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1、Unit 11 教学课件 Making friends Warm up Presentation Discuss in groupsv v 教学过程:v1.Reviewv 课前布置学生自学课文,并记忆本课的生词和短 v 语,进行复习和检查。v How to make friends? Can you tell me v something according to the text?v2.Warm up 1.Are you getting along well with your classmates? v2.Who is your best friend in your class?v3.W

2、hat kind of person do you think you v can rely on?(让5-6名学生回答以上几个问题)。v3.Presentation(呈现新知呈现新知)vlead-invT: Today, we are going to learn the text “Making Friends”. Lets listen to the song “forever friends”由歌曲导入正文。vT: Then read the text “Making Friends”(给学生4-5分钟时间快速阅读,来了解课文内容。)浅析文章浅析文章vFriends play an i

3、mportant part in our lives.v朋友在我们的生活中担任重要角色。vWe may get on well with a number of people.v我们可能和一些人相处很好。vFriends may have known each other met.v朋友也许从小的时候就相互认识,或者可能只是刚认识 What kinds of friends do you have friendsSports friendsWork friendsPlaymates浅析文章浅析文章vA Close friend is someone who is able towith you

4、.v亲密的朋友是可以和你分享经验、快乐和痛苦的人。vThis is a person you can rely on when you need help, a helping hand. v这是当你需要帮助的时候可以信赖的人,而且是你愿向他伸出援助之手的人。浅析文章浅析文章vDont walk behind me I may not lead. just walk beside me and be my friend.v不要走在我后面,我不领着你。请与我肩并肩,做我的好朋友。Answer the question quicklyvT: Do you think a good friend i

5、s someone who can do anything for you?”vS: I dont think so. You cant expect a friend to do everything for you.(2-3名学生给出答案)。v Discuss in groups:v1.What should we do when our friends are in sorrow?vWe should lend a helping hand, share sorrows with him or her.vMake her or him happy.v2.What kind of pers

6、on do you think you can rely on?vWhen you are in trouble, he can help you ;when you are ill, he can take care of you ;he can share joys and sorrows with you. v(学生快速回答,并总结)Listen to the tape, Then do thereading comprehensionv( T ) 1. We may get on well with many v people ,but we make friends with v o

7、nly a few of them.v( T ) 2.People have different kinds of v friends.v( T ) 3. Close friends are those who v can share joy and sorrow with you.v(F ) 4. A good friend is someone who v will do anything for you.v( T ) 5.A good friend is someone you v can rely on when you are in need.v( F ) 6.A chess partner is not a friendv 课堂小结 Friends play an important part in our lives. He can share joys and sorrows with you .and you can rely on when you need help. To make good friends , you can not be selfish. Friendship is one of lifes greatest treasures. Homework 1.继续阅读课文,复述课文内容继续


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