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1、 unit 11 sad movies make me cry.unit 11sad movies make me cry.考点直击考点直击1. waiting for helen _(drive) amy crazy yesterday. my brother often _(drive) a car to go to work. |南宁中考南宁中考|mr. wu, a_(drive) of no. 5 bus, is kind and nice to the passengers. drove drivesdriver2. mr. white has got the_ (friend) a

2、nd respect of his workmates. |襄阳中考襄阳中考|how are you getting along with your new classmates? very well. they are all _me. a. afraid of b. friendly to c. angry with d. sorry forfriendship考点直击【解析解析】be afraid of意为意为“害怕害怕”;be friendly to意为意为“对对友好友好”;be angry with意为意为“生生的气的气”;be sorry for意为意为“对对感到遗憾感到遗憾”。结

3、。结合答语中的合答语中的“very well.”可知可知“他们对我很友好他们对我很友好”。故选。故选b。b3. the doctor came in and began to e_ the patient. we feel nervous because of tomorrows _(examine).4. the media have a lot of_ (力量力量) today. alice met a_(power) competitor in the match.5. _(财富财富) is seldom related to happiness. |常州中考常州中考|the more

4、you read, the _(wealth) you will feel in spirit.考点直击xamineexamination/exampowerpowerfulwealthywealthier6. it has rained for three days. the bad weather makes me_ (comfortable). 对我们来说,两天内完成所有的工作是不可能的。对我们来说,两天内完成所有的工作是不可能的。 _ _for us to finish all the work in two days.考点直击uncomfortableits impossible7.

5、 |烟台中考烟台中考|his uncle would rather _ the old bike than _a new one. a. repair; to buy b. to repair; buy c. repair; buy d. to repair; to buy考点直击c他宁愿在家睡觉也不愿去购物。他宁愿在家睡觉也不愿去购物。 he prefers _ _at home rather than _shopping.考点直击to sleep go8. 他们有很多共同之处。他们有很多共同之处。 they have_ _ _ _. jack and his brother are twi

6、ns, but they have nothing_ common. a. for b. in c. at d. with考点直击a lot in common【解析解析】have nothing in common是固定搭配,意为是固定搭配,意为“没有共同之处没有共同之处”,故所缺的介词是故所缺的介词是in。b9. 我和他们已经做了三年的朋友了。我和他们已经做了三年的朋友了。 i have _ _ _ them for three years. 我们都想和他交朋友。我们都想和他交朋友。 we all want to _ _ _ him.考点直击been friends withmake fr

7、iends with 10. 孩子们不想被忽略。孩子们不想被忽略。 children dont want to be _ _. 考点直击left out|常州中考常州中考|many social workers went to yaan to help _ clean water and food to local people to reduce their pain from the earthquake. a. put out b. come out c. work out d. give out考点直击d【解析解析】本题考查动词短语辨析。本题考查动词短语辨析。put out意为意为“熄

8、灭熄灭”;come out意意为为“出版出版”;work out意为意为“解决解决”;give out意为意为“分发分发”。结合句意。结合句意“许多社会工作者去雅安帮助分发干净的水和食物许多社会工作者去雅安帮助分发干净的水和食物”可知选可知选d。11. he feels like _(order) a bowl of beef noodles. |泉州中考泉州中考|i have a bad cold. i dont feel like _ anything. a. to eat b. eating c. eat考点直击ordering【解析解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:我得了重感冒。我不想

9、吃考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:我得了重感冒。我不想吃 任何东西。任何东西。feel like doing sth.意为意为“想要做某事想要做某事”。故选。故选b。b12. 他胃疼,看起来面色苍白。他胃疼,看起来面色苍白。 he had a stomachache and looked_ _ _ _. 每个女人都希望自己貌美如花。每个女人都希望自己貌美如花。 every woman hopes that she can be_ _ _ _ _. 我爸爸忙得不可开交。我爸爸忙得不可开交。(翻译句子翻译句子) _考点直击as pale as chalkas beautiful as my fathe

10、r is as busy as a bee.a flower13. 这项工作需要大量的时间。这项工作需要大量的时间。 the work _ _a lot of time. 我明天将给海伦打电话。我明天将给海伦打电话。 ill _helen_ tomorrow. 她向父亲大声呼救。她向父亲大声呼救。 she _ _to her father for help.考点直击calls forcall upcalled out14. |齐齐哈尔中考齐齐哈尔中考|i want you to talk about the summer palace. im sorry, but _bill _ i have

11、 been there. a. either; or b. neither; nor c. both; and |黄石中考黄石中考|我感到很惊讶,我和戴维都未受邀参加这个晚会。我感到很惊讶,我和戴维都未受邀参加这个晚会。 i felt surprised that _ david _ i was invited to take part in the evening party.考点直击b【解析解析】题干中提到了题干中提到了“我想要你们谈谈颐和园我想要你们谈谈颐和园”,由答语中的,由答语中的“对不对不起起”可推断可推断“我和比尔都没有去过那里我和比尔都没有去过那里”。故。故neithernor

12、符合题意。符合题意。neither nor 15. he wanted to take the managers position. (改为同义句改为同义句) he wanted to _ _ _ _the manager.考点直击take the place of16. i have nothing to _(worry) about in my life. |绍兴中考绍兴中考|you look_. whats up, sir? i cant find my ticket, but its time to check in. a. sleepy b. hungry c. tired d. w

13、orried考点直击worry【解析解析】从从“我找不到我的票了,但是到检票的时间了我找不到我的票了,但是到检票的时间了”可推断,对可推断,对 方看起来很方看起来很“焦虑焦虑”。故选。故选d。d17. _, it was cloudy and grey, and cloudy days make me sad. a. in total b. to start with c. in case d. according to考点直击b【解析解析】画线的词是画线的词是r考查短语辨析。考查短语辨析。in total意为意为“总计总计”;to start with 意为意为“起初;开始时起初;开始时”;

14、in case意为意为“以防万一以防万一”;according to意为意为“根据;根据;依据依据”。句意:起初,天气多云,阴沉沉的,多云的天气使我悲伤。句意:起初,天气多云,阴沉沉的,多云的天气使我悲伤。18. 离开图书馆之前别忘了把书还回去。离开图书馆之前别忘了把书还回去。 dont forget to _ _ the books before leaving the library. 你们的作业必须在上课前交上来。你们的作业必须在上课前交上来。 your homework _ _ _ _before class.考点直击hand backmust be handed in19. |内江中

15、考内江中考|my father was drinking tea in the living room _ my mother was doing the dishes in the kitchen. a. if b. while c. until d. unless he walked slowly b_his leg hurt.考点直击b【解析解析】考查连词的用法。句意:当我妈妈正在厨房洗餐具的时候,考查连词的用法。句意:当我妈妈正在厨房洗餐具的时候,我爸爸正在客厅喝茶。题空前后句均为过去进行时,强调两个动作我爸爸正在客厅喝茶。题空前后句均为过去进行时,强调两个动作同时进行,也含有对比之意

16、。故选同时进行,也含有对比之意。故选b。ecause20. 这个箱子太重,他搬不动。这个箱子太重,他搬不动。 the box is _ heavy _he cant carry it. |滨州中考滨州中考|the teacher asked me to read aloud _all the students could hear me. a. so that b. for c. because d. in order to考点直击so that【解析解析】根据题意可知,老师让根据题意可知,老师让“我我”大声读的目的是让所有的学生能大声读的目的是让所有的学生能够听到,引导目的状语从句使用够听到

17、,引导目的状语从句使用so that。故选。故选a。a21. 我在花园里帮爷爷种花过得很开心。我在花园里帮爷爷种花过得很开心。 i_ _ _my grandpa plant flowers in the garden.考点直击had fun helping22. 她不确定买哪一件毛衣。她不确定买哪一件毛衣。 shes not _ _ _ _ _. 他对他的报告很有把握。他对他的报告很有把握。 he is _ _ his report. 他们相信能去澳大利亚旅行。他们相信能去澳大利亚旅行。 they are_ _ _ to australia. 我们相信我们今天能完成所有的工作。我们相信我们今天

18、能完成所有的工作。 we_ _ _ _ _ finish all the work today.考点直击sure which sweater to buysure ofsure to travelare sure that we can23. |烟台中考烟台中考|mr. li asks us to remember that _careful we are, _ mistakes we will make. a. the more; the fewer b. the fewer; the more c. the more; the more d. the less; the fewer 这个问题是两个问题中比较容易的。这个问题是两个问题中比较容易的。 this problem is _ _of the two problems.考点直击a【解析解析】本题考查本题考查“the 比较级比较级,the 比较级比较级”结构。句意为结构。句意为“李老师李老师要求我们记住:我们越仔细,犯的错误就越少要求我们记住:我们越仔细,犯的错误就越少”,因此修饰,因此修饰careful要用要用the more;修饰;修饰 mistakes 要用要用the fewer。the easier24. jack feels regretful _ _ (每次每次) he do


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