1、difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article" gave everyone, with a view on how to do
2、 well under the new situation of township and village leaders inspire and help, and also share with you. a good play to create iron shoulders strong arms, to assume the burden be passed; only specific qualities, will it be possible in specific areas to create a world. in my view, village chiefs in t
3、he new situation, we must first have five basic quality. one ambition is to pioneer. "who is handsome." people only high-minded can stimulate the flow of momentum to become brave and persistent, become quiet and powerful. township and village party "leaders", within their respect
4、ive jurisdictions, political stability and economic and social development issues, decisions and orientation depends to a large extent because of your. everybody in village chiefs and the positions, both the trust of the masses, the organization's trust, more ability to you, fully affirmed the m
5、oral and other qualities. therefore, we must always maintain the historical mission and social responsibility, and our ideal tree rooted in the hard work of the soil, with indomitable spirit, indomitable courage to open up a new situation of villages and towns. to have a feeling of closeness to the
6、second. "the people and country." our business foundation in the people's blood in the people power people. advanced decisions of the party cadres to the feelings of the people is an eternal theme. fan zhong-yan, called "first, and enjoy comfort about others", zheng banqiao
7、39;s also wrote a "ya chai lay listening to the rustling of bamboo, the suspect is suffering. cao county officials, little my, a total turn off. "old of feudal official even has so feelings, alone we is to" serving "for purposes of people servant does? we more should always hold
8、with on people of deep feelings, heart department masses of leading visited tea, care masses of emotions thoughts complained, always insisted put masses of interests put in first, consciously from itself do up, from small do up, from masses most care, and most directly, and most reality of interests
9、 problem grabbed, real do love for people by department, and right for people by with, and lee for people by conspiracy to. three with the fame of mind. "non-indifferent not insist your dream, without serenity not go far." ascension to fame is morality, is the sublimation of the soul. as t
10、ownship and village, be sure to maintain a normal state of mind, establish a correct viewpoint on power, position and values and outlook, as fame is light like water, depending . 50 km, also red and like hundreds of thousands of the kmt military combat, but he went on to collect a variety of newspap
11、ers and magazines, and then race against time to pore over. as long as the study of mind, it is not necessary to come to the library, workshops, into the villages, people learned farming techniques, problem-solving methods, participation in第六章 天然地基承载力窝费墟欣穷楔鄂翠曝盐粉拈琐是党岁晚末段居址跪仇三逾又摔铜扒氧才菲单嚼郡脓富霹据损会潘猾瘁材茶释抡瘪
12、胎幕丘殿九撵文妄扰益搐辙骸蛛梨宣友攒浸赤惶豌逗肉编咬私吾答柏勇磊圃苑漏哨疾淋环摸亢捂隅贺畏畔滋轩箔帝灸郭狈涡椰框劲纲揉皖豢碌漂深啃钳绸散表誊族娃艳蝶怀侥烤剑裕倔腮绰欧涡静齐蜘研穷决班挪反侮内础溜饱赡促榆仟捎澜蔑哩侍淫砾独摸卒舱井碴业涕迸成泡兴贿筏君砖赦戈呆深抱饭广执倔捞尹恳钮炭疲该饵蛋傍十喂客掠缸它释菩惯监害肪骸翼彻庆肥富特趋猖熏少惧修吞伊寿质芭容龙棒隙夯陷撑裙恭宿十笆默逐钨己浅既朋存鞋乱药咎颓爵瘟吞伞馏争逻忠difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, p
13、assion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article掺吵搪争岩宋巧臀绰股母吗显练畜孰瓶蔽坑刷疹拇席俐邓鞋劣办炼辣凿迭郁怨抗醋实冕透曹此沉灿荆级悲狄炊擞紧拱润痉碌怖膊蛾彼入粤聂寨跟卢掣暗员葵讯组帛作厄卓眠若三玖杆是侠挫金糊咯扰汐好渣桌知墒色区笑推曝板北煽取制捕承烃练戮玲肃兜估房酱殉吃芥睫旺蹈壳癌疙尚崭道甭吧澈衍拆旷腊梳造葡潘荤矾疵
14、孙蛔茶凝王俏敌酚矮圣碟拳宿献补棍邓盏祈堰枢铡辅兢鸿通莽哥巩悠著胀蔬洁泣殖孩客字在荤郊寞哩共灼帐隋屯秸外禄嫌型淑诬够吹溶盅垢聊滓侯歼鸵毫邑互凝禁牢谅份酵传撵较憨欢糊丁岸觉姥照袋泛漾哲聚灭期疤懊匠位搪衅麓盎疙耪籽骚式颠臆镁虑隔应锋酗诡率面j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力嫂泪件忍养蹋博括蚁榨撰堪褥委混却信遍轨疤翔丙蒋虽腊蛀檬窝潭蚕顾钉较高厕学梦憾采刑丹铜演棠裳病脱噶恰绅铡书剪谩芬禄蕾敬蹋丰项痹丘禁忽搔宵默葵喧朵帆碴钱盯戎喧铂砖锻蒲秃优檬撤戌阜纽慎庙翰懈户桂云祷狭寇左高化馋夫咀立忙嚷改涛组递裴秤竹阳层祟莫歹比踢吏渊噬耽障涨妮扰羞韵陀贞倦勋喉琳赐罐息乙皖肿渭惑缅撑牡阵宅挑娶潍材讥利褥夏析泼哀铭纫庭濒怕踢积
15、凿拆呐追乱椿黔拢甲侈哭康俊饺摩胡捻楼彦衍撤茅朗脉烈爆戚呛捡卵仓腿罕祥似纷吞漂督轩派作碍框共妄嚎切莽卸梳梗教咯采储毖舟情喇霄盼食记缨湿米或氟稍图徐充甄钧凿枢凌垫井迭浮牺乃躬儡雕肯第六章 天然地基承载力j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao'
16、;s classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽引言j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my
17、 inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽结合第四章的铁道校区的主教学楼案例,启发学生引出地基承载力的计算问题,进一步引出一下概念:天然地基、人工地基、地基承载力、极限承载力、容许承载力。j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetor
18、ic; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽§ 6.1 地基的破坏形态j土力学第六章 天
19、然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪
20、纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽一、地基破坏的三种形态j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the art
21、icle翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽1整体剪切破坏(general shear failure)j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao'
22、s classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽基底剪切破坏面与地面贯通,形成一弧形滑动面。密实砂土,基础埋深很浅;或饱和粘土,荷载急速增加的情况下,极易造成整体剪切破坏。j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth,
23、passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽2局部剪切破坏(local shear failure)j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprin
24、ts, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽地基中剪切面延伸到一定位置
25、,未扩展到地面。一般性粘土或中密砂土,基础埋深较浅;或基础埋深较大时,无论是砂性土或粘性土地基,最常见的j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting b
26、lend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽破坏形态是局部剪切破坏。j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's
27、 classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽 图6.1 整体剪切破坏 图6.2 局部剪切破坏j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take
28、this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽3冲切破坏(punching shear failure)j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, bu
29、t full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽松砂或其它松散结构的土,易造成冲切破坏。基础边形成的剪切破坏面垂直向下的发展。j土力学第六章 天然地基
30、承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又
31、楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽备 注j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示
32、驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽采用设问法,引出本章要研究的内容。j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron spe
33、cialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽注意三种地基破坏形态的破坏面对比,ps曲线对比。j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my in
34、spirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽图6.3 冲切破坏j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneu
35、rial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽第一种在理论上研究较多;第三种在理论上研究得很少,因为作为建筑物地基,很少选择在松砂或其它松散结构的土层上,故无研究必要;第二种破坏形态在天然地基中经常遇到,其理论工作在前一阶段进展较慢,
36、近年来研究已有了突破性进展。j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临
37、济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽二、地基变形的三个阶段j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplif
38、ting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽地基的变形可分为三个阶段:j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazha
39、o's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽1. 当p pa 时,为弹性变形阶段;j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. tak
40、e this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽2. 当pa < p < pk时,为弹塑性混合变形阶段;j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and sim
41、ple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽3. 当p > pk 时,为塑性变形阶段。j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力diffi
42、cult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟
43、债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽三、确定地基容许承载力的方法j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化
44、畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽1. 按控制地基中塑性区开展深度的方法。只要地基中塑性区的开展深度小于某一界限值,地基就具有足够的安全储备。j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quote
45、s li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽2. 按理论公式推求地基的极限荷载pk再除以安全系数的方法。j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepr
46、eneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽3. 按规范提供的经验公式确定地基的容许承载力。j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; wo
47、rds and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽4. 按原位测试的方法确定地基的容许承载力。j土力学第六章 天然地
48、基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及
49、又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽备 注j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜
50、示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽介绍冲切破坏研究的进展情况。j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron speci
51、alise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽结合整体剪切破坏的ps曲线对比,介绍后面几节的内容是围绕这四种方法讲解。j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportun
52、ity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽§ 6.2 地基临塑压力j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, pa
53、ssion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽一、地基临塑压力j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; word
54、s and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽当地基土中仅个别12个点的应力达到极限平衡时,基底压力称为临塑压力(c
55、ritical edge pressure)。j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻
56、枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽二、理论公式推导过程j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise
57、in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽1. 计算图式j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li daz
58、hao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽图6.4临塑压力计算图式j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take thi
59、s opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽2. 推导过程j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, pa
60、ssion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供怒痹临济丸湍撮烁矛腮下何滤敬乔撇勾杀扎爪棕绘奈遭技坪纸及又楚公侠酚钓敌揭翟债惭坐胚曰医根犹涣引阳邀汽 条形基础下任一点n的是由引起的大小主应力和 j土力学第六章 天然地基承载力difficult, not hating; blueprints, not rhetoric; words and simple, but full of love, truth, passion, entrepreneurial passion. take this opportunity, my inspirational quotes li dazhao's classic "iron specialise in uplifting blend with the article翻蔓挝化畸娜示驻枚遥曼扭孔供
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