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1、M1 U1(1st Period )练习设计:班级()姓名()学号()一、圈出听到的正确的单词:1.A. rubberB. rabbit2. A. bird B.bee3.A. bearB.pear4. A.seeB.look5.A. beeB. see6. A.howB.what7.A. bagB. dog8. A. niceB. nine二、圈出听到 答句的编号:1.A. I see a bee.2.A. Its a bird.3.A. Its a rabbit.4.A. Its green.三、看图圈单词:B. I can see a bee.B. A bird.B. Yes. Its

2、a rabbit.B. Its a green frog.1. What do you see ? I see a( beebird)2. How many bees? _(woThree )3. Look! This is a _( rabbitrubber )4. The _( frogs frog ).M1 U1(2st Period )练习设计:班级()姓名(学号()一、听录音,给下列图片1.()()2.()()二、听录音,给下列句子编号。()Hello!( )What colour is it? ( )What do you see ? ( )It s pink.()I see a

3、pig.三、连线1.beeA. It2.pigB. It3.sheepC. It4.frogD. It5.chickE. It6. cowF. It()()()()s white and fat. s pink and fat.s small and green. s small and yellow. s black and yellow. s black and white.M1 U2 ( 1st Period )班级(练习设计:)姓名()学号()一、 Listen and tick (听录音,勾出正确的答案) 8%1.2.dogbag()()()()3.smellsmall4.bigpi

4、g()()()()5.seebee6. tenhen()()()()7.rabbitrubber8.quackoink()()()()二、 Listen and number (听录音,根据动物的叫声给下列图片编号) 16%12.3.4.()()()()三、选择正确的应答句 ,把答案编号写在前面括号内6%() 1. How many sheep?A. This is a sheep.B. Six sheep.() 2. What do you see?A. I see a nice cat.B. I hear a cat.() 3. What sthis?A.

5、It sa pig.B. I see a pig.()4. What do you hear?A. I see a nice cat.B. I hear a cat.M1 U2 ( 2st Period )班级(练习设计:)姓名()学号()一、 Listen and circle (圈出正确内容前的编号 ) 10%1.A. catB. dog2.A. bearB. pear3.A. tenB. hen4.A. rabbitB.rubber5.A. I hear a sheep. Baa, baa.B. I hear a duck. Quack, quack.二、 Listen and choo

6、se (听问句 ,圈出正确答句前的编号 ) 5%1.A. Nice to see you.B. Fine, thank you.2.A. I see an orange.B. It is an orange.3.AI see a dog.B. I hear a dog.4.A.Yes .It sa sheep.B. It sasheep.5.A. It s a white sheep.B. It s white三、 Listen and write the numbers (听录音,写出相应的数字 ) 6 1.98_ 60_2.5_6_ 243. _10_534.36_9_65.1_965_6

7、. 8_91_2四、找出不同类的单词 ,把答案编号写在前面括号内12%() 1.A. rulerB. frogC. catD. bird() 2.A.sheepB. cowC. henD. cat() 3. A. redB. yellowC. bagD. blue() 4. A. twoB. sevenC. nineD. hen五、选择正确的应答句 ,把答案编号写在前面括号内6%() 1. How many sheep?A. This is a sheep.B. Six sheep.() 2.What do you see?A. I see a nice cat.B. I hear a cat

8、.() 3.What sthis?A. It sa pig.B. I see a pig.() 4. What colour is it ?A. It s a black cat .B. It sblack.M1 U3 ( 1st Period )练习设计:班级()姓名()学号()一、选出不同类的单词:1.fatpigsmallbig2.tigerfrogbirdbee3.niceninefivetwo4.pandatigereightmonkey5.pearbearorangebanana6.MooMiaowQuackduck7.seetouchcanhear二、找出正确的回答句:1. Wh

9、at do you see ?A. I see a frog .B. I hear a frog .2. What colour is it ?A. It s green.B. I am a bee .3. Woof“- woof !”What do you hear ?A. I hear a dog .B. I hear a cat .4. Taste the rice .A. Ok .B. Yummy.Yummy三、圈出正确的答案:1.Taste the _ , please .A. eggB. soup2.Smell the _ , please .A. riceB. noodlesM1

10、 U3 ( 2st Period )练习设计:班级()姓名()学号()一、圈出正确的单词:1.兔子 A. rubberB. rabbit2.蜜蜂 A. birdB.bee3.梨 A. bearB.pear4.母鸡 A. henB. hen5.看见 A. eyeB. see6.绵羊 A. sheepB. frog7.猫 A. catB. eat8.狗 A. bagB. dog9.米饭 A. niceB. rice10. 面条 A. noodlesB. soup二、选择正确的答案:1.-Hello , Peter .- _ .A. Hello .B. Hi, I m Peter .2.- What

11、 colour is it ?- _ .A. Green .B. A green bird .3.- What can you do , Alice ?-_ .A. I can hear a bird .B. She can dance.4.- How many bees ?-_ .A. One bees .B. Ten bees .5.- Is this a bird ?-_ .A. Yes, it s a bird B. No, it s a bird .6.- What do you see , Kitty ?-_ .A. I see a duck .B. I hear a bird .

12、7.-What s that ?-_ .A. It s a yellow bee. B. It s yellow .三、读一读,选择合适的单词,把序号填在空格上。A. henB. rabbitC. birdD. pandaE.frogF. chick1.Look, it s green. It s small . It can jump. It s a _ .2.What thats ?Ithas two redeyes . Ithastwolong ears . it a s_ .3.It s yellow . It goes“ Peep Peep” , It is a _ .4.Hello

13、 , I am a _ .“ Cluck .Cluck”.5.Look at the animal . It s fat . It s white and black . It6.“ Hello! Hello!” I can sing . I am a _M2U1 ( 1st Period )练习设计:班级()姓名()学号()一、听录音,圈出你听到的单词或词组1.A. kiteB.cat2.A. ballB.doll3.A. bicycleB. flower4 A. a super bicycleB. a nice doll5.A. four ballsB. five balls二、听录音,选

14、出你听到的句子1.A. I like my bicycle . Itssuper .B. I like my kites . Itsnice.2.A. Here you are .B. Thank you .3.A. What do you like ?B. Do you like the kite?三、选出不同类单词1.A. busB . dollC. toyD. ball2.A. hamburgerB. eggC. colaD.cake3.A. tenB. treeC. threeD. four4.A. redB. blueC. colourD. green5.A. seeB. hearC

15、. singD. like四、用数字给下列句子排序() I like the kite .() I like my kite . Itsnice .() Can I help you ?() Thank you .() Here you are .M2U1 ( 2st Period )练习设计:段小宁班级()姓名()学号()一、听录音,圈出你所听到的单词1. Alice , touch you _ .A. ballB. book2. What s this ? It s a A. dog .B. frog3. I like the _ .A.bearB. pear4. I can _ a bi

16、cycle .A. drawB. hear5. _ the soup , Ben .A. TasteB.Smell二、听录音,给下列句子编号() It s super .()What do you see ?() It s yellow .() I see a bicycle .() What colour is it ?() I like the bicycle .三、听录音,选出正确的答案1. A. I see a bear . B. I hear a bear .2. A. It s a ball.3. A. It s a chick.B. It s a duck .4. A. OK.

17、Here you are .B. I like the kite .四、读句子,圈出正确的答案1.I like _ .A. dollB. dolls2._ the apple . Yummy . Yummy.A. TasteB. Smell3.Peep peep I hear a _ .A. henB. chick4.How many _ ? One ruler .A. rulerB. rulers5.This is my father . _ can draw a bicycle .A. HeB. SheM2U2 ( 1st Period )班级(练习设计:)姓名()学号()一、听录音,圈出

18、 你听到的单词或词组1.A. kiteB. cat2. A. ballB. doll3.A. jellyB. juice4. A. bigB. pig5.A. bearB. pear6. A. rubberB. rabbit7.A. seeB. bee8. A. coldB. cola二、听录音,选出你听到的句子1. A.Taste the ice-cream. Yummmy yummy.B. Smell the ice-cream. Its nice.2.A. One for you and one for me.B. One for me and one for you.3.A. What

19、 do you like ?B. Do you like jelly?三、 圈出不同 类的词:1. balldolldogbicycle2. tastetouchsweetsmell3. eightbiscuitthreeseven4. hamburgerwaterpiepizza5. nicesuperyummykite6. shortsmallfatbag四、用数字给下列句子排序()One for you and one for me.()Yes,I like sweets very much.() Hi, Alice! Do you like sweets?()Thank you .M2

20、U2 ( 2st Period )练习设计:班级()姓名()学号()一、听录音, 判断,用“T”或“F”表示: 16%1.()2.()3()4.()二. 听录音,圈出正确的 应答句 : 10%1.A: Its yellow.B: It s a yellow bird.2.A: Yes, I like jelly.B: No, I like jelly.3.A: Sweets, please.B: Here you are.4.A: I like ice-cream.B: Yes, I like ice-cream.5.A: Its an ice-cream.B: Yes.It s an ice

21、-cream.三、将下列单词归类 ,把数字填在横线上1. rabbit2.rubber3.doll4.peach5.sweet6.kite7.frog8.pencil9.egg10.,orange1. biscuit_2.apple_3.hen_4.book_5.ball_四、读句子,圈出正确的答案1. What do you like? I like _.A. sweetB. sweets2. Do you like jelly?A: Yes, I like jelly.B: No, I like jelly.M2U3 ( 1st Period )班级(一、 Listen and tick

22、(练习设计:)姓名(听录音,勾出正确的图片)学号() 8%)1.2.()()()()3.4.()(二、 Listen and number)()(按听到的顺序,给下列图片用()1,2,3编号) 15%()()()()()三、 Listen and circle (听录音,圈出正确内容前的编号)1.Do you like _, Danny?A. waterB winter2._some water.A. DrawB Drink3. like _ colaA. a B some四、 Read and number(读一读,给句子编号,使其通顺。 )( )What do you like ?( )I

23、m thirsty.( )I like cola.( )Thank you .( )Here you are.M2U3 ( 2t Period )练习设计:班级()姓名()学号()一、 Listen and choose (听问句 ,圈出正确答句前的编号 ) 5%1.A. Nice to see you.B. Fine, thank you.2.A. I see an orange.B. It is an orange.3.A. I like water.B. No, l like ice cream.4.A. I m sorry.B. Thank you.5.A. Soup, please.

24、B. Here you are.二、找出不同类的单词 ,把答案编号写在前面括号内 6%() 1.A. rulerB. frogC. catD. bird() 2.A. milkB. juiceC. biscuitD. cola() 3.A. tasteB. drinkC. smellD. nice() 4.A. redB. yellowC. bagD. blue() 5.A. dollB. kiteC. ballD. pig() 6.A. twoB. sevenC. nineD. hen三、给下列问答句配对,用线连起来:5%1.Do you like rice?A. I hear a dog.

25、 Woof, woof.2.Drink some water, Mum.B. Thank you.3.What do you hear?C. No, I like noodles.4.Smell the orange.D. I like noodles.5.What do you like?E. It snice.四、选择正确的答案,把答案的编号写在横线上:4%1.I like.A. waterB. pear2.I seeegg.A. anB. a3.Happy birthdayyou.A. atB. to4. A: Do you like sweets?B: , I like sweets

26、.A. NoB. YesM3 U1 ( 1st Period )班级(练习设计:)姓名()学号()一、 Listen and circle (圈出正确内容前的编号)1. summer3.spring5.hotspringsweethotdog2. water4.warm6.coolwinterwintercold二、 Listen and tick (听录音,勾出正确的图片)1.2.()()()()3.4.()()()()三、用 1, 2, 3给下列一段话重新编号,使它们组成一段连贯的对话:6%()OK.()Good morning,Ben.()Let s go to the park.()G

27、ood morning,Kitty.()What season is it?()It sspring. It swarm.四、给下列问答句配对,用线连起来:5%1.What do you need?A. I like the red dress.2.Drink some water, Mum.B. Thank you.3.What do you like?C. I need a red dress.4.Smell the orange.D. It swinter.5.How is the weather?E. It snice.M3 U1 ( 2st Period )班级(练习设计:)姓名()

28、学号()一、圈出正确的单词5%hots i h o t l h o p y p p yspringa b e sp i n y s p r i ngcoldc o ol d co l d c lo dsummers i s s u m m e r a s t e r e rwarmp l w a w a r m l e e I l e二、找出不同类的单词,把答案编号写在前面括号内6%() 1.A. coolB. coldC. warmD. spring() 2.A. milkB. juiceC. biscuitD. cola() 3.A. springB. autumnC. winterD.

29、warm() 4.A. redB. yellowC. bagD. blue() 5.A. shirtB. blouseC. shortsD. need() 6.A. twoB. sevenC. nineD. hen三、选择正确的应答句 ,把答案编号写在前面括号内6%() 1.What season is it ?A. It is cool.B. It is autumn.() 2.What do you see?A. I see a nice dress.B. It is a nice dress.() 3.Do you like winter?A. No, I like spring.B.

30、Yes, I like spring.() 4.What do you like?A. I like summer.B. Yes.I like summer.() 5. In spring,I_ the flowers. Its niceA.tasteB.smell() 6._summer, it s hot.A. On.B. In.M3 U2 ( 1st Period )班级(一、 Listen and judge (练习设计:)姓名(听录音,相符的打)学号(,不相符的打)) 16%12.3.4.()()()()二、Listen and circle (圈出正确内容前的编号 )10%1.A.

31、 rainB. rainy2.A. hotB. hat3.A. sunB. sunny4.A. weatherB. season5.A. I hear a dog. Woof, woof.B. I hear a duck. Quack, quack.6.A. In spring, it is warm.B. In summer, it is hot.7.A. I like sunny days.B. I like windy days.8.A. Do you like autumn, Danny?B. Do you like winter, Danny?三、看图圈出正确的单词.8%12.3.4

32、.windywindrainrainnycloudywindysunnyrainy四、给下列问答句配对,用线连起来:5%1.Do you like sunny days?A. I like the red dress.2.Drink some water, Mum.B. Thank you.3.What do you like?C.Yes. I like sunny days4.Smell the orange.D. It srainy.5.How is the weather?E. It snice.M3 U2 ( 2st Period )班级(练习设计:)姓名()学号()一、圈出选择正确的

33、答案。1. 妈妈想知道天气怎么样,怎么问?A. How is the weather?BWhat is the season?2. 小朋友看到外面下雨了说 :A. It s windy.BIt srainy.3. 小朋友不喜欢下雨会怎么说A.Rain,rain,go away.BI like rainy days.4. 邀请小朋友一起去沙滩怎么说A. Let s go to the peach. BLet sgo to the beach.5. 别人邀请你去沙滩玩,你很想去,你怎么回答A.OK.BLet sgo to the beach.6. 你问奶奶喜不喜欢晴天,你说A.I like sun

34、ny days.B Do you like sunny days?7. 你问 Kitty 喜欢什么天气,你问A.What wether do you like ,Kitty?B Do you like sunny days, Kitty?二、圈出选择正确的单词 ,把编号写在横线上。1.Let s go_ (A. toB. in)the beach.2._(A. WhatB. How) is the weather?3.Do you like_ (A. sunny B. rainy ) days? No,I like rainy days.4.How is the weather?Its_(A.

35、 cloud B. cloudy)5.How _(A. isB. are ) the weather?M3 U3 ( 1st Period )班级(练习设计:)姓名()学号()一、 Listen and tick (听录音,勾出正确的单词)1.coldclothes2.shotsblouse()()()()3.neednew4.dodon t()()()()二、看图圈出正确的单词 .三、找出不同类的单词 ,把答案编号写在前面括号内() 1.A. sunnyB. windyC. cloud

36、yD. rain() 2.A. milkB. juiceC. biscuitD. cola() 3.A. springB. autumnC. winterD. hot() 4.A. redB. yellowC. bagD. blue() 5.A. shirtB. blouseC. shortsD. needM3 U3 ( 2st Period )班级(练习设计:)姓名()学号()一、选出下列单词的反义词,把编号写在括号里。A. bigBwarmC coldDshort EnewF up1.()hot2.()long3.()cool4. ()old5. ()small6. () down二、圈出

37、选择正确的答案。1.你问 Ben 需要什么 ,怎么问?A. What do you like , Ben? BWhat do you need, Ben?2. Ben 喜欢短裤说 :A. I like a shorts.BI likeshorts.3.小朋友不喜欢红色会怎么说A. I don t like red. BI like red.4.问小朋友喜欢什么衣服怎么说A. What colthes do you like?BWhat do you need?5.问小朋友喜欢子吗?怎么说A. What do you need?BDo you like the dress?6.奶奶喜欢衬衫说A.

38、I like the blouse.B I like the shirt.7.这件裙子旧了,你要一件新的,你说A. I like the new dress.B I need anew dress.M4 U1 ( 1st Period )练习设计:班级()姓名()学号()一、 Listen and circle (圈出正确内容前的编号 )1.A.readB. ride2.A. skip B. rope3.A. myB. your4.A. biscuitB. bicycle5.A.playB. fly6.A.singB. song7.A. What can you do ?B. What can your mother do?8.A. What can she do?B. What can he do ?二、 Listen and choose (听问句 ,圈出正确答句前的编号 )1.A. Nice to see you.B. Fine, thank you.2.A. I see an rope.B. It is a rope.3.A. Yes, I like bicycle.B. l like the bicycle.4.A. He can skip a rope.B. She can skip a rope.三、找出不同类的单词 ,把答案编号写在前面括


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