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1、v浮生六记浮生六记的翻译的翻译译者林语堂 “素好浮生六记,发愿译成英文,使世人略知中国一对夫妇之恬淡可爱生活。民国24年春夏间陆续译成,刊登英文天下月刊及西风月刊。颇有英国读者徘徊不忍卒读,可见此小册入人之深也。” -林语堂译者白伦和江素惠 白伦是美国人,曾在密歇根大学学习中文,后又在哥伦比亚大学深造。1969-1974年在台湾进一步学习中文,该译本1983年在企鹅出版社出版时,他担任美国全国广播公司驻香港办事处主任。 江素惠出生在台湾高雄,祖籍为福建海澄。江素惠于台湾中兴大学毕业后,考入中华电视台,开始了她的记者生涯。 浮生六记 浮生六记以作者夫妇生活为主线,赢余了平凡而又充满情趣的居家生活

2、和浪游各地的所见所闻。 本书文字清新真率,无雕琢藻饰痕迹,情节则伉俪情深,至死不复;始于欢乐,终于忧患,漂零他乡,悲切动人。 俞平伯先生曾有言:“沈复习幕经商,文学非其专业。今读其文,无端悲喜能移我情,家常言语,反若有胜于宏文巨制者,此无他,真与自然而已。言必由衷谓之真,称意而发谓之自然。虽曰两端,盖非二义。其闺房燕昵之情,触忤庭闱之由,生活艰虞之状,与夫旅逸朋游之乐,既各见于书,而个性自由与封建礼法之冲突,往往如实反映,跃然纸上,有似弦外微言,实题中之正意也。”1. 1.为什么命名为为什么命名为浮生六记浮生六记?2. 2. 为什么这部小说能感动你?哪为什么这部小说能感动你?哪一句?一句?3.

3、 3. 陈芸为什么被逐出家门?陈芸为什么被逐出家门?4. 4. 陈芸为什么要帮着自己丈夫纳陈芸为什么要帮着自己丈夫纳妾(憨园)?妾(憨园)?5. 5.是什么原因导致陈芸早逝是什么原因导致陈芸早逝? ?6. 6. 他们一家的命运你怎么看?他们一家的命运你怎么看? 林译有何不足?为什么企鹅出版社采用白林译有何不足?为什么企鹅出版社采用白伦和江素惠的英译本?伦和江素惠的英译本? “浮生”二字典出李白春夜宴从弟桃李园序中“夫天地者,万物之逆旅也;光阴者,百代之过客也。而浮生若梦,为欢几何?”。当初在阅读台湾版的林译双语本时,发现了以下几当初在阅读台湾版的林译双语本时,发现了以下几个问题:一是有些地方的

4、翻译不够准确,没有完全个问题:一是有些地方的翻译不够准确,没有完全反映中文原文的意思,二是许多需要加注解、让那反映中文原文的意思,二是许多需要加注解、让那些译文读者了解历史、文学背景的地方,林译本注些译文读者了解历史、文学背景的地方,林译本注解阙如,三是有几处的中文原文,可能由于比较难解阙如,三是有几处的中文原文,可能由于比较难译的缘故,根本没有翻译出来,四是译文的语言风译的缘故,根本没有翻译出来,四是译文的语言风格很不一致格很不一致 :有些部分像莎士比亚时代的英语(如:有些部分像莎士比亚时代的英语(如“是夜送亲城外,返,已漏三下是夜送亲城外,返,已漏三下”的译文的译文That night,

5、when I came back from outside the city, whither I had accompanied my girl cousin the bride.中的中的 “whither”),),有些像十九世纪美国小说,有有些像十九世纪美国小说,有些是二十世纪二十年代的俚语。些是二十世纪二十年代的俚语。 林语堂的翻译思想集中体现在他1932年所写的论翻译一文中。在该文中,他提出了“忠实、通顺和美”的翻译原则。沈复其人沈复其人 沈复(17631825),字三白,号梅逸,长洲(现在江苏苏州)人,清代文学家。工诗画、散文。陈芸 好媳妇好媳妇 清代婚俗清代婚俗还有些疑问血疾?同性

6、恋?同性恋? 是夜送亲城外,返已漏三下,腹饥索饵,婢(b)妪(y)以枣脯进,余嫌其甜。芸暗牵余袖,随至其室,见藏有暖粥并小菜焉,余欣然举箸。忽闻芸堂兄玉衡呼曰:“淑(sh)妹(mi)速来!”芸急闭门曰:“已疲乏,将卧矣。”玉衡挤身而入,见余将吃粥,乃笑(xio)睨(n)芸曰:“顷我索粥,汝曰尽矣,乃藏此专待汝婿耶?”芸大窘避去,上下哗笑之。余亦负气,挈(qi)老仆先归。自吃粥被嘲,再往,芸即避(b)匿(n),余知其恐贻(y)人(rn)笑也。 是夜送亲城外,返已漏三下,腹饥索饵,婢(b)妪(y)以枣脯进,余嫌其甜。芸暗牵余袖,随至其室,见藏有暖粥并小菜焉,余欣然举箸。 That night, w

7、hen I came back from outside the city, whither I had accompanied my girl cousin the bride, it was already midnight, and I felt very hungry and asked for something to eat. A maidservant gave me some dates, which were too sweet for me. Yun secretly pulled me by the sleeve into her room, and I say that

8、 she had hidden away a bowl of warm congee and some dishes to go with it. 忽闻芸堂兄玉衡呼曰:“淑(sh)妹(mi)速来!”芸急闭门曰:“已疲乏,将卧矣。”玉衡挤身而入,见余将吃粥,乃笑(xio)睨(n)芸曰:“顷我索粥,汝曰尽矣,乃藏此专待汝婿耶?”芸大窘避去,上下哗笑之。 I was beginning to take up the chopsticks and eat it with great gusto when Yuns boy cousin Yuhang called out, “Sister Su, co

9、me quick!” Yun quickly shut the door and said, “I am very tired and going to bed.” Yuheng forced the door open and, seeing the situation, he said with a malicious smile at Yun, “so, thats it! A while ago I asked for congee and you said there was no more, but you really meant to keep for your future

10、husband.” Yun was greatly embarrassed and everybody laughed at her, including the servants. 余亦负气,挈(qi)老仆先归。自吃粥被嘲,再往,芸即避(b)匿(n),余知其恐贻(y)人(rn)笑也。 On my part, I rushed away home with and old servant in a state of excitement. Since the affair of the congee happened, she always avoided me when I went to

11、her home, and I knew that she was only trying to avoid being made a subject of ridicule. 余忆童稚时,能张目对日,明察秋毫。盛藐小微物;必细察其纹理,故时有物外之趣。夏蚊成雷,私拟作群鹤舞空,心之所向,则或千或百果然鹤也。昂首观之,项为之强。又留蚊于素帐中,徐喷以烟,使其冲烟飞鸣,作青云白鹤观,果如鹤唳云端,怡然称快。 余忆童稚时,能张目对日,明察秋毫。盛藐小微物;必细察其纹理,故时有物外之趣。 I remember that when I was a child, I could stare at the

12、 sun with wide open eyes. I could see tiniest objects, and love to observe the fine grains and patterns of small things, from which I derived a romantic, unworldly pleasure. 夏蚊成雷,私拟作群鹤舞空,心之所向,则或千或百果然鹤也。昂首观之,项为之强。When mosquitoes were humming round in summer, I transformed them in my imagination into

13、a company of storks dancing in the air. And When I regarded them that way, they were real storks to me, flying by hundreds and thousands, and I would look up at them until my neck was stiff. 又留蚊于素帐中,徐喷以烟,使其冲烟飞鸣,作青云白鹤观,果如鹤唳云端,怡然称快。 Again, I kept a few mosquitoes inside a white curtain and below a puf

14、f of smoke around them, so that to me they became a company of white storks flying around the blue clouds, and their humming was to me the song of storks singing in high heaven, which delighted me intensely. “秋侵人影瘦,霜染菊花肥。” 译文1 Touched by autumn, ones figure grows slender, Soaked in frost, the chrysa

15、nthemum blooms full.(林语堂译) 译文2 We grow thin in the shadows of autumn, but chrysanthemums grow fat with the dew. (白伦、江素惠译) 王怒余以目,掷花于地,以莲钩拨入池中, 译文1: Wang looked at me in anger, threw the flowers to the ground and kicked them into the pond. (林语堂译) 译文2: Miss Wang looked at me angrily, threw the flowers

16、on the ground, and kicked them into a pond with her tiny foot. (白伦、江素惠译) 文化因素 不得已,仍为“冯妇”。 译文1:I was then compelled to return to my profession as a salaried man.(林语堂译) 译文2:and I was obliged to be Feng Fu, and return to official work. (白伦、江素惠译) 以上句子中的典故“仍为冯妇” (重操旧业之意,一作“再为冯妇”)出自孟子:“晋人有冯妇者,善搏虎,卒为善士。 则之

17、野,有众逐虎。虎负嵎,莫之敢撄。望见冯妇,趋而迎之。 冯妇攘臂下车。众皆悦之,其为士笑之。” Feng Fu was an apparently formidable guy of the Jin Dynasty whom Mencius says was well-known for protecting local villages from tigers. He became much respected by the local gentry when he gave up this low-class occupation in a search of a more refined

18、life, but was later scorned by them when he went back to killing tigers at the villagers. 当是时,孤灯一盏,举目无亲,两手空拳,寸心欲碎。绵绵此恨,曷其有极! 译文1: A solitary lamp was shinning then in the room, and a sense of utter forlornness overcame me. In my heart opened a wound that shall be healed never more!(林语堂译) 译文2: When i

19、t happened there was a solitary lamp burning in the room. I looked up but saw nothing, there was nothing for my two hands to hold, and my heart felt as if it would shatter. How can there be anything greater than my everlasting grief? (白伦、江素惠译) 蒙夫人抬举,真蓬蒿倚玉树也。 译文1: I should feel greatly honored if I c

20、ould come to your home (林语堂译) 译文2: The respect of an honorable lady like yourself makes me feel like a small weed leaning up against a great tree. (白伦、江素惠译) 有女名憨园, 瓜期未破, 亭亭玉立 but she had a girl by the name of Hanyuan, who was a very sweet young maiden, still in her teens. (by Lin) However, she had a

21、 daughter named Han-yuan, who, though not yet fully mature, was as beautiful as a piece of jade. (by Pratt & Chiang) the slender, graceful figure of Hanyuan 憨园. 何时黄鹤重来, 且共倒金樽, 浇洲诸千年芳草。 但见白云飞去, 更谁吹玉笛, 落江城五月梅花? When the yellow stork comes again, lets together empty the golden goblet, pouring wine-

22、offering over the thousand-year green meadow on the isle. Just look at the white clouds sailing off, and who will play the jade flute, sending its melodies down the fifth-moon plum-blossoms in the city? (by Lin) 轩临峭壁, 下凿小池, 围以石树, 一涨秋水。崖悬薛荔, 墙积莓苔。坐轩下, 惟闻落叶萧萧, 悄无人迹。 This villa was situated at the foot

23、 of a cliff with a little pond below, surrounded by rockery and trees. The cliff was overgrown with ficus pumila and the walls were covered with moss. We sat in the hall, listening to the silentswish of falling leaves, with not a soul in sight. (by Lin, my emphasis) The balcony there faced a cliff,

24、and below it there had been dug a small pond that was full of clear water and surrounded by stones and trees. Mash grass and lychee trees hung off the cliff, and the walls of the building were covered with moss. We sat beneath the windows and could hear only the rustling of the falling leaves. The p

25、lace was unbroken by the shadow of any other person. (by Pratt & Chiang)林语堂不足之处 离余家半里许, 醋库巷有洞庭君祠, 俗呼水仙庙 About half a li from my home, there was a temple to the God of the Tungting Lake, popularly known as the Narcissus Temple, situated in the Chuku Alley. (by Lin)Narcissus In Greek mythology, Na

26、rcissus (/nrsss/; Greek: , Narkissos) was a hunter from Thespiae in Boeotia who was known for his beauty. He was the son of the river god Cephissus and nymph Liriope.1 He was proud, in that he disdained those who loved him. Nemesis noticed this behavior and attracted Narcissus to a pool, where he sa

27、w his own reflection in the water and fell in love with it, not realizing it was merely an image. Unable to leave the beauty of his reflection, Narcissus drowned. Narcissus is the origin of the term narcissism, a fixation with the reflection or image that they portray to others.但李诗宛如姑射仙子, 有一种落花流水之趣, 令人可爱。But Li Pos poems have the wayward charm of a nymph. His lines comenaturally like dropping petals and flowing waters, and are so much lov


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