



1、section a5知识目标1. 重点单词:yet, probably, european, population, recent, policy, neither2. 重点短语:1) get lost 迷路2) call up 给某人打电话3) such a beautiful country 如此漂亮的一个国家4) at least 至少5) take place 发生6) because of 因为,由于7) the one-child policy 独生子女政策8) be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格 be strict in /about sth. 对某事要求严格3

2、. 重点句型1) - i really hate to go to such a place. - so do i . 2) neither do my parents. 能力目标1. 学习含有just, already, yet, ever和never的现在完成时。2. 谈论有关人口的话题。情感目标引导学生关注人口问题,树立正确的人口观念。1根据英文释义写出对应的单词。1)maybe, perhaps (probably)2) in recent years (recently)3) of or about europe (european)4) not like, dislike (hat

3、e)5)the number of people (population)设计意图帮助学生熟悉掌握本节重点单词,并通过这种方式让学生逐渐养成通过英语来学英语的习惯。这能很好的体现在用中学,在学中用,为用而学的理念。这对培养良好的英语思维能力非常有帮助。2. 找出1a中含有现在完成时的句子并写在横线上,理解句子的意思。你能说说现在完成时中just, already, yet, ever和never是怎样使用的吗?_设计意图设计此练习是为了培养学生观察语言现象并发现其使用规律的能力。此部分学生可以小组讨论出结论,也可以查阅相关的资料来得出结论。这样可以培养合作学习和探究的能力。创意开场白:teac

4、her: (with a picture of the great wall) do you know this place? have you ever been there?教学建议1. 创设真实情景,复习have been to和have gone to的用法,然后由“shopping center”引出本课话题。2. 通过师生问答,引出含有just, ever, never, already, yet等词的现在完成时,让学生学习并掌握。3. 板书并解释如何运用ever, never,neither,just及yet。 让学生跟读并掌握。然后完成2。4. 听1a录音完成1b,并核对答案。

5、然后跟读。5. 学生根据1a的重点,把对话改写成一篇短文并复述。eg: michael and kangkang have just been to a shopping center. kangkang has never been there before. in the shopping center, there were too many people. they got lost and couldnt find each other. and at last kangkang thought that michael had probably gone home. kangkan

6、g doesnt want to go shopping again. 精彩过渡教师问:kangkang doesnt want to go shopping again because there are too many people. do you know how many people there are in china?继续谈论kangkang不愿意去购物中心的原因,引出并谈论中国的人口变化,呈现3a中的生词、短语和重点语言项目,然后完成3b,巩固3a内容。语法讲解:1. 【导学】so do i. 是一个倒装句,表示和前面提到的肯定情况一样,译为“某某也一样”,结构为“so +

7、be/ 情态动词/ 助动词 + 另一个主语”。时态要与前一句相同,“be/ 情态动词/ 助动词”的形式要与后面的主语一致。如: michael is good at playing basketball. 迈克尔擅长打篮球。 so is kangkang. 康康也一样。 they came here yesterday. 他们昨天来的。 so did miss liu. 刘老师也一样。 maria has finished her homework.玛利亚已经完成了家庭作业。 so have we. 我们也一样。 lily will go to visit the great wall in

8、the winter holiday. 莉莉寒假要去参观长城。 so will lucy. 露西也一样。【延伸】(1)如果要表示和前面提到的否定情况一样,则用 neither/ nor + be/ 情态动词/ 助动词 + 另一个主语的结构, 译为“某某也(一样)不”。如: i wont go to the party tomorrow.我明天不会去参加聚会。 neither/ nor will i. 我也不会去。 lily hasnt been to japan. 莉莉没有去过日本。 neither/ nor have we. 我们也没有。【追踪训练】注意:有的出题人为了麻痹粗心的学生,在汉语

9、表达的时候会故意用与so do i相似的语言。如: i watched the world cup last night. 我昨天晚上看了世界杯。 so did i (我也一样)。 i didnt watch the world cup last night. 我昨天晚上没有看世界杯。 neither/ nor did i.我也一样)。参考答案:so did i. neither/ nor did i.(2)如果对前一句话表示赞同,用“so + 主语 + be/ 情态动词/ 助动词”,意思是“确实如此”,主语与上文指同一人或物。如: the classroom is very clean.教室

10、很干净。 so it is. 的确如此。 kangkang often finishes his work carefully. 康康经常认真完成工作。 so he does. 是的,他确实很认真。【追踪训练】正确区分so倒装和不倒装的用法。( b ) michael is very careful in his work. _ and _.a. so he is, so you are b. so he is, so are youc. so is he, so you are d. so is he, so are you参考答案:b2.【导学】seem 好像,似乎 seem + adj.

11、 如:jane seems sad today. 简今天好像很悲伤。 seem to do sth. 如:it seems to rain. 好像要下雨了。 it seem(s/ed) that 从句 如:it seems that many young people like jay chou.似乎很多年轻人都喜欢周杰伦。【延伸】seem + adj, seem to do 和it seem(s/ed) that 从句可以互换同义句。如:jane seems sad today. = jane seems to be sad today.= it seems that jane is sad

12、 today.简今天好像很悲伤。3.【导学】population指人口总数,是一个集合名词。它的用法有时较为特殊,所以很容易用错。在运用时要注意几个方面: 做主语时谓语用单数。如:the population of chongqing is over 30 million now.重庆人口现在超过三千万。 但population的一部分指的是具体的人,做主语时是复数。如:about seventy percent of the population in china are farmers. 中国大约有百分之七十的人口是农民。 只能用large/ small等形容词修饰。如:china has

13、 a larger population than the usa.中国人口比美国多。 对某个国家或地方的人口提问用what。如:whats the population of india?【延伸】(1)和人口有关的短语:the population of 的人口;have a population of + 数量:有人口。(2)对人口数量提问有四种方式【追踪训练】同义句表达。how many people are there in china?= whats the population of china?= whats the number of people in china?= how

14、 large is the population of china?参考答案:whats the population of china?whats the number of people in china?how large is the population of china?一短语翻译。1. 迷路,走失 get lost2. 给某人打电话 call sb (up)/ ring sb (up)/ give sb a call/ make a call to sb/ phone sb 3在最近几年 in recent years 4. 独生子女政策 one-child policy5. 至

15、少 at least6. 拥有世界上最多的人口 have the largest population in the world出题意图:本题旨在通过短语翻译重现本课时重点单词、短语,以让学生对所学重点词汇进行巩固和运用。参考答案:1. get lost 2.call sb (up)/ ring sb (up)/ give sb a call/ make a call to sb/ phone sb 3. in recent years 4.one-child policy 5. at least 6. have the largest population in the world二句型转换

16、。1. hes already been to beijing. (改为一般疑问句)has he been to beijing yet?2. shes just come back from school. (改为反意疑问句) shes just come back from school, hasnt she?3. they wont have a picnic. michael wont have a picnic, either. (改为同义句) they wont have a picnic. neither will michael.4. han mei doesnt like t

17、he singer any longer.(改为同义句)han mei no longer likes the singer.5. we had to put off our spring field trip because the weather was bad. (改为同义句)because of the bad weather, we had to put off our spring field trip.6. there are more people in china than in the other countries. (改为同义句)the population of ch

18、ina is larger than that of the other countries.china has a larger population than any other country. 出题意图:本题旨在培养学生对句子的灵活运用能力。解题思路:1. has, been, yet 现在完成时的一般疑问句是把助动词have/ has 提前,若有already须改为yet.2. hasnt she 由come back可知hes是 he has的缩写。 3. neither will michael 要表达“也不”可用否定句加either的形式,也可用neither倒装。they w

19、ont 说明助动词用will. 4. no longer not any longer = no longer 5.because of “因为” because引导原因状语从句,because of后面跟名词(短语),代词或动名词。 6. larger, that; larger, population 考查“人口”的各种表达。population是一个数字,只能比大小,用that代替。 课后作业方案一、根据首字母补全单词。1. they got lost_ and couldnt find each other because there were too many people.2. c

20、hina has the largest population in the world.3. its bad to be/ become a “little emperor”.4. great changes have taken place in china since 1978.5. chongqing has developed a lot in recent years.6. there are a lot of shopping centers in jiefangbei.7. miss gao is probably in her room. look!the light in

21、her room is still on. 8. india has a population of more than 1 billion.9. look at the clouds in the sky! wow! so many dark clouds! it seems to rain soon.出题意图:通过做题,进一步强化学生对新单词的理解和运用。解题思路:1. lost 因为人太多走失了,找不到对方 2. largest人口用large/ small形容。in the world和空格前的the 说明用最高级。 3. be/ become 成为,变成“小皇帝”是糟糕的事。 4.

22、changes 中国发生了巨大的变化。have说明主语是复数。 5. recent 在最近几年。固定搭配 6. centers 购物中心 7. probably 灯亮着,说明可能在 8. population 印度人口11亿多 9. seems 天上有很多黑云。推测“好像要下雨了”。二、用yet, just, ever, never, before和already填空。1. liu mei has already finished her work, so she can chat with her friends on the internet.2. the police havent fo

23、und the lost boy yet. 3. jenny and i havent been to the great wall before. how much we want to go there!4. - have your mother ever visited the mout emei? - no, shes never been there. she hopes to go there one day.5. we have just called her. 出题意图:现学现用,巩固与现在完成时连用的几个常见副词。参考答案:1. already 2. yet 3. befor

24、e 4. ever, never 5. just 三、单项选择。( c )1. kangkang and his parents have _ come back from their hometown. a. ever b. never c. just d. yet ( c )2. there used to _ many trees on the mountain near my house. a. have b. has c. be d. are ( b )3. jane, maria _ just now, but you were not at home.a. called up y

25、ou b. called you upc. calls up you d. calls you up( d )4. its believed that the population of india will be _ than that of china in the future. a. more b. smaller c. fewer d. larger ( a )5. the 2008 olympic games _ in beijing.a. took place b. happened c. was taken place d. was happened ( c )6. mr. l

26、ee is strict _ his students and _ their homework. a. in, with b. with, on c. with, in d. of, with ( a )7. - i cant read the book because there are too many new words in it. - _. a. neither can i. b. so can i.c. so i can. d. neither i can.( c )8.china is _ that more and more foreigners come for a vis

27、it. a. such beautiful a country b. so a beautiful countryc. such a beautiful country d. such a country beautiful ( b )9 look! the light is still on in mr. wangs office. im afraid he _ his work yet.a. doesnt finish b. hasnt finishedc. didnt finish d. wont finish ( b )10. im not full. i want _ apples. a. three another b. three more c. a third d. another出题意图:通过做题,强化学生对课时内的重点语言点的理解和运用。解题思路:1. c 肯定句中不能用yet.而且句子所要表达的意思是“刚刚”。 2. c there be 的各种句式其实就是be 的变化。 3


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