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1、Reference for TeachingI. 异域风情1. Newspapers in BritainIfyou geton a bus orcatcha trainin Britain,especiallyduringthemorningand evening“ rush hour ” ,when most people travel to and from work, you will seea lot of people with their heads in a newspaper. More daily newspapers, nationaland regional, are

2、sold in Britain than in most other developed countries. On anaverageday two out of threepeopleovertheage of15 reada nationalmorningpaper;about three out of four read a Sunday paper. There are about 135 daily papers andSunday papers,2000 weeklypapersand nearly100 papers producedby members of ethnicmi

3、norities (60 of which are Asian papers). A lot of people buy a morning paper, anevening paper and a couple of Sunday papers so it is not surprising to learn thatnationalnewspapershave a circulationof15.8millioncopies on weekdays and 17.9million on Sundays.The press caters for a variety of political

4、views, interests and levels ofeducation. Papers are generallydivided into“ quality” papers whichareseriouswith long,informative articles, and“popular” papers known as tabloidsbecauseof their smaller size. Tabloids are less serious and contain more human intereststories than news. In the 1980s a new

5、quality paper, the independent, and a newtabloid, today, were introduced. Today had pictures and pages in colour and thatstarted a fashion; now most tabloids are in colour. Newspapers are almost alwaysfinancially independent of any political party. Nevertheless, during generalelection campaigns many

6、 papers recommend their readers to vote for a particularpoliticalparty.The paper'seditorusuallywritesan open lettercalleda 'leader'to the readers.Ownershipof the national,London and regionaldailynewspapers is concentratedin the handsof large press publishing groups. In the early 1990sthe

7、 government'sBroadcasting Bill aimed to pass laws to prevent too much media ownership being inthe hands of one individual or organisation.2. BroadcastingBBCradioand televisionand the independentcompanies broadcasta varietyofdrama, opera, ballet and music, as well as general arts magazine program

8、mes anddocumentaries.These have won many internationalawards atinternationaltelevisionfestivals. In- dependent television companies also make grants for arts promotionin their regions.Broadcastingisa majormedium formaking theartsavailabletothepublicandis a crucialsourceof work for actors,musicians,w

9、riters,composers,techniciansand others in the arts world. It has created its own forms-nothing like artsdocumentaries or drama series, for instance, exists in any other medium.Broadcasterscommission and producea vast quantityof new work. Televisionand radioprovide critical debate, information and ed

10、ucation about the arts.The BBC has five orchestras, which employ many of Britain's full-time professional musicians. Each week it broadcasts about 150 hours of classical and1other music (both live and recorded)on its Radio 3 (FM)channel. BBC Radio 1( FM)broadcasts rock and pop music, along with

11、a range of other program- ming,24hours a day,and a large part ofthe output of BBC Radio2 (FM)is popular and lightmusic. There are at present two national commercial radio stations which broadcast music :· Classic FM, which broadcasts mainly classical music; and· Virgin 1215,which plays bro

12、ad-based rock music.Much of the outputof Britain'slocalradiostationsconsistsof popularand lightmusic,The BBC regularly commissions new music, particularly by British composers,and sponsors concerts, competitions and festivals. Each summer it presents andbroadcasts the BBC Promenade Concerts(the

13、Proms'), the world's largest musicfestival, at the Royal Albert Hall.II知识归纳1“同意与不同意”常用句式归纳(1) 常用句式表示同意的常用句式:Certainly/Sure/Of course.Yes, please.Yes, I think so.That's true.All right/OK.No problem.That's a good idea.It's a good idea to/thatI/We agree(with you).I agree to/that cla

14、use表示不同意的常用句式:No, I don't think so.I'm afraid not.I'm afraid I(really)can't agree with you.(2)日常交际用语询问是否同意Do you agree(with me)/think so?Don't you agree/think/feel ?You agree with me, wouldn't you?Can I ask if you agree with/to?I wonder if you agree(that)Yes, I agree with you

15、.I agree completely/entirely/totally.(I think) You are right/exactly right.That's what I think/was thinking.Surely it must beThat's just how I feel.2That's my opinion, too.So do(am, have, can) I.表示部分同意Yes you are right,but I'm afraid you're rightit s true I'm afraid I have to

16、 agreeMaybe/Perhaps you're rightThat's a possibilityI see your opinionI hadn't thought of that表示完全不同意H don't can't agree(with you)I really can't agree(with you)I don't think you are rightthat's rightI can't accept thatYou must be joking!Don't be sillyYou must

17、be mistakenNoyou are wrong thinking thatdon't think so表示委婉不同意I'm afraid you are wrongI'm afraid I disagree can't agreeI'm sorry, butdon'tcan't agree(with you)I'm not sure about thatI'm not sure I agreeI see what you meanbut I thought it was goodbut I may be wrongY

18、ou could be rightbut 2 形容词三级前的冠词使用情况归纳(1) 原级泛指的单数名词前用不定冠词修饰,特指的名词前用定冠词修饰。e gThis is an easy job You can do it by yourselfJoan jumped with joy at the good news若单数可数名词前有how, so, too, as时不定冠词应放在这些词后,名词前。e gHow clever a boy he is!This is too small a room to live inI don't think English is as difficu

19、lt a language as Russiansame必须和 the 连用c g Men and women now get the same pay for doing the same job形容词前加the 表示一类人,谓语动词用复数;表示一类事物,谓语动词用单数。e gThe young must respect the oldThe rich are not always generous to the poorThe beautiful gives pleasure to au of us3(2)比较级根据上下文,省略了比较状语且形容词后有名词或替代词one。形容词比较级前用不定

20、冠词。The coat is a bit longerGive me a smaller one please 表示“两者中一者比另一者”时比较级前用定冠词the ,常见句式有:n is the+比较级 othe two+nWhich Who is the+比较级。 A or B?e gWhich is the more interesting of the two books?Who is the taller Li Ping or Wang Fei? the more the more 句型e gThe more he can do the happier he will beThe mo

21、re, the better形容词的比较级和否定副词连用,表示最高级意义时,比较级前用不定冠词e g. He had never spent a more worrying dayHe would never forget it一 Do you think the weather is good enough for a picnic?一一 Yes You couldn't hope for a nicer day at this time of the year(3) 最高级形容词最高级前一般用定冠词 thee gThe Yellow River is the second long

22、est river is ChinaThis is the best filmhave ever seen最高级前加不定冠词,相当于“very+ 原级”e g. This is an easiest question You will work it out最高级前有very 或 much修饰时,注意其位置。即:the very+ 最高级; much the+ 最高级e gThat was the very worst that could have happenedThis is much the best of the books。3 be of+ ”。的用法在英语中 , 我们常见到“ b

23、e of+n ”结构。介词短语“ of+n ”在句子中常作表语或定语用来说明人或事物的性质和特征,该结构常用于以下几种情况:(1) “be+o f +抽象名词”。该结构相当于“b e+抽象名词的同根形容词”结构,用于此结构的名词常见的有:value ,use, help , importance, interest, honour,courage,significance等,在这些名词前可以用great ,some, any ,much,littleno等词来修饰e g The book is of great help; 7he book is very helpful这本书很有帮助。The

24、 medicine is of no use =The medicine is useless这药无效。(2) “ be of+n ”结构,可以用来表示种类、数量、度量、颜色、形状等。表示主语在这方面相同,其主语可以是人也可以是物。用于该结构中的名词通常为age,size ,length ,depth 。 width , weight 。 height , kind , sort ,type , colour , shape, price , opinion ,mind等,该名词前可以与不定冠词 a an或形容词连用。常用于以下两种结构: be of+ adj. +n =be+adj +in+

25、 单数名词e g. Coins may be of different sizes。=Coins may be different in size硬币可能大小不同。4 be of+a an+单数名词 =be the same+ 单数名词e. gThey are both of an age=They are the same age他们两个同岁。词语辨析1 Feed to , feed on with ,feed on这三个词组都有“喂食”的意思,但注意它们的区别。(1)feed to 的意思是“用( 食物 ) 喂养 ( 某人或物 ) ”,此结构为:feed sth to sbanimale

26、gPlease feed some grass to the cow请喂牛些草。The woman was feeding milk to the baby那女人正在给小孩喂牛奶。(2)feed on with 的意思也是“用( 某物 ) 作为食物喂养( 某人或物 ) ”,不同的是feed宾语是表示人或物的名词, with 或 on的宾语是食物名词,此结构为: feed sb animal on with sth e g The child was feeding the monkey with a banana那孩子正用香蕉喂猴子。What do you feed your horse on

27、?你用什么喂马?(3)feedon与liveon同义,意思是“以为食”。但feed on主要用来指动物,liveon主要用来指人。e gCattle feed chiefly on grass牛主要以草为食。People in the south live on rice南方人以大米为食。She lives on a small salary她靠微薄的工资生活。2 in common 。in general in particular,in short(1)in common(with)“与有共同处”e gThey have nothing in common with one another

28、。他们相互毫无共同之处。The two brothers have much a lot in common,那兄弟俩有很多共同点。(2)in general“大体上、通常、一般说来”。e gn general boys like sports more than girls一般说来,男孩子比女孩子更喜欢运动。(3)in particular=particularly特别、尤其e gH noticed his eyes in particular, because they were very big我特别注意他的眼睛,因为那双眼睛很大。(4)in short简而言之,总之e gThe man

29、, in short, is not to be trusted总之 , 那个人是不可信任的。3 know know of , know about, be known as be known for, be known to5(1)know sth sb意思是“ ( 直接地 ) 获知懂得;认识,熟悉”。e gIt's useful to know a foreign language懂一门外语是有用的。How long have you known him?你认识他多久了?(2)know o about sb sth 意思是“ ( 间接地 ) 获知,听说了解”。c g. I know

30、 of about him , but I don't know him。我听说过他,但不认识他。I knew aboutof that last week我上星期听说过那件事。(3)be known as 意思是“作为而出名”as所接的宾语是主语的同位成分5beknown for 意为是“因而出名”be known to 。意思是“为熟知”,to 的宾语往往是人。它们的用法分别与be famous as for to 相似。e gShe is known as a successful singer她以成功的歌唱家而出名。Shanxi Province is known for it

31、s coal山西以煤而出名。She is known to an of us我们都熟悉她。能力训练1 将两个句子合成一个句子 ( 用名词性从句 )(1)The message is that he will come tomorrow.I know the message答案: I know the message that he will come tomorrow(2)The news is that the president will come to China in a few daysThe news is known to all of us答案: The news that t

32、he president will come to China in a few days is known to an of us (3)I have got an idea。The idea is that we should start early答案: I have got an idea that we should start early。(4)7he doubt is whether he will come to our helpI still have the doubt答案: I still have the doubt whether he will come to our help(5)I know the factThe fact is that he has gone to Beijing。答案: I know


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