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1、Unit 1 friendshipPart 1 /words and expressions:Surveyn. 调查,field survey, 现场调查,实地调查;questionnaire survey, 问卷调查;- If you carry out/conduct a survey, you try to find out detailed information about a lot of different people or things.-(调查)n. 测量,测验, - survey data, 测量数据,测量资料vt. 审视, If you survey something

2、, you look at or consider the whole of it carefully.Vt. 勘测The city council commissioned geological experts earlier this year to survey the cliffs.Vt. 鉴定If someone surveys a house, they examine it carefully and report on its structure, usually in order to give advice to a person who is thinking of bu

3、ying it.动词的变化形式:surveys/surveying/surveyed/surveyed同义词辨析(取“调查”之意)。Investigate/Look into/Inquiry/ProbeInvestigate(investigation)和look into都可表示“调查、研究”的意思。指为了弄清事实或为了了解掌握情况而作的调查、研究,两者常可换用。- The police are investigating the cause of the explosion.- 警方正在调查爆炸的原因。- You need to investigate the market before

4、deciding to design the new product.- 你需要调查市场后再决定设计新产品。- We hope you will look into the matter and make a satisfactory answer.- 我们希望你方调查此事并做出令人满意的答复。- The government will look into how to solve the housing problem.- 政府将研究如何解决住房问题。Survey”调查“。 指专门组织的全面调查,系统地搜集整理出有关情况、资料或数据,为提供。的依据;- The latest surveys

5、show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.- 最近的调查显示相当多的孩子对家庭作业没有什么好感。- According to a recent survey, a growing number of people express a strong desire to take another job or spend more time on their job in order to get more money to support their family.- 根据最近的一项调查,越

6、来越多的人表达了想从事另外的工作或加班赚取更多的钱来补贴家用的强烈愿望。Inquiry 本意是“询问“,指一般的了解;也可指正式的调查。常与介词into搭配使用。- We will make an immediate inquiry into the matter.- 我们将立即调查此事。Probe, n/vt. 主要用于新闻语言,常与into 连用。- The special committee has decided to launch a deep probe into the accident.- 专门委员会已经决定对这起事故开展一场深入的调查。AddVt. 增加,添加, - Plea

7、se add sugar to water.Vt. 把加在一起; - Banks add all the interest and other charges together.- 银行把所有的利息及其他全部费用加在一起计算。动词词组:Add.to.;把加入- It is good to add sugar to coffee.Add to; 增加The hot weather added to the difficulties of our work.Add up; - 将合计, 加起来;其后要跟“合计”的部分- add up the scores of those six games;-

8、合乎情理(reasonable and sensible); - the story that the teacher told us seems to add up;Add up to;- 总计为,其后要跟总数目- The number of my classmates adds up to 52. 名词:Addition; 增加,添加- In addition, 另外;- In addition, the visitors could download the images and videos.- In addition to; 除了之外,还- In addition to making

9、 arts, they insist on selling them.形容词:Additional ; 额外的,附加的,追加的- The U.N. is sending additional troops to this region.- 联合国正在往该地区派遣额外的部队。Upset:Adj. 心烦意乱的; 不安的;不舒服的; 难过的,沮丧的;- Marta looked very upset.Vt. 使烦恼,使心烦意乱,使不安,使不舒服(upsets/upsetting/upset/upset)- The whole incident had upset me.Upsetting; 令人烦恼

10、的,使人沮丧的- Illness could be upsetting for children and parents.Ignore:Vt. 忽视,不理睬动词搭配:Ignore sb. / sth. 假装不知或没有看到某人We should try to ignore the bad things.同义词:Neglect, vt. / n, 疏忽,忽视- He had given too much time to his job, and neglected to take care of his children.派生词:Ignorable(adj.)可以忽视的Ignorant (adj.

11、) 无知的; be ignorant of / about.- I am ignorant of your illness.Ignorance; 无知,愚昧Calm:Vt. /vi. 使平静;使镇定- She was breathing quickly and tried to calm herself.Calm (sb) down: 使平静下来,使镇定下来- When your partner is nervous, try to calm her down.Adj. 平静的,镇定的;主要是指人“沉着冷静(镇定)的”,指自然“无风无浪”。- The sea was very calm.海平面

12、很平静。- The doctor did what he could to make the girl calm. 医生尽力让那女孩平静下来。动词词组:Keep / stay calm: 保持冷静同义词/近义词辨析:Quiet,意思为“安静的,宁静的”指人时表示“生性安静,不易激动”- Mary is a quiet girl. She likes reading alone. 玛丽是个文静的女孩。她喜欢独自阅读。指自然环境时,意思为“没有干扰活动,没有喧闹声的寂静状态”- It is a quiet place, and I enjoy living here. 这是个安静的地方,我喜欢住在

13、这里。Still, 意思侧重于“不动,静止”时,不能与其他词替换; 侧重于“无声”时,可与quiet替换。- Please keep still while I take a photo of you.- All sounds are still. 万簌俱寂。Silent, 沉默的,寂静的指事物时, 侧重没有声响;- The children went out, and the room was silent. - 孩子们出去了,房间变得寂静无声。指人时,强调少言寡语;- You had better be silent about what has happened. - 对已经发生的事情,

14、你最好保持沉默。Have got to; 不得不,必须- We have got to show moral support for Ukraine.- 我们必须向乌克兰提供道义上的支持。Concern;Vt. 使担忧(担心);- The growing number of people is beginning to concern the central government.- 不断增加的人口数量开始让政府感到担忧。Vt. (情况、事件、活动等)与有关;- It was just a little unfinished business from my past, and it does

15、nt concern you at all.这只是我过去没有了解的一件小事,完全跟你没关。动词词组;Concern oneself, 从事,忙于(常与with, about, in, over连用),关心,关注,挂念,担心,忧虑- I didnt concern myself with politics. 我不关心政治。Of concern, 重要的,具有意义的;Concern about/be concerned about; 对表示担心/忧虑; 关心,挂念;- The government was concerned about /concerned about what the thin

16、gs was going on.n.担心,担忧; 关注/关心- The group expressed concern about political violence in Africa.该集团对非洲政治暴乱表示担心/担忧。As/so far asbe concerned; 至于,就而言- The measures are irrelevant as far as inflation is concerned.就通货膨胀而言, 这些措施无关紧要。Have no concern with; 与无关- Drama seemed to have no concern with truth at a

17、ll.- 戏剧似乎与事实毫无关系。Be concerned with/in 与有关系- I am not concerned with it.concern的同义词辨析:anxiety, worry, care, concern,这些名词均含"焦虑,关心"之意。anxiety :指对预料中的不祥之事的焦虑。worry :侧重对未知事态演变的忧虑。care :强调因出于责任感或顾虑等而产生的不安。concern :作"关心"用时,是indifference(冷漠)的反义词,侧重对他人健康、安全等的关心,也可暗示对困难、危险或失败等的忧虑。Go throug

18、h;Vt. 通过;穿过;透过; - The rain has gone through my overcoat; 雨水淋透了我的外衣。Vt. 审查;检查;讨论- We shall go through these papers together.(审查,讨论)- The customs men went through his suitcases.(检查)- 我们将在一起审阅这些论文Vt. 翻找; 搜寻;查看- Mother went through the drawer looking for the sweater.- 妈妈在抽屉中翻找毛衣。Vt. 从头到尾看(或做、说、排练)一遍:- J

19、ohn went through the magazine quickly.- 约翰快速地把杂质从头到尾看了一遍。Vt. 经历(痛苦、困难等);遭受;忍受:- You didnt know what I have gone through- 你不知道我遭受了什么苦难。Vt. 经过,度过:- His relationship with Mary went through four stages.- 他与玛丽的关系经历了四个阶段。Vt. 用完,用尽,花完:- I have gone through too much money this month- 这个月我已经花了很多钱。Vt. (法律、方案登

20、)被通过:- The bill has now gone through.- 这个提案现在已经被通过。Vt. 通过(考试等);修完(课程):- He has gone through the examination.- 他已经通过考试。词汇拓展:Go ahead, 前进,去吧;- Go ahead and do what you like.Go by (时间)过去; - With time going by, china is becoming strongerGo against; 违反,违背; - Dont go against your parentsGo on 继续;- Let us

21、go on to the next item.Experience:N /vt. 经验;经历;体验- He has also had managing experience on every level.此处为“名词”- 他具备各层次的管理经验。- His only experience of gardening proved satisfying.他仅有的园艺经历令人满意。- We had never experiences this kind of holiday before and had no idea what to expect. 我们以前从未经历过这种假期,不知道有什么可期待的

22、。Set down;Vt. 记下;写下;登记 (register, 登记,注册,记录)- The police set down my car number.Vt. 放下,搁下;- To set down the bagVt. 使着陆,使降落- Our plane set down in a heavy fog.Vt. 制定,规定- The rules for the service have been set down.词汇拓展:Set up: 树立,建立: - A new government was set up after the war.Set out/off:出发,动身:- Wha

23、t time are you planning to set off tomorrow?Set about(doing sth): 开始, 着手:- He set about learning Chinese at the age of ten.Outdoors;Adv. 在野外,在户外- After operation, he starts to walk outdoors for exercise. - 手术后,他到户外锻炼身体。- If you are indoors, go outdoors, or head to the park.- 如果你是在室内,那去户外呆会儿,或去公园散散步。

24、Outdoor, adj. 户外的,露天的,野外的(相当于out-of-door)- Go and breathe outdoor air.Indoor, Adj. 室内的,户内的- Indoor stadium 室内体育馆;indoor temperature, 室内温度Indoors,Adv. 在室内,在屋里- When I am indoors, my attention usually settles on something inward, but when I am outside it is a different experience.当我在室内时, 我的注意力通常集中于内心的

25、某处。但是如果我在室外则完全是另外一种体验。On purpose; 故意地, 有意识地- This is especially true here, and it was on purpose.- 这一点这里尤其准确,并且它是故意地。For (the) purpose of.;为.目的,为的是,为起见- For the purpose of safety, we had better take a train.同义词/近义词辨析:Deliberately,(purposely)Adv. 故意地, 深思熟虑地;- She deliberately stayed behind after work

26、 to go with me- 下班后她故意留下来等我一起走。Purposely,Adv. 故意地,蓄意地- He purposely made those remarks in order to save face.- 他因爱面子而故意说那些话。Intentionally;Adv. 有意地,故意地- He intentionally made the things unclear.- 他故意使事情复杂化。By chance=by accident; 偶然地,无心地- I met tom by chance in the street.- 昨天我在街上偶遇了汤姆。Grateful,Adj. 感

27、激的, 表示感谢的;be grateful to sb for sth; 因某事而感谢某人。- We are particularly grateful to him for his timely help.- 我们特别感谢他的及时帮助。Gratefully,Adv. 感激地,感谢地- If people offer their help or wisdom as you go through life, accept it gratefully.在你的人生历程中,如果有人给予你帮助或者传授你智慧,你要心怀感激地接受。词汇拓展:同义词辨析:grateful/ pleasant/ lovely/

28、thankfulPleasant, 做定语时修饰物,意思为“令人愉快的,令人高兴的”,做表语时,意思为“使人感到高兴的”, 句子的主语只能是物;- We hope you had a pleasant and enjoyable flight. 我们希望您在刚才的航程中过的愉快。- The climate in Australia is pleasant.澳大利亚气候宜人。Lovely, 可爱的, 美丽的,漂亮的;主语即可是人,也可是物- This baby is lovely.- This toy is lovely.Thankful, 感谢的,感激的,be thankful for 感谢;

29、 对.感激- We should be thankful for their assistance.Exactly;Adv. 确切地, 精确地, 准确地(强调精确,精准)- This medicine must be measured out exactly.- 该药必须精准地配出。同义词/近义词辨析:Definitely/certainly/specially/particularly/especiallyDefinitely, 明确地,肯定地,确定地,确切地- It has not yet definitely solved.- 这事还没有明确解决。Certainly. 无疑地, 肯定地,

30、必定,一定,有把握地- This news certainly got her down.- 这个消息肯定使她沮丧。Especially, 意思为“尤其,特别”, 表示列举时,用于陈述某一事实之后,列举一个具有代表性的例子作进一步强调时,一般用especially. 如:- Noise is unpleasant, especially when you are trying to sleep.- 噪音是令人不愉快的, 尤其是当你想入睡的时候。Particularly, 意思为“特别地,独特地,尤其”。相当于in particular. 如:- It is particularly/espec

31、ially cold today. 今天特别冷。- I feel particularly/especially tired this evening. 今晚我感觉特别累。Specially, 意思为“专门地,特意地”。强调目的性,一般与表示目的的不定式或者介词for 短语连用。如:- We bought it specially for you. 这是我们特意为你买的。Accurately/correctly/properly/preciselyAccurately, 意思为“精确地,准确地”- Can he accurately measure it?Precisely, 精确地,恰恰,-

32、 I do precisely that in the next section.- 我在下一节精确地这一操作- That is precisely what I dont want you to do- 那恰恰是我不想让你做的。Properly, 适当地,正确地,恰当地- Explain it properly in English, please. 请英语把它恰当地解释一下。Correctly, 正确地,得体地- If you can use a word correctly and effectively,&

33、#160;you comprehend it.- 你如果能正确和有效地使用一个字, 你就了解它了。Get/ be tired of :对厌烦;- I am tired of lazy people.我讨厌懒惰的人Get /be tired from因而疲惫- I got tired from hard work yesterday.Recover;Vt. 恢复,复原,指偶然或暂时丢失的东西又恢复到以往的状况(不一定恢复到原来一样)。- Thanks to his strong body, he soon recovers from the operation.-

34、多亏了他有强壮的身体,他很快从手术中恢复过来。- After the facts came to light, his reputation was recovered and he worked as hard as ever.- 事实真相大白后, 他的声誉得到恢复,他又如往常一样努力工作。- She was astonished to see me, but she soon recovered herself.- 她见到我很震惊,但很快就镇定了下来。Vt. 重新获得,挽回- Jane recovered her lost wallet.- It is hard for you to re

35、cover your lost time.派生词:Recovered 痊愈的Recovery, 恢复,痊愈Restore;意思为“恢复,修复”, 指某物损坏后的修复或重建使其恢复到原来良好的状态,也可指其他事物受损或丧失后经努力恢复原来的状态。- Though it was badly damaged by fire, the place was eventually restored to its original splendor.- 宫殿被大火严重烧毁了, 但最终恢复到其原来的辉煌。- The badly destroyed paintings have all been careful

36、ly restored.- 那些被严重损毁的画作得到了精心修复。Resume;意思为“恢复,重新开始,再继续”, 指活动暂停中断后又开始恢复进行。- He stopped to take a deep breath and then resumed speaking.- 他停下来深呼吸,然后继续发言。- Having had a good rest and an excellent breakfast, we resumed our journey and arrived at destination at noon.- 好好休息了一会和美美地用餐以后,我们继续履行,中午到达目的地。Refre

37、sh;“使身体恢复,使振作精神“, 指吃东西或休息后和吹凉风后使身体恢复或精神振作。- After we had been refreshed by a good meal and rest, we went on our journey to the destination. - 我们每餐一顿和休息一会后, 继续旅行到达目的地。- He took a cold water bath to refresh himself and then went back to work again.- 他洗了个冷水澡, 精神振作, 回去继续工作。SettleVt. 解决(纠纷、问题等)- They agr

38、eed to try to settle their dispute by negotiation.- 他们同意尽量通过谈判解决他们之间的纠纷。Vt. 定居,定居于,- He visited Paris and eventually settled there.- 他访问了巴黎并最终在那儿定居了。Vt. 安排:Before I left, I settled all my work well. 离开前, 我妥善地安排了全部工作vi. 安家,定居- Settle down 定居, 安定下来;安心,专心( set down to do sth):- To settle down in a smal

39、l town;在一个小镇定居下来- You have to settle down to study now. 你现在得安下心来学习了。- Settle in 迁入 ; To settle in New York. - Settle on/upon; 同意- Teachers had settled on the plan of action.- 老师们已经同意行动方案了。派生词;Settler (n.) 移民Settlement (n.) 解决, 定居点SufferVt. 遭受,蒙受,经受(痛苦、烦恼、损失等)=stand/bear; suffer后面多接一时的痛苦, 如遭受痛苦,损失,侮辱

40、等。- I cannot tolerate to suffer the loss of 1% of the profit.- 我不能容忍把百分之一的利润损失掉Vt. 经历,经受;- You must suffer the test- 你必须经受考验。vi. 常与介词from 连用,意为“遭受/忍受(痛苦或烦恼),患病”之意;suffer from后多加长期的痛苦,如战争,自然灾害,病患等。- He is now suffering from illness.- 他现在正处于患病的痛苦中。 派生词:Suffering (n.) 痛苦,苦难Sufferer (n.)受难者,患病者Power/for

41、ce/ energy/strengthPower,指“权力”- The power of the king is very great. - 国王的权力很大。- When the new president comes into power, (词组:掌权)he carries out a series of workable and favorable policies.- 新任总统掌权后, 实施了一系列可行而又有利的政策。指“能力,力量“(注意,此处的”力量“之意与strength所表达的力量不是一回事儿,不是指内在的体力或力量,其实际意思相当于“能力”)- Although I was

42、very glad to do you a favor, it is beyond my power to do so.- 尽管我十分想帮忙,但这已经超出我能力范围了。Energy, 指能量,能源;如:solar energy太阳能指精力,活力; He is a man full of energy and he can do as much work as three men do.他是个精力充沛的人并且可以顶三个人干活。Strength,说人时, 是指“体力,力气”;说物时,指“强度”。指某人或某物所具有的内在力量;也可指“强项,长处”- he lifted the stone with

43、all his strength,- 他用全力举起那块石头。- She was always been encouraged to swim to build up the strength of her muscles.- 为了锻炼她的肌肉的强度, 她常常被鼓励去游泳。Force, 主要指强制力量,暴力,武力等。- If you do not open the door, I am authorized to enter by use of force.- 如果你不开门,我会强力破门而入。- the air force;空军- We have no choice but to use for

44、ce;我们没有选择只能使用武力。Pack; Vt. 捆扎,包装;打包行李- I have packed my books.动词词组:Pack up 打包; - They packed up their bags and left.- Be packed with; 挤满,塞满- The bus was packed with people.N. 包裹- Please go downstairs and fetch the 11-11 pack.Get along(well) with=get on (well) with; 相处;进展- How are you getting along wi

45、th your new classmates?词汇拓展:Get over: 克服,摆脱Get on; 进展,登(车);上(马)Get into; 陷入与, 进入Get/be used to doing sth 习惯于做。Get back 回来Get off 下车Agree;Vt. 同意,赞成Agree with表示“同意;赞成”(意见,想法); 与。一致;- I quite agree with what you said.- 我很同意你说的话。- I dont quite agree with their methods(opinions, ideas)- 我不太赞成他们的办法(意见,想法)

46、。- The verb must agree with the subject in person and number.- 动词在人称和数上应与主语一致。Agree on “就。达成一致“,主语常常是协商一件事的人们或单位,后面常接表示具体协议的文件、计划、行动等名词)。- The date for the next meeting was agreed on- 下次会议的日期达成一致的协议。- They agreed on going there the following day.- 他们一致同意第二天到那里去。Join/join in/take part in/attendJoin;

47、是指“加入”到某一组织、团体或人群中,成为其中一员;- When did you join the basketball club?Join in; 是指参加到某些人当中去做某事,这项活动往往正在进行着;- May I join in the game?Take part in 是指参加到某一活动中去, 如群众性活动,会议等,重在参加活动并在活动中发挥作用。- Lin dan took part in the 2008 olympics.Attend 是指参加,出席会议,聚会,讲座,婚礼等- I will attend a meeting, concert, and lecture.A ser

48、ies of 一连串的,一系列的- The student always asks his teacher a series of questions.Series 单复同行,做主语时谓语动词根据series单复数概念决定,不根据of后的名词决定。- A series of lectures is scheduled.- Two series of new stamps have come out.In order to。/so as to.为了做。So as to , 只能用于句中, 而in order to 可用于句首或句中- In order to get a better job, he went abroad for further study.- He went abroad for further study in order to get a b


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