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1、学习必备欢迎下载形容词比较级一,用所给词的正确形式填空。1, I am a little _ ( tall ) than you.2, Tom is _ ( cool ) than Jack.3, The Great Wall is _ ( old ) than the Guangzhou Tower.4, My brother is _( old ) than me.5, This girl is _ ( nice ) than that one.6, It is much _ ( safe ) to stay at home than to go out at night.7, Lily

2、is _ ( thin ) than her classmates.8, Zeng Zhiwei is _ ( fat ) than Wang Zulan.9,This question is _ ( easy ) than that one.10, This question is _ ( difficult ) than that one.11, Fan Bingbing is _ ( famous ) than Yangmi.12, Some day, my hometown will become _ ( beautiful).13, I think today is _ ( tire

3、d ) than yesterday.14, This book is _ ( interesting ) than that one.15, Staying in bed is _ ( boring ) than going to school.16, Jacky Chan is _ ( popular ) than Wang Baoqiang.17, Nothing is _ ( enjoyable ) than playing basketball.18, The yellow bag is the _ ( expensive ) of the two bags.19, Listenin

4、g to music is _ ( relaxing ) than playing computer.20, Playing football is _ ( dangerous ) than playing table tennis.21, Which one is _ ( exciting ), dog or cat?22, My pocket money is much _ ( much ) than yours.23, He felt bad yesterday. But now he feels a lot _ ( good ).24, I am _ ( bad ) at Englis

5、h than my brother.25, I have got_( little ) money than you. I have got _ ( few) apple than you. 26, My house is _ ( far ) than yours.27, Which do you like _ ( good ), Chen Yixun or TFBOYS? 28, Maomin is not so _ ( busy ) as Shanghai.29, I have got money as _ ( much) as you.形容词( adj.)和副词(adv.)一,作用和位置

6、学习必备欢迎下载( 1)“形容词” 常用来修饰 _ ,放在名词的 _ 或者be / 系动词(例如: become / get / turn / feel 等)的 _ 。例如: 漂亮的女孩beautiful girl (beautiful 是形容词 ,放在名词girl 的前面) The bag is big. ( big 是形容词,放在 be 动词后面 )( 2)“副词” 修饰 _ , 常放在动词的 _, 被修饰的形容词和副词的 _。例如: 大声说 speak loudly (speak 是动词, loudly 就是副词。) 非常好 very good (good“好的” 是形容词,very 是

7、副词, 修饰 good,放在它的前面)二,副词的变化规则规则的变化:副词(adv.)=形容词+ ly例如:carefully=careful+ lyslow(adj. 缓慢的) slowly (adv. 缓慢地,慢慢地) quick (adj. 迅速的,快的 ) quickly (adv. 快,迅速) safe safely 注意: (1)辅音字母加 y 结尾的,要把 y 变成 i , 再加 ly例如: happy(adj. 高兴的) happily (adv. 高兴地)(2) 有些词既可作形容词也可作副词。 如:fast, early, late,hard,high 等。(3) good 的

8、副词是 well !(切记)1,把下面形容词变成副词。heavy _slow _fast _careful _light _careless _busy _ sad _loud _natural _successful _ late _good _lucky _ early _二,选词填空。1,He is a _ student, and he always does _ at school. ( good / well )2. My father usually finishes his jobs _. He is a _ man.( successful / successfully)3.

9、 I am so _ today. I won the match _. ( lucky / luckily)4. Shanghai is a _ city. Everyone works _. (busy / busily )5. She sings really _. ( good / well )6. Dontdrive too _ ( fast ). Its dangerous.学习必备欢迎下载7. Tim goes to school _ every day. But its too _ today. ( early)8. I am never _ for school. But t

10、oday I got to school too _. ( late )9. Listen to teachers _ in class. You should be _.( careful / carefully)10, Tony is a _ boy. He lost his bag _ this morning. ( careless /carelessly)三,用括号里所给词的正确行使填空。1. Lily left _ ( angry ) yesterday.2. They are playing basketball _. They are so _ today.( happy)3.

11、 Please write it down _ ( quick ).4. I saw a grandma walk _ ( slow) in the park yesterday.5. Sally didntpass the exam _ ( successful), so she is crying _ ( sad ).6. I canthear you _ ( clear ). Can you say it _ ( loud)?7. My grandma is very nice. She always smiles at us _ ( nice).8. My mother _ ( usu

12、al) goes shopping with me.9. Everything is getting _ ( good ) .10. I hurt my knee _ ( bad ) yesterday.11. I am working _ ( hard ) to get the best score.12. We are playing _ ( good ) as a team now.13. Children can learn languages more _ (easy) than adults.四. 把下面句子翻译成中文。1. Damon 是一个细心的男孩。他做任何事都非常认真。_2

13、. 要安全到家啊!_3. Michael 跳舞跳得真的很好。_4. 妈妈悄悄地走进了我的房间。_5. 他总是早睡晚起。_6. 他跳得很高。_副词比较级学习必备欢迎下载一,变化规则:包括规则的变化和不规则的变化(1)规则的变化构成方法原级比较级一般都在词前面加morecarefully,carelessly,easily,loudly, clearly在词尾加 erearly,late,fast,high,hard(2)不规则的变化原级比较级原级比较级littlewellBadlyfarmany/much1, Sorry, I canthear you. Please speak _ ( lou

14、dly).2. Tony listens to teachers _ ( careful ) than Kevin.3. Dick does his home work _ ( careless ) than you.4. We are training _ ( hard) because we want to win.5. Tom goes to school _ ( late) than Tony.6. I usually get up _ ( early ) than my sister.7. Sam did _ ( well) this year than last year.8. L

15、i Lei draws _(badly) than Jim.9, Today Tom came to school _ ( early)10, Please run _ ( quickly ). Or well be late.比较级固定句式( 1)比较级+ and + 比较级= 越来越······ / 更··· 、 更···例如:香港正变得 更大更繁荣 。 Hong Kong is getting bigger and busier. 他老了,走得越来越慢了。He is g

16、etting old and he walks _. 现在 Simon 学习越来越认真了。Now Simon is studying _.( 2) the + 比较级, the + 比较级 = 越······, 越······· Eg:开车 越小心就 越 安全。 The more carefully you drive, the safer it is.学习必备欢迎下载越 喝多可乐就 越 胖。The more cola you drink, the fatter y

17、ou become. 练习越多就越容易。 _ you practise, _ _ it is. 你说得越大声,我就越能听清楚。_ you speak, _ _ I can hear you. 手机越新就越贵。_ phones are, _ _ they are. 越努力就会越幸运。_you work, _ you will be.答案一,1,taller2, cooler3,older4,elder5,nicer6,safer7,thinner8,fatter9, easier10, more difficult11,more famous12,more beautiful13,more ti

18、red14,more interesting15, more boring16,more popular17, more enjoyable18,moreexpensive19,more relaxing20,more dangerous21,more exciting22,more23,better24,worse25,lessfewer26,farther27,better28,busy29,much形容词和副词一,(1)名词,前面,后面(2)动词、形容词或副词,后面,前面学习必备欢迎下载1,heavily2,slowly3, fast4,carefully5, lightly6, carelessly7,busily8,sadly9,loudly10,naturally11,successfully12, lately13, well14, luckily15,early二,选词填空1, good, well2, successfully,successful3, lucky ,luckily4, busy,busily5, well6,fast7, early, early8,late, late9, carefully, careful10,careless, carelessly三,1,angrily2,happily,happ


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