1、马的腹腔镜与胸腔镜手术的器械与技术腹腔镜和胸腔镜是类似于关节镜的内镜外科技术,区别是分别在腹部和胸部腔进行。对于本讨论的剩余部分中,腹腔镜和胸腔镜均用术语腹腔镜来描述。一般来说,这些技术包括使用一个刚性纤维的镜头耦合到一个光源上,用于查看手术操作和使用的专门仪器。腔镜外科技术是基于三角测量的原理,其中,所述内镜和仪器像一个三角形的顶点汇集到手术部位。 腹腔镜手术技术的发展促进了许多人医手术的发展,相比开放性手术,腹腔镜手术使机体恢复到健康更快速一些。在人类的外科手术中,腹腔镜手术的例子包括胆囊切除,阑尾切除术,卵巢子宫切除术,疝修补术,肠道手术,一般探查,修复食管贲门失弛缓症,和肺活检。马的腹
8、力阀限制吹入气体的多少。较新的模式有多种充气速度范围从1升/分钟到10L /分钟或者更大。大多数新型号的是电子控制的,并允许外科医生自己设定最大腹内压力水平。气体的吹入是通过最初连接到所述体腔的管道以及一个气腹针,套管针或导管(图5)。胸廓的非手术侧的选择性插管也增加了视野。仪器推车,将必要的设备纳入其中对手术操作是非常有帮助的(图6)。套管是用来将仪器放置入体腔的.用于腹腔镜的套管有可重复使用的(图7)或一次性的(图8)并且由一个5至33毫米直径的管连接到一橡胶套环,垫圈,和/或一个阀。中空护套让腹腔镜的仪器和工具进入体腔。橡胶套环,垫圈,和阀允许引入和拆除仪器而不破坏含二氧化碳的所需的气腹
9、。大部分插管包含侧端口为了补充二氧化碳或持续吹入腹部。套管针是插管系统的一个组成部分,可以是锋利的或钝的(图9)。锋利的套管针在制造气腹后,可以防护或者不做防护,因为制造气腹后肠或其他器官被套管针穿孔的风险降低。大多数一次性套管针都得防护,以保证套管针进入腹部的安全性. 该套管针的防护组件通常是一个塑料护套,在软组织被推出,露出锋利的金属套针。一旦整个套管针已经侵入机体墙,塑料护扣回过尖锐的金属套管针。通常还存在着锁定装置,使得一旦防护组件被推回,这时锁定装置启动,以覆盖尖锐套管针,其锁定到位并保护与它接触接近的任何结构。这些特性使得使用一次性套管针的非常有吸引力,但套管针的成本往往超过了收益
10、。因此大多数可重复利用的套管针是没有防护组件的。钝套管针主要被用于开放式腹腔镜.这意味着要制造一个非常小的剖腹切口,然后投入到体腔内探索,并通过使用钝套管针的插管被放置到空腔。这种方法的好处是,穿孔深层结构的可能性极小,但这种方法的缺点是,如果切口是太大,造气腹的二氧化碳可能会通过插管四处溢出体腔外。在大多数情况下,钝套管针用于进入在脐周的腹部或肋间周围的胸腔。一次性套管系统(optiview,Ethicon EndoSurgery,Cincinnati,0H or Visiport United States Surgical C orporation,Norwalk,CT)使得进入腹部的直
13、通过一个直径5毫米的塑料护套,这有助于其作为一个结推进器引入结扎到体腔内(图13)。对于更长的线缝合,各种缝线夹被设计出来。这些夹子通常连接到缝合线的末端,以防止线从组织滑出。各种装订设备也已经被设计用于帮助解决关闭切口的问题。这些设备包括用于任一切口闭合或止血的单发(装订)的可重复使用的仪器,以及用于同样目的的一次性多发(装订)仪器。类似于普通外科用肠切除吻合术,肺切除术等手术的切口闭合,一次性吻合装置也可提供。附录1表1 图1 图2 图3 图4 图5 图6 图7 图8 图9 图10A 图10B 图11 图13附录2 INSTRUMENTATION AND TECHNIQUES FOR LA
14、PAROSCOPIC AND THORACOSCOPIC SURGERY IN THE HORSELaparoscopy and thoracoscopy are endoscopic surgical techniques similar to arthroscop,but performed in the abdominal and thoracic cavities,respectivelyFor the remainder of this discussion,the term laparoscopy is used interchangeably for both laparosco
15、py and thoracoscopyGenerally these techniques involve the use of a rigid fiberoptic telescope conpled to a light source for Viewing and specialized instruments for surgical manipulationSurgical technioque is based on the principle of triangulation,wherein tne telescope and lnstrument convergeontothe
16、 surgical site like the apex of atriang.Advances in laparoscopic surgery have 1ed to the development of many surgical tecniques in humans that in general allow a faster return to normal activities than do the standard open approachesIn human surgery,examples of laparoscopic surgey include ga11 bladd
17、er exclsion,appendectomy,ovariohysterectomy,hernia repair,intestinal surgery,general exploration,repair of esophageal achalasia,and lung biopsiesLaproscopy in horses promises similar benefits by allowing better visualization of the cavity under exploration coupled with a shorter convalescent timeLap
18、aroscopy in the horse has been used to perform standing and recumbent cryptorchidectqmies,standing and recumbent ovariectomies,inguinal hernia repair,repair of ruptured bladders,standing and recumbent abdomimal exploration.biopsies,and standing embryo transfer.Standing laoaroscopy combines the advan
19、tage of a more rapid return to function with the advantage of not requiring general anesthesia with its associated risks. In general,the benefits of laparoscopic surgery are many and include being relatively noninvasive(due in part to the small incisions)Being quick to perform(once the necessary tec
20、hnical skills are learned),and allowing rapid return to functionDisadvantages include theamount and expense of necessary instrumentation and the skill level needed to perform the procedures wellThe limitations of laparoscopic surgery should be addressedMost of these limitations can be overcome by in
21、creasing surgeon skill leve1To begin with,the video image is two-dimensional(that is,without depth),and the camera is often directed by an assistant.The body wall and laparoscopic port act as a fulcrumstopping free movement of the lnstrumentAS the instruments become longer,the surgeon is further awa
22、y from the object of interest and thefulcrum effect is magnifiedThe instruments restrict sense of touch and do not allow accurate feedback on the amount of force being:appliedskill such as intracorporeal(within the body cavity)suturing require considerable practice to masterTo overcome some of these
23、 limitationsmany companies provide,"phantoms”to improve skills in instrument handling,suture tying,and threedimensional surgery using a two-dimensional monitorOther companies provide a threedimensional viewing environment with the use of special cameras,glasses,and monitors.InstrumentationMany
24、different manufacturers of laparoscopic instrumentation existthe various manufacturers may supply onlya few of the necessary components,or may be able to provide the surgeon with a complete systerm .The addresses of some of the major mandfacturers are listed infor the readers convenienceThe followin
25、g discussion outlines some of the instrumentation available for laparoscopicsurgery,including telescopes,light sources, videocamera, insufflator,t rochars, cannulas, and commonly used instrument.telescopes for laparoscopy come in a variety of sizesThe most commonly used telescope is a 5 to 10 mm in
26、diameter rigid scope that is between 30 and 60 long(Fig.1A),although the use of a flexible endoscope has been described.the longer scopes have the advantage of allowing the operator to view a greater portion of the cavity under examination because of the reach of the telescope,but may be more awkwar
27、d to use if the structure of interest is close to the cannula sitethe viewing angle for most telescopes is between 0 and 30 degrees(Fig.1B)with the 0-degree scope being most commonly used in horses.many telescopes have two channels,one for optical lenses and the other toconnect to the light source t
28、o illuminate the body cavity being examined.Operating telescopes have a third channel for the introduction of instruments.This extra channel may preclude the need for a separate instrument portal.although specialized instruments that fit through the channel are required. the light source is an integ
29、ral portion of the laparoscopy instrumentation(Fig,2).the light source is responsible for illumination of the body cavity .It is connected to the telescope via a flexible fiberoptic light.Although a 150一W light source may be adequate for direct viewing,when used with a video camera it illuminates on
30、ly a small portion of the abdomen or thorax in an adult horseIn our experience,a 300一W xenon light source provides much better illumination.Video cameras(Fig3)allow projection of the surgical field onto aI monitorAlthough not necessary to perform surgery,they allow the surgeon to keep a distance fro
31、m the operating field and allow assistant to view the procedureThis is more important in laparoscopy than arthroscopy because the surgeon may be using two or more instrument at the same time,requiring an assistant to hold either an instrument,the telescope,or bothThe other main benefit of using a vi
32、deo camera is reducing the chance of contamination of the surgical siteUse Of a video camera allows the surgeon to record the operation on either Video tape or nard copy photographs,which may be important for medicolegal reasons.We have also found that clients apporeciate either receving a photograp
33、h 0f the surgery or having the opportunity to view the video tapeAlmost any type of video recorder can be attached to the video calhera,although some video cameras permit special features when attached to a specific video recorderThese features include a remote on-off button that allows you to turn
34、the recorder on or off fromthe camera1n lieu of this feature,the video recorder remote control can be placed in a sterilized Ziplock bag to be used by the surgeonVarious color video printers are available that can be connected to the video camera to allow color prints of various portions of the surg
35、eonOnceagain,some cameras offer remote capabilities when attached to the video printer.If the camera does not provide this type of connection the remote for the video printer can be placed in a sterilized Ziplock bag for use by the SUrgeonWheD using a video camera,a video monitoris a necessityMonito
36、rs are available in various sizesdistension of the abdomen or pneumoperitoneum is generally achieved by use of carbon dioxide(CO2).Carbon dioxide is perferred over room air,oxygen,and nitrous oxide because it is preferred highly blood soluble,and expired in the lungs and because it has a wider margi
37、n of safety with respect to gas emboli.However,the carbondioxide pneumoperitoneum can cause adverse local and systemic effects such as gas embolism,hypercapnia,acidosis,or arrhythmiaMaintaining an intra-abdomina1 pressure of 15 mm Hg decreases the unwanted side effectsThe abdomen is distended to all
38、ow a working space within in which to do surgical manipulationsWithout this space,visualizing virtually anything isdifficult,and performing surgery is even more difficultThe most reliable way to achieve this distension is with a carbon dioxide insuffla tor(Fig4)Insufflators come in various style and
39、 have different specifications such as rate of flow and pressure sensorsSome early insufflators had a rate of flow of 1 Lmin and had preset pressure valves to Iimit insufflationNewer modeIs have variable rate of flow from 1 Lmin up to 10 Lmin or more.Most of the newer models are electronic and allow
40、 the surgeon to set the mximal intraabdominal pressure levelInsufflation is generally not required during thoracoscopy because of the rigid thoracic wallSelective intubation of the nonsurgical side of the!horax also increases the field of viewEquipment carts that allow the incorporation of the neces
41、sary equipment can be very helpful(Fig6) A cannula is used to place instruments into the body cavity.The cannulas that are used for laparoscopy may be either reusable(Fig.7) or disposable(Fig.8) and consist of a5一to 33一mm diameter tube connected to a rubber collar,a gasket,and/or a valve.The hollow
42、sheaths allow instruments of the telescope and instruments into the body cavityThe rubber collars,gaskets,and valves permit introduction and removal of instruments without loss of carbon dioxide and,therefor,the desired pneumoperitoneumMost cannulas contain a side port for the introduction of carbon
43、 dioxide for continued insufflation of the abdomenTrochars are an integfal component of the cannula system and may be either sharp or blunt(Fig9)Sharp trochars may be either guarded or unguarded and are primarily used after insufflation has been achieved and risk of perforation of the intestine or o
44、ther organs is reducedThe majority of disposable trochars are guarded,making entry into the abdomen saferThe guarded component of the trochar iS usuallya plastic sheath that iS pushed back by the soft tissues to reveal the sharp metal trocharOnce the entire trochar has penetrated the body wall,the p
45、lastic guard snaps back over the sharp metal trocharA locking device is usually present SO that once the guard has been pushedback and then allowed to cover the sharp trochar,it 10cks in place and protects any further structures that it comes in contact withThese features make the use of disposable
46、trochars very attractive,but the cost of the trochars often outweighs the benefitsThe majority of reusabletrochars are unguarded.Blunt trochars are primarily used for what is termed open laparoscopyThis means that a very small laparotomy incision is made into the body cavity under exploration,and th
47、e cannula is placed into the cavity by use of a blunt trocharThe benefit of this approach is that perforation of deeper structures iS very unlikelyThe disadvantage of this approach is that if the incision is too largecarbon dioxide escapes from around the cainnulaIn most cases,blunt trochars are use
48、d to enter the abdomen at the umbilicus or the thorax within the intercostal spacesDisposable cannula systems are availabie that allow direct Visualization of the entry into the abdomen(optiview,Ethicon Endo一Surgery,Cincinnati,0H or Visiport United States Surgical C orporation,Norwalk,CT)These cannu
49、las incorporate cutting devices and an optical lens on the end of the trochar that allows the surgeon to visualize,by use of the telescope,dissetion of each tissue layerFlexible cannulas are also available for thoracoscopySome cannulas come with stabilizing;rings to SUture the cannula to the skin,wh
50、ereas others come with stabilizing threads such that the cannula is actually“screwed”into the body wallBoth systems are used to keep the cannula from being pulled out of the body wall while manipularing the telescope or the instruments.In general,15-to 20cm cannulas are desirable for flank surgery,whereas 10 cm cannulas are long enough for ventral abdominal or thoracic approaches.The size of the most commonly used cannulas is between 5 and 12 mm in diameter.The large c
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