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1、pep小学四年级英语上册第六单元教学设计unit 6 meet my family一、单元教学目标1.能够简单介绍自己的家庭,如:this is my uncle.2.能在情景中运用句型how many people are there in your family并回答家中有几位家庭成员。3.掌握单词father, mother, sister, brother, doctor, nurse, driver, farmer,能熟练听、说、读、写。5.了解story time部分的内容。6.培养学生热爱家庭,热爱生活的美好情感。二、单元教学重难点重点:1.能够简单介绍自己的家庭。2.一般疑问句

2、的学习和简单运用。难点:综合运用本单元的主要句型描述自己的家庭成员。unit 6 meet my family第一课时 a(let's learn& let's play)一、教学目标1.能够听、说、认读5个有关家庭成员的单词或词组parents, cousin, uncle, aunt, baby brother。2.能够在语境中正确运用这些单词或词组介绍自己的家人。3.了解英语国家中家庭成员之间的称呼习俗。4.培养学生热爱家庭,热爱生活的美好情感,教育学生尊老爱幼关心家人。二、教学重难点重点:能听、说、认读单词:parents,uncle,aunt ,cousin,

3、 baby brother.并能用英语简单介绍自己的家庭。难点:熟练地掌握四会单词。三、教学准备1.教师准备自己家庭成员的单人照和全家福。2.教师准备录音机、磁带、词卡。3.学生准备单词卡、家庭成员的单人照和全家福。四、教学方法教授法、对话法、练习法五、教学过程(一)热身复习(warm-up / revision)1. lets chant. lets go, boys. lets go, girls. lets all be a family.who plays father? who plays mother? who plays brother and sister?i am fathe

4、r. i am mother. we are brother and sister.2. game: who is he/she? (1)教师描述班内一名同学的外貌爱好等,让学生猜猜是谁?(2)教师请一位同学描述,其他同学猜是谁。猜对的同学接着上来描述,让其他同学猜,以此循环2-3组。(二)呈现新课(presentation) 1.教学单词:parents(1)t:(简单描述自己父亲的外貌、爱好等)guess!whos he?ss: t: he is my father.t:(简单描述自己母亲的外貌、爱好等)guess!whos she?ss: t: she is my mother.教师把爸

5、爸妈妈的照片放在一起,指着照片告诉学生,they are my parents.(2)板书、教读parents- they are my parents.2. learn: uncle and aunt(1)t:(教师展示一张照片的背面,)guess!whos he?ss: t: he is my uncle. hes my fathers brother.(2)板书、教读uncle- he is my uncle.3. use the same way to learn aunt.4. learn:baby brother(1)t;(出示一张班内有弟弟的学生的全家福)look!this is

6、 xxx.然后指着上面的弟弟说:this is her baby brother.(2)板书、教读baby brother-baby brother。5. learn:cousin(1)t:(展示自己的全家福照片)look! what is this?ss: t: this is a picture of my family.(2)板书、教读family-this is my family.a、听读正音。 听录音、跟读新单词。要注意模仿录音中的语音、语调。b、合作学习。read the news in groups. (会的同学要注意帮助读的不太好的同学)(三)趣味操练(practice)1.

7、 看照片说单词。教师拿出不同的照片,让学生快速说出称呼。如:uncle.2. 看词卡,读单词。教师出示本课的单词卡片,学生读出相应的单词。3. 幸运星。教师把准备好的单人照片放到信封中,然后教师从中随便抽出一张但不拿出来,等学生猜过之后再拿出来,看看哪些学生猜对了。猜对的同学便是幸运星。教师示范一两次后,可请一名学生上来做,其他同学猜。4. sing a song.教师播放三年级下册 “father and mother”的伴奏音乐,让学生在唱第一遍时把father、mother换成parents和family。第二遍时换成uncle 和aunt。第三遍时换成parents和baby brot

8、her.production.:1. group work学生拿出自己准备的照片在小组内互相介绍自己的家庭。如:this is my father. he is strong.(一)检测题。1. 圈出你所听到的单词(1) a. father b. mother c. uncle(2) a. family b. baby brother c. brother(3) a. uncle b. aunt c. sister2.选词填空。a. parents b. uncle c. aunt d. family e. baby brother(1)my father and mother is my (

9、 ).(2) my fathers brother is my ( ).(3)this is a picture of my ( ), my mother 、my father and me.(4)my mothers sister is my ( ).(5)look! he is my ( ), a clever(聪明的) boy.四、作业(homework):抄写本课单词,背单词六板书设计 unit 6 meet my family parents cousinuncle auntbaby brother.七教学反思 unit 6 meet my family第二课时 a le t'

10、;s talk &lets count一、教学目标1. 能听懂、会说本课对话,并能在情景中进行运用。2.能听、说、认读本课句型how many people are there in your family ?并能进行替换练习。3.了解英语国家的一些称谓方式。二、教学重难点教学重点:熟练掌握how many are there ?教学难点:句子“my family has seven members.”的认读三、教学准备1.教师准备全家福照片2.教师准备录音机、磁带、词卡、头饰3.学生准备一张全家福。四、教学方法跟读法、对话法、练习法五、教学过程(一)热身复习(warm-up/revi

11、sion)1. sing the song: one、two、 three、 four、five2.快速认读人物称呼词卡:cousin,parents,uncle,aunt,baby brother.3. lets chant.lets go, boys. lets go, girls. lets all be a family.who plays uncle? who plays aunt? who plays grandma and grandpa?i am uncle. i am aunt. we are grandma and grandpa.lets go, boys. lets g

12、o, girls. lets all be a family.who plays baby brother? who plays baby sister? who plays father and mother?i am baby brother. i am baby sister. we are parents. we are parents.(二)呈现新课 (presentation)1. my family has members.(1)t:(用事先准备好的文具提问)how many can you see?ss: (2)t:(询问一两组后,出示自己的全家福)how many peopl

13、e can you see?ss: t: good! my family hasmembers. my dad、my mom, my brother.and me. (3) 板书教读members-my family hasmembers.(4)学生在小组内用自己全家福进行练习:my family hasmembers. my dad、my mom, my brotherand me.2. how many people are there in your family? . who are they?(1)t:my family hasmembers. my dad、my mom, my b

14、rother.and many people are there in your family? ss:(教师可给予一定的提示) .(2) t:my family has members. my dad、my mom, my brother. and me. how many people are there in your family? st1: . t:who are they? st1: (3)教师板书、教读how many people are there in your family? . who are they?(4)教师示范后让学生在小组内操练how many

15、people are there in your family? . who are they?3. but thats only six puppy (1)t: my family has six members. my parents, my brother, my sister and me.教师说的同时用简笔画在黑板上画出来。ss: .t:(指着黑板上的简笔画)but thats only five. oh, and my little puppy!(再在简笔画上添上一只小狗。)(2)教读but thats only six ! and my little puppy! 并帮助学生理解

16、这两句话的意思。(三)趣味操练 (practice)1.听音答题(注意提醒学生合上课本听)how many people are there in chen jies family? a. three b. six2.听音正音(1)listen and point .(2) listen and repeat.3.合作共建小组内分角色朗读对话,组长注意分配好角色,同时要注意角色互换。4.表演展示act the dialogue in pairs.progress.1.检测题(一)、选择正确的答案填空。1. ( ) people are there in your family? -three.

17、 a. what b how c how many2. my family ( ) six members.a. have b has c is3. ( ) are they?a. what b. who c. who(二)、选择句子,补充对话完整。betty: hello, sarah! come to meet my family!sarah: ok!_betty: six.sarah: _ betty: my parents 、my uncle、my brother and me. sarah: _betty: and my little puppy.(四)作业(homework):1、

18、read the words and sentences-2、try to make a new dialogue about your family with your partner.六、板书设计 unit 6 meet my family how many people are there in your family ? my family has.七、教学反思unit 6 meet my family第三课时lets spell一、教学目标能够根据a, e, i, o, u, a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e的发音规则读出生词,并能通过对比e/a, i-e/a-e, a/

19、i, a-e/i-e, o/o-e, u/u-e, a-e/a, a/u 的发音,听录音选词,强化学习发音规则;能够跟读歌谣,在有节奏地吟唱中强化学习a, e, i, o, u, a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e的发音规则;能够按照示范例词的提示,从歌谣中找出符合a, e, i, o, u, a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e发音规则的单词,并找出更多符合发音规则的单词。二、重点难点重点:观察回忆元音字母在每个单词中的发音并总结出规律,本课几个单词的正确书写。 难点:观察元音字母在每个单词中的发音并总结出规律以及听单词进行选择。三、教学准备录音机、磁带、本课时所需的课件四

20、、教学方法情景教学法、游戏法、练习法五、教学过程1. 呈现与操练方案一:利用教材中的歌谣创设情景,引导学生通过拆音,对比巩固a, e, i, o, u和a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e的发音(1)a/u教师出示书本中listen and chant的配图中的猫头,并播放录音:this is a cat! 同时出现两个选项:cat/cut. 请学生根据cat的发音拼出/k/-/æ/-/t/, /kæt/, 并选出正确的单词cat。全班对比读一读cat/cut(2)u/u-e教师出示整只猫(左右手是空的),并引导学生说:oh, its cute! 然后出现选项cut

21、/cute。请学生根据cute的发音拼出/k/-/ju:/-/t/, /kju:t/, 并选出正确的答案cute。全班对比读一读cut/cute.(2)a-e/o-e教师在猫的右手出示一个蛋糕,并播放录音:hes got a cake! 同时出现选项cake/coke.请学生根据cake的发音拼出/k/-/ei/-/k/, /keik/, 并选出正确的答案cake。全班对比读一读cake/coke.(3)e/a; o/o-e教师在蛋糕上出示一朵玫瑰,并播放录音:a red rose on the cake! 同时出现选项rad/red; rose/ross. 请学生根据red/rose的发音拼

22、出/r/-/e/-/d/, /red/; /r/-/u/-/z/, / ruz/, 并选出正确的答案red和rose。全班对比读一读rad/red; rose/ross.(4)i/a教师在猫的左手出示一杯牛奶,并播放录音:a cup of milk! 同时出现选项milk/mak. 请学生根据milk的发音拼出/m/-/i/-/l/-/k/, /milk/, 并选出正确的答案milk。全班对比读一读milk/mak.(5)i-e/a-e教师问:do you like the cat? 引导学生回答:yes. we like the cat. 教师出示选项like/lake. 请学生根据like

23、的发音,拼出/l/-/ai/-/k/-/ laik/. 并选出正确的答案like。全班对比读一读like/lake.(6)教学listen and chant。教师出示歌谣,请学生尝试自由朗读。教师关注give发音的特殊性。播放录音。学生跟录音有节奏地朗诵,然后再次自由朗读,最后请个别学生展示(7)做read, listen and circle的练习,听录音选词。校对答案,并对比读一读每组单词。2. 巩固与拓展我这课的设计很难写“语音的归纳和分类”,因为这课本身在呈现与操练部分就是在归纳和分类了。(1)语音的归纳和分类:活动一:读一读,找一找教师请学生找出歌谣中分别含有字母a, e, i,

24、o, u的单词,教师板书。引导学生朗读体会这些单词的不同发音,如cute和cut虽然都有u,但一个是u-e的发音,一个是u的发音。帮助学生归纳长音和短音的不同发音规则。活动二:听一听,读一读教师播放listen and chant部分的录音,学生跟读并准确模仿发音。(2)规律的运用与深化:活动一:拼音游戏教师将出现在课本chant中的一些单词的图片和文字呈现在课件上,如cut然后在地上放三个呼啦圈,三个学生一组分别站在圈后面。教师分别悄悄地告诉学生每人一个音素,三人逐一边大声报出各自的音素,边走进呼啦圈。三人再大声报一遍自己的音素,然后共同把这三个音素拼成一个单词,一起跳出呼啦圈并大声读出该单

25、词。活动二:拆音游戏教师先报出一个从chant中找出的符合元音发音规则的单词,如:like。全班学生立刻大声把这个单词分解成:/l/, /ai/, /k/, like! 同桌做这个游戏,轮流从chant中找一个符合a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e, a, u, i, e, o发音规则的单词,互相出题。.六、板书设计unit 6 meet my family 黑板上方:上课前打好的四线三格,课堂上教师书写单词 黑板下方:五个元音字母的发音七、教学反思 unit 6 meet my family第四课时 b lets learn & lets play一、教学目标1.能听、说、

26、认读单词: doctor, cook, driver, farmer, nurse,并能介绍人物的职业。2.能够听懂、会说句型whats your father's job ?my father is a doctor.并能做替换练习。二、教学重难点教学重点:单词doctor, cook, driver, farmer, nurse的听、说、认、读。教学难点:单词doctor的认读。三、教学准备录音机、磁带、词卡、四、教学方法跟读法、对话法、练习法五、教学过程(一)热身复习(warm-up/revision

27、)1. enjoy the song: my father is a doctor.2. 教师出示father、mother、uncle、aunt等单词的词卡,让学生认读单词3复习五个元音字母的发音(二)呈现新课 (presentation)1. learn:doctor(1)t:(故意装作很痛苦的样子)oh, im ill. i must see the doctor.教师出示doctor 的图片并教读。(2) 板书教读doctor-act like a doctor(教师说的同时让学生和自己一起做动作)2. learn:nurse(1)t:(出示护士的图片)look!is she a do

28、ctor?ss:no.t:good! she is a nurse.板书教读nurseshe is a nurse.(2)教师和学生一起边说边做act like a doctor ,act like a nurse.3. learn:farmer(1)t:(出示自己的全家福,)this is my father.hes a farmer.说的同时做锄地的动作。板书、教读farmer-hes a farmer.(2)教师和学生一起边说边做act like a doctor ,act like a nurse,act like a farmer.4. learn:driver(1)t:(继续展示全

29、家福)this is my brother. hes a driver.(做开车的动作)(2)教师板书、教读driver.(3)教师和学生一起边说边做driver-driver-act like a driver.5. learn: cook (1)t:(出示 cook的图片)look! is he a driver?ss: no. t:hes a  cook.板书、教读 cook. (2)教师和学生一起边说边做 cook -  cook -act like a  cook driver-driver-act like a

30、driver.b.听读正音listen to the tape and read after the tape.c.合作学习。 小组内利用词卡读单词。(三)practice1教师出示本课所学单词doctor,nurse, driver, farmer,  cook的图卡,让学生根据图卡说出相应的单词,并出示相应的词卡。2.guessing game:教师把单词doctor,nurse, driver, farmer,  cook的图卡装到一个信封中,从中抽取一张并遮住,让学生猜老师抽出的是什么。3.lets play.(1)学生听录音,做动作。(2)学生听录音,边说边做动作

31、。(3)教师打乱lets play 部分的顺序发出指令,让学生根据指令做动作。心心相印。教师挑选六名学生,两人一组。老师单独给一生看词卡,该生根据词卡做动作,另外一生猜。猜对最多的那组获胜。5、production.(1)t:my father is a farmer. whats your father? s1:(在教师的引导下)my father is. t:my father is a farmer. whats your father?s2: my father is.(2)教师板书并教读whats your father? my father is. (3)practi

32、se it with your groups. (4)make a survey.whats your father/mother/uncle/aunt? namefathermother uncleauntmikedoctornursedriver farmer (四)作业(homework):照板书抄写,然后每个单词写一行六、板书设计unit 6 meet my familydoctor ,nurse ,driver ,farmer, cookwhats your father's job? my father is a.七、教学反思 unit 6 meet my family第五

33、课时 b lets talk & draw and say一、教学目标1. 能听、说、认读本课句型is this your father?whats your mother job? he looks strong.并能在情景中运用。2.能听懂、会说本课对话,并在实际情景中运用。3.理解会说draw and say部分内容。二、教学重难点教学重点:使学生掌握句型is this your father?whats your father job? he looks strong.教学难点:理解、会说句型they look strong. are they farmers?三、教学准备1.

34、教师准备职业词卡,全家福照片。2.教师准备录音机、磁带。3.学生准备全家福照片。四、教学方法讲授法 练习法五、教学过程(一)热身复习(warm-up/revision)1. sing a song: my father is a doctor2. lets play教师播放录音,学生跟着录音边说边做。3. free talkwhats your father? my father is a(1)教师询问学生,让学生根据实际情况回答。(2)教师出示职业词卡,让学生根据词卡内容回答。(二)呈现新课 (presentation)1. 学习whats your mothe job? my mother

35、 is(1)t:my father is a farmer. what about you? whats your father job?s1: my father ist:whats your mother?s2:my mother is教师询问一两位同学后,板书、教读whats your mother job? my mother is(2)学生两人一组练习。(3)lets chant.whats your father job?教师播放录音,师生共同吟唱。2.学习“is this your.? yes, she/he is.” he looks(1)t:(出示自己的全家福照片)this

36、is my mother. she is a nurse. she likes sports.拿起一位同学的全家福照片。is this your mother?s1:(在教师帮助下)yes, she is.t:(拿起另外一位同学的全家福) is this your father?s2: yes, he is.t:he looks strong.(2) 板书、教读“is this your.? yes, she/he is.”he looks3.教师做好示范后,学生两人一组利用手中的全家福操练.4.学习“are they farmers?”(1)t:(继续利用学生的全家福)who is this

37、 man ?s3: hest: who is this woman? s3: t: they look young .are they farmers?s3: (2)教师板书、教读教读who is this man ? hes are they farmers?(三)趣味操练 (practice)1.听音答题。whats amys mother job?2.听音正音。(1)listen and point .(2) listen and repeat.3.合作共建小组内分角色朗读对话,组长注意分配好角色,同时要注意4.表演展示。act the dialogue in pairs.product

38、ion:利用手中的全家福,用今天学过的句子和同桌一起做一个新的对话。(四)作业(homework):(1)listen to and repeat "let's learn"and "let's do".(2)write important words five times on your exercise book.六、板书设计unit 6 meet my family is this your father?whats your mother job? he looks strong. they look strong. are th

39、ey farmers?七、教学反思 unit 6 meet my family第六课时b read and write lets check& story time一、教学目标1.能听、说、读、写四会单词nurse,doctor,farmer,driver.2.能用所学英语介绍自己的家庭成员并描述人物特征。3.了解c部分故事内容。4.了解英语国家有关生活习俗。二、教学重难点教学重点:使学生熟练掌握四个单词的拼写,在故事中培养学生的学习兴趣。教学难点:运用所学英语介绍并描述人物。三、教学准备单词卡、图卡。学生准备全家福照片。四、教学方法跟读法、对话法、练习法五、教学过程(一)热身复习(warm-up/revision)1.sing the song: my father is a doctor2.(1)教师出示farmer、doctor、driver、nurse的图卡,让学生根据图片说单词。(2)whats missing? 教师拿出准备好的farmer、doc


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