已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、英语 七年级上册unit 7how much are these socks?period 4content section b 2a, 2b, 2c教学目标要求1能够了解衣物的价格,作出合理的猜测,如:socks $3, a skirt $20。2能够阅读广告找到目标信息,如:读广告,填写价格标签。3能理解广告中出现的基本词汇,如:clothes store, come and buy, at our great sale, sell, at good prices, have for $20, for boys 等。4能认读并能工整书写所学单词:如:mr., clothes, store,

2、 sale, sell, all, very , prices, boy, a pair of 等。5能够理解并学会使用广告中出现的一些常用表达,如:come and buy, at our great sale, at good prices, we have for $20, for boys, for girls 等。6能模仿录音正确朗读服装店广告。7能看懂并理解广告内容,为学会写服装店的广告奠定初步基础。8能够学会并运用商店内常用的交际用语,来为顾客服务,如:can i help you ? yes, please. how about? what do you need? 等。教学过

3、程活动步骤教与学活动目的及其操作教学资源运用复习时间3 m1复习已学数字,为价格的猜测做好铺垫t: lets play a game.数字接龙游戏:教师说出一个数字,如ten,指定某个学生说出紧邻其后的数字eleven,另一个学生再接着说出twelve ······ 2仿照上述游戏,组织groupwork复习活动1. 学生四人小组活动,学生以奇数或偶数进行接龙,进一步操练、巩固基数词1031。2. 教师邀请两组学生进行表演。导入时间1 m3导入新课话题t: well, look at my trousers. can you gues

4、s how much they are? (twenty dollars)where do i buy the trousers? (at the clothes store.) (教师板书 clothes store)t: yes. we usually buy our clothes at the clothes store. today we are going to mr. cools clothes store. 4引入本课标题教师板书:unit 7 section b mr. cools clothes store t: do you know the prices of the

5、clothes? can you guess?(教师板书price 价格)2a时间6 m5读前活动:猜测物品的价格,为阅读做准备1. 学生自主完成2a练习,并口头表达所写价格。t: lets guess the prices. match each clothing item with a price. then tell the class like this: a skirt is $20. the socks are $3. etc.2. 教师提问几名学生,让他们根据生活经验分别做合理猜测。提醒学生答案可以是多样的。2b时间10 m6读图,了解所读文体及话题1. 要求学生看2b插图和文章

6、的标题,并通过问题引导他们预测文章大意。t: well, prices of things are different. whose guess is the closest to the real price? lets read the passage to find. now, look at the picture and the title and answer:what can you see in the picture? where are the clothes? whats the stores name? (教师板书 mr.)can you guess the meani

7、ng of sale ? (教师板书 sale )2. 引导学生阅读文章的首尾句,并回答问题。t: look at the first and the last sentence of the article. answer: what is the article about? you can answer either in english or in chinese.3. 要求学生阅读文章第一、二句,猜测生词含义。t: look at the first two sentences, guess the meanings of the words: buy, sell, all, ver

8、y, price. 7阅读文章,找出目标信息1. 阅读广告,完成2b练习。2. 利用课件核对答案。 8阅读文章回答问题,加深对文章的理解学生细读广告,回答一下细节性问题,更全面、细致地理解全文t: now read the ad again and answer the following questions: (1)what can we buy at mr. cools clothes store? (2)how much are the yellow sweaters there? (3)for boys, what color trousers do they sell? how mu

9、ch are they? (4)if you want to buy six pairs of socks, how much do you have to pay?(5)find the words and phrases you dont know. 9阅读文章,找出服装广告用语1. 教师引导学生通过观察发现本文的广告常用表达。通过提问(找出文章常用的表达),找一名学生回答,其他学生做补充。t: read again, find which sentences or phrases are often used in e and buy at our great sale.

10、we sell at good prices. do you like / need?we have for only $20. for boys, we havefor girls, we havecome to mr. cools clothes store.2. 完成介词填空练习,引导学生关注文章中介词的使用。 朗读时间5 m10学生跟读短文,培养模仿正确录音朗读的能力来源:z_xx_k.com11学生齐读,自读短文,培养正确朗读课文的能力 (教师巡视给予指导和帮助)来源:zxxk.com2c时间5 m12补全对话,学会并运用商店交际用语1. 完成2c练习。2. 教师请两名学生给出答案,并给予适当有效的评价。3. 引导学生关注交际用语:can i help you? yes, please.how about?what do you need? 13分角色表演,熟练运用购物用语1. 学生分组分角色表演对话。2. 邀请两组同学表


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