1、 佳音英語tpr 2 教材 20週進度表週次英語課程內容大綱週次英語課程內容大綱1喜愛的歌: meal song & good-bye songget on the bus! get off the bus! 分辨get on和get off之相對關係認識並指出bus歌謠教唱 11take off your shirt! put this on!分辨take off和put on之相對關係能作出take off和put on的動作認識並指出shirt歌謠教唱2come in, please! go out!分辨in和out內外的關係聽到in和out的指令,可以正確地做出反應歌謠教唱12
2、drink your juice! eat your cake!能作出drink和eat的動作認識並指出juice和cake歌謠教唱3throw the ball! kick the ball! catch it!用肢體動作表現throw, kick, catch能認識並指出ball歌謠教唱13follow me! nod your head! stretch you arms! shake your body! stamp your feet!認識並指出head, arms, body, feet聽到follow, nod, stretch, shake, stamp 的指令,可以正確地做出
3、反應歌謠教唱4give me a small kiss! give me a big hug!能分辨big和small的相對關係聽到“give me a small kiss! give me a big hug!”的口令,會做出正確的反應歌謠教唱14複習unit 8unit 10角色扮演對話教學延伸活動5複習unit 1unit 4角色扮演對話教學延伸活動15fly! swim! hop!能以肢體語言表現出fly, swim, hop 的動作能模仿動物做出fly! swim! hop!的動作歌謠教唱6cover your ears! wipe your nose!認識並能指出ear和nose
4、能正確做出cover和wipe的動作歌謠教唱16count your blocks!認識並能指出數字610能以英語數110能認識並指出blocks歌謠教唱7show me a heart! show me a square!認識並能指出heart和square二形狀 能依觸覺區分心形、正方形、三角形和圓形歌謠教唱17piggy, hide! find piggy!能聽從hide和find的指令,做出躲藏和 尋找的動作歌謠教唱8touch something green! touch something blue !認識並能指出green和blue能作出touch的動作歌謠教唱18複習unit
5、11unit 13角色扮演對話教學延伸活動9複習unit 5unit 7角色扮演對話教學延伸活動19複習unit 1unit 13期末評量10複習unit1unit 7tpr指令複習期中評量20成果發表會 進度以每週完成一課為原則, 第五、九、十四、十八週為複習週; 複習週 day2的課程安排,可視小朋友的學習興趣及能力選擇教學內容。 佳音英語tpr 3 教材 20週進度表週次英語課程內容大綱週次英語課程內容大綱1喜愛的歌: marching song color the balloon orange! color the balloon brown! 能分辨字母a和b, 並能正確的發音認識並
6、指出orange和brown二種顏色 歌謠教唱 11bend down low! reach up high!分辨low和high之相對關係能分辨字母o和p, 並能正確的發音能聽得懂bend down! reach up!的指令歌曲教唱2connect the dots! trace the lines! good job! not bad!能分辨字母c和d, 並能正確的發音能做出”連點成線”及”描線”的動作歌謠教唱12clap your hands! slap your knees! tap on the floor.能分辨slowly和quickly的不同能分辨字母q和r, 並能正確的發音
7、歌曲教唱3get up! good morning! wash your face! comb your hair!聽到“get up, wash your face!和comb your hair!”的指令,可以正確地做出反應能分辨字母e和f, 並能正確的發音歌謠教唱13pick a number! 11! 12! 13! 14! 15!能認識並指出數字115能以英語數115,並能將數字的字型與數配合 能分辨字母s和t, 並能正確的發音歌謠教唱4bedtime! go to bed! good night! 能分辨字母g和h, 並能正確的發音能在早上說“good morning!”在睡前說
8、“good night!”歌謠教唱14複習unit 8unit 10角色扮演對話教學延伸活動5複習unit 1unit 4角色扮演對話教學延伸活動15wheres my apple? look behind the books. look in your bag. 能了解並運用“wheres my ?”的句子.能了解“look”一字在課文之含意是“找”而 不是“注意看”能分辨字母u和v, 並能正確的發音歌謠教唱6drive a car! yes! row a boat! right!能認識並指出car和boat會用肢體語言表現drive和row的動作了解yes!和right!的意思,並能適時的
9、使用能分辨字母i和j, 並能正確的發音歌謠教唱16climb over the chairs! crawl under the table能分辨over和under之相對關係能分辨字母w和x, 並能正確的發音歌謠教唱7watch out! duck! that was close!聽到“watch out! duck!”的指令,可以正確地 做出反應能分辨字母k和l, 並能正確的發音歌謠教唱17clean up time! pick up the trash! clean the table!能分辨字母y和z ,並能正確的發音歌謠教唱8cut the paper! fold it! glue i
10、t!認識並了解cut, fold, glue的意思,並做出回 應動作能分辨字母m和n, 並能正確的發音歌謠教唱18複習unit 11unit 13角色扮演對話教學延伸活動9複習unit 5unit 7 角色扮演 對話教學 延伸活動19複習unit 1unit 13期末評量10複習unit 1unit 7tpr指令複習 期中評量 20成果發表會 進度以每週完成一課為原則, 第五、九、十四、十八週為複習週;複習週 day2的課程安排,可視小朋友的學習興趣及能力選擇教學內容。 佳音英語tpr 4 教材 20週進度表週次英語課程內容大綱週次英語課程內容大綱1喜愛的歌: welcome song &am
11、p; naptime song walk! turn right! turn left! stop!能分辨字母aa和bb, 並能正確的發音能分辨左右方向left及right 了解“ turn right/ left!”的意思歌謠教唱 11gross! it smells! its dirty! flush the toilet. mop the floor. now its clean!能作出smell, flush和mop的動作能分辨字母oo和pp, 並能正確的發音歌曲教唱2its cold! zip your jacket! button your coat! mr. bear, plea
12、se help me!能分辨字母cc和dd, 並能正確的發音能了解coat和jacket的意思會說“please help me!”來請求別人幫助歌謠教唱12set the table. take a seat. pass the bread. eat quietly. 能認識bread和table二字,並了解seat與 quietly的含義能分辨字母qq和rr, 並能正確的發音歌曲教唱3dont fight! take turns! share!聽到“dont fight! take turns! share!”的指 令,可以正確地做出反應能分辨字母ee和ff, 並能正確的發音歌謠教唱13m
13、atch the shapes! rectangle! diamond! star! oval! 能分辨rectangle, diamond, star, oval等形狀 看到rectangle, diamond, star, oval能用英語說出來 能分辨字母ss和tt, 並能正確的發音歌謠教唱4mix the colors! red and white make pink. black and white make gray.能分辨字母gg和hh, 並能正確的發音能分辨red, white, pink, black, gray等顏色歌謠教唱14複習unit 8unit 10角色扮演對話教學
14、延伸活動5複習unit 1unit 4角色扮演對話教學延伸活動15what do you want to do? play with sand! collect shells! build a castle! go fishing!能了解“what do you want to do?”的意思認識castle, sand, shell等名詞能分辨字母uu和vv, 並能正確的發音歌謠教唱6climb up carefully! hold on tight. swing. slide down. lets play on the seesaw.能說出翹翹板,溜滑梯和盪鞦韆之英語名稱能分辨字母ii和
15、jj, 並能正確的發音能聽指令做動作,並將指令運用在遊樂場上歌謠教唱16paint with fingers. print with your thumb.了解“paint with fingers. print with your thumb. ” 的意思並能正確的回應動作 能分辨字母ww和xx, 並能正確的發音歌謠教唱7put the number with the picture. 16 bugs! 17 fish! 18 flies! 19 spiders! 20 ants!會用英語數1620能分辨bug, fish, fly, spider, ant等小昆蟲 能分辨字母kk和ll,
16、並能正確的發音歌謠教唱17play the drum! shake the shaker! sing a song and dance!能分辨字母yy和zz ,並能正確的發音聽到“ play the drum! shake the shaker! sing a song and dance!”的指令, 能正確的回應動作歌謠教唱8make a happy face! change! angry! funny! sad! 能了解“make a face!”和“ change!” 的意思,並能正確地做出反應能了解happy, angry, funny, sad的意思,並能 運用這些字來表達自己的情緒
17、能分辨字母mm和nn, 並能正確的發音歌謠教唱18複習unit 11unit 13角色扮演對話教學延伸活動9複習unit 5unit 7 角色扮演 對話教學 延伸活動19複習unit 1unit 13期末評量10複習unit1unit7tpr指令複習期中評量20成果發表會 進度以每週完成一課為原則, 第五、九、十四、十八週為複習週; 複習週 day2的課程安排,可視小朋友的學習興趣及能力選擇教學內容。 佳音英語tpr 5 教材 20週進度表週次英語課程內容大綱週次英語課程內容大綱1喜愛的歌: outing song a, a, a for ant. angry, angry ant! bow!
18、 shake hands! lets play a game! paper, scissors, stone! i won!了解“lets play a game.”的意思,並能用paper, scissors, stone!”來玩猜拳的遊戲會寫字母“aa”,認識並會唸單字“ant”,並知道形容詞 “angry”的意思歌謠教唱 11h, h, h for horse. happy, happy horse! shrug your shoulders. pull your ears. rub my back. massage my neck.認識並能說出身體部位“shoulders, ears,
19、 back, neck”會寫字母“hh”,認識並會唸單字“horse”,並知道形容詞“happy” 的意思能聽得懂“ shrug your shoulders. pull your ears. rub my back. massage my neck.”的指令並回應之歌謠教唱2b, b, b for bee. busy, busy bee! dig a hole. plant the seeds. water them.能了解“dig a hole. plant the seeds. water them”的意思, 並能做出正確的動作會寫字母“bb”,認識並會唸單字“bee”,並知道形容詞 “
20、busy”的意思歌謠教唱12i, i, i for ink. indigo, indigo ink! look at you! take a bath. use the soap. dry yourself. dont catch cold.會寫字母“ii”,認識並會唸單字“ink”,並知道形容詞“indigo”的 意思能聽得懂“take a bath. use the soap. dry yourself. ” 的指令並 回應之歌曲教唱3c, c, c for cat. cute, cute cat! happy birthday, puppy! make a wish. blow out
21、the candles. cut the cake.能了解“happy birthday ! make a wish. blow out the candles. cut the cake.”的意思,並可以正確地做出反應會寫字母“cc”,認識並會唸單字“cat”,並知道形 容詞“cute”的意思歌謠教唱13j, j, j for juice. juicy, juicy juice! decorate the tree. put the gold star on top. hang silver bells. put gifts under the tree. 了解“ decorate the
22、tree. hang silver bells.”的意思, 並能做出 適當的回應認識並會說顏色“silver”及“gold”會寫字母“jj”,認識並會唸單字“juice”,並知道形容詞“juicy”的 意思 歌謠教唱4d, d, d for dog. dirty, dirty dog! guess how many! 25? higher? 39? lower! 38? maybe! check your guess! 1, 2, 3, . 38! 能認識並指出數字139了解”higher, lower, maybe”的意思會寫字母“dd”,認識並會唸單字“dog”,並知道形容詞 “dirty
23、”的意思歌謠教唱14複習unit 8unit 10角色扮演對話教學延伸活動5複習unit 1unit 4角色扮演對話教學延伸活動15k, k, k for kangaroo. kind, kind kangaroo! lets watch tv. turn it on. dont sit too close! times up! turn it off!能了解並運用“turn it on. turn it off.”的句子.會寫字母“kk”,認識並會唸單字“kangaroo”,並知道形容詞 “kind”的意思歌謠教唱6e, e, e for elephant. elegant, elegant
24、 elephant! make a train like this. an airplane! a rocket! a truck! 能認識並指出a train, an airplane, a rocket, a truck! 能了解”make a like this.”的意思,並能做出適當的 回應會寫字母“ee”,認識並會唸單字“elephant”,並知道形容詞 “elegant”的意思歌謠教唱16l, l, l for lion. loud , loud lion! feel the water. its warm. its colad. smell my perfume. its goo
25、d. yuck! its awful.聽到“feel”及“smell”時,能做出適當的回應會寫字母“ll”,認識並會唸單字“lion”, 並知道形容詞”loud”的 意思歌謠教唱7f, f, f for fish. funny, funny fish! put on your mask. a witch! a ghost! a vampire! a monster! lets go trick-or-treating! 認識並能說出“ a witch, a ghost, a vampire, a monster” 會寫字母“ff”,認識並會唸單字“fish”,並知道形容詞 “funny”的意思
26、歌謠教唱17m, m, m for monkey. mad, mad monkey! lets use the computer! move the mouse. point and click. now, you try it.會寫字母“mm”,認識並會唸單字“monkey”,並知道形容詞 “mad”的意思聽到“ move the mouse. point and click.”能做出適當的回應歌謠教唱8g, g, g for goat. greedy, greedy goat! make a fruit salad! first, cut apples and bananas. secon
27、d, add raisins. then, serve and eat.了解first, second及then的意思,並能用它們來表示先 後的關係會寫字母“gg”,認識並會唸單字“goat”,並知道形容詞 “greedy”的意思歌謠教唱18複習unit 11unit 13角色扮演對話教學延伸活動9複習unit 5unit 7 角色扮演 對話教學 延伸活動19複習unit 1unit 13期末評量10複習unit 1unit 7tpr指令複習期中評量20成果發表會 進度以每週完成一課為原則, 第五、九、十四、十八週為複習週; 複習週 day2的課程安排,可視小朋友的學習興趣及能力選擇教學內容。
28、 佳音英語tpr 6 教材 20週進度表週次英語課程內容大綱週次英語課程內容大綱1喜愛的歌: spring fun song & graduation song n, n, n for nest. nice birds nest! lets play house. pretend im mom and youre dad. kitty, youre our baby. cry, kitty! kittys crying! give her some milk.了解“lets play house.”的意思,並用做出適當的回應會寫字母“nn”,認識並會唸單字“nest”,並知道形容詞 “
29、nice”的意思歌謠教唱 11u, u, u for umbrella. ugly, ugly umbrella! measure me! stand up straight! weigh him! dont move. 了解“measure me.”及“weigh him.”的意思會寫字母“uu”,認識並會唸單字“umbrella”,並知道形容 詞“ugly”的意思聽得懂“stand up straight! dont move.”的指令並回應之歌謠教唱2o, o, o for octopus. odd, odd octopus! its raining! take your umbrell
30、a! look! a rainbow! name the colors. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple.能了解“ its raining! a rainbow!”的意思會寫字母“oo”,認識並會唸單字“octopus”,並知道形容詞 “odd”的意思認識顏色“indigo”及“purple”歌謠教唱12v, v, v for vampire. vicious, vicious vampire! taste them! its salty. its sweet. its bitter. its sour. dont swa
31、llow it! spit it out!會寫字母“vv”,認識並會唸單字“vampire”,並知道形容 詞“vicious”的意思聽到“taste them! spit it out! ”時,能做出正確的回應認識並會說形容詞“ salty, sweet, bitter”及“ sour”歌曲教唱3p, p, p for pig. pretty, pretty pig! its so beautiful! lets take a picture. get together. stand closer. say “cheese!”. cheese! 能了解“lets take a picture.
32、 get together. stand closer . say “cheese!”的意思,並可以正確地做出反應會寫字母“pp”,認識並會唸單字“pig”,並知道形容詞 “pretty”的意思歌謠教唱13w, w, w for witch. wicked, wicked witch! make a card for your mom! write “i love you!” seal the envelope. put a stamp on it. mail it. 了解“ make a card. seal the envelope. put a stamp on it. mail it.
33、”的意思,並能做出適當的回應認識單字“card, envelope”及“stamp”會寫字母“ww”,認識並會唸單字“witch”,並知道形容詞 “wicked”的意思 歌謠教唱4q, q, q for quail. quick, quick quick quail! line up the glasses! pour some water. tap them with the spoons! do! re! mi! fa! so! la! ti! do! 聽到“pour”及“tap”,能做出正確的回應認識並會說餐具“glass”及“spoon”會寫字母“qq”,認識並會唸單字“quail”,
34、並知道形容詞 “quick”的意思歌謠教唱14複習unit 8unit 10角色扮演對話教學延伸活動5 複習unit 1unit 4角色扮演對話教學延伸活動15x, x, x for box. six cakes in the box! what would you like to do? play hopscotch! toss the rings! play darts! play with the hula hoop.在聽到“ what would you like to do?”後能回答之會寫字母“xx”,認識並會唸單字“box”,並知道“six cakes in the box.”的
35、意思 歌謠教唱6r, r, r for rabbit. rich, rich rabbit! do sit-ups. do push-ups. make a somersault. stand on one leg. 能認識不同的地板運動“ sit-ups, push-ups, somersault.” 及“ stand on one leg. ” 會使用句型”i can .”來介紹自己會做的地板運動會寫字母“rr”,認識並會唸單字“rabbit”,並知道形容詞 “rich”的意思歌謠教唱16y, y, y for yo-yo. yellow, yellow yo-yo! pick up th
36、e phone. dial the number. say your name first. hello! this is kitty. answer the phone. say “ good-bye” before you hang up. 聽到“ pick up the phone. dial the number. ”及“ answer the phone.”時,能做出適當的回應會寫字母“yy”,認識並會唸單字“yo-yo”, 並知道形容詞 ”yellow”的意思歌謠教唱7s, s, s for snail. slow, slow snail! its 7:45! hurry up!
37、youre late! look at the clock. tell me the time. 聽到“ tell me the time.”時能依實際情況回答正確時間 會寫字母“ss”,認識並會唸單字“snail”,並知道形容詞 “slow”的意思歌謠教唱17zz z, z for zipper. zip up your zipper! bring your picture. stick it on the paper. write your name and phone number. staple them together. see! its a yearbook.會寫字母“zz”,認
38、識並會唸單字“ zipper”,並知道“zip up” 的意思聽到“stick, staple, write.”能做出適當的回應歌謠教唱8t, t, t for tiger. tired, tired tiger! cross the street carefully! stop! wait! go! always use the crosswalk! 在聽到“stop! wait! go!”時能做出適當回應會寫字母“tt”,認識並會唸單字“tiger”,並知道形容詞 “tired”的意思歌謠教唱18複習unit 11unit 13角色扮演對話教學延伸活動9 複習unit 5unit 7 角色扮演 對話教學 延伸活動 19複習unit 1unit 13期末評量10複習unit 1unit 7 期中評量tpr指令複習20成果發表會 進度以每週完成一課為原則, 第五、九、十四、十八週為複習週; 複習週 day2的課程安排,可視小朋友的學習興趣及能力選擇教學內容。 佳音英語tpr 1 教材 20週進度表週次英語課程內容大綱週次英語課程內容大綱1喜愛的歌: good morning song & hello songlisten! stand up! sit down!聽到“listen”
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