



1、九年级英语完形填空说明: 短文填空的第一篇练习,主要以课本上的原文作为练习的材料,这样做的目的是使学生对课本更加熟悉。其余两篇则选自其他的内容。Unit 1.A.Last year my English class was difficult for me. _ (1) of all, it wasn t easyforme tounderstandtheteacherwhen she _(2)tothe class.To beginwith,shespoke too quickly, and I couldnt understand every word. _(3) on, I realiz

2、edthat itdoesn t matter_(4)you don tunderstand everyword. Also Iwas afraidto speak in class, _(5) I thought my classmates might laugh at me. I couldn talwaysmakecompletesentences,_(6).ThenIstartedtowatchEnglish language TV. Ithelpeda lot.I thinkthatdoinglotsof_ (7) practiceisone ofthesecretsofbecomi

3、nga good languagelearner.AnotherthingthatIfoundvery difficult was English grammar. _ (8) I decided to take lots of grammarnotes in every class. Then I started to write my own original sentences _(9)the grammar I was learning. It s amazing how much this helped. Now I am enjoyinglearning English and I

4、 got _ (10) A this term. My teacher is very impressed.() 1. A. The firstB. A firstC. FirstD. One first() 2. A. talkedB. spokeC. toldD. said() 3. A. LateB. LatestC. LatelyD. Later() 4. A. ifB. whenC. howD. before() 5.A. andB. soC. becauseD. then() 6.A. alsoB. eitherC. tooD. as. well() 7. A. to listen

5、B. listenC. listeningD. listened() 8. A. SoB. butC. AndD. Then() 9. A. usingB. to useC. usesD. used() 10.A. theB. aC. /D. anB.There are three ways for Chinese students to learn English well.First, try to master enough English words that satisfy the requirement of testoutline.And tomy own experience(

6、1)learning,thebestway forstudentstomasterEnglish words is that try to recite t(2) whole sentence with the new word in it.In this way, you can( 3) understand the way to use the word correctly.Then, try toimprove your reading comprehensionability. The best wayis tryingtoread books in English as(4) as

7、you can. Meanwhile, you should also do someexercisesinyour Englishexercisesorguidingbooks.You can learnhow tounderstandthearticleorsentenceinthecorrectway.after( 5 )this,yourreadingcomprehension ability will improved quite a lot soon.Lastly, try to improve your ability in writing essays.( 6) , writi

8、ng an essay isvery important and possess a high portion of score in the test paper.( 7), theimprovement of writing ability( 8) be based on reading and exercises. It means,you should read more English books and also some guiding books in writing first,and try to form the habit of( 9) English dairy. I

9、t will be quite h(10) inimprovement of your writing ability.() 1. A. atB. onC. inD. for() 2. A. theB. aC. anD. /() 3. A. easyB. easilyC. easierD. easiest() 4.A. muchB. moreC. mostD. many() 5. A. doB. to doC. didD. doing() 6.A. First of all B. In allC. For allD. After all() 7.A. ButB. HoweverC. SoD.

10、Then() 8.A. canB. couldC. mightD. should() 9.A. to writeB. writeC. writingD. wrote() 10. A. helpB. helpfulC. helplessD. helpingC.Good morning ! Boys and girls,I am very glad to go on the stage and tell something to you. I am so(1)of mybravery. Because as you all know my English is so poor , especial

11、ly my Englishpronunciation . (2) I still want to say something . Because I know , English isvery important . I should practise myself, the more,the better.As we all know, English is an international language, and it could be(3) allover the world.However, Spanishisthelanguagethat most peoplespeak in

12、the world,but why is English still the language that can be used in(4) country, any city,or even any town?(5), the topic Im going to discuss today is "Why learningEnglish is important?”First of all, lets(6) a look at a few countries that use English as a secondlanguage,forexample,Malaysiaand Ja

13、pan.Allstudentsinthesecountrieshave totake English classes, just(7)they have to learn Mandarin, Malaysian andJapanese.Thisshows how much theireducationstressestheimportanceoftheEnglishlanguage.(8) ,most othercountriesintheworldhave the same pointof view.This is also thereason(9)Englishisa usefultool

14、fortraveling.Once a friendofmine went toJapan,and sinceshe doesntspeak Japanese,she had tocommunicate(10) the native peoplein English.From the above the example weknow, English isvery important when youre inanother country, and dont know how tospeak theirnative language.() 1.A. prideB. proudC. a pri

15、deD. the proud() 2.A. SoB. ThenC. AndD. But() 3.A. useB. usingC. usedD. uses() 4.A. manyB. muchC. anyD. some() 5.A. BecauseB. HoweverC. SinceD. So() 6.A. takeB. to takeC. takingD. took() 7.A. likeB. asC. forD. with() 8.A. On factB. In factC. For factD. As fact() 9.A. whenB. whyC. HowD. what() 10.A a

16、tB. forC. onD. withUnit 2AMartin Murray is a fifteen year old boy . He used to be a“ problem child” . Buta recent conversation _(1)his mother changed his life. He didn tuse to givehis mothermany problems._(2), afterhisfathers _( 3) a few yearsago. Martin s life became _(4) more difficult. His mother

17、 couldn t afford_(5)herchild s education.To do this,she had to work,and so was notoftenat home.His motherlookedafterhim as _(6)as shecould.Unfortunately,Martinstillcausedproblemsforhimselfandhisfamily.Hewas notinterested_(7)studying,andhe often_(8)troubleswiththepolice.Luckily,hismother wasvery pati

18、ent,and she didn tgiveup _(9)tohelphim._(10), shemadea difficult decision: to send him a boys boarding school.() 1. A. onB. toC. atD. with( ) 2.A. ButB. HoweverC. AndD. So() 3. A. deadB. dieC. deathD. dying() 4. A. veryB. quiteC. rather.D. much() 5. A. payB. payingC. paidD. to pay for() 6. A. goodB.

19、 betterC. wellD. best() 7. A. inB. toC. atD. on() 8. A. got upB. got onC. got offD. got into() 9. A. tryB. to tryC. tryingD. tried()10. A. By the endB. In the endC. To the endD. At the endBDo you have the ability to live cheaply? Now heres a true story of an Americangirl, Sarah._(1 )Sarah left unive

20、rsity, she began to live in New York City on her own. She_(2)a jobina publishinghouse,butthe salary( 薪水 ) was_( 3 )than$30,000a year. Her parents thought her life would be hard,_( 4 )Sarah could live onher salary and still saved $5,000 in a year. How was that _(5 )in one of themost expensive cities

21、in the world?Cheap living _(6) starts with keeping the big costs small. For most people,that _(7) housing. So Sarah chose to share a flat with three other friends. Hernext biggestcostwas_( 8). Whenshe ate out,she went to cheap_( 9 ).Onceshe boughta $9.99whole chickenata localrestaurant.She then _(10

22、)thechickenbones home and made soup out ofthem. Nowadays young peopleoften_(11)a lotofmoney on entertainment.But Sarah said:“Ienjoywalkingaround inNewYorkCity.Ilove goingtomuseumsand park s. ” DidSarah feelpoorby cheap living?Not really.She even managed to take two trips, one to the Netherlands, _(1

23、2) to Portland.“Dont thinkofsavingmoney as somethinghard.It s a kindofgame,” saidSarah.()1. A. UntilB. BecauseC. AfterD. Unless()2. A. foundB. triedC. lookedD. needed()3. A. moreB. lessC. shorterD. higher()4. A. andB. soC. butD. or()5. A. difficultB. possibleC. usefulD. different()6. A. alreadyB. so

24、metimesC. hardlyD. always()7. A. helpsB. becomesC. makesD. means()8. A. foodB. restC. studyingD. playing()9. A. storesB. hotelsC. restaurants D. farms()10. A. preparedB. tookC. caughtD. picked()11. A. payB. lendC. spendD. save()12. A. someB. the otherC. othersD. the othersCI was cute, active and hap

25、py until that day when I was 15 months old. I had a badfall. I _(1) on a glass rabbit and it cut my eye badly enough to blind it. Thedoctor said that if the eye was taken out, my face would become out of _(2) ,so my scarred (有疤痕的 ), blind and grey eye lived on with me.Peopleoften askeduncomfortable

26、questionsabout my eyeor evenplayedjokes_(3 ) me. When the kids played games, I was always the“_(4)guy. ” I_(5) imagining that everyone looked down on (轻视 ) me.Yet every time Mom noticed I was unhappy, she would say to me:“Hold your head uphigh and face the world.” It helped me move on in life.As a c

27、hild, I thought Mom meant:“Be careful or you will fall down or knock intosomething _(6 )you are notlooking.” As a teenager, I always looked down tohide my shame ( 自卑 ), but I found that people _(7 )me when sometimes I held myhead up high.In high school I was even made monitor, but _(8) of school I s

28、till felt likea freak(怪物).AllIreally wanted was tolooklike _(9).Whenthingsgotreallybad, I would cry to my mom and she _(10) look at me with loving eyes and say:“Hold your head up high and face the world. Let them see the_( 11 )that isinside.” That is_(12 )Mom taught me pride.Moms love andencourageme

29、ntgaveme theconfidenceto removemy owndoubt._(13 ), I was able to look people in the eye. I learned not only to appreciate( 欣赏 ) myself but to have deep love for others.“Hold your head up high ” has been_(14 )many times in my home. Each of mychildren has felt its _(15 ). The gift she gave me lives on

30、 in my children.()1. A. movedB. triedC. appearedD. landed()2. A. placeB. orderC . circleD. sight()3. A. toB. onC. forD. in()4. A. badB. goodC. kindD. rude()5. A. dressed upB. stoop upC. grew upD. brought up()6. A. thoughB. butC. becauseD. so()7. A. helpedB. likedC. enjoyedD. hated()8. A. indoorsB. o

31、utdoorsC. inD. outside()9.A. someoneB.everyoneC.elseD.everyone else()10. A. wouldB. shouldC. couldD. might()11. A. stuffB. heartC. mindD. beauty()12. A. thenB. whyC. whereD. how()13. A. NormallyB. ImmediatelyC. FinallyD. Suddenly()14. A. shoutedB. repeatedC. broadcastD. discussed( )15. A. powerB. pr

32、omiseC. energyD. secretUnit 3A.The other day ,my friends and I talked about the rules that we have in school. Atour school , we have to _(1) uniforms every day. The problem is that all myclassmatesthinkthe uniformsare ugly.Wethinkyoung people should _ (2)smartand so we would like to wear our own clo

33、thes. Our teachers believe that _ (3)we did that, we would concentrate more _ (4) our clothes than our studies. Wedisagree . We should feel _ (5) and that is good for studying. If we can tdo that, we should be allowed to design our own uniforms. That would be a good wayto keep _ (6) teachers and stu

34、dents happy.It s also probably a good idea for parents to allow teenagers to study in groupsduring the evening. I know we get noisy sometimes, _ (7) we learn a lot fromeach other.Wealso thinkthatvacationsshouldbe longer.At present, they re tooshort. Longer vacationswouldgive us time_(8) thingslike v

35、olunteering.Lastsummer I had an opportunity to volunteer at the local hospital. But I couldn tbecause Ihad to go back to school. Itwould be a good experience _(9) me becauseI want to be a doctor _ (10) I m older.()1. A. put onB. dressC. wearD. in()2. A. seeB. look atC. watchD. look()3. A. ifB. whenC

36、. beforeD. although()4. A. inB. atC. onD. about()5.A.comfortablerB.mostcomfortableC. more comfortableD.comfortable()6. A. allB. eitherC. neitherD. both()7. A. andB. butC. soD. then()8.A. doingB. doC. to doD. does()9.A. toB. forC. withD. on()10.A. whenB. afterC. beforeD. as soon asB.I was stillshy in

37、 thepresenceofa crowd.And my firstday atthenew _(1)mademe thelaughingstock( 笑料 ) oftheclassroom. Iwas sentto theblackboardtowritemy_( 2). Iknew my name, and knew how towriteit,butstandingat the blackboardwith the eyes of so many pupilson my back made me _(3)and Iwas unabletowritea single letter.“Wri

38、teyourname,” the teachertold me. Iliftedthewhite chalkto the blackboardand, as I was about to write, my mind went blank; I could not _(4 )my name,even the first letter. Somebody laughed and I became more_( 5) .“Just forget us and write your name,” the teacher called and walked to my side,_( 6) at me

39、 to give me confidence.“Whats your name? ” she asked.“Jeremy, ” I whispered. “Then write it. ”I turned to the blackboard and lifted my hand to write, _(7 )then my mind wentblank again. I tried to collect my senses but I could remember nothing. I realizedIwas failingand I grew_(8)and leaned( 倚靠 ) my

40、hotforehead against the coldblackboard. The room burst into a loud laugh and my body froze.I sat down and blamed (责备 ) myself. _(9 )did I always appear so silly whenI was called upon to perform in a crowd? I knew how to write as well as any pupilin the classroom, and there is no _(10) I could read b

41、etter than any of them,and I could talk freely when I was sure of myself. Then why did strange faces makeme freeze? Isatwithmy ears and neck burning, hearing thepupils around me whisper,hating myself.()1. A. schoolB. houseC. officeD. home()2. A. answerB. nameC. questionD. hobby()3. A. freezeB. fight

42、C. fallD. think()4. A. askB. callC. rememberD. forget()5. A. confidentB. nervousC. carefulD.disappointed()6. A. pointingB. lookingC. shoutingD.smiling()7. A. orB. soC. butD. and()8. A. angryB. strongC. quietD. weak( )9. A. WhyB. HowC. WhenD. What()10. A. needB. doubtC. wayD. useC.Haveyoueverseen the

43、advertisement: Learnaforeignlanguagein sixweeks,_(1)getyourmoney back?Of course,it_(2)happens quitelikethat.The onlylanguagethatis _(3) to learnisones motherlanguage.And thinkabout_(4 )time is needed for that.Before the Second World War people usually learned a foreign language _(5 )theliterature( 文学 ) ofthecou


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