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1、外研版小学新标准英语(三年级起)第七册凫刻链课时教学计划 凫刻链主备人: 施教时间: 年 月 日 凫刻链单元凫刻链m1 u1凫刻链课题凫刻链the great wall凫刻链课型凫刻链新授凫刻链教学 凫刻链目标凫刻链知识与能力凫刻链a、知识目标: postcard, more, thousand, kilometer , million等新词,及look at, a picture of, the great wall, how long等短语。2、sentences: these postcard are great. its a picture of the great wall. how

2、 long is it? its about six thousand seven hundred kilometers. tell me more.凫刻链b、能力目标:能运用目标语句讲述关于 个地方或 种事物的情况,能运用目标语句简单的描述事物的长度,大小,能正确的运用数字单位。凫刻链过程与方法凫刻链合作学习,小组学习,交往式学习凫刻链情感与态度凫刻链让学生简单的了解纽约及北京的人口数量及长城的长度。凫刻链重点凫刻链1.学会听,说句子:these postcards are great! its a picture of the great wall.凫刻链2.运用“tell me more

3、”的说话操练来了解 the great wall, beijing, new york情况。凫刻链难点凫刻链1.流利说一些简单的表达:its very big. its got . 凫刻链2.了解关于数词的表达 eight million people, six thousand seven hundred kilometers . 凫刻链3.“ can you tell me something about ?  can you tell me more about

4、0;it? ”等问句,并能回答“yes. its ” 凫刻链教法凫刻链listening to the tape group work凫刻链using ppt using cards凫刻链学法凫刻链listening to the tape work in groups凫刻链learning through the ppt learning words with the cards凫刻链教学凫刻链准备凫刻链ppt, computer, tape-recorder, tape, cards凫刻链预习设计凫刻链1. talk about your summer holiday.

5、凫刻链2. tell something about the great wall and beijing.凫刻链教学过程凫刻链施教者调整凫刻链step1 warm up:凫刻链1、greeting for each other.凫刻链2、talk freely: ask some questions: where did you go for your holiday? can you describe it? what did you do there? did you take photos? take out the photos and describe it. you can us

6、e these sentences “its a picture of . its very ”凫刻链step 2 presentation:凫刻链1.show some pictures .凫刻链t: whats this? ss: its a postcard.凫刻链teach the word “postcard”. then show a picture about the great wall.凫刻链t: do you know this place? ss: yes, its 凫刻链ts: can you tell me something about it?凫刻链ss: yes,

7、 its凫刻链ts: tell me more about it. how long is it? do you know? the students can answer it in chinese. then teacher say it in english . “yes, its about six thousand seven hundred kilometers.” then teach the words“thousand, kilometers” tell students that daming went to america . now he is in new york

8、with his cousin simon, let's see what they are talking . first listen and circle the new words. second listen and think some questions:凫刻链1. where is daming ?凫刻链2. who is simon?凫刻链3. what are they talking ?凫刻链4. how long is the great wall?凫刻链5. how big is beijing?凫刻链 third listen and repeat .let

9、 the ss read after the tape.凫刻链step3: practise凫刻链let the students work in groups , each group has four students, take out the pictures , and describe in groups.凫刻链 a: its a picture of the.凫刻链b: tell me more about the.凫刻链c: how long is it?凫刻链d: how big is it?凫刻链step4 summary:凫刻链take out a picture and

10、 let the students guess what it is. they can use this sentences “ tell me more”.凫刻链 t: its an animal. s: tell me more.凫刻链 t: its very big. s: tell me more.凫刻链 t: its got a long nose. s: its an elephant.凫刻链 t: you are right. then give them some cities, such as “ beijing, shanghai, hangzhou , hainan,

11、xinjiang.” and let them work in pairs. one student chooses a city , the other student guesses what it is. they can use these sentences: 1: its big. 2: it's got people. 3: its in the east (west, north, south) of china. 4: tell me more about it.凫刻链step5 homework:凫刻链1. read the text and write down

12、the new words.凫刻链2. write a short passage about a city or a famous place that you went before. 凫刻链凫刻链【板书设计】 module1 unit1 its the great wall.凫刻链 its a picture of 凫刻链 tell me more about凫刻链 how long is it ?凫刻链 its about six thousand seven hundred kilometers.凫刻链【教学反思】凫刻链课时教学计划凫刻链 凫刻链主备人: 施教时间: 年 月 日 凫刻

13、链单元凫刻链m1 u2凫刻链课题凫刻链new york is in the east of america.凫刻链课型凫刻链新授凫刻链教学 凫刻链目标凫刻链知识与能力凫刻链1.  知识目标:where is new york? its here, in the east.凫刻链2.  能力目标:讲述某个地方的地理位置和相关的基本信息.。凫刻链过程与方法凫刻链小组团结合作学习,交往式学习凫刻链情感与态度凫刻链通过两人合作,描述各省所在的方位,培养学生合作学习的精神。凫刻链重点凫刻链talk about the directions。凫刻链难点凫刻链用“north, south

14、, west, east”来描述一个城市的位置。凫刻链教法凫刻链听说法,情景法,交际法,多媒体辅助法凫刻链学法凫刻链1. listening to the tape.凫刻链2. work in groups.凫刻链3. learning through the ppt.凫刻链4. learning words with the cards凫刻链教学凫刻链准备凫刻链ppt, computer, tape-recorder, tape, cards凫刻链预习设计凫刻链通过晚上看天气预报来描述各个城市在中国的位置,可以挑四个城市来进行描述。凫刻链教学过程凫刻链施教者调整凫刻链step1:warm-u

15、p凫刻链 north凫刻链east凫刻链west凫刻链凫刻链south凫刻链 look at the picture and say a chant.凫刻链up is north, north north north,凫刻链down is south, south south south,凫刻链left is east, east east east,凫刻链right is west, west west west.凫刻链(注意纠正他们的发音.老师领读后,根据口令做动作:please turn to north. please turn to south. please turn to eas

16、t please turn to west.)凫刻链step 2 presentation:凫刻链show a map of america and show two cities(new york, san francisco),then ask two questions:凫刻链1: where is new york?凫刻链2: where is san francisco?凫刻链give them answers.凫刻链 1: new york is in the east of america.凫刻链 2: san francisco is in the west of americ

17、a.凫刻链use the projector to show the map in part one and ask two questions.凫刻链 1: where is canada?凫刻链 2: where is mexico?( teach the words canada and mexico)凫刻链help the students answer: canada is north of america.凫刻链 mexico is south of america.凫刻链let the students campare the four answers, and tell the

18、m the difference between them. (引导学生发现这种表达与第一种表达法不同.因为加拿大和墨西哥在美国领土以外,所以表达方法不同.)凫刻链listen to the tape and repeat after it.凫刻链step3: practise凫刻链show a map of china and then let the students ask and answer in pairs with these sentences:凫刻链 a: where is beijing?凫刻链 b: its in the south of china.凫刻链 a: can

19、you tell me about beijing?凫刻链 b: its 。凫刻链let two pairs act it out.凫刻链step4 summary:凫刻链show a map of china and then let the students work in pairs and say the directions. for example:凫刻链a: beijing is in the north of china.凫刻链b: tianjin is south of beijing.凫刻链c: xinjiang is in the west of china.凫刻链d:

20、gansu is east of xinjiang.凫刻链step5 homework:凫刻链write five cities directions in china, and describe one of them.凫刻链凫刻链【板书设计】 unit 2 new york is in the east of america.凫刻链where is new york? its here, in the east.凫刻链【教学反思】凫刻链课时教学计划 凫刻链主备人: 施教时间: 年 月 日凫刻链单元凫刻链m2 u1凫刻链课题凫刻链chinatown in america 凫刻链课型凫刻链新授

21、凫刻链教学 凫刻链目标凫刻链知识与能力凫刻链1. 听懂目标语句theres a chinatown in america. there arelots凫刻链of chinese shops and restaurants there. 凫刻链2.识别单词miss ,sometimes,restaurant,really,dancing,shop 凫刻链3. 习惯的培养:通过多种形式的教学活动,激发学生学英语的兴趣,引导他们积极参与小组编活动。发挥学习主动性,大胆开口、积极合作、参与语言的实际交际。通过本模块的学习,学生能用英语向他人讲述某处有某物,将语言内容转化为实际交际。凫刻链过程与方法凫刻

22、链运用探究合作的学习方法,激发学生兴趣凫刻链情感与态度凫刻链培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣,乐于模仿,敢于开口,主动参与课堂实践活动,培养良好的协作精神。凫刻链重点凫刻链1 .能听,说, 读、写单词 : miss sometimes restaurant really dancing square.凫刻链2能理解并掌握句型: there isareoninundernear.凫刻链3.能听懂理解课文并回答相关问题。凫刻链4.让学生通过学习,学会用英语讲述某处有某物. 凫刻链难点凫刻链1能理解并灵活使用句型:there isareoninundernear. 凫刻链2学会运用所学语言描述某处有某物。凫刻

23、链3.部分单词的读音:restaurant square 凫刻链教法凫刻链听说法凫刻链学法凫刻链表演法,对话法凫刻链教学凫刻链准备凫刻链录音机,单词卡片,多媒体课件凫刻链预习设计凫刻链熟读单词,读五遍课文。凫刻链教学过程凫刻链施教者调整凫刻链step 1. warming凫刻链1. greetings.凫刻链2. 向学生提问;what can you see in a city?引导学生说出大量单词,如学生说bus,教师来领学生说a bus,lots of buses.以同样的方式复习其他单词,如;trees,flowers,shops,supermarkets,buildings等。凫刻链s

24、tep 2. 任务呈现与课文导入:凫刻链1.教师出示多媒体课件.长城凫刻链t :”this is a picture of my favourite place.what can you see?”凫刻链s:this is a picture of the great wall.theres a long凫刻链wall.there are mountains.there are lots of people.凫刻链2. 教师出示多媒体课件.唐人街凫刻链1.do you know where it is?what can you see in this picture?请生自由介绍。凫刻链2.t

25、: where is daming now? (he is in new york with his cousin, simon.) whats he doing now? does he miss china? 我们一起来学习课文就知道了凫刻链step 3. 课文教学:凫刻链1. 放录音,让学生听录音了解课文内容并画出含“there is / there are ”的句子。凫刻链2.(出示多媒体课件)通过问答,检查学生对课文的理解:凫刻链whats daming doing? (hes sending an email to his family in china.)凫刻链does he m

26、iss china? (sometimes)凫刻链where is he going tomorrow?(chinatown)凫刻链where is chinatown?(in new york.)凫刻链whats in chinatown?(there are lots of chinese shops and restaurants there. theres chinese dancing.)凫刻链在问答练习中学习新单词:sometimes(有时)chinatown(唐人街)凫刻链miss(思念)  restaurant(餐馆)  chinese dancing(中国

27、舞)凫刻链4.听录音,在每句后面停顿,让学生重复。凫刻链5.学生两人一组练习对话,然后分角色表演对话。凫刻链step 4.activity 2凫刻链1.教师出示多媒体课件.凫刻链2请生看活动2跟读。凫刻链3请生练习描述图画。凫刻链step 5 activity 3凫刻链1.教师出示多媒体课件.凫刻链请生看多媒体课件,描述三幅图。computer room,凫刻链classroom,music room.凫刻链step 6. homework(家庭作业):凫刻链 请学生画一幅教室或自己家的客厅或房间(或找一张相关照片),并用句型“there is there are ”来描述一下,把句

28、子写下来。凫刻链凫刻链【板书设计】 module 2 unit 1 chinatown in america凫刻链theres a chinatown in america.凫刻链there arelotsof chinese shops and restaurants there.凫刻链【教学反思】凫刻链凫刻链课时教学计划 凫刻链主备人: 施教时间: 年 月 日凫刻链单元凫刻链m u凫刻链课题凫刻链postcards from china凫刻链课型凫刻链新授凫刻链教学 凫刻链目标凫刻链知识与能力凫刻链学习目标语句:凫刻链1.there are lots of bicycles in chin

29、a.凫刻链2.单词square凫刻链3.能在图片提示下运用 there are lots of bicycles in china.凫刻链4.让学生学习并感知单词的重读音节。凫刻链过程与方法凫刻链运用探究合作的学习方法,激发学生兴趣凫刻链情感与态度凫刻链培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣,乐于模仿,敢于开口,主动参与课堂实践活动,培养良好的协作精神。凫刻链重点凫刻链能在图片提示下运用 there are lots of bicycles in china.凫刻链难点凫刻链让学生学习并感知单词的重读音节。凫刻链教法凫刻链对话法,游戏法凫刻链学法凫刻链表演法,对话法凫刻链教学凫刻链准备凫刻链录音机,多媒体凫刻

30、链预习设计凫刻链预习activity2凫刻链教学过程凫刻链施教者调整凫刻链step 1. warmer:凫刻链1. greetings 凫刻链2.请学生描述自己的家庭作业。展示自己的画或照片,并介绍一下图中的事物。凫刻链step 2. presentation凫刻链1.多媒体出示activity 1中的图片,让学生识别图中的事物:凫刻链the changjiang river   the tiananmen square   凫刻链riding bicycles to work凫刻链the west lake    

31、;    the huangshan mountain  the great wall  凫刻链2.listen and point. 让学生以小组为单位做听听指指游戏,对以上图片中的内容达到反应迅速的目标。凫刻链step 3. 课文教学:凫刻链1)放录音,请学生认真听,并按录音描述的顺序给图标号。凫刻链2)放第二遍录音,在每段描述后停顿,请学生想一想,猜一猜,录音中描述的是哪幅图。凫刻链3)放第三遍录音,在每句后停顿,让学生指着图重复句子。凫刻链4)教师说出图的一个特征,让学生猜一猜是哪一幅图。凫刻链5)学生以小组为单位,每个人都说

32、出自己喜欢的那幅图的一个特征,让其他同学猜一猜是哪一幅图。凫刻链step 4. activity 凫刻链listen and repeat.pay attention to the stress. 放录音,请学生跟读。凫刻链step 5. activity 4凫刻链1)放录音,请生跟读歌词。凫刻链2)放录音,请生学唱歌曲。凫刻链step 6. activity 5凫刻链多媒体出示activity 5中的图片,凫刻链memory game;look,then close your eyes and say.凫刻链step 7. homework.(家庭作业):凫刻链选择一张明信片,用英文进行简单

33、的描述和介绍,然后把明信片寄给自己的好友。凫刻链凫刻链【板书设计】postcards from china凫刻链the changjiang river the tianmen square凫刻链riding bicycles to work the west lake凫刻链the huangshan mountain the great wall凫刻链【教学反思】凫刻链课时教学计划凫刻链主备人:        施教时间:     年   月    日凫刻链单元凫刻链modu

34、le 4凫刻链课题凫刻链unit 1 happy thanksgiving!凫刻链课型凫刻链 凫刻链教学 凫刻链目标凫刻链知识与能力凫刻链1.能理解、认读生词:festival, special, meal, sound。 2.能理解和认读句子“we always have a special meal.” ”we say thank-you for your food, family and friends.” 3. 能阅读理解课文; 4. 能模仿朗读课文。 5. 能用口头运用”we always have a special meal. we say thank-you for

35、your food, family and friends.”这类语句介绍节日主要活动。凫刻链过程与方法凫刻链创设情境,学习本单元课文,并通过操练,使学生初步掌握如何描述西方节日凫刻链情感与态度凫刻链1. 能谈论和描述课文所介绍的节日,并产生对其他西方节日的兴趣,培养学生的跨文化意识。 2能在积极参与活动、和他人合作完成任务的过程中获得学习乐趣和学习成就感。凫刻链重点凫刻链1基本能听懂、会读festival, special, meal, sound 2. 能理解和认读句子: 1)“what do you do on-?” 2)thanksgiving is my festival. 3)“w

36、e always have a special meal.” 4)“we say thank-you for our food, family and friends凫刻链难点凫刻链1.各词汇的发音及理解。 2.通过对节日的谈论,掌握人称代词(主格,宾格)和物主代词凫刻链教法凫刻链直观教学法、提问法,任务型教学法,精讲多练,充分发挥学生的主体作用,在活动中,通过合作学习,建立团队意识和集体责任感。凫刻链学法凫刻链小组讨论凫刻链教学凫刻链准备凫刻链磁带、相应的单词卡片(festival, special, meal, sound)和图片凫刻链预习设计凫刻链预习本课单词凫刻链教学过程凫刻链施教者调

37、整凫刻链step 1 warming-up 凫刻链1. greetings: 凫刻链t:good morning,boys and girls.listen to the music and follow it.凫刻链(播放音乐,齐唱歌曲“happy new year to you”) 凫刻链a.单词教学 凫刻链t: great ! on new year, we can sing and dance ;we can play fire-works. we can do a lot of special things. its special for us. 出示单词卡片special并教学

38、凫刻链(由解释新年所做的事情自然引入special 生词。) 凫刻链t: well done. you know, “new year”is a festival ,a special festival.出示单词卡片festival并教学,注意读音 凫刻链t: now ,we know that new year is a special festivsal .what do you do on new year? 凫刻链s1:- 凫刻链s2:- 凫刻链t: you are right .we always have a big meal with our family.凫刻链(作吃饭状,帮助

39、学生理解meal的含义并教授该单词) 凫刻链t: what other festivals do you know? 凫刻链ss: teachers day. mothers day. christmas. spring festival. - 凫刻链t: excellent ! today , ill tell you a special festival.(边说边板书thank,问学生其意思,再写下give,再合起来写thanksgiving,一步步引导学生猜测这个词的整体意思,继而将课题板书出来。) 凫刻链(设计意图:学习课文前先学习一些新词,便于学生在听课文时的理解) 凫刻链b、新课呈

40、现 凫刻链1. 听课文 凫刻链t: listen to the tape carefully and try to answer the questions. 凫刻链1) what are the two american festivals in the story? 凫刻链2)what do people do on flag day? 凫刻链3) what do people do on thanksgiving day? 凫刻链(课文播放三遍,第一遍:了解故事大意,明确主题,形成整体印象。第二遍:弄懂比较容易理解和掌握的句子,大致明确难点在哪里,尝试概括全文的大意。第三遍:尝试理解较难

41、的句子,结合上下文和插图理解句意,逐渐把握全文并找出问题的答案。) 凫刻链answers: 凫刻链1) they are flag day and thanksgiving day. 凫刻链2)they carry flags and sing songs. 凫刻链3) they always have a special meal on thanksgiving. its a big family dinner. 凫刻链t: lets learn another new word.(出示单词卡片sound) 凫刻链2.介绍flag day 和 thanksgiving day: 凫刻链t:每

42、年的7月14日是美国的flag day,也就是国旗日。每到这一天,美国的各公共场所、大型建筑、家里都挂国旗,各州还举行各种纪念仪式。其最重要的仪式 就是在国旗下进行忠诚宣誓。 每年的11月第四个星期四就是美国的thanksgiving day,也就是感恩节。几百年前,远渡重洋来到美洲的英国移民,为了感谢上帝赐予的丰收,进行了狂欢活动从此习俗延续了下来,并逐渐风行各地。林肯总统正式定感恩节为国定假日,届时,举国同庆。(此部分能用多媒体课件更好,没有的话可借助课前准备的图片) 凫刻链(设计意图:用中文具体介绍这两个节日,使学生更好的深入理解课文,了解西方的节日文化。) 凫刻链3.再读课文,详细问答

43、: 凫刻链1) whats simons favorite festival? check: thanksgiving 领读并解释意思。凫刻链(t:do you want to know more about-?) 凫刻链2)t: what do they say? check: “thank you ” “happy thanksgiving” 凫刻链3)what do they do after dinner? check:they watch a big football game on tv. 凫刻链c、操练 凫刻链t: now, you know lots of thanksgivi

44、ng ,right? ss:- 凫刻链t :can you tell me more about american festivals?(将这一句子板书) 凫刻链ss:- 凫刻链t: well ,thanksgiving is my favourite festival.(板书该句子)on that day,i thank my family and we have a big dinner.what do you do on thanksgiving day? 凫刻链ss:- 凫刻链t:ask your classmates like this and make a dialogue.the

45、n i will ask some students to show. 凫刻链提示学生仿照黑板上的句型编对话 a:can you tell me more about american festivals? b:well,-(thansgiving) is my favourite festival. a:what do you do on-(thanksgiving day)? b:-(we always have a special meal.we say “thank-you”for our food,family and friends.) 凫刻链(设计意图:仿照课文句子编对话,让学生

46、能更好地掌握本课句型) 凫刻链d. homework: 凫刻链写一篇小作文。选自己喜爱的节日,并用本节课学到的句型描述这个节日。 凫刻链 凫刻链【板书设计】module 4 unit 1 happy thanksgiving!凫刻链 festival what do you do on-?凫刻链special凫刻链meal we always have a special meal.凫刻链sound凫刻链【教学反思】凫刻链课时教学计划凫刻链            &

47、#160;                                   凫刻链主备人:      施教时间:     年   月   

48、;日凫刻链单元凫刻链m4 u2凫刻链课题凫刻链whats your favourite festival?凫刻链课型凫刻链 凫刻链教学 凫刻链目标凫刻链知识与能力凫刻链1.介绍中国主要节目。 2.比较中西方节日的差异。凫刻链3.交流自己对节日的喜好。凫刻链过程与方法凫刻链创设情境,学习本单元课文凫刻链情感与态度凫刻链1.能谈论和描述课文所介绍的节日凫刻链2.能在积极参与活动、和他人合作完成任务的过程中获得学习乐趣和学习成就感。凫刻链重点凫刻链节日凫刻链难点凫刻链节日特征凫刻链教法凫刻链直观教学法、提问法,任务型教学法凫刻链学法凫刻链小组讨论凫刻链教学凫刻链准备凫刻链磁带、相应的单词卡

49、片和图片凫刻链预习凫刻链设计凫刻链预习本课单词凫刻链教学过程凫刻链施教者调整凫刻链1热身复习凫刻链 1)老师带领学生复习上一模块学习的韵诗。凫刻链2)老师针对节日的主题向学生们提问:“what do people do on thanksgiving day? what do people do on flag day?”引导学生根据上节课所学内容做出相应的回答。凫刻链2. 导入:凫刻链老师提问的同时出示sb unit2活动1的图片,引导学生猜测图片所表现的是什么。学生应该能够用中文回答出图片所表现的分别是元宵节、春节、中秋节和端午节。凫刻链3. 课文教学凫刻链将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,通过播放

50、录音呈现sb unit2活动l。如果有必要,请学生凫刻链对照着书听录音, 熟悉故事内容和情节。凫刻链听过第一遍录音后,请学生仔细看书上的图,说出每幅图表现的是什么。学生应该能够说出对应的中国传统节日名称。老师把 “lantern festival,spring festival,mid-autumn festival, dragon boat festival”写在黑板上,进行单词教学。带领学生多重复几遍,并采用多种形式进行操练。凫刻链放录音,每段后停顿,请学生说出该段文字讲述的是哪一个节日,然后指向相应的图。老师可以在这时重复录音中对每种节日的描述,并向学生讲解语言方面的疑难。再放录音逐句停

51、顿,让学生重复。凫刻链4.重音练习:凫刻链老师可以在学习过课文后让学生看着书sb unit2活动3的录音体会句子中的语调和重音。鼓励学生大声模仿跟读。地道的语音和语调是需要通过这样的不断练习而逐渐形成的。凫刻链5. 活动一:凫刻链全班分为四个大组。通过搜集资料每组需用白色卡纸制作一本中西方节日宣传册。主要内容为对比中西方节日的相同点与不同点。凫刻链如 :凫刻链凫刻链春 节 图 片凫刻链凫刻链 春 节 习 俗凫刻链圣 诞 节 习 俗凫刻链 圣 诞 节 图 片凫刻链6. 课后作业:凫刻链回家后向家人和亲戚朋友升绍中国和美国的主要传统节日以及相关的风俗习惯。凫刻链 凫刻链【板书设计】 module 4 unit 2 whats your favourite festival?凫刻链whats your favourite festival?凫刻链my favourite festival is lantern festival凫刻链【教学反思】凫刻链课时教学计划 凫刻链主备人: _ 施教时间: 年 月 日凫刻链单元凫刻链m5 u1凫刻链课题凫刻链pleased to meet you!凫刻链课型凫刻链新授凫刻链教学 凫刻链目标凫刻链知识与能力凫刻链1.vocabula


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