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1、大学英语语法-系动词与实意动词在解答词汇和语法结构题时,可用以下几种方法: 1. 看准就选的直接选择法 "词汇与结构"考试的题型由题句和四个备选答案组成。在四个答案中,只有一个是正确的,其余三个都是干扰项。考生在答题时,首先应当运用直接选择法,也就是在做题时找出题句中与备选答案相关的词,利用语法规则-一般为固定搭配或习惯用法,直接选出答案。一旦看准,就不必再往下看,这样既能节省时间,又能提高正确率。 例:1994年1月四级第45题:  The police set a_ to catch the thieves. a. plan b. device c.

2、 trap d. trick 本句意思为:“警察设了一个陷阱来抓小偷。”“设圈套”的一般表达“set a trap”,是一个习惯搭配。 例:1994年1月四级第62题:  Medical research has shown that the widespread use of cigarettes contributes_the increase of cancers. a. towards b. for c. with d. to 本句涉及固定词组 contribute to, 意为“有助于”“促成”,填入空格中,题句语义连贯。  例:1999年6月

3、四级第51题 Tony is very disappointed_the results of the exam。 A) for B) toward C) on D) with 本题考查词组的搭配,be disappointed with 意思是“对失望”,大部分考生对此词组都很熟悉。 2. 逐个排除法 在答题时,如果不能从四个备选答案中根据词组的固定搭配或习惯用法直接选出答案的话,就应该从题的句子结构和上下文意思两方面加以考虑,通过对语义、语法、逻辑的分析,或通过词汇、语法、辨析来逐个排除,确定三项都有错误,以便推论不知意思的项为正确答案。 例:1999年月四级第50题 Being a po

4、p star can be quite a hard life,_with a lot of travelling heavy schedules. A) as to B) in relation to C) owing to D) with regard to 选项C) owing to 的意思是“由于”。符合题意“由于时间很紧”。选项A) as to 意思是“至于,关于”。选项B) in relation to 意思是“关于,涉及,与相比”。 而选项D) with regard to 意思是“关于”。 A)、B) 、D)三个选项在意思上都不符合题意。 例:1995年6月四级第48题 Whi

5、le people may refer to television for up-to-the-minute news, it is unlikely that television_the newspaper completely. A) replaced B) have replaced C) replace D) will replace 本句的意思是“虽然人们可以从电视了解最新消息,但电视不大可能完全取代报纸”。句中unlikely表示说话人认为某事将来不大可能发生,或者认为不大可能成为事实,因此应当用陈述语气将来时。选项A) replaced 为一般过去时,从全句意思来看,显然不合适

6、。应予以排除。选项B)have replace 违反了主谓语一致的原则,应予以排除。选项C) replace与单数主语television在数上不一致,也违反了主谓语一致原则,应予以排除。因此,本题答案为D) will replace。 再如: Alone in a deserted house,he was so busy with his research work that he felt_lonely. A) nothing but B) anything but C) all but D) everything but nothing but(除只有),all but(几乎),eve

7、rything but不是惯用短语,若填入,意思就成了“除了孤独外,什么都感到了”。这样,在逻辑上就不通了。因此A,C,D均与文意不符,故排除。只有anything but(除以外任何事;根本不)符合文意,所以答案是B。 3. 按动词的适当形式选择 在英语的各类词性中,动词是变化最多、应用最广的词类。考生除了熟练掌握谓语动词的时态、语态,以及非谓语动词在句中的不同作用之外,在答题时,首先要根据题句中的时间状语来判断谓语动词的时态;其次,按照语法规则(包括习惯搭配)选择出动词的适当形式,同时,还应考虑到题句中时态的前后呼应和题句本身的意义。 例:1990年1月四级第57题 The manager

8、 promised to keep me_of how out business was going on. A) to be informed B) on informing C) informed D) informing 全句意思是:“经理答应让我不断了解我们的业务进展情况”。“keep名词分词”表示“让(保持)”。由于inform 是及物动词,me是它的动作对象,所以要用过去分词informed。答案是选项C) informed。keep on是一个短语动词,表示“继续做”,keep和on之间不能插入宾语,所以选项B) on informing不对。我们可以说keep on doing

9、 sth.,但不能说keep sb. on doing sth.。如果keep后面用现在分词,则keep的宾语是分词动作的主题,这与本题不符,所以D) 选项也不正确。 4. 概率确定法 考生做选择题时,在备选答案中遇到生词是难免的,这时候,不能一见到生词就不知所措,而是应该认真推敲认识的词,同时利用概率论的知识,比较准确地选择答案。如果能够认识四个备选答案中的一个、两个、或三个,可以做出以上的考虑;如果四个都不认识,这是虽用不上任何接题技巧,但也要利用构词知识根据上下文猜一个答案,这样至少会有25%答对的可能性。总之,一定要答题,不能空着。此外,需要强调的是,考生在答题时,对判断不准的答案,不

10、能太犹豫不决,而应该当机立断做出选择。 以上几种答题方法,只是基本的常用方法。在答题时要全面考虑问题,不要顾此失彼4. 形近动词辨析 例:1997年6月四级第38题 The old couple decided to _ a boy and a girl though they had three of their own. A) adapt B) bring C) receiveD) adopt 本句的意思是:“这对老夫妇自己已经有了3个孩子,但还是决定一个男孩和一个女孩。”空格中显然应填入一个表示“收养”意思的词。所以答案是D) adopt。选项A) Adapt和adopt形状相似,但意思

11、截然不同。前者表示“(使)适应”,后者表示“收养”。其它两个选项也都没有“收养”的意思,都不可能是正确答案。 例:1997年6月四级第36题 I hate people who _ the end of a film that you haven't seen before. A) reveal B) rewrite C) revise D) reverse 在4个选项中,reveal的意思是make people aware of something(让人知道某事),常译为“泄露、揭露”,在本题中可译为“讲出来”,填入句中全句的意思完整。所以答案是A)。选项B) rewrite(改写

12、)和C) revise(修改)。虽然可以与the end of a film搭配,但本题显然不是说对修改或改写电影结局的人感到讨厌,因为本题指已经摄制完成并公演的电影。所以都是错误的。选项D) reverse的意思是“颠倒”,虽然词形与reveal相近,但与本题意思出入太大,也不可能是答案。 例:1998年6月四级第63题(六级) It's a pleasure for him to _ his energy and even his wife to research work. A) dedicate B) dictate C) decorate D) direct 答案是A。ded

13、icate oneself (sth.) to sth.意为“将(自己,时间,精力等)奉献给(崇高的事业或目的)”。全句的意思是:将自己的力量甚至使自己的妻子奉献给研究事业,对他而言是个乐趣。其它选项的意思是:dictate“口授,指使”;C) decorate“装饰,装修”;D) direct“指向,指导”。 5. 易混词及词组辨析 例:1995年6月四级第69题 A completely new situation will _ when the examination system comes into existence. A) arise B) rise C) raise D) ar

14、ouse 本句的意思是:新的考试制度实行以后,就会_一种崭新的情况。空格中应填入一个表示“出现”之类的词,因此答案是A。选项B) rise和arise的词形和读音相近,而且又都是不及物动词,但是两者词意不同,arise做“出现、发生”解,相当于happen,appear。rise则是一个多义词,在不同的上下文中,可译作“升起、上升、起立、上涨”等。题句谈论的是a completely new situation(一种崭新的情况),与之连用的只能是arise,而不是rise。选项C) raise和D)arouse,都是及物动词,raise是个多义词,最常见的意义有“举起、引起”等;arouse则

15、意为“引起、唤醒”。 6. 短语动词的用法 例:1996年1月四级第46题 A love marriage, however, does not necessarily _ much sharing of interests and responsibilities. A) take over B) result in C) hold on D) keep to 本句空格前的意思是:“然而,恋爱结婚未必_”,该空格后的意思是“共同分享利益,共同承担义务”。结合选项看,空格中应该是表示“导致”之一的词,因此答案是B) result in。全句的意思是:“恋爱结婚的结果未必就能保证双方共同分享利益

16、,共同承担义务”。其他三个选项的意思分别是:A) take over “接管、接收”;C) hold on“紧握,等一会儿”;D) keep to“遵守,坚持”。 例:1996年1月四级第50题 The sports meet, originally due to be held last Friday, was finally _ because of the bad weather. A) set off B) broken off C) worn off D) called off 本句的意思是:“原定于上星期五举行的运动会,由于天气不好,最终_”。空格中应该是表示“取消”意思的词。因此

17、答案是D) called off(取消)。其他三个选项:A) set off(出发,启程);B) broken off(中止,中断)。C) worn off是不及物动词,意为“逐渐减少、逐渐消失”,相当于cause something to disappear or be removed gradually。7. 同一动词搭配不同的介词或副词,组成意义不同、用法不同的动词词组,这类动词词组的词义辨析,也是历年考点之一,最常见的是:make,take,count,go,cut,get,have等等。 1) 动词make的搭配 例:1999年1月四级第64题 When he realized th

18、e police had spotted him, the man _ the exit as quickly as possible. A) made off B) made for C) made out D) made up 本句句意:“当意识到警察盯上他事,他立即_出口处”。该空格处应填入“朝走去”之类意思的词。选项B) made for有“走向”的意思,所以答案是B。选项A) made off(离开,逃走),C) made out(理解,了解,辨认出),D)都不合题意。 2) 动词take的搭配 例:1991年6月四级第54题 Important people don't o

19、ften have much free time as their work_ their time. A) takes away B) takes over C) takes up D) takes in 本句的意思式:“大人物不是经常都有很多自由支配的时间,因为他们的工作_了他们的全部时间”。该空格中应是表示“占去,占用”这类意思的词,因此答案是C) takes up(占去)。take away意为“拿走”,take over意为“接管,接收”。 例:1997年1月四级第27题 The new appointment of our president _ from the very beg

20、inning of next semester. A) takes effect B) takes part  C) takes place D) takes turns 本句空格前是:“我们校长的新任期”,空格后是“从下学期一开始”。从4个选项看,答案是表示“生效、起作用”的A) takes effect。B) takes part意为“参加”;C) takes place表示“发生、举行”;D) takes turns表示“轮流、依次”。 3) 动词go的搭配用法 例:1995年6月四级第61题 Then the speaker _ the various factor

21、s leading to the present economic crisis. A) went after B) went for C) went into D) went on 本句的意思:“接下来演讲人_了导致目前经济危机的各种因素”。空格中应该是表示“谈论”这一意思的词。4个选项都是“go介词”构成的短语动词。其中选项C) went into的意思是“谈论、叙述”,是本题的答案。其他选项的意思分别为:A) went after(追求、设法得到); D) went on(进行);  B) went for(袭击)。 4) 动词cut的搭配用法 例:1989年1月四级

22、第70题 When the whole area was _by the flood, the government sent food there by helicopter. A) cut away B) cut down  C) cut up D) cut off 本句的意思是:“当整个地区被洪水 时,政府派直升机讲食品运送到那里”。从所给的4个选项看,空格中应该是表示“隔绝、受阻”之意的词。因此答案是D)。A) cut away“匆匆跑掉;逃走”B) cut down“砍倒、削减”;以及C) cut up“切碎”。 5) 动词count的搭配用法 例:1996年1月

23、四级第32题 The manager needs an assistant that he can _ to take care of problems in his absence. A) count on B) count in  C) count up D) count out 从句子前后内容及所给4个选项看,空格中应填入表示“依靠”的动词。所以答案是A) count on,意为“依靠、指望”,相当于depend on,expect。其它选项意思分别是:B) count in“把计算在内”;C) count up“把加起来”;D) count out“不把算在内”。

24、6) 动词have的搭配用法 have sb do sth:要某人做某事 have名词动词过去分词:使被 have名词动词现在分词:表示分词的动作正在进行。 例:1989年1月四级第53题 My sister's professor had her _ her paper many times before allowing her to present it to the committee. A) rewritten B) to rewrite C) rewrite D) rewriting have sb do sth意思是persuade or order sb to do s

25、th(要某人做某事)。全句的意思是:“我妹妹的教授让她把论文改写了多次后,才同意她把论文提交委员会”。因此答案是C) rewrite。少数考生选了B) to rewrite。但是因为动词have不能用带to的不定式作宾语补足语,所以不对。 7) 动词give的搭配用法 例:1990年1月四级第56题 The engine _ smoke and steam. A) gives up B) gives in C) gives away D) gives off 这是一个简单的“主语谓语宾语”结构的句子。主语是the engine(发动机),smoke and steam(烟和蒸汽)是宾语。词题中

26、的四个选项give off,give up,give in,giveaway是一组由“动词give副词”构成的短语动词,他们的意义不相同。答案是D) gives off(释放、放出)。其它选项的意思分别是:A) gives up(向上排放);B) gives in(让步、屈服);C) gives away(赠送、泄露)。 8) 动词turn的搭配用法 例:1993年1月四级第56题 The French pianist who had been praised very highly _ to be a great disappointment. A) turned up B) turned

27、in  C) turned out D) turned down 从所给的四个选项看,空格中应填入选项C) turned out。turn out有几个不同的意思,其中之一是“结果是,(最后)证明是”。全句意思是:“那个曾经受到很高评价的法国钢琴家结果却使人们大为失望”。其它选项的意思是;A) turned up出现,开大(收音机等);B) turned in 交还;D) turned down拧小(收音机音量,水龙头等),拒绝。turn out 与turn up是不及物动词短语,而turn in与turn down为及物动词短语。 9) 动词break的搭配用法 例:19

28、95年6月四级第59题 When a fire _ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed. A) broke off B) broke out  C) broke down D) broke up 本句的意思是:“当伦敦国家展览馆 大火时,至少10幅珍贵的画被完全烧毁”。空格中应该是表示“发生”这意意思的词。题中的4个选型都是“break+副词”构成的短语动词。答案是B) broke out,意思谓“爆发,突然发生”。其

29、它选项的意思是:A) broke off“停止,中断”;C) broke down“毁坏,失灵”;D) broke up“散,中止”。英语一串讲第一部分 单元重点句型和常考句子Unit One 1. 主语+find + it + 形容词+to do sth. Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their fields find it difficult to succeed in language learning. (line2)They find it easy to practice using the lang

30、uage regularly because they want to learn with it. (line 38)2. It is + 形容词+for sb. +to do sth. It is + 形容词比较级+to do sth.+ than + to do sth. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them. (Line 36)It is more important for them to learn

31、 to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word. (Line 32)3 .shows / showed that 从句Language learning research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways. (Line 14)4. Language learning is different from other kinds of learning. (Line 6)5. Instead of waiting for

32、the teacher to explain, they try to find the  patterns and rules for themselves. (Line19-20)6. On the other hand, if your language learning has been less than successful, you might do well to try some of the technique outlined above. Unit Two 1. spend + (时间、钱等) on sth. 在上花费时间、钱等 spend + (时

33、间、钱等) in doing sth. 花费时间、钱等做.They say that it spends too much on useless and impractical programs. (L35)他们说政府在一些没有用处的、不切实际的项目上花钱太多。2. Taxes consist of the money which people pay to support their government. (L5)3. The percentage varies from person to person. (L11)4. With the high cost of taxes, peop

34、le are not very happy on April 15, when the federal taxes are due. (L14)5. Other states have a sales tax , which is a percentage charged to any item which you buy in that state. (L20)6. Although Americans have different views on many issues, they tend to agree on one subject: taxes are too high. (最后

35、一行)Unit Three1. 表示倍数的句型: 倍数+ as + 形容词+ as The Atlantic Ocean is only half as big as the Pacific. 大西洋只有太平洋的一半大。2. so + 形容词 that 从句/ such + 形容词+ that 从句 表示如此 以至于 There is so much water in the Atlantic that it is hard to imagine how much there is . 大西洋里有如此多的水,以致于很难想象到底有多少。We now have such fast ways of

36、traveling that this big ocean seems to have grown smaller. 如今我们有许多如此之快的旅行方式,以致于大西洋几乎变得渺小了。 3. It takes sb. + 时间+ to do sth. 花费某人(多长) 时间做某件事 It would take the ocean about 4,000 years to dry up. 大西洋的水大约4,000 就会干涸。4. For centuries it kept the Americas from being discovered by the people of Europe.几个世纪以

37、来大西洋使美洲没有被欧洲人发现。5. ocean currents affect the climates of the lands near which they flow. 洋流影响着它所流经地区附近陆地的气候。Unit Four 1. Psychological research has focused on a number of basic principles that help memory. (Para. 1) 2. Information that does not make any sense to you is difficult to remember. (Para.

38、2) 3.How useful would a library be if the books were kept in random order? (Para. 3)4.Categorizing is another means of organization. (Para. 3)5. Needless to say, the second list can be remembered more easily than the first one. (Para. 3)Unit Five 1. Some savage tribes believed that eating enemies th

39、at had shown bravery in battle would make them brave. 2. Man-eating may have started because people were eager to become as strong and brave as their enemies. 3. Fish is good brain food just as it is good muscle food and skin food and bone food. 4. Washing food down with water as a substitute for ch

40、ewing is not a good idea. 5. It is just as foolish to say that one should never eat meat and potatoes together as it is to say that one should never eat bread or drink milk. Unit Six 1. In the 1600's , travelers from Europe _(bring) back diamonds from India. (00.4)答案为brought 。考点是一般过去时,bring 是不规则

41、动词,过去式是brought. 2. There are only four areas _ very many diamonds have been found. (02.10)A. when B. where C. that D. which答案为B。考点是定语从句。先行词为areas,因此用where 引导定语从句。3. In the 1720's , diamonds _(discover) in Brazil. (02.10)答案为were discovered。考点是一般过去式的被动式,因为In the 1720's 是明显的过去时的时间状语。4. The real

42、 difference between plants and animals _ in what they do , and not in what they seem to be. (01.10)A. is laid B. is lain C. lays D. lies答案是D。 考点是lie in 在于。Lie 的词型变化为 lie , lay , lain 5. We now know that about _ all the kinds of seaweed are animals. (01.10)A. one fourth B. one fourth of C. one four o

43、f D. the one fourth答案为B。 考点是四分之一的表达,并且根据本句的意思还要加上所属格of .此句的意思为"我们现在知道了在各种海草中约有四分之一是动物。6. Animals can live only on _ plants have already turned form inorganic to vegetable matter. (01.10)A. that B. which C. what D. how 答案是C . 此句的意思是动物只能靠植物将无机物转换成植物性物质来生活。What 引导宾语从句做on 的介词宾语。7. The first _(know)

44、 area was in India, where diamonds were found thousands of years ago. (01.10)答案是known 。 考点是过去分词做定语。Text B 1. Your first thought might be that a plant has leaves and roots and flowers, which an animal has not. 2. Students of Nature are not satisfied with guessing. 大自然的研究者不满足于猜测。3. They see many thing

45、s most people would fail to see. 他们看到了大多数人看不到的许多东西。 4. Besides the water, it takes up such parts of the soil as are dissolved in the water. 此句是as 引导的定语从句。可以翻译为"植物还吸收土壤中那些溶于水的东西。"5. Here then , you see in what ways the food of the plant is different form that of animals. 现在,你就可以明白植物的食物与动物的食

46、物在那些方面有区别Unit Seven 1. Generally , the children stay in the nuclear family _ they grow up and marry. A. although B. as C. until D. where 答案是C. until : 表示直到 才 2. Traditionally , all the members of an _(extend ) family lived in the same area. 答案是extended extended 。extended 在这里是形容词,表示展开的,延伸的。3. 汉译英 : 大

47、多数单亲父母发现独自照顾家庭很困难。Most single parents find it difficult to take care of family alone.Text B 1. In addition , the traditional husband usually made the big decisions about spending money. 2. Also, the traditional husband did not help his wife with the housework or meal preparation. Help sb. with sth.

48、帮助某人做某事3. Their mother is busy getting ready for work, so they may even have to make their own breakfast. Unit Eight 1. By the middle of the century, both radio and television had become established means of transmitting sounds and /or pictures. 2. Satellites are capable of transmitting not only tel

49、evision broadcasts, but telephone calls and printed materials such as books and magazines. 3. The satellite also demonstrated how it could provide help to people living in isolated areas where transportation is difficult. 4. Another worry is that telecommunication systems may isolate people from eac

50、h other. Unit Nine 1. There are those words with which we become familiar in ordinary conversation. 2. On the other hand, our language includes a large number of words which are relatively seldom used in ordinary conversation. On the other hand 另一方面; a large number of 大量的,修饰可数名词Used 过去分词作状语。3. Their

51、 meanings are known to every educated person. 4. The difference between them and popular words is of great importance to a right understanding of language. be + of + 名词= be + 形容词; 操练:相互理解对于友谊是至关重要的。Understanding each other is of great importance to friendship. 5. Different opinions may come up as to

52、 the classification of any particular word. 操练:如果形势变坏,可能出现严重问题。Serious problems may come up if the situation becomes worse. Unit Ten 1. There are scientific ways in which man solves problems. 人们可以以科学的方法来解决问题。2. Problems arise in a variety of ways. 问题出现的方式有多种方式。3. Problems are arising from new discov

53、eries in the fields of nuclear physics, biological engineering and microelectronics. 问题多产生于核物理、生物工程和微电子领域的新发现。4. The development of industry has also brought about large numbers of problems which have to be solved. 工业的发展也带来了大量的必须解决的问题。5. Often this means going to the library and studying books which

54、 contain accounts of man's experience and knowledge of the problem. Means 后面接动名词作宾语,表示"意味着"。后面接动词不定式表示"企图,打算去做 "。英语一串讲第一部分 单元重点句型和常考句子 Unit Eleven 1. Sorting through their possessions, they came up with some 1,500 old, unwanted items. 2. Eager buyers bought all but 50 of the

55、items in one weekend, leaving the family $442 richer. 3. Garage-sale items usually are priced at a very small part of their original cost. 4. One psychologist suggests that people are fed up with the computerization of their lives. They spend their weekends going from sale to sale , hoping to run ac

56、ross a real treasure. Unit Twelve1. For students , almost all studying involves reading. 对学生来说,差不多所有的学习都涉及到阅读。involve 后接动名词作宾语。2. The purpose of scanning is to get a quick understanding of what to expect from the reading, so that you will know what you are reading as you go along. (para.4) 浏览的目的是迅速了

57、解能从阅读中获取什么,这样你就在阅读过程中清楚你读的内容。3. The expression "haste makes waste" does not apply to reading. “欲速则不达”这个说法并不适用于阅读。4. Remember , nothing hurts concentration more than reading too slowly.要记住,没有什么比读得太慢更能影响注意力集中了。5. By always reading at your top speed, you challenge your understanding and make it easier for your mind to concentrate on the material. 通过始终以最快速度阅读,你向你的理解力提出挑战,从而使你的思想更容易集中在你的阅读材料上。6. The more words you are familiar wi


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