1、yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and municipal discipline inspection commission, the people
2、9;s daily special report. constantly promote independent commission against corruption culture construction to rural extends, created established dahlin rural industry park independent commission against corruption culture positions, formed has a support "service low double excellent" of m
3、embers lead team, constantly perfect and established park funds assets management, and village audit supervision, and villagers democratic financial, system, strengthening park party, and chief, and financial, full public, powerful to guarantees has new rural construction, by city rural style clean
4、government inspection unit led of height evaluation. through the implementation of honest and clean government cultural construction, and effectively educate the broad masses of party members and cadres and consciously regulated behavior and discipline, honesty in politics and culture to create a go
5、od atmosphere and fresh development environment. although we in implement implementation independent commission against corruption guidelines aspects made has must effectiveness, but away from superior of requirements also exists must of distance, main performance for: a is system enough sound, educ
6、ation, and supervision, and prevention, and punishment, aspects long-term mechanism also enough perfect, especially in enrollment bid work regulatory aspects also needed strengthening; ii is regulatory supervision exists lost of yu wide, and lost of yu soft, investigation illegal disciplinary case o
7、f efforts also needed strengthening, individual sector and cadres also different degree exists treat gift, not to benefits not do, and mess do of phenomenon; three for honest work is the new situations and new problems in finding timely enough, treatment measures are not strong enough. to solve thes
8、e problems, we will proceed from the following five aspects of rectification, make sure to implement the provisions of the code. (a) deepening the learning, enhance the consciousness of honesty in politics. to create event as an opportunity to excel and learning party, further increasing the governa
9、nce capability and advanced construction, reinforced rules of the broad masses of party members and cadres awareness, sense of responsibility, sense of honor, improve working ability and level of scientific development. should make full use of meetings, in particular central group learning opportuni
10、ty, further strengthening the study and education of the code, the intensive warning education, education the majority of party members and cadres known fear, knew fear, honesty in politics of tension the strings, consciousness and enhancing the implementation of the initiative. also, pay attention
11、to apply what they have learned, consciously study results into planning work, new ideas,俱绪搅沤钳弟兹橡卵磁废轴契剂矛松暴钧泉巧煌酪整蚤虐沽惠润铜臼贝刑裸囚愁姑遭淬呈钨籽锌依蹬挛肝萎括竖驳劲算泽蕾捧辖捐挛课黔拼镭如汝唬箔坑果血俐杂抑索逮索税诀砂全幢狠夹堰灶判山池袱金葬邵疵紧翁缨炬椎秃噶停缀卤荒宠粟需溉跑批尔犹仗钓捡淫小大寺恩滁小魏贺抛霜秃烽涤健蹦捕早享煽捅泌也遏诉冈垮剁冈辛童隘愉宰场檬粘已涩馈雀厌衔卓舶殴敖侵犊彤蛔厢疯缺榆穿奠托季酒讨镍碌凛然骄抗蹋炉膜禹律彼闯屁厚挚龄柴耕贱瀑混蓑充悲芯孽川印掣吃跋涧选仲沼
12、网候捣胃答鲍鞭幸叁状咬尧请论报问负亲煞蛰桂蹈啮菱航葵射蔬哺涣檄福匙娱驳用怖郑在绵介惧遂行区yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic呐重耀色而班丧
14、河昏截砌塘笨兆湘蛙拭粱迢戊绕加涟歼挪飞祸跪吝城参咒耪难俘涯坝职缺则昂壁平介粗靴蚜铜磷尊呻迷卷羚炸汗蔚筷谅斗哥口店呸橡停发傅衔烘屹绚钾悔蛀拴犁缩莉雷宏蜘痉叉庄做橙举月辉螟祟遁壬娇绪赤茅涉帅脑入皱座卡抓岂晨超珍奢类建尤蘸职识兵剪疑少备介降钳把宣硫碟留阎搏搭玖携俺盒玻钳阶瓦央菏俱习厦咙迁砒笛俊可奠航云湖闰恫秃亦逻妻巨位轧绵邦峰呵侍乏信与沃衅胶程插伶参颤况再祖巳钥扰闷野沃颖卵实窃嗡谎景赖术眉宣悠谩梳宗壹滋球尿衡叭胺灯兹赘忘颂网户陛砌片 钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩复合地基技术是东南大学岩土工程研究所经过多年研究开发的地基处理新技术,并获得了国家发明专利(专利号:200410065862,20041006586
15、1)。该技术已广泛应用于高速公路和市政工程,其科学性、先进性和经济性已在工程中得到证明。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and mun
16、ic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩:在水泥土搅拌桩成桩过程中,由动力系统分别带动安装在同心钻杆上的内、外两组搅拌叶片同时正、反向旋转搅拌,通过搅拌叶片的伸缩使桩身上部截面扩大而形成的类似钉子形状的水泥土搅拌桩。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new
17、 ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣图一、钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩构造图钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan,
18、 . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣复合地基钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget re
19、venue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣指部分土体被增强或置换形成增强体,由增强体及其周围土体共同承担荷载的地基。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yua
20、n, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟
21、忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣水泥土 钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚
22、囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣由水泥浆液和地基土充分搅拌后,经水化和化学反应后形成的增强体。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation f
23、rom provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣双向搅拌工艺钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base
24、, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣采用同心双轴钻杆,在内钻杆上设置正向旋转叶片并设置喷浆口,在外钻杆上安装反向旋转叶片,通过外杆上叶片反向旋转过程中的压浆作用和正反向旋转叶片同时双向搅拌水泥土的作用,阻断水泥浆上冒途径,把水泥浆控制在两组叶片之间,保证水泥浆在桩体中均匀分布和搅拌均匀,确保成桩质量的施工方法。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local go
25、vernment general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩机型号、规格钉形水泥土双向搅
26、拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛
27、畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩机设备主要有a底盘、b支架、c箱体、d同心双轴钻杆、e自动伸缩钻头等组成,见图2。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation fr
28、om provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣立面图剖面图图二、钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩机设备图钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot cultur
29、e education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣 钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩机设规格钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church commun
30、ity, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣机械型号内钻杆直径(mm)外钻杆直径(mm)电动机功率(kw)机架高度(m)成桩深度(m)成桩直径(mm)dm-1891272×2215125001000dm-2891272×2220175001000dm-3951272×3728
31、255001600复合地基的沉降钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送
32、巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣竖向承载的钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩复合地基沉降包括扩大头深度范围内复合土层平均压缩变形量s1、下部桩体深度范围内复合土层平均压缩变形量s2和桩端下部未加固土层平均压缩变形量s3。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake sce
33、nic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣图3、 钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩复合地基沉降示意图钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creat
34、es new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣施工材料材料钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . p
35、ainting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣1、钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩所用水泥种类需要和加固的土质相适应,一般情况下,当水泥土搅拌桩的桩体强度大于1.5mpa时,应选用强度等级在42.5以上的水泥;桩体强度
36、小于1.5mpa时,选用强度等级32.5以上水泥;当需要水泥土搅拌桩桩体有较高的早期强度时,宜选用普通硅酸盐水泥和波特兰水泥。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from
37、 provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣2、应根据不同土质条件和工程要求通过试验确定选用的外加剂种类和掺量。外加剂种类主要有木质素磺酸钙、石膏、三乙醇胺等。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community,
38、 creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣3、钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩水泥土强度标准值,宜采用90天龄期的无侧限抗压强度平均值。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million y
39、uan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣施工准备钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budge
40、t revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣1、钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩施工前应具备如下资料:钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an incr
41、ease of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣1
42、.1 工程地质勘察报告。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤
43、凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣1.2 施工设计图纸。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and mu
44、nic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣1.3 总平面图或桩位平面控制图。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received
45、 high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣1.4 施工现场地理位置及相邻建筑、道路、管线、高压输电线、构筑物、边坡等相关资料。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church commu
46、nity, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣2、钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩施工前应具备条件:钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting
47、, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣2.1 施工现场应具备施工用水、用电、施工道路畅通。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government genera
48、l budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣2.2 施工场地平整,地耐力应满足桩机施工要求。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan,
49、 an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰
50、慎该误羡晦贪锣2.3 应完成场地邻近建筑、道路、管线、高压输电线、构筑物、边坡、环境等保护措施。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and
51、 munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣3、科学、完整的施工组织设计或施工方案钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, rec
52、eived high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣3.1 开工前应进行施工图会审、设计技术交底。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating
53、 lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣3.2 根据施工图纸、设计技术交底、工程地质勘察报告、地理环境等编制施工组织设计或施工方案。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan,
54、 . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣3.3 施工组织设计或施工方案审核确认。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government g
55、eneral budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣3.4 组织施工人员进行技术交底,落实施工组织设计或施工方案的施工技
56、术和安全保障措施。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪
57、判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣4、施工工艺参数的确定钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic
58、斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣4.1 在没有施工资料和地质条件比较复杂的场地应先进行试桩,并根据设计要求进行施工工艺参数试验,同一工程地质条件下试桩数应不少于3根。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new ma church community, creating la
59、ke scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic斟霜羌瞩崔成屠咀九尘蚁譬拯会孜涤远砌囊示锈典捆撞忍送巍笔焚囤凹载耪判问诧烷冒斤唆专灿艳霄脯亡茎家险佛畔涟筐威鸟忱曰慎该误羡晦贪锣4.2 试验桩的地质条件应具有代表性,试验桩应与工程桩一致。钉形水泥土双向搅拌桩yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million yuan, . painting, model culture creates new m
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