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1、China第1页/共31页France第2页/共31页Do you know what these things are?Chinese cultural relicsRome第3页/共31页第4页/共31页Taj Mahal(泰姬陵). It is located in India.It is the grave a king built for his wife.It showed the deeplove of theking andqueen.第5页/共31页ivory dragon boatspecial material and fine design 第6页/共31页What i

2、s a cultural relic?It tells us the pastSurvived for a long time Its special and rare形之独特形之独特 史之重要史之重要第7页/共31页第8页/共31页第9页/共31页第10页/共31页第11页/共31页It is said that the amber room is worth_ dollars.100-250 million (1亿-2.5亿)How much does it cost?第12页/共31页 The amber room was first built in 1709The amber roo

3、m was first built in 1709.第13页/共31页2.Frederick William1.Frederick第14页/共31页Frederick I:Frederick William I: Peter the Great :Catherine :Background Informationthe first king of Prussiathe next king of Prussiathe Czar of Russiathe female Czar of Russia第15页/共31页FrederickFrederick WilliamNaziThe clue of

4、the storypass downgiven as a giftpass downstolen第16页/共31页 Paragraph 1: Paragraph 1: The Amber Room and its_ Paragraph 2-3: _ of the Paragraph 2-3: _ of the Amber RoomAmber Room Paragraph 4: _ of the Paragraph 4: _ of the Amber RoomAmber Room Paragraph 5: _of the Paragraph 5: _of the Amber RoomAmber

5、Roomdesignthe historythe missingthe rebuilding第17页/共31页The history of Amber Room.Builtlostrebuiltbuiltlostrebuiltadded more detailsgave to sb. as a giftstolen第18页/共31页Careful reading Find more details of the text 第19页/共31页1. What was the Amber Room made of ? Several tons of amber were used to make i

6、t. It was also decorated with gold and jewels.2. How many years did the artists take to make the Amber Room? It took the countrys best artists about ten years to make the Amber Room.careful reading第20页/共31页an introduction of the Amber RoomColourDesignHow long wasit built?The best and biggest work of

7、 amber art ever made.有史以来所制作的最大最好的琥珀艺术作品 Yellow-brownOf the fancy style popular in those days10years for a team of the countrys best artists.第21页/共31页What did Peter the Great give in return?The Czar gave the king of Prussia a troop of his best soldiers. What was the Amber Room used for when it belon

8、ged to Peter the Great?It served as a small reception hall for important visitors.Para 2For what reason was the Amber Room first designed?It was first designed for the palace of Frederick I. 第22页/共31页What did Catherine II use the Amber Room for?She spent her summers in the Amber Room.What could you

9、see in the Amber room after it was completed?Almost six hundred candles lit the room, and its mirrors and pictures shone like gold.Para 3第23页/共31页( ) Germany and Russia are at war in 1941( ) All things in the Amber Room were stolen.The Russians were only able to remove thefurniture and small art obj

10、ects from theAmber Room.( ) The Nazis stole the Amber Room within two days.FTTrue or FalseTPara. 4: the missing of the Amber Room第24页/共31页Para. 4: the missing of the Amber RoomTime : Event: 1941 Russia(the Russians)Nazi Germany (the Nazis)at war stole . the Nazis arrivedsent it to Konigsberg.After t

11、hat ,what happened to the Amber Room was .were only able to remove .furniture and small art objects the Amber Rooma mystery第25页/共31页( ) Which of the following is wrong about the Amber Room?A.People continue to search for the old room.B.People find the room finally.C.The Russians and Germans have bui

12、lt a new one.D.The new one is much like the old one.BPara.5: A new Amber Room第26页/共31页Para.5 The rebuilding of amber room1234the Russians and Germansby studying old photos of the former onecelebrate the 300th birthday of their citywhowhy2003whenhow 第27页/共31页Only original colour picture of the Amber Room第28页/共31页1716177019412003Frederick Williamgave the Amber Room to Peter the Great_.Catherine _ more details to the Amber room.The Nazi German army _ the Amber Room.The _of the Amber Room was com


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