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1、Unit 2 Sailing the OceansWarming upthe seathe seaon landon landCan you identify these Can you identify these earlyearly navigational navigational instruments seamen used and explain how instruments seamen used and explain how they are used?they are used?compass kmpsastrolabestrleb星盘星盘The astrolabe m

2、easures the height and position of the sun. From this a captain can tell where the boat is in the ocean.nautical n:tkl chart 航海图航海图Nautical charts are maps of the depth of the sea and the currents of the oceans. Sailing the OceansR R写出下列单词的变化形式写出下列单词的变化形式1 1仁慈,怜悯仁慈,怜悯 n._n._;仁慈的;仁慈的 adjadj._._2 2探险,

3、探测探险,探测 v v._._;探险,探测;探险,探测 n._n._3 3最小的最小的 _ _ ;最大的;最大的_ _4 4 安全的,可靠的安全的,可靠的 adj._adj._; 安全,保证安全,保证 n n._._; 5 5 参考,查阅参考,查阅 v. _v. _;参考,提及;参考,提及 n._n._6 6 精确的,准确的精确的,准确的 adj._adj._; 精确度,准确性精确度,准确性n._n._mercymercifulexploreexplorationminimummaximumsecuresecurityreferreferencepreciseprecisionR R写出下列单

4、词的变化形式写出下列单词的变化形式7 7 简单化,单一化简单化,单一化 v._v._;简单的;简单的 adj._adj._; 8. 8. 趋向,倾向趋向,倾向 n._n._; 倾向,趋向倾向,趋向v._v._ 9. 9. 依赖,依靠依赖,依靠 v._v._;可靠的,可信赖的;可靠的,可信赖的 adj._adj._;信任,依赖;信任,依赖 n._n._ 10. 10. 生存,幸存生存,幸存 v._v._;生存,幸存;生存,幸存n._n._ 11. 11. 挨饿挨饿v._v._;饿死;饿死n._n._ 12. 12. 心理学心理学n._n._;心理上的;心理上的adj._adj._ 心理上地,心理

5、学地心理上地,心理学地 adv._adv._ simplifysimpletendencytendrelyreliablereliancesurvivesurvivalstarvestarvationpsychologypsychologicalpsychologicallyR R写出下列单词的变化形式写出下列单词的变化形式1313 逐渐的,逐步的逐渐的,逐步的adj._adj._;逐渐地逐渐地 adv._adv._; 14. 14. 预见,预知预见,预知 v._v._; 15. 15. 渴,口渴渴,口渴 n._n._;口渴的;口渴的 adj._adj._;gradualgraduallyfo

6、reseeforesawforeseen thirstythirst15nvenl nvetnvgen nvget(r)The voyages of travellers before the 17th century show that/they were not at the mercy of the sea/ even though they did not have modern navigational aids.17世纪以前的世纪以前的航海航海记录显示,即使没有记录显示,即使没有现现代航海技术代航海技术的帮助,他们也没有任凭海洋的帮助,他们也没有任凭海洋摆布。摆布。(1)voyag

7、e n./ vi. 航海航海, 航行航行过去从英国航行到印度要六个月。过去从英国航行到印度要六个月。 The voyage from England to India used to take six months. go on/make/take a sea voyage去航海旅行去航海旅行voyager n.航行者航行者, 航海者航海者trip a journey to a place and back, especially for a short visit 公务或游玩的公务或游玩的短程、短程短程、短程旅行旅行journey an act of traveling from one p

8、lace to another, especially when they are far apart.时间较长的时间较长的长途长途旅行旅行travel /U/ the general act of traveling 抽象概念,泛指抽象概念,泛指旅行的行为旅行的行为travels several journeys to other places or countries, especially far away 漫游,海外旅行漫游,海外旅行voyage a long journey especially by sea or in space水上水上或空中或空中旅行旅行tour the act

9、 of walking around a town, building a journey made for pleasure during several different towns, countries are visited.周游或周游或巡回巡回比赛比赛,演演出等出等1. They have got everything ready to make a _ across the Atlantic.2. They came back home after years of foreign _3. My father is on a business _ now.4. She has a

10、 dream of taking a round-the-world _.5. The _ was long and difficult.voyagetraveltriptourjourneyRunder the control of sb/sth; in the power of sb/sth由支配。例如: 。They were lost at sea, _. 。I dont like to work _ /I dont like to work _.at the mercy of at the mercy of wind and weatherat the mercy of at the

11、mercy of such a manat his mercy at his mercy 对表示怜悯The terrorists showed no mercy to showed no mercy to the hostages.毫不留情地The mother left the dying baby in the hospital without mercywithout mercy.(口)幸运的是,幸亏 (用于表示更遭的情况得以避免总算是幸运)a. Its a mercy the accident happened so near the hospital.b. 幸运的是她伤的不重_Its

12、 a mercy (that) she wasnt seriously hurt.26You have to develop your capabilities . 你必须尽你所能。你必须尽你所能。272829303132在公园里,我看见一个小男孩手持风在公园里,我看见一个小男孩手持风筝线,风筝在他的头顶上随风摆动,筝线,风筝在他的头顶上随风摆动,忽上忽下。忽上忽下。In the park I saw a little boy holding the string of a kite.In the park I saw a little boy holding the string of a

13、kite, which was flying overhead at the mercy of the wind, up and down.The kite was flying overhead at the mercy of the wind, up and down.There was no secure method of measuring longitude until the 17th century when the British solved the theoretical problem. page 2 Finding longitudeThere was secure

14、method of measuring longitude the 17th century when the British solved the theoretical problem.page 2 Finding longitude 424344reference reference n.n.提及提及, , 涉及涉及, , 参考参考, , 参考书目参考书目, , 证明书证明书( (人人), ), 介绍介绍信信( (人人) )在会上老师提到了他的英雄事迹。在会上老师提到了他的英雄事迹。 At the meeting the teacher _At the meeting the teach

15、er _his heroic deeds._his heroic deeds.这些是教师参考书。这些是教师参考书。These are _ for teachers.These are _ for teachers. made made reference toreference toreference booksreference booksreferrefer v v. .提到提到, , 涉及涉及, , 查阅查阅她的学生经常她的学生经常查查这本字典。这本字典。Her pupils often Her pupils often referreferr red toed to this dict

16、ionary. this dictionary.别再别再提提那件事。那件事。 DonDont t refer torefer to it again. it again.Our economy Our economy is referred tois referred to as a free market. as a free market. 我们的经济我们的经济被称作被称作自由市场经济。自由市场经济。474849Translation exercise 1.渐渐地(渐渐地(gradually),我习惯了学校的常规),我习惯了学校的常规(routine)。既然我已经上了高级班()。既然我已经

17、上了高级班(the advanced class),就可以自己制定学习计划了。,就可以自己制定学习计划了。I have gradually got used to/accepted/been accustomed to the routine at school now that/since I am in the advanced class and can make my own study plan.2. 让那个女孩来拍广告(让那个女孩来拍广告(advertising)有一个)有一个不利的方面(不利的方面(drawback),就是她方方的下巴),就是她方方的下巴(square jaw)使

18、她看上去不大友好)使她看上去不大友好(unfriendly)。The drawback of using that girl for the advertising was her square jaw which made her look unfriendly.3.数学(数学(mathematics)是一门需要精密准确)是一门需要精密准确(precise and accurate)工作的学科。)工作的学科。Mathematics is a subject which demands/requires/needs precise and accurate work. (precision,

19、accuracy)4.在公园里,我看见一个小男孩手持风筝线在公园里,我看见一个小男孩手持风筝线(the string of a kite),风筝在他的头顶上),风筝在他的头顶上(overhead)随风摆动()随风摆动(at the mercy of the wind),忽上忽下。),忽上忽下。In the park I saw a small boy holding the string of a kite overhead which was rising and falling at the mercy of the wind.In the parkoverhead, at the mer

20、cy of the wind, up and down.5.那个探险家(那个探险家(explorer)想成为第一个到达南)想成为第一个到达南极(极(the South Pole)的人以确保()的人以确保(secure)他在历史上的地位。他在历史上的地位。That explorer wanted to secure his place in history by being the first man to reach the South Pole/arrive at the South Pole.6.王先生每月都往银行里存款(王先生每月都往银行里存款(deposit ),好),好攒钱买一所公寓,以尽他对家庭的责任(攒钱买一所公寓,以尽他对家庭的责任(fulfil his responsibility to his family)。)。Mr. Wang made a deposit/deposited into the bank every month to save/in expectation of saving for a flat/an apartment so that he could fulfil his resp


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