基本化学物质却可以在自用于制造阿司匹林的基本化学物质却可以在自然界找到。然界找到。3.2. People drank a kind of tea made from leav

5、es possessing a special chemical to reduce body pains and fever. 【line 9-10】4. 人们饮用这种树叶人们饮用这种树叶(sh y)制成的茶,以减轻制成的茶,以减轻身体疼痛或退烧。身体疼痛或退烧。第8页/共36页第九页,共36页。3. The Greek physician Hippocrates, father of all doctors, made a juice from a tree bark containing salicylic acid for the same effect.【line 11】第9页/共3

6、6页第十页,共36页。Greek physician Greek physician HippocratesHippocrates古希腊医师古希腊医师(ysh)希波克拉底希波克拉底那时,古希腊医学受到宗教迷信的禁那时,古希腊医学受到宗教迷信的禁锢。巫师们只会用念咒文,施魔法,锢。巫师们只会用念咒文,施魔法,进行祈祷的办法为人治病。这自然是进行祈祷的办法为人治病。这自然是不会有什么疗效的,病人不仅被骗去不会有什么疗效的,病人不仅被骗去大量钱财,而且往往因耽误病情而死大量钱财,而且往往因耽误病情而死去。去。希波克拉底把疾病看作是发展着的现希波克拉底把疾病看作是发展着的现象,医师所应医治的不仅是病而

7、是病象,医师所应医治的不仅是病而是病人,从而人,从而(cng r)改变了当时医学中改变了当时医学中以巫术和宗教为根据的观念。以巫术和宗教为根据的观念。第10页/共36页第十一页,共36页。Salicylic acidSalicylic acidslslk sdkniprn第11页/共36页第十二页,共36页。3. The Greek physician Hippocrates, father of all doctors, made a juice from a tree bark containing salicylic acid for the same effect.【line 11】

8、医生医生(yshng)之父、古希腊医师希波克拉底就用一之父、古希腊医师希波克拉底就用一种树皮制成汁,这种汁含有水杨酸,有同样的功种树皮制成汁,这种汁含有水杨酸,有同样的功效。效。第12页/共36页第十三页,共36页。第13页/共36页第十四页,共36页。4. The first trails of this medicine took place in 1899, when the company Hoffmann worked for began distributing the medicine in powder form to physicians to use with patien

9、ts. 【line 14-15】 对该药的首批试验发生在对该药的首批试验发生在1899年。当时霍夫曼供职的年。当时霍夫曼供职的公司开始将这种药以粉末形式公司开始将这种药以粉末形式(xngsh)分发给医师,分发给医师,在病人身上使用。在病人身上使用。第14页/共36页第十五页,共36页。PowderPowdertablettablet第15页/共36页第十六页,共36页。第16页/共36页第十七页,共36页。In 1915, Aspirin could be bought without a prescription, thus becoming one of the first over-th

10、e-counter, household drugs in the world.第17页/共36页第十八页,共36页。Language Points第18页/共36页第十九页,共36页。1. This article will focus on two drugs that started revolutions in medicine. 【line 1】这篇文章关注的是两种引发医学这篇文章关注的是两种引发医学(yxu)革命的药物革命的药物。focus ones _ onattention/mindWith all their attention _ (focus) on the progra

11、m on TV, no one could even notice that someone was crawling into the house. focused第19页/共36页第二十页,共36页。2. If you open up any medicine cupboard or go to medicine counter in the world, it is likely that you will find aspirin and penicillin. 【line 3】 If you open up any medicine cupboard or go to medicin

12、e counter in the world, _ _ _ _ _ aspirin and penicillin. youarelikelytofind第20页/共36页第二十一页,共36页。3. Both of these medicines have saved millions of peoples lives and have proved beneficial to mankind since they were invented.这两种药从一发明就挽救了数以百万计的生命,证这两种药从一发明就挽救了数以百万计的生命,证明明(zhngmng)对人类是有益的。对人类是有益的。此处此处pr

13、ove有什么特别之处?有什么特别之处?作系动词,无被动,作系动词,无被动,“证明证明(zhngmng)是是,结,结果是果是”第21页/共36页第二十二页,共36页。他的挑战他的挑战(tio zhn)结果失败了结果失败了. His challenge proved a ve+名词名词(mng c) 这本手册这本手册(handbook)证明证明(zhngmng)很有用。很有用。The handbook proved most ve+形容词形容词 3. prove+动词不定式动词不定式 结果她是最适合的人。结果她是最适合的人。 She proved

14、to be the most suitable person.第22页/共36页第二十三页,共36页。【改错【改错(i cu)】 He is proved to be innocent.第23页/共36页第二十四页,共36页。4. It was in 1897 that a European chemist called Dr Felix Hoffmann produced aspirin from this chemical. 【line 12】 强调句:强调句:It is / was + 被强调部分被强调部分 that + 其它其它(qt)部分部分We get light and heat

15、 from the sun.我们是从太阳那里获得的光和热我们是从太阳那里获得的光和热It is from the sun that we get light and heat. 第24页/共36页第二十五页,共36页。When we were returning home, I realized helping someone in trouble gave me a good feeling.强调时间强调时间(shjin)状语状语It was when we were returning home that I realized helping someone in trouble gave

16、 me a good feeling.第25页/共36页第二十六页,共36页。【改错【改错(i cu)】(】(2013全国)全国) It was only after he had read the papers Mr. Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete. that第26页/共36页第二十七页,共36页。5.Not only has aspirin proved vital for reducing fever and helping stop pain, but there are a

17、lso other things that aspirin can help with. (line 18)He committed a vital error. 他犯了一个致命他犯了一个致命(zhmng)的错误。的错误。 极其重要的极其重要的,必不可少必不可少(b b k sho)的的(+to/for)vital signs生命(shngmng)体征第27页/共36页第二十八页,共36页。p:svrnsPerseverance is vital to success.坚韧是成功的重要条件。It is vital that you (should) make good preparations

18、 for the exams.你好好(ho ho)准备考试是至关重要的。第28页/共36页第二十九页,共36页。5.Not only has aspirin proved vital for reducing fever and helping stop pain, but there are also other things that aspirin can help with.阿司匹林不仅被证明对于阿司匹林不仅被证明对于(duy)退烧、止痛必不可退烧、止痛必不可少少,而且还有其他用途。而且还有其他用途。not only置于句首时置于句首时,其后的分句其后的分句(fnj)-but also

19、后面的分句后面的分句(fnj)-部分部分(b fen)倒装倒装不要不要倒装倒装第29页/共36页第三十页,共36页。 Not only _ interested in football but _ beginning to show an interest in it A. the teacher himself is; all his students are B. the teacher himself is; are all his students C. is the teacher himself; are all his students D. is the teacher himself; all his students are解析:解析:not just / only . (but) also . 如果连接两个如果连接两个分句分句(fnj),第一分句,第一分句(fnj)需要部分倒装。需要部分倒装。 答案:答案:D第30页/共36页第三十一页,共36页。【改错【改错(i cu)】 Not only she make a promise, but she also kept it.did第31页/共36页第三十二页,共36页。如果置于句首的如果置于句首的not only b


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