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1、Reading SkillsTest YourselfText BN H C EN H C E随随 笔笔 阅读实践阅读实践自测自测课文课文BackN H C EN H C EUnderstanding Figurative Language To make language clearer, more interesting, and more striking, all of us use expressions which are not literally true. We make comparisons in speaking and writing. Figurative lang

2、uagelanguage that is used not in its literal meaning, but in a way that makes description more interesting or impressivepaints a picture for the reader. 自测自测课文课文BackN H C EN H C E Figurative language can be confusing if it is understood literally. The ability to recognize and interpret or explain fi

3、gurative language may help us fully understand a writers point. Look at the following examples taken from Passage A: Understanding Figurative Language 随随 笔笔 阅读实践阅读实践自测自测课文课文BackN H C EN H C E1. For what, I sometimes wonder; so that she can struggle to breathe through most of her life feeling half he

4、r strength, and then die of self-poisoning, as her grandfather did? (Para. 7) 随随 笔笔 阅读实践阅读实践自测自测课文课文BackN H C EN H C E2. Smoking is a form of self-battering that also batters those who must sit by, occasionally joke or complain, and helplessly watch. (Para. 8) 随随 笔笔 阅读实践阅读实践自测自测课文课文BackN H C EN H C

5、E In both examples, smoking is compared to a form of self-poisoning and self-destroying, thus making the evil effects of smoking cigarettes more alarming.随随 笔笔 阅读实践阅读实践自测自测课文课文BackN H C EN H C E There are different ways of using figurative language. Listed here are just a few of them: a) Similes (明喻

6、明喻), figurative expressions which directly compare one thing to another by using as or like. Understanding Figurative Language 随随 笔笔 阅读实践阅读实践自测自测课文课文BackN H C EN H C E b) Metaphors (暗喻暗喻), figurative expressions in which comparisons are only implied, without using as, like and the like. c) Personifi

7、cation (拟人拟人), figurative expressions which compare non-human things to humans.Understanding Figurative Language 随随 笔笔 阅读实践阅读实践阅读技巧阅读技巧N H C EN H C E自测自测课文课文BackDirections:Each of the following sentences from Passage B contains one or more figurative expressions (the underlined parts). Explain in yo

8、ur own words what each expression means. 随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C E自测自测课文课文Back1. Parents. may attempt to compensate by showering them with material possessions. (Para. 4) giving them a huge number of material possessions阅读技巧阅读技巧随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C E自测自测课文课文Back2. Such parents fluctuate between saying no a

9、nd giving inbut neither response seems satisfactory to them. (Para. 6) change continually and frequently 阅读技巧阅读技巧随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C E自测自测课文课文Back3. If they refuse a request, they immediately feel a wave of regret for having been so strict or ungenerous. (Para. 6) a sudden, uncontrollable feeling of

10、regret 阅读技巧阅读技巧随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C E自测自测课文课文Back4. This kind of variability not only loosens the parents ability to set limits, it also sours the parent-child relationship to some degree, robbing parents and their children of some of the happiness and mutual respect that is present in healthy familie

11、s. (Para. 6) 阅读技巧阅读技巧随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C E自测自测课文课文Backchange continually and frequently makes (the parent-child relationship) go wrong; taking (some of the happiness and mutual respect) away from (parents and their children) 阅读技巧阅读技巧随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C E自测自测课文课文Back5. Once you turn over a new leaf, yo

12、u cant expect to change completely right away. (Para. 11) start a new course of improved behavior 阅读技巧阅读技巧随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C E134Text B自测自测技巧技巧N H C EN H C E生词学习生词学习Questions PreviewingDirections: For you to be better conditioned for reading as fast as 100 words per minute, as required in the new ty

13、pe of examination “Fast Reading”, Text B can serve to be your fast-reading material. But, for this purpose, the best course of action is to know what to scan for in your skimming. Thus, the trick is to keep in your mind the key words of each question before you start off. That is where the “Question

14、 Previewing” comes in. 自测自测技巧技巧Back随随 笔笔 阅读理解阅读理解课文阅读课文阅读N H C EN H C EQuestions Previewing自测自测技巧技巧BackQ. 1. Traveling a lot for various speaking appointments, the writer _. Q. 2. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to Paragraph 2? _. Q: 3. Some parents who work full-time give th

15、eir children too much _. Q: 4. All the following can be the reasons for some parents giving their children too much except that _ 生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 阅读理解阅读理解课文阅读课文阅读N H C EN H C EQuestions Previewing自测自测技巧技巧BackQ. 5. The word “variability” in Paragraph 6 refers to _. Q: 6. “When children are given too mu

16、ch, it undermines their respect for their parents.” (Para. 7) Here “undermine” can be best explained as _. Q: 7. When every requested object is given on demand, children with many toys _. Q: 8. Once your children learn that nagging and arguing no longer work, they will _. 生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 阅读理解阅读理解课文阅读课

17、文阅读问题预览问题预览N H C EN H C E自测自测技巧技巧BackStop Spoiling Your Children Para. 1 While traveling for various speaking appointments, I frequently stay overnight in the home of a family and am assigned to one of the childrens bedrooms. In it, I often find so many toys that theres almost no roomeven for my sma

18、ll lavatory or toilet kit. And the closet is usually so tightly packed with clothes that I can barely squeeze in my jacket. ChineseQuestion 1生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 阅读理解阅读理解N H C EN H C E自测自测技巧技巧BackPara. 2 Im not complaining, only making a point. I think the tendency to give children too many toys and clothe

19、s is quite common in American families. I think in far too many families not only do children come to take their parents generosity for granted, but also the effects of this can actually be somewhat harmful to children. ChineseQuestion 2问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 阅读理解阅读理解N H C EN H C E自测自测技巧技巧BackPara. 3

20、 Why do parents give their children too much, or give them things they cant afford? I believe there are several reasons. Chinese问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 阅读理解阅读理解N H C EN H C E自测自测技巧技巧BackPara. 4 One fairly common reason is that parents spoil their children out of a sense of guilt. Parents who both hold

21、 down full-time jobs may feel guilty about the amount of time they spend away from their children and, as accommodation for being away so much, may attempt to compensate by showering them with material possessions. ChineseQuestion 3Question 4问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 阅读理解阅读理解N H C EN H C E自测自测技巧技巧BackPa

22、ra. 5 Other parents provide too much because they want their children to have everything they had while growing up, along with those things they pined for but didnt get. Still others are afraid to say no to their childrens endless requests for toys for fear that their children will infer they are un

23、loved or will be made fun of if they dont obtain the same toys as their friends have. ChineseQuestion 4问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 阅读理解阅读理解N H C EN H C E自测自测技巧技巧BackPara. 6a Spoiling a child also happens when parents are unable to stand up to their childrens unreasonable demands. Such parents fluctuate be

24、tween saying no and giving inbut neither response seems satisfactory to them. If they refuse a request, they immediately feel a wave of regret for having been so strict or ungenerous. ChineseQuestion 5问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 阅读理解阅读理解N H C EN H C E自测自测技巧技巧BackPara. 6b If they give in, they feel regret

25、and resentment over having been too easy. This kind of variability not only loosens the parents ability to set limits, it also sours the parent-child relationship to some degree, robbing parents and their children of some of the happiness and mutual respect that is present in healthy families. Chine

26、seQuestion 5问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 阅读理解阅读理解N H C EN H C E自测自测技巧技巧BackPara. 7a But spoiling children with material things does little to reduce parental guilt (since parents never feel theyve given enough), nor does it make children feel more loved (for what children really desire is parents time and

27、attention). Instead, the effects of providing too much can be harmful. Children may, to some degree, become greedy, selfish, ungrateful and insensitive to the needs and feelings of others, beginning with their parents. Chinese问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 阅读理解阅读理解N H C EN H C E自测自测技巧技巧BackPara. 7b When chil

28、dren are given too much, it undermines their respect for their parents. In fact, the children begin to sense that a parents unlimited generosity is not right. The contradiction as a result may be that these children, conversely, will push further, unconsciously hoping that, if they push too hard, th

29、ey will force their parents into setting limitations. ChineseQuestion 6问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 阅读理解阅读理解N H C EN H C E自测自测技巧技巧BackPara. 8 Also, spoiled children are not as challenged to be more creative in their play as children with fewer toys. They have fewer opportunities to learn the value of money

30、, and have less experience in learning to deal with delay in satisfaction, when every requested object is given on demand. ChineseQuestion 7问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 阅读理解阅读理解N H C EN H C E自测自测技巧技巧BackPara. 9 The real purpose of this discussion is not to tell parents how much or how little to give to the

31、ir children. Rather, my intention is to help those parents who have already sensed that they might be spoiling their children but dont know how to stop. Chinese问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 阅读理解阅读理解N H C EN H C E自测自测技巧技巧BackPara. 10 Sometimes you may feel uncertain about whether to give in to many of your c

32、hildrens requests. That doesnt mean you cant change. First, you should try to determine what makes you submit or feel guilty. Then, even if you havent uncovered the reason, you should begin to make firm decisions and practice responding to your childrens requests in a prompt, definite manner. Chines

33、e问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 阅读理解阅读理解N H C EN H C E自测自测技巧技巧BackPara. 11a Once you turn over a new leaf, you cant expect to change completely right away. You are bound to fluctuate at times. The key is to be satisfied with gradual improvement, expecting and accepting the occasional slips that come with any

34、 change. And even after you are handling these decisions in a firmer and more confident manner, you cant expect your children to respond immediately. Chinese问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 阅读理解阅读理解N H C EN H C E自测自测技巧技巧Back Para. 11b For a while theyll keep on applying the old pressures that used to work so w

35、ell. But theyll eventually come to respect your decisions once they learn that nagging and arguing no longer work. In the end, both you and your children will be happier for it. ChineseQuestion 8问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 阅读理解阅读理解课文阅读课文阅读自测自测技巧技巧BackChoice MakingN H C EN H C E1. Traveling a lot for vario

36、us speaking appointments, the writer _. A. often has to stay in other peoples homes B. is always complaining that there is no space for her clothes C. has the opportunity to give so many talks on the issue of spoiled children D. often complains that she has no place to put in her jacket Refer to Par

37、a. 1 问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 自测自测技巧技巧BackChoice MakingN H C EN H C E2. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to Paragraph 2? A. Its quite common in American families that parents tend to buy their children too many things. B. In many American families children come to take their pare

38、nts generosity for granted. C. Giving children too many toys and clothes will not be harmful to them. D. Often parents buy their children too many clothes as well as too many toys. Refer to Para. 2 课文阅读课文阅读问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 自测自测技巧技巧BackChoice MakingN H C EN H C E3. Some parents who work full-tim

39、e give their children too much _. A. to spoil their children B. to show that they are rich enough to buy things for their children C. to help their children kill time when they are away from home D. to make up for the time they spend away from their children Refer to Para. 4 课文阅读课文阅读问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习

40、随随 笔笔 自测自测技巧技巧BackChoice MakingN H C EN H C E4. All the following can be the reasons for some parents giving their children too much except that _. A. some parents want their children to have both things they once had and things they didnt get B. some parents do not want their children to form the o

41、pinion that they are not loved C. some parents feel that they are not able to stay with their children as often as they should D. some parents want their children to make fun of their friends who do not get the same toys they have Refer to Para. 4, 5课文阅读课文阅读问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 自测自测技巧技巧BackChoice M

42、akingN H C EN H C E5. The word “variability” in Paragraph 6 refers to _. A. parents attitude that changes from refusing a request to giving in B. parents feeling regret and resentment C. changes in the parent-child relationship D. changes in the environment in the home Refer to Para. 6 课文阅读课文阅读问题预览问

43、题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 自测自测技巧技巧BackChoice MakingN H C EN H C E6. “When children are given too much, it undermines their respect for their parents.” (Para. 7) Here “undermine” can be best explained as _. A. form the basis of B. gradually weaken C. strengthen D. change for the betterRefer to Para. 7课文阅读课文阅读

44、问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 自测自测技巧技巧BackChoice MakingN H C EN H C E7. When every requested object is given on demand, children with many toys _. A. are as challenged to be more creative in their play as children with fewer toys B. have fewer opportunities to learn the value of money C. are able to deal wi

45、th delay in satisfaction more successfully D. know that gifts do not come easily Refer to Para. 8课文阅读课文阅读问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 自测自测技巧技巧BackChoice MakingN H C EN H C E8. Once your children learn that nagging and arguing no longer work, they will _. A. respond immediately B. keep on applying the old p

46、ressures that used to work C. come to respect your decisions D. lose faith in you Refer to Para. 11 课文阅读课文阅读问题预览问题预览生词学习生词学习随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C E课文课文技巧技巧 Listening ComprehensionReading in DepthQuestions 1 to 4 are based on the passage you are going to hear.课文课文技巧技巧BackN H C EN H C E阅读理解阅读理解1. A) She

47、sat back and relaxed. B) She decided to retire. C) She entered university. D) She worked out a new English program. Q.What did Ethbell do when she was 68? Script随随 笔笔 课文课文技巧技巧BackN H C EN H C E2. A) 8 years. B) 20 years. C) 16 years. D) 30 years.Q.How long did Ethbell teach minority students? Script

48、阅读理解阅读理解随随 笔笔 课文课文技巧技巧BackN H C EN H C E3. A) Bring a great deal of useful experience to the university. B) Improve human relationships in the university. C) Bring a fear of aging among young students on the campus. D) Improve the reputation of the university. Q.What do elderly people do to the univ

49、ersity? Script阅读理解阅读理解随随 笔笔 课文课文技巧技巧BackN H C EN H C E4. A) She is learning English and Drama. B) She is learning how to make sound judgments. C) She is learning how to teach minority students. D) She is leaning to perceive, not to judge. Q.Whats the most important lesson Ethbell is learning? Script

50、阅读理解阅读理解随随 笔笔 课文课文技巧技巧BackN H C EN H C E5. A) The difference between classical music and rock music. B) Why classical music is popular with math students. C) The effects of music on the results of math tests. D) How to improve your reasoning ability. Q.What is this passage mainly about? ScriptQuesti

51、ons 5 to 7 are based on the passage you are going to hear.阅读理解阅读理解随随 笔笔 课文课文技巧技巧BackN H C EN H C E6. A) Because it stimulates your nerve activity. B) Because it keeps you calm. C) Because it strengthens your memory. D) Because it improves your problem solving strategies. Q.Why can classical music pl

52、ay a positive role in problem solving? Script阅读理解阅读理解随随 笔笔 课文课文技巧技巧BackN H C EN H C E7. A) Piano music could interfere with your reasoning ability. B) The effects of music do not last long. C) The more you listen to music, the higher your test scores will be. D) Music, whether classical or rock, hel

53、ps improve your memory. Q.What is one of the findings of the research? Script阅读理解阅读理解随随 笔笔 课文课文技巧技巧BackN H C EN H C E8. A) To drive the car automatically. B) To measure the drivers pulse. C) To prevent car accidents. D) To monitor the drivers health. Q.Why is a computer system installed in an experi

54、mental car? ScriptQuestions 8 to 10 are based on the passage you are going to hear.阅读理解阅读理解随随 笔笔 课文课文技巧技巧BackN H C EN H C E9. A) It sends out signals for help. B) It sounds an alarm to warn the driver. C) It takes over the driving immediately. D) It stops the car automatically. Q.What did the comput

55、er system do first when a problem arises? Script阅读理解阅读理解随随 笔笔 课文课文技巧技巧BackN H C EN H C E10. A) It monitors the signals transmitted from the drivers brain. B) It can measure the drivers alcohol level in the blood. C) It can quicken the drivers response to emergencies. D) It bases its analysis on the

56、drivers heartbeat. Q.What is special about the new computer system? Script阅读理解阅读理解随随 笔笔 课文课文技巧技巧BackN H C EN H C E Suppose we built a robot (机器人机器人) to explore the planet Mars. We provide the robot with seeing detectors to keep it away from danger. It is powered entirely by the sun. Should we progra

57、m the robot to be equally 1 _ at all times? No. active听力理解听力理解cease visionactivemerely prompt accountsdeeplysensitive survival inactivity effectively inefficient assignment restoration familiar 随随 笔笔 课文课文技巧技巧BackN H C EN H C EThe robot would be using up energy at a time when it was not receiving any

58、. So we would probably program it to 2 _ its activity at night and to wake up at dawn the next morning. ceasecease visionactivemerely prompt accountsdeeplysensitive survival inactivity effectively inefficient assignment restoration familiar 听力理解听力理解随随 笔笔 课文课文技巧技巧BackN H C EN H C E According to the e

59、volutionary (进化的进化的) theory of sleep, evolution equipped us with a regular pattern of sleeping and waking for the same reason. The theory does not deny that sleep provides some important restorative functions. It 3 _ says that evolution has programmed us to perform those functions at a time when act

60、ivity would be 4 _ and possibly dangerous. merelyinefficientcease visionactivemerely prompt accountsdeeplysensitive survival inactivity effectively inefficient assignment restoration familiar 听力理解听力理解随随 笔笔 课文课文技巧技巧BackN H C EN H C EHowever, sleep protects us only from the sort of trouble we might wa


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