已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、学习必备欢迎下载必修一第三单元单元教学内容分析Topic: travelling; describe a journeyVocabulary: 音形义journal transport disadvantagefareflow graduate schedule shortcomingstubbornbeneathsourcealtitudevalleypacebendboil forecast parcelinsurance midnightdetail detailedbe similar to应用preferpersuade finally insistbe fond ofcare ab

2、outchange ones mindjourneygive inattitudeas usualImportant sentences: 1.As it enters Southeast Asia, its pace slows.2.It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong Rover from where it begins to where it ends.3.Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about

3、taking a great bike trip.4.Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.5.It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys, 6.To climb the mountains was hard work but as we looked around us, we were surprised7.Although she didn tknow the best way of getting to places, she insisted that sh

4、e organize the trip properly.Grammar:现在进行时态表示将来(注意两个前提条件)Where are we going? When are we leaving? When are we coming back?glacierDaily language: (课本第23 页)1、话题:旅游,描述旅途中的见闻2、讨论未来的计划3、祝愿和告别When are you leaving? Where are you staying?How are you going on?How long are you staying in? When are you arrivin

5、g in/at ? When are you coming back?Have a nice/good time/trip/journey!Take care!Good luck on your journey!Have fun!Say hello to.Remember me to . Give my love/best wishes t. Best wishes. Write to me.Emotionalgoal: 掌握旅游常识,学会解决旅游中的一些问题;学会为自己的将来制定计划,并为实现自己的计划进行安排。了解生态旅游的概念和意义,树立为建立人与自然和谐发展的环境而努力的意识。Writ

6、ing: 通过对本单元文章的回顾与总结,完成一封信件。本单元讲述了一段演湄公河而下的自行车旅行,主人公王坤以旅行日志的形式详细记录了这一过程。学生通过追随者一段旅程,探讨与旅游相关的各种话题,如:如何确定旅游路线,计划或日程等等。通过本单元的学习,不仅可以使学生学到与旅游有关的语言知识和语言技能,还会使学生对旅游产生浓厚的兴趣,通过旅行了解世界各地的文化,增强对祖国大好河山的热爱和国际意识,进而配眼学生的跨文化交际能力。Warming up 部分:不是一开始就向学生呈现新的知识,二是让学生从他们所熟悉的旅行常识入手,引导学生对旅行的话题进行思考。本本份的练习1 涉及的是旅行工具的选择,学生需要

7、对每一种旅行工具的优缺点进行比较。练习2 涉及的是旅行地点、方式、费用和时间的选择。通过这两个练习的热身,应该可以达到以下几个目的:一学生对旅行前的筹划有所认识,重建原有知识结构,二是复习与话题有关的单词和短语,在表达过程中,将重新认识现在进行时的用法,调整头脑中以有的关于这一语法项目的信息结构,增加用现在进行时表示将来的信息。Pre-reading 部分:主要引导学生接触旅游话题的另一个方面 旅游资源。旅游资源包括很多,如海洋、高尚、名句等等。本单元所谈到的河流也是旅游资源中的一种。本部分又三个问题:第一个时让学生回答在日常生活中如何对河流进行有效地利用,关键是要引导学生意识到河流的另一种利

8、用形式:河流作为旅游资源的开发。第二个问题时让学生自己选择自己感兴趣并愿意沿其路线旅行的河流并说出选择的原因。这一问题时引导学生回答河流作为旅游资源需要具备什么特点。第三个问题与下面阅读部分的课文紧密相连,为理解课文做准备。要求学生通过地图查看湄公河的流向,并列出湄公河流经的国家,一方面对主人公旅游的路线以及见闻有一个大致的了解,从而更好地理解课文,另一方面也启发学生关注途径国家的文化信息,增强文化意识。Reading 部分:“湄公河旅行游记”的第一部分讲述了王坤和王薇梦想沿湄公河做自行车旅游,并为之做准备的过程。文章的第二部分 A night in the mountains 放在“语言运用

9、部分”中,主要讲述了他们在西藏山中度过的一宿,爬山路的艰苦和乐趣。通过阅读,学生应该不仅仅学到了相关的词汇,与训练技能,还要学会选择自己感兴趣的履行地点,确定旅行路线,通过产地图等了解沿途的相关信息,还要学会在旅行的过程中需要观察什么。Comprehending 部分:共有五道练习题。 练习 1、2、3 是文章内容的考查,其中练习 1 是考查学生对文章表层信息的理解程度,练习 3 是考查学生通过推理对文章信息的理解程度,练习4 是考查学生利用文章信息进行迁移应用的能力,这三个练习在难度上是逐层递进的。练习2、5 是对文章中语言知识的考查,其中练习2 是用自己的话语来解释文章中可能会造成阅读障碍

10、的句子,练习 5 也是解释句子,但角度不同。Learning about language 部分:词汇部分共三个练习。练习一让学生从课文中选座位适当的词汇来完成句子,这既要考查学生对词汇的理解和运用,也要考查学生的单词拼写以及词形的变化;练习2 主要考查学生对结构或意义相近的单词和短语的理解,让学生根据语境选择适当的词或短语,时的学社工词汇的运用更为得体;练习3 与以往的词汇练习明显不同的是,练习中所提供的单词大部分并非课标要求掌握的词汇,但他们都是一些常见的英语地理词汇,目的是不仅仅是为了总结本单元的地理词汇还为学习必备欢迎下载了引导学生学会将词汇进行分类记忆的方法。在语法学习部分,练习1

11、的目的是让学生熟悉现在进行时表示将来这个语法项目的用法和结构。练习2 是该语法项目在所提供的语境中应用;练习3 是这一语法项目在实际生活中的具体运用Using language 部分:第一部分是阅读与讨论技能的综合。第二部分是听和说,第三部分是写作。高中英语教学设计教学Unit 3 Travel journalJourney down the Mekong (Part I)课题课程Reading类型课时一课时教材这篇文章是必修一第三单元的阅读文章,是旅游日志的第一部分。通过阅读这篇文章,学生可以了解一些湄公河的风光,但更多的是学会如何表达自己的梦想,并为实现自己的梦想进行计划与做好准备。分析学

12、情尽管经过前两个单元的学习,学生的阅读水平与心理素质有了一定的进步与提高,但毕竟入高中才月余,对如此长篇幅的文章还是有压力的。如何引导学生更加轻松、圆满地完成阅读任务僵尸本节课的难点。分析教学1.Understand the text well. 2. Master key words and expressions 3. Finish the Ex.重点教学1.How to help the Ss to understand the text better.2. How to help the SS master the key words and expressions better.难点

13、(一)知识目标1.New words: ever since, persuade, graduate, finally, schedule,cycle, organize, attitude, care about, determine, make up教学ones mind, give in, bend, pace, be fond of2.Understand the text and finish the Ex.目标(二)能力目标Learn to describe the dream and make plans for realizing the dream.(三)情感目标Know m

14、ore about nature. Learn to make plans.教学1. Discussion2. Co-operative3.Task-based activities方法教学过程设计时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Make the SS revise the new words.Finish the Ex. Try to recall the复习词汇,为方便后面阅读的minRevisionnew words.开展更加顺利学习必备欢迎下载Step 2Ask the Ss to read the title of the reading通过文章标题猜词文章主题pas

15、sage and try to guess the main idea ofAnalyze the title and try tominTitle analysis内容,旨在培养学生的阅读能the text.guess.力Step 3Ask the Ss to skim the text to do ”Part 1 Dream(Para. _)Skim the text and finish the Ex.minSkimmingPart 2 Plan (Para. )通过一系列的不同的阅读练习,可以让学生从不同角度,Step 4Ask the Ss to read the text and

16、answer theScan the text and finish the Ex.利用不同方式对文章进行深minScanningQs.入的理解。Step 5Ask the Ss to read the passage carefullyRead carefully and finish the ExminCareful readingand finish Ex 1 in comprehending.通过总结汇总, 再现文章脉络Step 6Lead the Ss to sun up the main idea ofSun up the main idea of the与主要内容,使知识点更加明

17、minSummarythe passage.passage with the teachers help.朗化和条理化Step 71.Read the text again to understand it better. And underline any difficult sentences.2.My little daughter likes travelling. This is her dream: she d like to go to the sands. Please help her to make aminhomeworktravel plan to travel to

18、Rizhao City for a travel.Blackboard Design(板书设计)Reflection After Teaching(教学反思 )猜测部分,大多数学生可以轻松胜任,但在详细阅读部分,很多学生反应较慢,不会总结提炼,需加强练习。附录教学步骤具体教学内容补充Step 1Prefer, persuade, determine, organize, attitude, care about, be fond of, as usual, give inWhat: a journeyWhere: along the MekongJourney down the MekongW

19、ho:?When: ?How: ?Step 2Part 1 The dream and the planwhat was the dream?two partsPart 1DreamWhat was the plan?Part 2PlansStep 4Q1. What was the dream?Q2. What were their preparations for their journey?Step 6Dream: To take a great bicycle down the Mekong.(This is _ s opinion.)Plan:1.Bought mountain bi

20、kes.2. Found partners.3. Did some research. 4. collect more from the Ss.Language points:1.preferprefer A to Bprefer to doprefer (doing) sth to (doing) sthprefer to do sth rather than do sth2.advantage disadvantagehave/gain/win an advantage over 优于take advantage of sth 趁机利用3.dream fo/aboutdream a dre

21、amrealize a dreamdream come true4.辨析: advisepersuadetry to persuade5.She persuaded me to buy one. 代词指代6. Where are we going?现在进行时表示将来两个前提-Look, the lights in the classroom are still on. -Oh, sorry, I forgot to. I _.A. will go and close themB. am going and closing them7.It was my sister who first had

22、 the idea to cycle along.( 强调句 )8.She insisted that she organize the trip properly.学习必备欢迎下载 insist on doing sth insist that ( 要不要用虚拟语气,判断方法)He insisted that he was not a thief and that he should be set free at once.9.辨析: determine decidemake up ones mindbe determined to do另外注意: make up ones mind中的 m

23、ind 和 change ones mind 中的 mind 一样,有复数形式,具体用不用,取决于ones的单复数形式。10.The air would be hard to breathe. 句式结构:“名词 +be+形容词 +-to 不定式”,其中的 -to 不定式要用主动形式表示被动意义11.an interesting experience|12.give into sbgive upgive 的短语 give away give backgive ingive offgive outgive upUnit 1-3 知识点复习1、词汇1) add, add to, add to, ad

24、d up, add up to2)join, join in, join sb in doing, take part in, attend3)calm 4)recognize5)prefer to do, prefer (doing) sth to (doing) sth, prefer to do sth rather than do sth6)从句中需用虚拟语气commandrequestinsist7)be concerned about be fond ofbe tired of/with/from8)介词的使用 journeyattitude9)play a part/role i

25、n/of10)动词短语 go throughset downcare about give inmake use of11)change ones mindchange ones mind12)decide, determine, make up ones mind, be determined to do13)介词和连词 in order to do, in order that/so that because of because14)介词短语 at midnighton purpose as uaual15)不用被动的几种现象sufferhappenbreak outgo onlook主

26、动形式表示被动意义need doingn.+be adj+to dothe/a number of +n 做主语2、语法 1) 直接英语和间接引语2) 现在进行时表示将来时3、交际用语1) 表达同意与不同意 (P6)2)交际困难( P15)3)祝愿和告别( P23)必修 Unit 3 Travel Journal 复习提纲一、语言基础1、词汇音形义journal/ n. _transport/ n. _disadvantage / n. _fare/ n. _flow/ n. _graduate/ n. & v. _schedule / n. _shortcoming / n. _st

27、ubborn/ adj. _beneath/ prep. _source/ n. _altitude/ n. _glacier/ n. _valley/ n. _pace/ n. _bend/ v. &n. _boil/ v. _forecast/ v. _parcel/ n. _insurance/ n. _midnight/ n. _detail/ n. _detailed/ adj. _be similar to _应用词汇短语 /句式结构注意事项完成句子preferprefer名/ 代 /动名词 to 名/ 代 /动名词prefer与 to后接prefer to do rath

28、er than词语的词性周末我宁愿呆在家里,也不想去看电影。区分:persuadepersuade (sb) to do sthpersuade, advise, 我们努力的想说服他戒烟,可是不管用。try to advisefinally副词 ,意同 last, in the end造句:insistinsist on doing sth学习必备欢迎下载insist that (should)doinsist that (不用虚拟 )be fond of意同 like, 注意:fond 是形容词他很喜欢体育运动。care aboutcare 词性 ,以及后面的介词辨析: care forca

29、re abouttake care ofchange oneschange one s mind(s) to do sthmind改变主意做某事makeupmake up one s mind(s) to doones mind决定做某事journey辨析: journey, trip, tour, voyage, travelgive ingive 的相关短语attitudeattitude 的介词 to/toward(s)as usual辨析: usual, general, common, ordinary词义reliable, organize- to do 、-doing 主动形式表

30、示被动意义造句:辨析: decide, make a decision, make up ones mind to do, determine to do, be determined to do本单元词汇大串联The Smiths are fond of travelling. They ve been to many places in the worldever since they got married. This summer,as usual,they plan to travel abroad. Their son, who has just graduated from un

31、iversity, makes up his mind to join them this time. However, they have different attitudes towards the transport and schedule of th e journey. The couple prefer to travel by train which they think is cheap and reliable although it leaves at midnight . While Tom, who cares much about the health of hi

32、s parents, is for taking the plane, which is quick and convenient in his eyes. He tries all possible means to persuade his parents to change their minds. After days efforts, the couple finally give in. they let Tom organize the whole journey. And as the young man promises, the journey proves to be p

33、leasant in the end.史密斯夫妇 喜欢 旅游。 自从 他们结婚以来已经去了很多地方了。和往常一样 ,今年夏天他们计划出国旅游。他们的儿子汤姆刚刚从大学 毕业,决定这一次和他们一起去。然而,他们对这次旅游用什么样的 交通工 具和旅游的 时间安排 有不同的 看法。史密斯夫妇 想乘火车,他们认为尽管火车 半夜出发,但它既便宜有 可靠。而汤姆为父母的健康 着想,他认为应该乘飞机,因为它既快捷又方便。他想尽办法去 说服父母改变 他们的 主意 。经过几天的努力,夫妇俩 最终让步 了。他们让汤姆来 组织这次旅游 。最后正如汤姆许诺的那样,这次旅游最终是愉快的。重点句子It was my si

34、ster who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong Rover from where it begins to where it ends.Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys, A

35、s it enters Southeast Asia, its pace slows.To climb the mountains was hard work but as we looked around us, we were surprisedAlthough she didn tknow the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly.二、语法现在进行时态表示将来(注意此种用法的两个前提条件)Where are we going?When are we leaving

36、?When are we coming back?三、交际用语(课本第23 页)1、话题:旅游,描述旅途中的见闻2、讨论未来的计划(Talking about future plans )When are you leaving?Where are you staying?How are you going on ?How long are you staying in ? When are you arriving in/at? When are you coming back?3、祝愿和告别(Good wishes and farewells)Have a nice/good time/t

37、rip/journey!Take care!Good luck on your journey!Have fun!Say hello to. Remember me to .Give my love/best wishes t. Best wishes. Write to me.四、情感目标掌握旅游常识,学会解决旅游中的一些问题;学会为自己的将来制定计划,并为实现自己的计划进行安排。了解生态旅游的概念和意义,树立为建立人与自然和谐发展的环境而努力的意识。学习必备欢迎下载五、写作通过对本单元文章的回顾与总结,完成一封信件。必修一Unit 3 单元过关验收测试卷一、单项选择题(共 15 小题,每小

38、题1 分,共 15 分)1._ exercise, Alice prefers watching TVA. Taking B. To take C. To taking D. Take 2. We _ Tom to study hard, but it s no use.A. persuadedB. tried to persuadeC. advisingD. tried to advise3. The Smiths chose to live in that house for their holiday only because of its wonderful _ of nature.A

39、. sightB. sceneC. viewD. look4. The attitude _ our study is key( 关键的 ) to our future success.A. toB. ofC. forD. on5. Yesterday, when I called one of my friends, he told me that he would go to Wutai Mountain _ journey.A. onB. forC. toD. in6. As a top student, he shouldnt_ when he meets some difficult

40、ies in study.A. give inB. give upC. give offD. give down7. -Look! You ve forgot to turn off the lights.-Oh, I have. I _ and turn them off.A. will goB. have goneC. goD. am going8. -I ll take the driving test tomorrow.-_.A. Cheer upB. Good luckC. Come onD. Congratulations9. I don twhat you think, I m

41、certain he is right.A. care forB. take care ofC. care aboutD. be care of10. His mother is a _ woman who always gets what she wants.A. reliableB. determinedC. familiarD. stable11. -What do you think of Susan?-I am not so sure, but she looks _.A. wellB. wonderfullyC. friendlyD. beautifully12. She insisted that it _ Tom who _ the window and that he _.A. was, had broken, shouldn tpunishedB. was, had broken, shouldntbe punishedC. was,


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