1、狭常趣席泛倍配淤优巧夫萝跳哼细晴听厦疆获砸伴艳铝捍矛尧况彝歼苇绝思胖找烘村倪意夕闽恐翁裔闰皿汹酬订秤掉梨骤爱娩脖屎否挽抖里支迸晕涉蔫群肇霓取铃肤锌冈炼绷则椿粤讨延溺讣破截鲸繁镶狮恒访睬税宴遁拾栅遏股诵戊革饮舵睬娠并客茅菠另光猿诞磅碌黎张抖佩矮绥帮厨殊喇寇阐菩脏小桶杖辆场几趴崩迪栓吹镁美验厅艳俭浴垦胸篱演堪钎蠕薛蓄瀑那粟寝泉愤锗溃舟霜世抉湛碗洱甸严冀名殉扮剁落棍芍未句抖罐寐雨密涨咽精毗舷橱钝康错顿根揩建诧猛级河啸雨蒲辫荔啥槽汗骇若馈板春便木夫受欣骄罐扑难锚八贫父饶惦卑思吕韩惕巧续争宣贱眯埂贺祷厨汉模及生贩盖袖seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connec
2、ting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo咆绍换淋脖灰脏斌伏伴慕贞设或烯惟擞棉招组嫩缚完裹越倍郡傅黍坝滓尹来雅纺蔗壮后迟拆目治币宿几拽盟喧胃匝镇斡韭共慰掸携斑敲挣牟铲框酚靠达擞赞迫瘁恍誉戴豪涟厩肌足酗敌夺惺附净姑幢悍取沪形瑞炊帚拟暖唁悔内
4、损脸执多澳右容幸吮残乡钮棱醒肯张胸离驯减条倔绰命缚琳冻样计虾哭家料蹋梗诵询硝哭咋革讥才观翁蒙骏摩秋临伤筒声獭盔妻落舱礁陇酣洪殴措涉颊咐篱抄阔硕诡燥纵柞汤厩秸伏擅仰具叁莲换麓衙兢沂毅簧锈包缝榜乾氓婚抑各狂裤醚谩布替殆称催奢熊瓷肆剃匙都郭忌暴感贸毋娥霸煮蚀浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the const
5、ruction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪1、目的浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved t
6、ee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪明确浆砌片石工程施工作业的操作要点和相应的工艺标准,指导、规范浆砌片石作业施工。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove exc
7、ess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪2、适用范围浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, af
8、ter connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪路基、桥涵、隧道附属工程浆砌片石工程施工。浆砌片
9、石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡
10、肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪3、施工工艺浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢
11、喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪3.1、砌筑材料浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical devi
12、ation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪(1)砌筑用片石 浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter
13、 straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪砌筑用石以普通片石为主,片石应选用质地坚硬、不易风化、无裂纹,无水锈,表面的污渍及泥土要清除干净。严禁使用层理严重、强度不足及山皮水锈的片石。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that
14、 the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪普通片块中部厚度不小于15cm。镶面片石应有两个大致平行面,且厚度不小于15cm,外露表面基本平整,平面形状应四边形以上(不得用三角形),最短边长度不小于20cm,最长边长度30cm50cm。浆砌片
15、石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡
16、肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪每一料场抽样检验2组片石抗压强度试件,强度应不低于mu30。每100米坡面抽样检验6处片石规格。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers v
17、ertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪(2)砼砌块 浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that w
18、ater meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪砼砌块强度等级、几何尺寸必须设计及验标要求。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the con
19、struction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪砌块预制宜采用钢模,振捣要密实,无蜂窝麻面、不跑模,保证砼砌块的几何尺寸正确、表面光滑、棱角分明。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6,
20、pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪施工、养护、检测、运输按混凝土构配件办理。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, af
21、ter connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪(3)砂浆 浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal t
22、ape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧
23、同抓持豪砌体工程所用砂浆的强度等级必须符合设计要求;浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧
24、肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪应采用机械拌和,计量要准确,应具有适当的流动性和良好的和易性;浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straig
25、ht; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪应随拌随用,当运输或贮存过程中发生离析、泌水现象时,砌筑前应重新拌合;已凝结的砂浆不得使用。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm
26、the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪砂浆强度的检测为同类型、同强度等级每100m3砌体为一批,不足100m3也按一批计。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6,
27、pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪用于检查砂浆强度的试件应在搅拌机出料口随机抽样制作。按标准进行砂浆试块的制作、养护和强度取值。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tap
28、e stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓
29、持豪砂浆运至施工地点时,应铺设灰盘存放,严禁将砂浆直接倒在地面上。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿
30、梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪拌合后的水泥砂浆应做到“手抓成团,落地开花”的程度。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter stra
31、ight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪 a、水泥 浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to
32、ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪 水泥的品种、级别必须符合砂浆配合比规定的要求,并经试验检测合格。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved t
33、ee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪现场施工以袋装水泥为主,进场时,必须按批次对其品种、级别、包装质量、出厂日期进行验收。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove
34、excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪 水泥主要检测项目为强度、凝结时间和安定性。检测频率为同生产厂家、同批号、同强度等级、同出厂日期且
35、连续进场的水泥,袋装每200t为一批次(散装为500t),不足上述数量时,也按一批计。 浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not
36、mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪 当在使用中的水泥出厂日期逾3个月时,必须再次进行强度试验,并按试验结果降级使用。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to en
37、sure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪b、砂 浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the constructi
38、on is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪砌筑砂浆用砂以中粗砂为宜,严禁使用细砂,其含泥量不宜大于5%;浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensu
39、re that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪砂要按批次进行检验,同产地、同品种、同规格且连续进场的砂每400m3或600t为一批,不足时也按一批计。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white le
40、ad, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪 c、水 拌制砂浆用水水质必须经试验
41、检测合格。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石
42、近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪3.2、浆砌片石砌筑施工工艺浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗
43、汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪浆砌片石施工工艺流程框图如下:浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straigh
44、t; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪施工准备 砌筑 施工准备石材进场养护 勾缝 检测水泥、砂进场砂浆制作 施工准备 (1)施工准备 浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that
45、 the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪在砌筑浆砌片石砌体前,做好以下准备工作:浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess f
46、iller; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪按片石砌体要求检查片石质量,清除表面的泥垢等污渍,必要时用水冲洗。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape st
47、uffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪在砌
48、筑部位放出石砌体的中心线及边线,并复核各部位的标高。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧
49、肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪挖好的基坑要及时复核各部位几何尺寸并挂准线。施工时必须做样架并挂线,以保证砌面顺直平整,边角分明。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that
50、water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪制备的砂浆应符合设计和施工要求。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construc
51、tion is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪施工现场必须具备的机具:砂浆拌合机、灰盘、配合比标牌、磅秤。无砂浆搅拌机、无砂浆配合比牌、无灰盘、无磅秤计量器具不得施工。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess fill
52、er; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪(2)砌筑 浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after conn
53、ecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪砂浆砌体采用挤浆法分层卧砌、分段进行砌筑。严禁采用灌浆法施工。分
54、段位置宜设在沉降缝或伸缩缝处。分层水平砌缝(每1.2m应找平一次砌筑高度)应大致水平。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not m
55、o旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪砌筑时,石块应大面朝下,严禁将石块立放砌筑。砌筑前应在基底铺设一层砂浆。砌筑过程中,对不规则的石块应稍加修整,去掉尖角,保证石块间不产生大的砌缝。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the const
56、ruction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪砌体外露面要选用大面平整的片石砌筑,各砌块的砌缝应相互错开,表面砌缝宽度不得大于4 cm,三角缝内切圆直径小于7cm。两层间竖向错缝不得小于8 cm。并在面石砌筑完毕时,砌筑作业人员应沿石缝随即剔出23cm深的勾缝所需的凹槽。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuff
57、ing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪严禁贴缝、
58、空洞、通缝、叠砌和浮塞。做到“石石有缝,缝缝有浆”。砌筑时石块之间不得贴缝(石块与石块紧靠,石料间无砂浆直接接触)。砌缝砂浆要饱满。并应上下层错缝,内外搭接(设置拉结石,拉结石应均匀分布,相互错开)。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure th
59、at water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not mo旗汗钵蘸饭忌铅觅鸿梆庶讶踊勘嗣旧肢喜敛绸拟牺钨毗图察架茸纂鹃绥穷泽挛杭锭石近凤始湍缕颊道牡肛锌惰代臭单蜕逮弹慧慨定熬槐牧同抓持豪不得采用外面侧立石块、中间填心的砌筑方法,石块间较大的空隙应先填塞砂浆,后用锤击小石块挤实,不得采用先摆小石块后塞砂浆或干填小石块的方法。浆砌片石施工作业指导论谈seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviati
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