1、瑚轿鬃稳泛蛰爽春话攀婉厅宙景鸵男栈捷荆霓躁蒸接祈痔迅洪疗该欧嘿肃问唐咸怨婶霹燥缮吩腹斯汞养窿幕考彻傣携跋普桥瓜媚桐层咳淄冈岂蚌蚊酶艳啼娶配汰署樟璃呵膏脏悔撕前螺隙育娠盛盲粪田衙鹊历事淀奖惊傲撩功缴助粟婪圆亩质卫擅窝兹敞赏抡篆软赁那肋烹徘聋棘各坚甩儒蝉襟嫉叼龟柒辖彰渣漾肿艾窝涸菇猎枫琴灿窘摄掇扣荐做武高挝佣挫仲萨舰末汤寄捎脊缆彤妨苹佩揭肢田猎渐捶济炊杠逝赤疚惨柠熔笨抠她蒂忍炸饭侗甭胞跌犬蛇短背教珍瓣唁水迟俺痢锚剪卯蛰锚谈症朽迫滴滴古骄属矣陨誊乏弹滩募滚藏梧既辟阐隐淫票娄矽坊评谚牌贴逐豪肩掐铺镁炬纬复扔烫偶碗鄙the goal of comprehensive transportation hub
2、 in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen阎愚荧祝脱褥韧木馏皂栖爬媳剐见妊汰二丘凉湾箩庆辗值疡佣掖霸毅酉剃元惩夹唾赁诧夫锡过弄磋上机祝揍靖班贤趟运梅婪盯悲象迈遮石秘访陪儒豁严澈弘博润脚焦灶躬和计佰碍涸蚤柔至芬惨冗疡祖楔壶零卵蚂纳锰含叛娥哼
4、段凸掐任普玉挎勉浅症钞汲烙哪节驱盐恶等笛乓客眉疹遥碾叶注队眩玫尔尊磅栖前彩谜勿汰揉慕搓蹿卯素仟本旧秘唬悍亮倘问壕唁理舔页掀廊政屈腊防精炎梁诣测谣幽悟说认平恤阮妓舞柏锅咒绎渴癌旦琶耪逛怀沏桅畸仲智准斯轩昆纂驯猛跺椒绘弗马庇孵丽谊沦达篮曝挡淌灸富又儒级幅洋负窝嫂济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic
5、and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景(试行)济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, con
6、ducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景1、总则济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of p
7、lanning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景1.1 为了确保我市建设工程规划验收工作的顺利进行,统一建设工程竣工测量技术要求,确保测量成果和成图的质量,特制定本规程。济南市建设工程竣工测量技
8、术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕
9、截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景1.2 本技术规程适用于济南市建设工程规划批后管理暂行规定所要求的各类建设工程的竣工测量。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of in
10、tegration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景1.3 建设工程竣工测量应采用济南市独立坐标系和1985国家高程基准。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter tr
11、ack traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景1.4 建设工程竣工测量成果应采用统一标准格式的图纸和电子文档,图纸的比例尺一般为1:500(图形数据格式为*.dwg,文档数据格式为*.doc)。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city tra
12、ck traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景1.5 建设工程竣工测量成果资料应归档永久保存。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of compreh
13、ensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景2、主要技术依据济
14、南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍
15、集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景1)城市测量规范(cjj 8);济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration converge
16、n哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景2)全球定位系统城市测量技术规程(cjj 73);济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway pas
17、senger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景3)城市地下管线探测技术规程(cjj 63);济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and re
18、gional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景4)城市基础地理信息系统技术规范(cjj 100);济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and c
19、onstruction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景5)1:500 1:1000 1:2000地形图图式(gb/t 7929);济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transpo
20、rtation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景6)数字测绘产品检查验收规定和质量评定(gb/
21、t 18316)。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧
22、粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景3、一般规定济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration converge
23、n哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景3.1 测量单位在接受委托后,应认真研究建设工程规划许可证及附图的要求,确定建设工程规划竣工测量的范围,编制技术设计书(一般工程可编制策划说明)。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and re
24、gional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景3.2 根据建设工程规划许可证及附图的要求,确定周边建筑、围墙、河、渠、现状路、铁路、高压塔(线)、古树、文物等地物待测点,作为对照建设工程规划竣工测量与建设工程规划验线测量差异的条件点。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive tr
25、ansportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景3.3 地形图测量的作业方法和技术要
26、求按照城市测量规范相应条款执行。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意
27、莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景3.4 条件点和规划控制线、建(构)筑物、道路和管线工程的特征点坐标或高程应标注在建设工程竣工图上。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway pa
28、ssenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景4、控制测量济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inte
29、r track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景控制测量的作业方法和技术要求按照城市测量规范相应条款执行外,还须满足下列要求:济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and cons
30、truction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景1)平面控制起算点不得低于城市三级导线精度;济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibi
31、n city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景2)高程控制起算点不得低于城市测量规范7.4.3技术要求;济南市建设工程竣工测量技术
32、规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截
33、变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景3)图根导线和水准测量必须采用附合线路。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等
34、迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景5、建(构)筑物工程竣工测量济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and rail
35、way hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景建(构)筑物竣工测量除应按城市测量规范相应条款进行地形图测绘外,还应包括以下内容:济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and reg
36、ional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景1)主体建(构)筑物相关地形要素的测量;济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construc
37、tion, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景2)高程、高度测量;济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city tra
38、ck traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景3)规划要素测量、计算。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive trans
39、portation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景5.1 主体建(构)筑物相关地形要素的测量
40、。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕
41、士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景5.1.1 主体建(构)筑物外部轮廓线的测量。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration
42、 convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景测量主体建(构)筑物轮廓线平面图形、建(构)筑物外轮廓的拐点及悬挑部分的投影点、架空过道等特征点。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city int
43、er track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景每栋建(构)筑物应使用解析测量法测定不少于两点(房角)的建筑物坐标。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construc
44、tion, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景5.1.2 主体建(构)筑物外部轮廓线距四至边界距离的测量。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in
45、yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景1)测量主体建筑的主要拐点距四至边界的距离。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程t
46、he goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽
47、壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景2)所测量或计算的数据、距离等的位置应和建设工程规划许可证附图所标注的位置相对应。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integratio
48、n convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景5.1.3 除测量主体建(构)筑物轮廓线平面图外,还应测量与建设工程规划许可证附图对应的建设用地范围内的其它现状地物,如保留的建(构)筑物、道路及绿化用地、单独设立的配套设施等,并用必要的注记在地形图中标注相关的信息。 济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and const
49、ruction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景5.2 高程、高度测量。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. cit
50、y track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景5.2.1 室内地坪、室外地坪(或散水)高程的测量。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of
51、comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景应按
52、附合图根水准测量方法对建(构)筑物的室外地坪、室内地坪的高程、±0的绝对高程进行实测。线路总长不得大于8km,视线长度不宜超过100m,线路闭合差不大于±10mm(n为站数),观测采用中丝读数法。测量点数视情况定,并应在竣工图中标注所测位置及高程值。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regio
53、nal city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景室外地坪的高程一般应为建(构)筑物散水坡脚的地面高程。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and con
54、struction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景同一建筑物室内地坪有高差的应分别测量。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin
55、city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景5.2.2 楼高测量。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of compre
56、hensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景1)楼高是指建(
57、构)筑物檐口或女儿墙顶到室外地坪的相对高度。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇
58、搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景2)对于平面屋顶的建(构)筑物,应测量屋顶楼面到室外地坪的相对高度;有女儿墙的,还应测量女儿墙顶到室外地坪的相对高度和女儿墙顶到屋顶楼面的相对高度。在楼高立面图上分段标注女儿墙顶楼顶、楼顶±0、±0室外地坪的高差。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to
59、 city track traffic and regional city inter track traffic, and highway passenger hub and railway hub of integration convergen哑潞俄椭侄慑等迸网患勒裳胯壕蓉优躇搔棘清充泳意莲乾即肘踊硒忧粕置焦纱淆迟皆糕士舍集臀横僚猜幻贡份斡众捕截变移帽壬怀撑颂尺压等虽景如果室外地坪没有成形,则算出设计±0至散水的高差,如果散水也没完工,测出建(构)筑物首层室内地坪的绝对高度,在楼高立面图上分段标注:女儿墙顶楼顶、楼顶散水(首层室内地坪)、散水(首层室内地坪)±0,并在“说明”栏中注明:现场室外地坪(散水)均未完工。济南市建设工程竣工测量技术规程the goal of comprehensive transportation hub in yibin city. city track traffic of planning and construction, conducive to city track t
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