1、 it's a nice day ,isn't it teaching goals:1.描述与陌生人聊天就注意的事项,学习该聊些什么,如何将话题展开,通过学习与陌生人聊天来达到了解关心别人并增进友谊。2. 学会写感谢信。 important and difficult points:tag questions (反意疑问句)language structure:-its a nice day, isnt it? -yes, it is. i really love hot weather.-youre jennys friend, arent you? -yes, i am.-
2、the no.15 bus stops here, doesnt it? -yes, it does.functions : make small talk period 1teaching of new lesson step 1 assign the taskin this unit ss learn to make small talk. on the blackboard, draw a picture of a boy and a girl waiting for bus. include a large sign that says bus stop. draw a speed b
3、ubble over each persons head.step 2 warm up sb page 76, 1a.1. point out the four scenes .help ss understand that in all the pictures two people who dont know each other (strangers) are starting a conversation.2. ask ss to circle the pictures where they would talk with people they dont know .then hav
4、e ss write their own lists.sb page 76, 1b.1. point out the four pictures. then read the instructions.2. say, you will hear three conversations. they go with three of the pictures.3. play the recording .have ss write the number of each conversation in the box next to the correct picture.4. check the
5、answers.sb page 76, 1c.1. ask ss to look at the pictures in activity 1a. then point out the sample conversation in activity 1c. ask two students to read it to the class.2. say, now work with your partner. make your own conversations about the people in activity 1a. use the expression in the box.3. a
6、sk several pairs to say one or more their conversations to the class. step 3 pre-tasksb page 77, 2a.1. read the instructions and point out the sample answer.2. play the recording.3. check the answers.sb page 77, 2b.1. read the instructions and point to the lettered list of sentences.2. ask different
7、 students to read the lines of the conversation to the class.3. play the recording .ask ss write the letter of each line of conversation in the correct place.4. check the answers.sb page 77, 2c.1. read the instructions for the activity.2. point to the conversations in activity 2b. ask a pair of stud
8、ents to read the conversations to the class. then ask all students to practice the conversation in pairs.3. point out the questions in the box.4. then have ss work in pairs.5. ask several pairs to come to the front of the room and say their conversations to the class.step 4 grammar focus 1. review the grammar box .ask students to read the questions and answers.2. ask ss to give other examples of small talk that use tag questions .help ss find the correct yes or no short answer to go with
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