已阅读5页,还剩361页未读 继续免费阅读




1、输入十进制数,输出该数的十六进制数。#include <stdio.h>int main(void)int n;printf("input:");scanf("%d", &n);printf("output:%Xn", n);return 0;输入实型数据a,b,然后输出a、b的值。#include <stdio.h>int main(void)double number1, number2;printf("please input two numbers:");scanf(&quo

2、t;%lf,%lf", &number1, &number2);printf("Output:n");printf("a=%f,b=%fn", number1, number2);return 0;输入一个小写英文字母,首先输出它及其ASCII码,然后输出其对应的大写字母及其ASCII码int main(void)char ch;printf("Input a lowercase letter:");ch = getchar();printf("Output:n");printf(&quo

3、t;%c(%d)n", ch, ch);printf("%c(%d)n", ch - 32, ch - 32);return 0;从键盘输入一个正三角形的边长(整型),计算该三角形的面积和周长#include <stdio.h>int main(void)int side;printf("Input a side of triangle: ");scanf("%d", &side);printf("Output:n");printf("The area of triangle

4、 is %.2f, the circle of triangle is %.0f.n", 1.0 * side * side * sqrt(3) / 4, 3.0 * side);return 0;从键盘读入一个任意字符,输出该字符ASCII的十六进制小写值#include <stdio.h>int main(void)char ch;printf("Input a character: ");ch = getchar();printf("Output:%xn", ch);return 0;从键盘输入一个正方体的边长(整型),计算该

5、正方体的体积和表面积#include <stdio.h>int main(void)int side;printf("Input a side of cube: ");scanf("%d", &side);printf("Output:nThe volume of cube is %d, the surface area of cube is %d.n", side * side * side, 6 * side * side);return 0;#include <stdio.h>从键盘输入X,Y,Z

6、的值#include <stdio.h>int main(void)int float_z;double float_x, float_y;printf("please input x,y,z:");scanf("%lf,%lf,%d", &float_x, &float_y, &float_z);printf("Output:");printf("%fn", float_x + float_z % 3 * (int)(float_x + float_y) % 2 / 4);re

7、turn 0;从键盘输入一日期,年月日之间以“-”分隔,并以同样的形式但以“/”作分隔符输出。#include <stdio.h>int main(void)int year, month, day;printf("please input a data:");scanf("%d-%d-%d", &year, &month, &day);printf("Output:n");printf("the date is:%d/%d/%dn", year, month, day);ret

8、urn 0;从键盘上输入一个四位整数,计算各个位上的数字之和。#include <stdio.h>int main(void)int number;printf("Input a number with 4-digit: ");scanf("%d", &number);printf("Output:n");printf("sum=%dn", number / 1000 + number / 100 % 10 + number / 10 % 10 + number % 10);return 0;已

9、知某产品单价是30 ,输入其数量是num,输出其总价。#include <stdio.h>int main(void)int num;printf("please input num:");scanf("%d", &num);printf("Output:ntotal=%dn", 30 * num);return 0;输入两个整数,输出这两个整数的和#include <stdio.h>int main(void)int number1, number2;printf("please input

10、 data: ");scanf("%d%d", &number1, &number2);printf("Output:n");printf("%4d+%4d=%4dn", number1, number2, number1 + number2);return 0;用scanf输入圆半径r,圆柱高h,求圆周长C1(2r)、圆面积S(r2)、圆柱体积V(r2h)。#include <stdio.h>int main(void)double rad, high, c1, s, ver;printf(&q

11、uot;Input: ");scanf("r=%lf,h=%lf", &rad, &high);c1 = 2 * rad * 3.14;s = 3.14 * rad * rad;ver = s * high;printf("Output:n");printf("C1=%.2fn", c1);printf("S=%.2fn", s);printf("V=%.2fn", ver);return 0;输入一个华氏温度,要求输出摄氏温度,计算公式为c=5(F-32)/9<

12、b style="float:right;color:red">#include <stdio.h>int main(void)double cel, fra;printf("Input the degree:");scanf("%lf", &fra);cel = 5 * (fra - 32) / 9;printf("Output:n");printf("F(%.2f)=C(%.2f)n", fra, cel);return 0;2151发奖金#include <

13、stdio.h>int LastRemaining_Solution2(int n, unsigned int m)int lastinteger=0;int i = 2 ;if(n <= 0 | m < 0)return -1;for (i = 2; i <= n; i +) lastinteger = (lastinteger + m) % i;return lastinteger;int main() int a,b;printf("the number of people:");scanf("%d",&a);pri

14、ntf("the lucky number is:");scanf("%d",&b);printf("Output:nthe lucky one's number is:"); while(a&&b)!=EOF)printf("%dn",LastRemaining_Solution2(a,b);break; return 0;数列求和#include<stdio.h>int main() float sum,term,deno,sign,n;printf("Pl

15、ease input n:n");scanf("%f",&n);sum=1;deno=2;sign=1;printf("Output:n");if(n<=0)printf("Input error!n");return 0;while(deno<=n)sign=sign*(-1);term=sign*(1/deno);sum=sum+term;deno+;printf("the ans is %.2fn",sum); return 0; 2139汉诺塔3#include<stdi

16、o.h>long f(int n) if(n=1) return 2; return f(n-1)*3+2;int main() int n;printf("Please input n:n");scanf("%d",&n);printf("Output:nthe times are:n"); while(n!=EOF)printf("%lldn",f(n);break; return 0;2803晨跑#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#

17、define inf 1000000000int n, l, g1616, deg16, odd16, flag16;int dfs() int i, j, t, r = inf; for (i = 0; i < l; i+) if (!flagi) break; if (i = l) return 0; flagi = 1; for (j = i + 1; j < l; j+) if (!flagj) flagj = 1; t = dfs() + goddioddj; r = r < t ? r : t; flagj = 0; flagi = 0; return r;int

18、 main() int m, i, j, k, s, e, v, d;printf("请输入花坛的个数:n");scanf("%d", &n); while (n!= EOF, n)printf("请输入小路的个数:n"); scanf("%d", &m); for (i = 1; i <= n; i+) for (j = 1; j <= n; j+) gij = inf; memset(deg, 0, sizeof(deg);printf("输入各小路的关系:n")

19、; for (d = i = 0; i < m; i+) scanf("%d%d%d", &s, &e, &v); degs+; dege+; d += v; if (v < gse) gse = ges = v; for (k = 1; k <= n; k+) for (i = 1; i <= n; i+) for (j = 1; j <= n; j+) if (gik + gkj < gij) gij = gik + gkj; for (l = 0, i = 1; i <= n; i+) if (degi

20、 % 2) oddl+ = i; memset(flag, 0, sizeof(flag);printf("Output:n");printf("最短路程为:n"); printf("%dn", d + dfs();break; return 0;迷障#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>int cmp(const void *a,const void *b) return *(int*)a)-*(int*)b);int main() int i,n,v,w,cnt; doubl

21、e now; int as109,cas;printf("测试数据的组数:n"); scanf("%d",&cas); while( cas- )printf("万能药水的种数和体积:n"); scanf("%d%d",&n,&v);printf("解药的最大浓度:n");scanf("%d",&w); now=0; cnt=0; for( i=0; i<n; i+ )printf("第%d种药水的浓度:n",i+1)

22、; scanf("%d",as+i); qsort(as,n,sizeof(as0),cmp); for( i=0; i<n; i+ ) if( now+asi > (cnt+1)*w ) break; else now+=asi,cnt+; if( cnt ) now=now/cnt/100;printf("Output:n");printf("解药的最大体积解药的浓度:n"); printf("%d %.2lfn",cnt*v,now);printf("n"); return 0

23、;2352求上网#include <stdio.h>int main() int n, i; double x100, y100, r100, a, b;printf("请输入WIFI热点的个数n:n");scanf("%d", &n); while (n!= EOF, n) printf("请输入x,y,r:n"); for (i = 0; i < n; i+) scanf("%lf%lf%lf", &xi, &yi, &ri);printf("请输入a

24、,b:n"); scanf("%lf%lf", &a, &b); for (i = 0; i < n; i+) if (a - xi) * (a - xi) + (b - yi) * (b - yi) <= ri * ri) break; printf("Output:n"); puts(i < n ? "YES" : "NO");break; return 0;【1175】计算温度#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h&

25、gt; #define PI 3int main() float F, c;printf("Input F: "); scanf("%f", &F);printf("Output:n"); c = 5.0 / 9.0 * (F - 32); printf("%.2fn", c); return 0; 1155简单计算#include <stdio.h> int main() double x, y, ans; int a;printf("Input x,a,y

26、: "); scanf("%lf %d %lf", &x, &a, &y);printf("Output:n");printf("The ans is "); ans = x + a % 3 * (int)(x + y) % 2 / 4; printf("%.6fn", ans); return 0; 2141不容易系列之一#include<stdio.h>int main() long a21=0,0,1; int n,i; for(i=3;i<=20;i+)

27、ai=(i-1)*ai-1+(i-1)*ai-2;printf("Please input the number of friends:n"); while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF)&&n<=20&&n>0)printf("Output:n"); printf("%lldn",an);break;if(n>20|n<0) printf("Output:n");printf("input error!n&qu

28、ot;); return 0;对a计算#include <stdio.h>int main() int a;printf("Input:n"); scanf("%d", &a); a += a -= a *= a; printf("Output:n%dn", a); return 0;1157简单计算#include <stdio.h> int main() int a;printf("Input: "); scanf("%d", &a);printf(&

29、quot;Output:n"); a += a; printf("%dn", a); return 0; 1156简单计算#include <stdio.h> int main() float x, y, ans; int a, b; printf("Input: "); scanf("%d %d %f %f", &a, &b, &x, &y);printf("Output:n"); ans = (float)(a + b) / 2 + (int)x % (in

30、t)y; printf("The ans is %.6fn", ans); return 0;粗心的小明#include <stdio.h>int a,b;void run() int c,k; c=a+b;printf("nOutput:nthe right answer is:n"); printf("%d ",c);/这个程序是由正常的和来反求不进位的和(或者直接按位相加也是可以的 )。 k=1; while(k<=a|k<=b) if(a/k%10+b/k%10>9) c-=k*10;/在某一位上

31、的进位被忽略,相当于总和减小了这一位权值的十倍,个位进位被忽略,总和就少了10。 k*=10; printf("nnOutput:nthe wrong answer is:n"); printf("%dn",c);int main()printf("please input two numbers:n"); while(scanf("%d%d",&a,&b)!=EOF)run();break; return 0;输入输出#include <stdio.h>#include <mat

32、h.h> int main() int a, b, c, delta; double ans0, ans1, sqrt_delta;printf("please input a,b,c: "); scanf("%d %d %d", &a, &b, &c);printf("output:n"); /* 计算delta的值(b*b-4*a*c)并分类讨论 */ delta = b * b - 4 * a * c; if (delta > 0) sqrt_delta = sqrt(delta); ans0

33、 = (-b - sqrt_delta) / (2.0 * a); ans1 = (-b + sqrt_delta) / (2.0 * a); printf("x1=%.4f, x2=%.4fn", ans0, ans1); else if (delta = 0) ans0 = (-b) / (2.0 * a); printf("x=%.4fn", ans0); else printf("no answern"); return 0; 1189输入任一点的坐标,求该点的建筑高度(塔外的高度为0)#include <stdio.h

34、>int main() int h = 10; float x1=2,y1=2,x2=-2,y2=2,x3=-2,y3=-2,x4=2,y4=-2; float x,y,d1,d2,d3,d4;printf("Input:n请输入坐标:"); scanf("%f %f", &x, &y); /*求该点到各中心点的距离*/ d1=(x-x1) * (x-x1)+(y-y1) * (y-y1); d2=(x-x2) * (x-x2)+(y-y2) * (y-y2); d3=(x-x3) * (x-x3)+(y-y3) * (y-y3);

35、 d4=(x-x4) * (x-x4)+(y-y4) * (y-y4); if (d1>1 && d2>1 && d3>1 && d4>1) h=0; /*判断该点是否在塔外*/ printf("Output:n该点建筑物高度为:%.2fn", h + .0); return 0;2060 点的距离#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>int main() int t; int ax, ay, bx, by; printf("Plseae

36、 input ax,ay bx,by:");scanf("%d,%d %d,%d",&ax,&ay,&bx,&by);printf("Output:nThe distance from a to b is:%.2f.n",sqrt(ax-bx)*(ax-bx)+(ay-by)*(ay-by); return 0;1159运算符的使用#include <stdio.h> int main() int a;printf("Input: "); scanf("%d",

37、 &a);printf("Output:n"); a *= 2 + 3; printf("%dn", a); return 0; 【1158】运算符的运用#include <stdio.h> int main() int a;printf("Input: "); scanf("%d", &a);printf("Output:n"); a -= 2; printf("%dn", a); return 0; 1160运算符的运用#include <

38、;stdio.h> int main() int a;printf("Input: "); scanf("%d", &a);printf("Output:n"); a /= a + a; printf("%dn", a); return 0; 【1161】运算符的使用#include <stdio.h> int main() int a, n; printf("Input a,n: "); scanf("%d %d", &a, &n)

39、;printf("Output:n"); a %= (n %= 2); printf("%dn", a); return 0; 【1162】运算符的使用#include <stdio.h> int main() int a;printf("Input: "); scanf("%d", &a);printf("Output:n"); a += a -= a *= a; printf("%dn", a); return 0; 【1153】进制转化#includ

40、e <stdio.h> int main() int n;printf("Input: "); scanf("%d", &n);printf("Output:n"); if (n < 0) printf("-%o -%xn", -n, -n); else printf("%o %xn", n, n); return 0; 处理一个数字的每一位#include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" main( )

41、 long a,b,c,d,e,x; printf("Please input a number:n"); scanf("%ld",&x); a=x/10000;/*分解出万位*/ b=x%10000/1000;/*分解出千位*/ c=x%1000/100;/*分解出百位*/ d=x%100/10;/*分解出十位*/ e=x%10;/*分解出个位*/ printf("Output:n"); if (a!=0) printf("there are 5, %ld %ld %ld %ld %ldn",e,d,c,

42、b,a); else if (b!=0) printf("there are 4, %ld %ld %ld %ldn",e,d,c,b); else if (c!=0) printf(" there are 3,%ld %ld %ldn",e,d,c); else if (d!=0) printf("there are 2, %ld %ldn",e,d); else if (e!=0) printf(" there are 1,%ldn",e); 四舍五入#include<stdio.h>int mai

43、n()double num;int n;printf("Please input num and n: n");scanf("%lf,%d",&num,&n);printf("Output:n");printf("%.*fn",n,num);return 0;输入三角形的三边长a、b、c(边长可以是小数),求三角形面积area,并输出#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>int main(void)double side1, side2, si

44、de3, circle, area;printf("please input triange sides:");scanf("%lf,%lf,%lf", &side1, &side2, &side3);printf("Output:n");if (side1 + side2 > side3 && side1 + side3 > side2 && side2 + side3 > side1)circle = (side1 + side2 + side3) / 2;

45、area = sqrt(circle * (circle - side1) * (circle - side2) * (circle - side3);printf("area=%.2fn", area);elseprintf("data errorn");return 0;输入x,y两个整数,输出其中较大的数。#include <stdio.h>int main(void)int number1, number2, max;printf("please input x,y:");scanf("%d,%d&quo

46、t;, &number1, &number2);if (number1 > number2)max = number1;elsemax = number2;printf("Output:n%d is biggern", max);return 0;输入月份,打印2003年该月有几天。当输入的月份超范围时,应显示“Invalid month input”。#include <stdio.h>int main(void)int month, day;printf("please input the month number:"

47、;);scanf("%d", &month);switch (month)case 1:case 3:case 5:case 7:case 8:case 10:case 12:day = 31;break;case 4:case 6:case 9:case 11:day = 30;break;case 2:day = 28;break;default:day = 0;break;printf("Output:n");if (day = 0)printf("Invalid month input !n");elseprintf(

48、"2003.%d has %d days.n", month, day);return 0;【1200】测定一串字符的英文字母,空格,数字和其他字符的个数#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main() char c; int letter, space, digit, other;printf("Input: "); letter = 0; space = 0; digit = 0; other = 0; while (c = getchar() != 'n') if

49、 ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') | ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') letter+; else if (c = ' ') space+; else if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') digit+; else other+; printf("Output:n"); printf("%d %d %d %dn", letter, space, digit, other); return 0; 企业发放奖金#include"stdio.h"#include"conio.h"main()long int i;int bonus1,bonus2,bonus4,bonus6,bonus10,bonus;printf("Please Input lrn");scanf("%ld",&i);bonus1=100000*0.1;bonus2=bonus1+100000*0.75;bonus4=bonus2


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