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1、高中英语说课高中英语说课什么是说课 说课是教师在备课的基础上,教者面对同行或教学研究人员系统地谈自己的教学设计及理论根据,然后由听者评析,达到相互交流,共同提高的目的。说课的特点 简易性与操作性 理论性与科学性 交流性与示范性说课的类型1、研究型:一般以年级组或教研组为单位。 2、专题型:请专家共同探讨 3、示范型:选择较好的教师示范 4、评比型:带有竞赛性质,有指定的教材,规定时间,一般由专家和学科的研究人员参加。说课的基本原则1. 遵循教学大纲要求,明确说课内容。把握说课与上课的区别与联系,正确理解教材、教案说课、上课之间的层进关系,走出说课即是“说教案”的误区。2. 以教师为主导,学生为

2、主体,体现先进的教学理念。3. 详略得当,重点突出,体现说课的完整性。4. 与教案相结合,体现其可操作性。说课与上课的关系1、说课与上课要求不同 上课主要解决教什么,怎么教的问题;说课则不仅解决教什么,怎么教的问题,而且还要说出“为什么这样做”的问题。 2、说课与上课的对象不同 上课的对象是学生,说课的对象是具有一定教学研究水平的领导和同行。由于对象不同,因此说课比上课更具有灵活性,它不受空间限制,不受教学进度的影响,不会干扰正常的教学;同时,说课不受教材、年级的限制,也不受人员限制,大可到学校,小可到教研组。说课与备课、上课的关系(相同点)(1)主要内容相同,说课与备课的教学内容是相同的。

3、(2)主要任务相同,都是课前的准备工作。 (3)主要作法相同,都是要学习大纲,吃透教材,了解学生,选择教法,设计教学过程。说课与备课、上课的关系(不同点)(1)概念内涵不同。说课是属教研活动,要比备课研究问题更深入。而备课是教学任务如何完成的方法步骤,是知识结构如何转化为学生认识结构的实施方案,属于教学活动。 (2)对象不同。备课是要把结果展示给学生,即面对学生去上课,而说课是对其他教师,说明自己为什么要这样备课。 (3)目的不同。说课帮助教师认识备课规律,提高备课能力,而备课是面向学生为目的,它促使教师搞好教学设计,优化教学过程,提高课堂效益。 (4)活动形式不同。说课是一种集体进行的动态的

4、教学备课活动;而备课是教师个体进行的静态教学活动。 (5)基本要求不同。说课教师不仅要说出每一具体内容的教学设计,做什么,怎么做,而且还要说出为什么要这样做。即说出设计的依据是什么。而备课特点就在于实用,强调教学活动的安排,只需要写出做什么,怎么做就行了。说课的内容(一)说教材阐述对教材的理解(二)说学生分析教学对象(三)说教法与手段介绍选择哪些方法手段(四)说教学程序介绍教学过程设计说课的内容(一)说教材阐述对教材的理解(二)说学生分析教学对象(三)说教法与手段介绍选择哪些方法手段(四)说教学程序介绍教学过程设计说教材阐述对教材的理解1、教材简析。在认真阅读教材的基础上,说明教材在大纲课程标

5、准对本年级的要求。说明课时教学内容在本节课、单元、年级乃至整套教材中的地位、作用和意义。 2、明确提出本课时的具体教学目标。 3、分析教材的编写思路、结构特点以及重点、难点。这就要求对教材内容作知识点分析。说学生分析教学对象1、学生旧知识基础和生活经验。 2、起点能力分析 3、一般特点与学习风格差异说教法与手段介绍选择哪些方法手段 说教法,就是说出选项用什么样的教学方法和采取什么样教学手段,以及采用这些教学方法和手段的理论依据。 教具的使用说教学程序介绍教学过程设计1、教学思路与教学环节安排2、说明教与学的双边活动安排 3、说明重点与难点的处理 4、说明采用哪些教学手段辅助教学。什么时候,什么

6、地方用,这样做的道理5、说明板书设计说课要注意的问题1、说课不是备课,不能按教案来说课。 2、说课不是讲课,教师不能把听说课的老师和领导视为学生,如正常上课那样讲。 3、说课不是“背课”,也不是“读课”,要突出“说”字。既不能按教案一字不差地背下来,也不能按 说课稿一字不差地读下来。一节成功的说课,一定是按自己教学设计思路,有重点,有层次,有理有据,口齿清楚。 4、说课的时间不宜太长,也不宜太短,通常可以安排一节课的1/31/4的时间。 5、注意发挥教师自身教学个性和创新精神,防止生搬硬套杂志上的内容。 6、注意运用教学理论来分析研究问题,防止就事论事,使说课还处于“初级阶段”的层次水平。 7

7、、注意避免过于表现“理论依据”,脱离教材、学生、教师实际,空谈理论。要提但是创新,但不能全盘否定常规教学,不能全盘否定传统教学思想和方法。本次教学技能测试英语说课要求 语言:必须用英语 时间:说课15分钟 答问5分钟 范围:必修模块说课模板 自我介绍: Good morning, everyone. Im very pleased to have such an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. Im . My topic is . taken from Unit 1 in Advance with English, Mo

8、dule5.Part 1 Understanding of this lesson 1. Analysis of the teaching material This is the second part of this unit, but it is very important in this unit, the theme of the text is related to the title of this unit. This part is a reading material about the friendship; the article is made up of two

9、letters written to an agony aunt of a teenage magazine. Two students are writing to the agony aunt for advice because they have both fallen out with their best friend. Students are expected to gain some insight into the problems that can exist between friends. The reading strategy in this unit teach

10、es students how to understand feelings and emotions in a text. Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve students spoken English. At the same time, we should get the students to understand some difficult sen

11、tences to comprehend the text better. The students should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the students should receive some moral education. Let the students understand how to keep their friendship well. Part 1 Understanding of this lesson2. Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: To

12、help students get a general idea about the text. To make students become familiar with the detailed information about the text. To help students master Reading Strategy. Ability aims: To improve their reading skills by fully participating in all the activities To read the passage advertisements and

13、complete related answers To learn how to obtain information in text by understanding the subtitles Emotional aim: To enable the students to love life and understand how to keep their friendship well. Part 1 Understanding of this lesson 3. Key points/teaching important points: How to improve their re

14、ading ability How to make the students understand the passage better. How to help the students finish all the exercises. How to let them gain some insight into the problems that can exist between friends. Part 1 Understanding of this lesson 4. Teaching difficult points: How to help the students deve

15、lop their creative, comprehensive and consolidating abilities. The usages of some key words and structures Part 2 Teaching theories, methods and aids: Before dealing with this lesson, Ill do my best to carry out the following theories: Make the students the real masters in class while the teacher hi

16、mself acts as a director; Combine the language structures with the language functions; Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language. Part 2 Teaching theories, methods and aids: Teaching methods: Double activities teaching method Question-and-answer activ

17、ity teaching method Watch-and-listen activity Free discussion method Pair work or individual work method Part 2 Teaching theories, methods and aids: Teaching aids: 1. A projector 2. A tape recorder 3. Multimedia 4. The blackboard Part 3 Understanding of students The students are in Senior Grade 2 an

18、d they have been studying English for more than 7 years.They have got enough basic skills for English reading. It is no longer problem for them to read the passage and search for the related information. In the previous period, the students have got some ideas about how to get along with their frien

19、ds and they are supposed to have some skills in solving problems in their friendship. The students are expected to understand the reading strategy and collaberate with others to solve the problems in their reading.Part 4 Teaching steps / procedures I have designed the following steps to train their

20、ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading ability. Part 4 Teaching steps / proceduresStep 1 Greetings and revision Greet the whole class as usual. Ask students some questions to revise the last lesson(show them on the screen) Check the homework Through this part we can

21、consolidate what they studied yesterday, communicate with others about their survey results and prepare for the new lesson. Part 4 Teaching steps / proceduresStep 2 Lead-in Sign to the students to be quiet and close their books. Then start a free talk with the students. Use computer to show a short

22、film about the friendship. Ask the students several questions about it. These questions are employed to warm up the students and raise the interests of the students to speak English in class on the topics they like and familiar with. Part 4 Teaching steps / proceduresStep 3 Listening After the teach

23、ers brief introduction to the text about the friendship. Then ask the students to listen to the tape of the text with their books closed. After listening to the text, ask the students to answer some simple questions focusing on the general idea of the text. This step is employed to make the students

24、 get the general idea of the text as a whole one. At the same time let the students have a chance to practice their listening ability. Then ask the students to listen to the tape carefully with their books opened. After listening, ask the students some questions focusing on the details of the text.

25、Meanwhile, deal with some language points raised by the students or appearing in the questions Part 4 Teaching steps / proceduresStep 4 Fast reading(scanning)and careful reading 1) During fast reading, I will ask the students to go through the questions in part A and then read the text quickly and g

26、et the main idea of each paragraph to find the answers to the three questions: (1)Are the writers of the two letters feeling happy or sad? (2) What did Sarah get for the surprise Maths test? (3)Is Matthew usually a quiet boy? After getting the general idea of each paragraph, I will deal with the det

27、ails paragraph by paragraph. Part 4 Teaching steps / proceduresStep 5 Practice In this step the students are required to practice. Ask them to discuss these questions: 1. Do you think Sarah and Hannah should try to be friends again or go their separate ways? 2. If you found out that your best friend

28、s had made friends with another person, what would you think about this and what would you do? This step is employed to make the students grasp the useful phrases and sentence patterns for making suggestions and replying on the base of reading the text fluently. Let the students find out the express

29、ions and sentence patterns for making suggestions and replying in this passage. Meanwhile, show these expressions and sentence patterns on the screen one by one. This step is employed to give the students a deep understanding of those expressions. Ask the students to finish the questions in Part C o

30、n page 4. Part 4 Teaching steps / proceduresStep 6 Consolidation First show the words and phrases given on the screen, and then ask the students to make short sentences to practice. This step is employed to make the students get a further understanding of these expressions. Ask the students to answe

31、r some questions to consolidate what theyve learnt. Work in groups and try to make a dialogue which is full of strong feelings. Suppose you were in a quarrel with your best friends, and turn to another one for help. You need to tell him the causes and how you feel about it. And the helper should give advice. Part 4 Teaching steps / procedu


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