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1、a business plan of promoting moocs among chinese high school students-advancing the links between chinese college and high school education_1. introductionever since mit and havard employed mooc(massive online open courses), it is leading the revolutionary changes of traditional education systems1.

2、mooc has been accepted by many prestigious institutions of higher education. however, developing countries such as india and china still uses the most traditional educational systems2. the chinese government is now slowly supporting the use of mooc as it gradually become market-oriented and globaliz

3、ed. we believe mooc's innovatives ideas will bring a trend to the future forms of education3.most people believe that the quality of educational systems are proportional to its price. but nowadays, as more and more university implement mooc and its policies of sharing informations, better educat

4、ion can be accessed cheaper and easier.the world is become more interconnected with internet and other forms of communication tools each day, therefore, online courses such as mooc will most likely be implemented by more and more institutions. it is possible that one day many chinese institude will

5、also use its ideas. since mooc is becoming and seen as such an important system of education for the future, we will discuss its use in chinese universities, high schools, and colleges, and others values such as its market potential, influence, availability, and feasibility in this paper.1.2 use of

6、mooc and its market potentialthe cost for premium or high-level education in china is lavish, and is not accessible for people in the lower class. only 23% of people from age 18-22 have graduated from university in 20064. therefore, a change is needed, and mooc comes right in place. -because mooc is

7、 online based, it is in fact a new market, indicating huge potentials such as pricing on premium courses, advertisements, paying to ask professionals online, and etc. if implemented, the price for coruses could be very low to attract a large amount of students in china.-teachers are a waste on human

8、 resources because teachers have to cover the same materials each year for new students. with the implementation of mooc, it is most likely that the number of teachers could be greatly reduced. therefore, schools' expenditure could be reduced. students will also have more free time because they

9、can listen to courses and lectures in a less constricted area, for example, listening to a lecture in the metro.-preliminary cooperation among chinese top universities and coursera would firstly ensure the authority and practicability of the course resourses. also, the three self-admission alies amo

10、ng chinese top universities is, to some extent, the tacity approval of the current mode in which universities perform mutual cooperation. it has make it easier to build chinas mooc system. although the development of china's internet is gradually becoming the forefront of the world, china still

11、lacks technological innovation in its online market. the result of implementation of mooc is dependent on a country's situation and condition, as a country with congenital national conditions, the great potential of mooc in china will likely create the world's leading mooc running system hig

12、h school-university link mode?1.3 mooc's competitiveness and advantagesmooc have considerable advantages that are unparalleled compared to traditional education. connectivism values autonomy, diversity, openness, and interactivity allow an instructor to assume the role of facilitator with learne

13、rs actively interacting with other students. “most significantly, moocs build on the engagement of learners who self-organize their participation according to learning goals, prior knowledge and skills, and common interests” therefore, active engagement and interaction are key mooc instructional met

14、hods5. mooc's use of the makes its accessibility is much higher than of traditional educations and reliable and recognized by most companies because of fast development of it. there are still many unrecognized gaps and inadequates in the chinese internet/online education market.1.4 management an

15、d profitability forecast1.4.1 managementthe basic management should be done by universities, businesses, high school, government in a joint and consensus way. business and co-operations should should be responsible for resources and funds, schools and colleges will take mooc into practice, and the g

16、overnment are responsible for the overall coordination and supervision necessary. capital requirements include making and developing of the curriculum and courses, marketing, maintenance, advertisement, and funding during the beginning of early developments of mooc.6,71.4.2 profitability forecastpro

17、fits will be gained once courses and study materials are published online. partnerships with institutions, digital co-operations, sponsors, and advertisements could also generate income.in the earlier stage, profits mainly come from bonuses of the operation of moocs.in the later stage, profits mainl

18、y come from the bonuses of ipo(initial public offerings).the maturity stage of a moooc platform in china should be a completed industrial chain: technology, funding, application and teaching resources in the front end; companies that admit the learning experience of mooc learners and provide job opp

19、ortunities for them in the back end. the fact is, china has yet to fulfill the requirements of this completed industrial chain. meanwhile, internet business has great market opportunities to explore, such as producing online courses, trustee of courses and the utilization of data in the establishmen

20、t of mooc platforms. this is also a important reason of our motivation for promoting moocs among chinese high schools. 2. entrepreneurial organization overview purpose: better education that serves the peoplename of the organization: flamingo development department of chinese moocsgoal: the promotio

21、n of moocs among chinese high schools and the advancement of the links between chinese high school and colleges educationbusiness strategy:introduction of foreign experience for domestic development; applies the principle of from top to bottom and from sample to the whole; promotiong of the integrat

22、ion of mooc platforms and diversivication of resources.facilities needed:colleges and high schools for trial operation ( schools in the early centers of moocs, see 4.3 assessment of the marketing ability and 5.1 marketing plan); foreign and domestic pioneer enterprises; education departments of gove

23、rnments.3. products and services3.1 background of research and development3.1.1 - presently, the promotion of moocs has gained relatively low popularity among chinese senior high schools due to inadequate introduction, attracting only a few numbers of students in mostly elitist high schools of more

24、developed regions. moreover, current courses aimed at high school students specifically fail to realize large-scale educational resources sharing efficiently. by introducing moocs, courses for high school students could be advantageously shared through the network, embodying the central idea of mooc

25、s, which is massive and online.3.1.2 -the "long-term education reform and development plan (2010-2020)" mentioned the role of technology, technology-driven reforms, and the importance information technology in education. it also mentioned that "it has a revolutionary impact on the dev

26、elopment of education''8 and was highly recognized by the educational department and plan to speed up this process as one of 10 major aim of the plan because informatization is an inevitable trend and period for the future development of chinese education.3.1.3 -the current education reforms

27、 proposed convergence between university and high school is a breakthrough in china's education reform9,10. weihe xie said ,''the current breakthrough in educational reforms proposed is the convergence between university and high school. one of my basic proposals is to broaden the colleg

28、e and high school articulation mechanism, which is the basic trend of convergence with the way of reform. a change to broaden the basis of the relationship between the university and high school is needed. including the establishment of diverse and differentiated convergence mechanism to strengthen

29、cooperation in universities and high schools, in order to truly produce innovative and talented students.''11.promoting classes without division between liberal arts and sciences subjects is also the future direction of education reform, particularly important for reforming chinese college e

30、ntrance examination. meanwhile, moocs, which cover a wide range of college majors, will play an important role in fostering high school students understanding about college majors as well as improving their future professional skills. most chinese teachers stick to traditional teaching methods with

31、a low level of application of educational technology in classes; students participate in the learning process with a lack of interaction, which obstructs the development of critical thinking and communication abilities. 3.1.4-inadequate and inefficient communications as well as collaboration between

32、 high schools and colleges contribute to the broken links between these two educational institutions. promoting dialogues and strengthening cooperation are fundamental to advance the links between them.3.1.5-recent practices of moocs credit systemsin europe, ( the newly introduced european credit tr

33、ansfer and accumulation system (ects) presents an opportunity to transform moocs free, standalone courses from academic novelty to meaningful qualifications. the ects is a standard for comparing student attainment and performance in higher education institutions across europe. under the system, stud

34、ents can transfer credits for study already completed towards an appropriate equivalent degree in any of the 53 countries that have ratified the lisbon recognition convention.on the other hand, within mainland china, the development of mooc platforms has provided insights of forming a brand new mooc

35、 credit system between chinese colleges. with the publication of qinghua universitys moocs platform, “xuetang online”( the vice principal of the elitist university, professor yuan si concluded that realizing mutual credits recognition would no longer be unreachable. to summarize, recent practices ha

36、ve revealed the significant potentials of building a strong mooc credit system for not only chinese colleges, but also the high schools.3.2 product patterns and development plansdevelopment plan oneabstract: advancing links between high school-required courses and college moocs by strengthening coop

37、eration between colleges, high schools and mooc development companies. the advancement mainly serves to provide a more suitable syllabus for high school students and thus improve the efficiency of learning.development model: led by colleges and high schools, college and high schools are the main par

38、ticipants researching the following tasks: a. adapting the degree of difficulty of college moocs to the proper level of understanding of high school students;b. adapting typical learning methods in colleges, including independent learning ability and critical thinking ability to those of high school

39、s;mooc development companies enlarge investment in technological innovation to further address the following tasks:a. providing more individualized and interacted learning experience of high schools;b. fulfilling high school students needs for entertainment while maintaining the quality of courses;d

40、evelopment plan twoabstract: promoting high school students participation in college for-credit moocs and mutual recognition of credits between colleges and betwixt colleges and high schools, thus facilitates the forming of mooc college-high school credit system.development model: -ensures the valid

41、ity of identity authentication through:1)establishing proctored examination centers which organizes moocs final examinations at stated times every year ( one time in the first year recommended)2) improving the technical level of identity authentication3) improving the technical level of online remot

42、e proctor2. promotes the mutual recognition of mooc credits between colleges as well as between colleges and high schools through:1) promoting mutual recognition between existing chinese colleges alliances (the three alliances for example) as the first step2) recommending the government to build a s

43、pecified and feasible college-high school credit transfer mechanism nationally3. enlarges the number of target audiences by:1) increasing budgets in advertisement by colleges and high schools2) promoting mutual recognition between regions (the existing chinese colleges alliances for example)4. estab

44、lishing high school moocs learning community by:in the light of the successful running of the biggest mooc learning community presently in china, the guokr learning community ( it is of vital to endeavor to developing “small platforms” (mooc learning community apart from building the “big platforms”

45、 (mooc platforms). it serves the goal of maximizing the benefits socialization learning. development mode:basically, colleges, high schools and mooc development companies cooperate on the creation of high school mooc learning community. the major task for high schools is to enlarge the participation

46、 of high school students and the one for colleges is to provide adequate academic guidance in the community. besides, mooc development companies are required to strengthen technological innovation and systematic maintenance in order to provide more individualized and interactive learning experiences

47、 for participants. online mooc learning community1) creating online clustering community and increasing budgets in perfecting the automated complementary learning tools2) creating incentives to encourage academic conversations between students and providing highly individualized learning experience3

48、) strengthening teachers academic guidance for students4) completing the database of students learning experience, improving technology of data analysis to analyze the participants habits in learning and monitor the progress more astutely, as well as to give feedback more promptly 5) perfecting the

49、existing feedback system6) perfecting the existing teaching modesoffline mooc learning community1) establish experimental learning base in high schools or colleges with reference to past experiences such as learning club or salons in order to facilitate academic dialogues offlinea. organizes mooc le

50、arning forum for high school students, mooc teacher seminars and mooc developer seminars regularly both online and offlinedevelopment plan threeabstract: while required courses are still dominant in high schools syllabus, teachers exploits moocs as a complementary tool to teach certain area of knowl

51、edge (especially those closely related to certain college courses). this is aimed at developing students interest in learning required courses, facilitating understanding of required subjects and providing them insights of college majors.a. collaborating with high schools, mooc development companies

52、 provide teachers with informizational skills training to facilitate their adaptation to more automated and internet-based educational toolsb. recommending the government to construct the teacher advancing system and to support the advancement of teachers informizational skills in other formsc. enla

53、rging budgets in technological development to improve information processing ability of moocs; conducting large-scale in-depth interviews mooc teachers to create more convenient and individualized teaching experienced. summarizing the practices of applying moocs to high schools in different regions

54、and thus writing the guide book about application of moocs in high school required courses by mooc development companies3.3 function of the productthis product is designed to facilitate the promotion of moocs among chinese high schools and advance the links between chinese colleges and high schools.

55、 advancing links between high school-required courses and college moocs, promoting high school students participation in college for-credit moocs and enlarging the application of moocs in high school required courses altogether will exert significant influences on advancing the links between chinese

56、 high school and colleges. to be more specific, the functions of this product is shown as follows:a. basic functions1) fulfils high school students huge demand for more diverse classes2) complements the current educational resources3) promotes the development of communicational skills and critical t

57、hinking ability of students through comprehensive analysis of data and prompt feedback.4) bolsters communication between different educational institutions and promotes the sharing of educational resources nationwideb. additional functionc. fosters understanding of required coursesd. facilitates hig

58、h school students recognition and planning of college majorse. encourages academic communication between high school students and between high school students and college studentsf. performs as the preliminary studies of constructing college-high school mooc credit system nationwideg. promotes the informization and modernization of educationh. promotes the “localization” of moocs4. market analysis summary4.1 brief summary of


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