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1、unit 14 单元测试题written test part(共95分). 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(  )21. we were thankful _ mr. wang because he was very responsible _ us.a. for; for                     b. for; to   

2、    c. to; for                     d. to; to(  )22. the main difference between our brains and those of monkeys is that _ are bigger.a. we                

3、        b. ours         c. our                        d. us(  )23. just be patient. i _ go to see you in person again at the end of the

4、 month.a. shall                       b. must c. need                        d. should(  )24. _ how

5、many difficulties are ahead of me, ill stick to what i am doing.a. until                     b. because      c. as long as           d. no matter(  )25. sue, along with her co

6、usins, _ dance lessons twice a week.a. take                     b. have taken     c. takes                    d. has taken(  )26. im sorry, but m

7、y _ are that i am not to let anyone in.a. methods                b. instructionsc. surveys                 d. standards(  )27. a primary school in zhejiang _ al

8、l kinds of difficulties and built a “playground in the air”.a. overcame             b. doubledc. separated              d. canceled(  )28. the young man is _ for success, so he works ha

9、rd day and night.a. famous                  b. believablec. responsible             d. thirsty(  )29. my children wash their hands, arms and faces, and _, they wash their feet.a. exactly   &

10、#160;                 b. lastly   c. normally                    d. lately(  )30. jenny has problems _ the english movie

11、. can you help her? a. to understand        b. to praise c. understanding       d. praising(  )31. look at the dark clouds. there _ a heavy rain.a. is going to be         b. will havec. has been  

12、;            d. is having(  )32. sally, remember _ a present for anna when you go to her party.ok, i will.a. bringing                    b. to bring      c. selling 

13、                     d. to sell(  )33. tom _ his hometown since five years ago. he really misses it.a. left                         

14、60;   b. went away fromc. has been away from        d. has left(  )34. dont be angry. just _ and lets discuss how to deal with it.a. keep your cool       b. try your bestc. make a mess        d. take

15、a risk(  )35. i will have a job interview tomorrow afternoon._.a. cheer up              b. thanks a lotc. good idea           d. good luck. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)  先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从a、b、c、d四个

16、选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。in six months, you will leave the middle school and go to a senior high school. that can be exciting but sometimes also a little    36    for you, especially if you have    37    all your middle school life in one school.

17、you know the school and the teachers, and youve been through all the grades    38    most of the same kids. of course in your last year you are one of the “big kids”. but when you go to a senior high school, you will be a “   39    kid” again.“i

18、 think high school will be a little hard, especially in the first month or so,” said zhou lu, a middle school student, who    40    that. mr. wang, a senior high school teacher, gave her some advice, “even adults get a bit nervous when they start a new job or  

19、0; 41    new people, so its    42    for you to feel a bit scared. everyone else who is starting high school for the first time will be feeling just like    43   . even those people who seem cool are nervous too. they are jus

20、t better at    44    their fears. you can look at high school as a new challenge with lots of chances to learn new things and make new friends.    45    you put the chances to good use and always try to do your best, you will have a happy h

21、igh school life.”(  )36. a. boring                  b. relaxing      c. scary                          &#

22、160;  d. funny  (  )37. a. wasted                 b. taken       c. lost                    

23、60;          d. spent(  )38. a. with                   b. for       c. to             

24、0;                  d. of (  )39. a. lucky                b. little         c. smart       

25、0;              d. busy (  )40. a. depended on      b. looked through     c. stuck to                      d. worried about(  )41. a. meet     &#

26、160;             b. cheat       c. lead                             d. refuse ( 

27、 )42. a. sad                     b. natural       c. bad                       &

28、#160;      d. wonderful(  )43. a. him                    b. her          c. me                   d.

29、you (  )44. a. hiding                  b. finding       c. choosing                   d. improving(&

30、#160; )45. a. because             b. while     c. if                    d. since. 情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。a: hi, tara, congratulations!b: thank you, john. (46)_a: dont you know y

31、ou got the highest score on this midterm math exam? i just cant imagine how you got full marks on it. b: highest score? full marks? are you kidding?a: im not kidding. (47)_ he told me about it. b: yeah . thats great. how about you?a: oh, i didnt do well. i failed the math test again. (48)_b: take it

32、 easy, john. you just need to work harder. you shouldnt give up.  a: i know. but its so difficult for me. (49)_b: thats because you like english better than math. so you spend more time studying english.a: thats right. (50)_ when i have problems with these exercises, i just give up. a. i hate m

33、ath.b. how did you know that?c. i never have such problems in english.d. i can give you some advice.e. but for what?f. i seldom do extra (额外的) math exercises.g. i have just come back from mr. wus office. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分) a becki and bonsa are such close friends that people often mistake them for sis

34、ters. they live in adukrom, a small village in ghana. adukrom has no running water, electricity or televisions. children make their own toys and play many games. at 6:45 a.m., bonsa, becki, and two of beckis younger sisters walk to school carrying chairs on their heads. the school has only desks. it

35、 has no bus, so some children have to walk many miles to get there.outside the school, a woman sells breakfast. most children buy the breakfast because their mothers have left their homes too early to cook for them and also because it is good and cheap. a child walks around the playground ringing a

36、bell to announce the start of classes, which begin at 7:15 a.m. like every other student, becki and bonsa will ring the bell for a week. all the students know that being on time is important.becki and bonsa and the other students gather in rows, one class in each row, in front of a senior teacher. a

37、ny late student is sent into the forest to get firewood. becki and bonsa speak english, the official language of ghana, but they will also learn twi, the language of their tribe (部落). after school, the girls take their evening meal with their mothers and aunts. the fathers eat with their male (男性的)

38、relatives. when there are farm chores to do after school, the girls do them first. with their schoolwork and farm chores done, the girls walk arm in arm down a wide forest road. as the sun loses its fire for the day, they still have so much to talk and laugh about. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(  )51. from the

39、 passage, we can learn that adukrom is a _ village.a. dirty                               b. crowded  c. poor             

40、60;        d. noisy  (  )52.  when bonsa and becki go to school, they _.a. take some water            b. carry their chairs   c. take their breakfast        d. walk many miles(  )5

41、3.  if bonsa is late for school, she will have to _.a. ring a bell                 b. collect firewoodc. clean desks                d. sit in the last row(  )54. which of the follo

42、wing do bonsa and becki do first after school?a. eating dinner.                b. doing their schoolwork.    c. playing games.            d. doing farm chores.(  )55.  the pas

43、sage mainly talks about two girls _.a. everyday life                 b. team spirit c. favorite school             d. close friendship  b miriam gardsbane spent a sunday in june at the olney farmers and artists market in mary

44、land. but the 11-year-old girl wasnt shopping. she was selling colorful clay elephants that she and her friends made. the money she made will help save abused (受虐待的) asian elephants in thailand.“elephants need help,” said miriam, after her day at the market. “theyre suffering, and a lot of peop

45、le dont realize whats going on.”two years ago, miriams aunt fostered (代养) an african elephant as a birthday gift for miriam. the girl and her mom later visited the elephant in kenya.“i have always thought they are really cool animals,” said miriam. in early 2014, miriam watched a documentary about t

46、he abuse of asian elephants in thailand. she learned about how people abuse elephants with sticks to force them to perform.“i could see how unhappy the elephants were,” said miriam. “it made me really sad. i needed to do something.”miriam came up with the idea of making clay elephants that could be

47、sold. the girl invited her classmates and their families, as well as her teachers, to help. in june they got busy making more than 70 clay elephants.on june 15, miriam set the colorful elephants out on a table for sale at the market.“we sold most of them,” said miriam, who gave the $1,137 she made t

48、o elephant nature park in thailand. she calls her project “they deserve to be free” and hopes to make it every year.“it was fun telling people about it, especially the kids,” said miriam. “they said they wanted to do something, too.”根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(  )56. the underlined word “suffering” in paragr

49、aph 2 means “_” in chinese.a. 遭受折磨                    b. 濒临灭绝   c. 遭到屠杀                   d. 无家可归 (  )57. miriam got an african elephant on her _ birt

50、hday.a. 7th                       b. 8th         c. 9th                   

51、   d. 10th(  )58. miriam decided to do something for the elephants because of _.a. an elephant            b. a family       c. a visit                   d. a documen

52、tary (  )59. what can we learn about miriam?a. her project raises money to help save elephants.b. her mom had the idea of selling clay elephants.c. she sold all the clay elephants at the market.d. she keeps many elephants in kenya.(  )60. the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refe

53、rs to _.a. the sale           b. the project    c. the elephant nature park     d. the olney farmers and artists market c getting a bike is really exciting. you can go places that are too far to walk; you can ride a

54、round to go to see friends; you can go on bike rides; you can .before you go, you need to learn some things about bikes.*(61)_ riding a bike that is too big is not safe. when you go to buy a new bike, you should ask the people that work in the bike store to help you choose a bike.*bikes can bre

55、ak down. (62)_ you should always check it before you ride it.*some car drivers dont seem to be able to see bike riders. (63)_ so wear bright colors or a reflective vest (反光背心) over your clothes.*just like cars, bikes use the roads, too. (64)_*riding a bike can be dangerous. your head is th

56、e most important part of your body and is often the first part to hit the ground when you fall off a bike. wearing a helmet (头盔) is the smart thing to do. ask your bike shop to help you fit your helmet correctly.*(65)_ you need to concentrate (集中注意力) on what youre doing all the time.the best wa

57、y to become a safe bike rider is to do a bike education course, perhaps at your school. or you can look up “bike safety” on the internet to find which organization has bike safety courses for kids.根据材料内容,将ae五个句子填入材料空白处,使材料完整、通顺。a. you need to learn the rules of the road.b. you need a bike that fits

58、you. c. you need to be easily seen.d. you need to keep yourself safe when youre riding a bike.e. you need to learn to look after it. 词汇运用(每小题1分,共5分)根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。66. the price of tomatoes usually _(加倍) in winter.67. we all agree that mrs. liu is really a(n) _(体贴人的) teacher.68. three

59、 young men are competing to be the _(经理) of the hotel.69. all three are to be _(祝贺) for doing so well.70. what can be done to raise _(标准) in schools?. 完成句子(每小题1分,共5分) 根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词。 71. andy liked mr. millers teaching methods.  (改为一般疑问句)_ andy _ mr. millers teaching methods?72. no matter

60、when she comes to the english corner, she brings a friend.  (改为同义句)_ she _ to the english corner, she brings a friend.73. dad didnt have a rest until he finished the task.  (改为同义句)dad _ a break _ he finished the task.74. do you know the boy? he is talking with our headteacher.  (改为含定语

61、从句的复合句)do you know the boy _ _ talking with our headteacher?75. alice plans to read more books next year.  (对划线部分提问)_ does alice plan to _ next year?. 综合填空(每小题1分,共10分) 阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺,每词限用一次。become, change, but, ahead, choice, habit, young, full, accept, theya kindness that ha

62、s become a habiti go to the local stores once a week for my weekly shopping. each time, in each store, i end up with a very (76)_ shopping basket. about a year ago, i took part in an activity 30 day gratitude challenge. it (77)_ my life for the better. after the activity, i made a personal (78)_ i w

63、ould offer to allow whomever was behind me in line to go (79)_ of me, no matter how full their basket was. i discovered an interesting fact during the year. (80)_ people, under the age of 40, took my offer right away; for people at my age, over 55, i needed to give the offer for about 3 times; (81)_

64、 for people over the age of 70, it was very difficult for (82)_ to accept my offer. but every week, in each store, my offer is finally (83)_ every time. this started as a conscious (刻意的) kindness, but it is now a(n) (84)_. i like the idea of a friend practice a kindness until it (85)_ a habit, and t

65、hen move on to another kindness. 书面表达(15分)学校生活有时是快乐的,有时是忙碌的,有时是。请以my school life was .为题写一篇英语短文,谈一谈你初中三年学校生活是怎么样的,并投稿给你校的英文网站。要求:1. 先将题目补充完整,然后再进行写作;2. 90词左右,短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。my school life was _how time flies! my junior high school life will come to an end soon.       &

66、#160;            _参考答案. 21-25 cbadc  26-30 badbc  31-35 abcad. 36-40 cdabd  41-45 abdac. 46-50 egacf. 51-55 cbbda  56-60 acdab  61-65 becad. 66. doubles  67. caring  68. manager 69. congratulated 

67、; 70. standards. 71. did; like  72. whenever; comes 73. took / had; after  74. who is  75. what; do. 76. full  77. changed  78. choice  79. ahead80. young / younger   81. but  82. them  83. accepted   84. habit  85. beco

68、mes. one possible version:my school life was colorfulhow time flies! my junior high school life will come to an end soon. i think my school life was colorful. during those three years, i learned how to get on with my classmates and ive made lots of friends. from kind, helpful teachers, i h

69、ave learned not only useful knowledge, but also how to become a better person. ive experienced success, failure, sadness, happiness, nervousness and excitement. i treasure all of these experiences. besides, ive learned how to live a healthy life and keep fit. all of these things will have a good eff

70、ect on my life in the future. 部分解析单项选择:21. c。本小题考查固定搭配。be thankful to sb.意为“对某人心存感激”;be responsible for意为“对负责任”,故选c。22. b。本小题考查代词。we是人称代词主格,意为“我们”;ours是名词性物主代词,意为“我们的”,相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”,在此相当于“our brains”;our是形容词性物主代词,意为“我们的”,后面接名词;us是人称代词宾格,意为“我们”。题意:我们的大脑和猴子的大脑的主要区别是我们的(大脑)大一些。23. a。本小题考查shall的

71、用法。第一人称(i, we)和shall构成一般将来时,意为“将会”;must意为“必须”;need意为“需要”;should意为“应该”。题意:耐心点。这个月末我还会亲自去看你的。24. d。本小题考查连词。until意为“直到”,引导时间状语从句;because意为“因为”,引导原因状语从句;as long as意为“只要”,引导条件状语从句;no matter意为“无论”,后跟疑问词引导让步状语从句。题意:无论我面前有多少困难,我都会坚持我现在所做的事情。25. c。 本小题考查时态和主谓一致。由twice a week(一周两次)可知,要用一般现在时,故先排除选项b、d。句中along with 是准并列连词,当它用来连接主语时,谓语动词的数取决于充当主语的第一个名词的数,故选c。26. b。本小题考查名词词义辨析。method意为“方法”;instruction意为“指示;命令”;survey意为“调查”;standard意为“标准”。根据题意可知,不让任何人进来是我得到的


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