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1、scene isabrina: once upon a time, on the north shore of long island, not far from new york, there was a very very large mansion, almost a castle, where there lived a family by the name of larrabee. sabrina: there were servants inside the mansion, and servants outside the mansion. boatman to tend the

2、 boats, and 6 crews of gardeners - 2 for the solarium, the rest for the grounds, and a tree surgeon on retainer. sabrina: there were specialists for the indoor tennis courts and the outdoor tennis courts, the outdoor swimming pool and the indoor swimming pool. sabrina: and over the garage there live

3、d a chauffeur by the name of fairchild; imported form england years ago, together with a rolls royce and a daughter, named sabrina. (sabrina stops washing the car, and walks towards a tree, and climbs on it to watch the party.) sabrina: among other things, the larrabees were noted for the parties th

4、ey gave. few people anymore give parties the way they did. it never rained on the night of a larrabee party - the larrabees wouldn't have stood for it. sabrina: there was maude larrabee, who inherited the larrabee corporation when her husband died on the 13th hole at pebble beach. (mrs. larrabee

5、 speaks to a young girl.) mrs. larrabee: sweetheart, go talk to coronel morgan. he looks bored. senator, have i got somebody i want you to meet. sabrina: maude was on the cover of fortune. sabrina: there was linus, the older son. he graduated form yale at 19 and took his mother and company for a rid

6、e on the fiber-optic hightway, and turned a hundred million-dollar family businesses into some serious money. (linus stands away from the crowd and talks with a client by cell-phone.) linus: well, i just don't feel like buying anymore networks this year. there's never anything good on. i sai

7、d the offer expired at 10:00. it's 10:08, robert. sabrina: linus was on the cover of time. sabrina: but most of all, there was david, the younger son, who was in and out of many schools and even more relationships. he was handsome and charming and funny and romantic. (david is dancing with a bea

8、utiful blonde, and flirting with her. ) david: it's so rare to meet such a beautiful woman, with your sense of humor and irony, poetry, and hair color. sabrina: david did a gap ad.scene ii(linus is waiting beside the car for his mother, and then david runs out of the house and shouts. linus) dav

9、id: hey, linus! got a minute? linus: david, does it ever occur to you that you are an officer of the larrabee corporation? david: listen linus. i met someone. linus: recall the address of our building? it's 389 park avenue. david: hey, i'm not kidding. linus: your office is on the 48th floor

10、. david: this is really somebody. linus: so what's the problem? david: well, i've invited her for dinner here friday. and i just don't want you and mother to. listen, this girl is smart, she's really smart. linus: well, that certainly hasn't come up before. david: listen, linus,

11、she's a real woman. she's not a, you know, a. linus: transverstite? david: she's not a bimbo. she's a doctor, pediatrician, actually. linus: how did you meet her? david: well, i was at this party and the host's kid got sick with something and i rushed him over to lennox hill emer

12、gency. and she was the resident on duty and we just. we just hit it right off. linus: how'd the sick kid make out? david: listen, when you guys meet her just try to make me look good. i mean, i know i look good, but ya know, try to make me sound good. mention my accomplishments, my qualities. yo

13、u can be creative. lie, ok? she says her folks know you. linus: what's her name? david: tyson. elizabeth tyson. linus: tyson elecronics, tyson? david: tyson, i don't know. (mrs. larrabee comes out of the house. ) mrs. larrabee: here's a toughie: "which one works for a living?"

14、david: wow, great hat, mother. mrs. larrabee: good morning, blue eyes. linus: bring her around, we'll try to make you look good. david: so, you guys work sundays now, huh? linus: it's wednesday, david. scene iii(david strides into linus' office with great anger, holding a piece of newspa

15、per, he comes up and throws the paper on linus' desk. david非常生气地冲进linus的办公室,手里拿着一份报纸,他走上前去,把报纸摔在linus的办公桌上)david: i wonder why i was suddenly being treated with so much respect. linus: is something bothering you david? david: you've been pushing me into this relationship with elizabeth so yo

16、u could engineer a merger with tyson. linus: wait a moment, pushing you? i could burn in hell for the lies i told about you. you begged me to make you look good in front of elizabeth. david: you never said a word about planning to make an offer to patrick. linus: "talk about my accomplishments,

17、" you said. "my qualities, be creative, lie!" you said. david: i can't do this, linus. i'm not ready to make this kind of commitment. linus: oh, i see. she must have asked for an actual wedding date. david: i don't know what came over me. she was healing children, i was in

18、 tuxedo i'm not in any position to take care of a wife. linus: elizabeth is a doctor and a millionaire, david. she won't be a burden. you don't deserve her, but she appears to love you. david: yeah, see, doesn't that worry you a little bit? i mean aobut her mental health? linus: davi

19、d. david: so this is all just a coincidence? linus: it's an opportunity. david: opportunity? (linus turns on the tv and takes out a handgun from the drawer, and shoots at the tv screen. )linus: what do you expect me to do? disqualify myself from a billion-dollar merger because i might have famil

20、y connections? david: what are you doing? it was just a question! (linus stands up and walking towards the tv screen, pointing at the screen surface, he says to david.) linus: look at this thing. not a scratch. david: is this some new way of changing the subject? linus: no one in the world has a fla

21、t panel screen this size, except patrick tyson. and the damn thing's indestructible. he's sitting on the hottest technology in town and everyone in wall street knows it. we've got so much competition on this merger that. david: wait a minute linus. you're talking about my life. linus

22、: i pay for your life. david. my life makes your life possible. david: i resent that. linus: so do i. linus: look at yourself. you went to law school, you never took the bar. you went to business school, i can't get you anywhere near the office. you studied languages, you don't speak. instru

23、ments, you don't play. you have a series of girlfriend, you never see them more than twice. do you not see a pattern here? david: who are you to lecture me about closeness? your idea of a long-term relationship is giving your date a chance to order dessert. linus: i don't have time for desse

24、rt. i'm too busy with this company. you're a grown man, david. finish something. elizabeth tyson's the best things that ever happened to you, and you told me so yourself. scene ivsabrina: dear dad, this is my last letter from paris. i may even be home before you get it. don't worry a

25、bout picking me up. i'd like to surprise you. amazing - it's gone by so quickly. gertrude stein said "america is my country, and paris is my hometown." i'll always feel that way about paris. i want so much for you to know what it's meant to me. it's turned cold out, but

26、 i don't feel cold. across the street someone is playing "la vie en rose". they do it for the tourists, but i'm always surprised at how it moves me. it means seeing life through rose colored glasses. only in paris, where the light is pink, that song makes sense. but i'll have i

27、t in my pocket when i get home, and i'll take with me wherever i go from now on. love to you, dad.scene v(sabrina stands by the street, smiling at david. david can not believe his eyes and looks around, to make sure there is nobody else she's greeting. ) sabrina: hi, how are you? david: i

28、9;m great. uh, how are you? sabrina: good. i'm just surprised to see you here. david: well, you know me. don't ya? uh, can i give you a lift? sabrina: are you on your way home? david: yes. sabrina: well, that's convenient. you sure you wouldn't mind. (they enter the car, and drove to

29、 dusoris lane.) david: ya know, i uh, i can't remember the name of your street. sabrina: dusoris lane. david: what? that's where i live.sabrina: small world. david: big lane. sabrina: you don't recognize me, do you? (she takes her sunglasses off thinking he would recognize her.) david: y

30、eah, of course i do. you're my neighbor on dusoris lane. sabrina: and you're david. david: i sure am. one of the lesser larrabees. sabrina: in what way lesser? david: pretty much every way, but please, no pity. david: i could have sworn i knew every pretty girl on the north shore. sabrina: o

31、h, i could have sworn you took in more territory than that. david: ouch! sabrina: although, that was a while ago. i heard somewhere that you're engaged to be married. david: oh yeah i am, but we're both very busy, busy people, and it's been very difficult to set a date. so come on, give

32、me a clue. just one. sabrina: oh, no. this is too much fun. david: please! sabrina: there's your driveway. (pointing at his driveway) david: i was just gonna say that. uh, would you like to come in for a drink? sabrina: what a good idea!scene vi(hopefully looks back, but disappointedly to see th

33、at it is linus who comes in.)sabrina: linus. (linus enters the solarium, holding a bottle of champaign and two glasses in his right hand)linus: hello, sabrina. i have a message from david. he won't be able to make it. he sent me. i'm sorry, you're upset. of course. sabrina: yes.no, . um.

34、 i don't know. i'm a little tired. why didn't he come? linus: he was on his way, he had a slight accident. he sat on a champaigne flute. sabrina: is he ok? linus: he's in the emergency room. sabrina: emergency room! linus: hey that's a little joke! sabrina: should i drive over to

35、 see him? linus: he'll be fine. a couple of stitches. you can see him tomorrow. (linus fills one glass with champaign and then gives it to sabrina.) sabrina: what's this for? linus: part of the message from david. sabrina: they sent you to deal with me, haven't they? linus: they? sabrina

36、: like a lawyer in a movie. he goes to the unsuitable waitress, or showgirl, or chauffeur's daughter, and says the family is prepared to offer you a hundred thousand dollars to stay away from their son. "no", she says, "a hundred and fifty thousand. no" linus: two hundred tho

37、usand? sabrina: no. linus: a million? no self-respecting lawyer would offer less. sabrina: no self-respecting waitress would take it. (sabrina puts down the glass and turns her back to linus.) linus: good girl. sabrina: i've loved him all my life. linus: have you? sabrina: i thought i was over i

38、t. linus: surprise, surprise. sabrina: you don't object? (she suddenly turns back.) linus: object? to you? look at you. it's as though a lovely breeze has swept through this whole house. sabrina: even though the breeze comes from the general direction of the garage? linus: it's the 90s s

39、abrina. sabrina: so they say. scene viilinus: are you done? sabrina: i don't think i can eat anymore. linus: it's too late to give them their freedom. sabrina: you know, you are not exactly what people say you are. linus: oh yeah? what do they say i am? sabrina: uh you know? linus: no. sabri

40、na: well, that you're the world's only living heart donor. linus: oh, bad. sabrina: how does this one go? he thinks that morals are paintings on walls, and scruples are money in russia. linus: well, that's droll. sabrina: and then there's my favorite. linus: no, no, no, i get the pic

41、ture. that's enough. sabrina: do you rmember the rainy afternoon we spent together? linus: no. sabrina: my father had, uh, had driven you mother and david into town for a music lesson. linus: how old was he? sabrina: i don't know, fourteen? fifteen? linus: that would be the oboe. sabrina: th

42、e oboe? linus: yeah, it was a misunderstanding. he thought he was gonna get to take hobo lessons. it was a rainy afternoon, huh? sabrina: stormy. i was afraid, and i came into your house and tried to turn on a lamp, but i got a shock. and i thought i'd been stuck by lightening. and you stayed wi

43、th me all afternoon, till my father came home. linus: and you didn't cry. you were a brave kid. sabrina: no, i was more afraid of you than being electrocuted.scene viiilinus: i can't do this. sabrina: what is it? linus: you were right. sabrina: about what? linus: about everything. everything

44、 that mattered. it was all a lie. everything i said to you, from the moment i brought the champaigne into the solarium. sabrina: i don't believe you. linus: i was sent to deal with you. i sent myself. and i did a hell of a job. there was a marriage, there was a merger. you got in the way. the pl

45、an is to take you to paris, then leave, to get you out of the way. (sabrina is shocked, linus goes into the washing room, and washed his face with cold water.) linus: sabrina i think that there's no.sabrina: what are the things that are being taken care of? linus: what? sabrina: she said other t

46、hings. linus: an apartment for you in paris. a bank account. sabrina: how much? linus: 500,000 francs. sabrina: your first offer was better. linus: you can have more. sabrina: i don't want more. i don't want any. you went to all that trouble just for me? the helicopter and the jet. linus: it

47、 was no trouble. sabrina: was i really so bad for david, so wrong? the chauffeur's daughter, isn't that all over? linus: that's not it. it's about a piece of plastic. sabrina: plastic? linus: nothing personal.sabrina: may i? paris is always a good idea. i was happy there. you would h

48、ave been too. linus: i'll drive you home. sabrina: i'm flying home.scene ix(linus, mrs. larrabee, mr. and mrs. tyson and two lawyers are waiting in linus' office for david. david comes in with his fiancee) linus: the purpose of this meeting is to inform you that at this moment my brother

49、, david. david: is late as usual. sorry, sorry, everybody. linus: what are you doing here? david: elizabeth and i have decided to elope. mr. tyson: really? linus: david, where's sabrina? david: so are we merging, are we all one? mr. tyson: who's sabrina? linus: you didn't go with her? da

50、vid: well obviously not, linus, i mean here i am, right? she's probably having her beverage service right about now. mr. tyson: who is? mrs. larrabee: sabrina. mrs. tyson: who's sabrina? mr. tyson: the chauffeur's daughter. linus: don't call her that. elizabeth: she was after david f

51、or a while then apparently she switched to linus. she seems to have decided that he was the one with the power. linus: is that what he told you? elizabeth: he told me everything, linus. linus: and you didn't see her before she left? you didn't talk to her? david: oh sure, i said goodbye and

52、i think i wished her luck. maybe not, i told her i felt kind of funny accepting my brother's hand-me-downs. and i said don't take it personally, and you're always been generous to your women in the past and i was sure she'd be more than compensated for whatever. (linus gives david a

53、round-house pounch. ) david: see i told you, he loves her. mrs. tyson: who? mr. tyson: sabrina. david: is he packed? mack: yes. linus: is who packed? mack: you are, just one bag. linus: wait a minute, you packed my clothes? you went to my apartment. mrs. larrabee: i took her. mack: we were up to our elbows in your underwear drawer. it was like touching the shroud of tornh. david: here, sign this. it's your authorization for the completion of the merger. and this, gives me the raise i deserve for


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