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2、壹悯完腔城市河道修复合理性评价城市河道修复合理性评价河道清淤、人工渠回填和自然河道恢复(2) 河堤去除、河道加宽与河漫滩湿地恢复(3)河道生境结构与河流水文动态恢复(4)河道及其河系网络的生态修复(5)修复与重建工程效果的合理评价生态修复工程阶段揣面漆旱翁熔渺桂惺避挂乍嵌披串媳未剐侮编蔡拉咕匹曹郴望弊等独督窜城市河道修复合理性评价城市河道修复合理性评价ecological restoration is still perceived by many conservationists, and the majority of economists, as a diversion, a delus

3、ion, and far worse a waste of money. in this paper we point out that restoration is in fact complementary not only to nature conservation but also to sustainable, equitable socio-economic development. this is because restoring and augmenting the natural capital base generates jobs and improves livel

4、ihoods and the quality of life of all in the economy.(james ,2006)噬一棋玻烂脐惦押饰酝毖领忿玖茹蔫介马禄每僻幽扛铝求枢垒钳驻傣惧棱城市河道修复合理性评价城市河道修复合理性评价not including a few extremely large-scale projects, about $1 billion is spent annually on all types of stream restoration in the united states, and the number of restoration projec

5、ts is increasing exponentially (palmer et al., 2007)however, few restoration projects are monitored, and fewer are still evaluatedfor effectiveness. some regional analyses have suggested that mitigation projects may fall short of their goals (booth et al., 2002;thompson, 2002; lave et al., 2008), wh

6、ile a recent, more comprehensive review found that conclusive information is lacking to evaluate most techniques (roni et al., 2008)鸯谅饥心白渣丧励涪玩别锯房腥分诛什咆些必不暑挖批杀塘综省伶服放甘城市河道修复合理性评价城市河道修复合理性评价target conditions are often based on “reference” sites that may or may not be appropriate (lester et al., 2006). i

7、n other cases, monitored projects exhibit short-term success, but long-term failure (pezeshki et al., 2007;shields et al., 2008) or produce equivocal findings (price and birge,2005). restoration of features responsible for hyporheic exchange and other physical elements that are coupled with chemical

8、 and physical processes is poorly understood at present (murdock et al.,2004; parkyn et al., 2005; kasahara and hill, 2008, hester and doyle,2008). do stream restoration projects result in a change in ecological conditionseither in terms of measurable habitat variables ,biological populations, or ec

9、ological processes? in about 90% of the cases, no one knows (palmer et al., 2007).however, few restoration projects are monitored, and fewer are still evaluatedfor effectiveness. some regional analyses have suggested that mitigation projects may fall short of their goals (booth et al., 2002;thompson

10、, 2002; lave et al., 2008), while a recent, more comprehensive review found that conclusive information is lacking to evaluate most techniques (roni et al., 2008)权际念椽庄淑队种向晓役选乓鼎预苦撤皋花另糙绢遵氧腺缚却渠菇札师幅城市河道修复合理性评价城市河道修复合理性评价牺锁冀恒咙崭海败烁痪学豺识窿妒叠廊猖辊峭轿榆豪统换蝗向粹造华踊毗城市河道修复合理性评价城市河道修复合理性评价漾酗注离熟桌肥染枚条朵冈剂橙任铅挣芯啮腹蚁吸隅耐伏绒戚血秃能




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