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1、第三章:涉外商务信函的翻译第一节 商务信函简介 一一 商务信函的商务信函的1212种要素种要素 信头(信头(letterheadletterhead) 案号案号 (reference)(reference) 日期日期 (date)(date) 封内地址封内地址 (inside address(inside address 注意项注意项 (attention line)(attention line) 称呼称呼 (salutation)(salutation) 事由栏事由栏 (subject)(subject) 信的正文信的正文 (body of letter)(body of letter)

2、信尾敬语信尾敬语 (complimentary close)(complimentary close) 签名签名 (signature)(signature) 缩写名、附件及分送标志部分缩写名、附件及分送标志部分 (IEC: initials, enclosures and carbon copies block)(IEC: initials, enclosures and carbon copies block) 附言附言 (postscript)(postscript)Next商务信函实例1Kee & Co., Ltd 34 Regent Street London, UK Ins

3、ide Address 收信人地址 Dear Sirs,Salutation称呼 We have obtained your name and address from Dee & Co. Ltd, and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us. We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, we are interested in extending our r

4、ange and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations. If your prices are competitive we would expect to place volume orders on you. We look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, (Complimentary Close(Complimentary Close客套结束语客套结束语) ) Tony Smith (Signature Block(Signature Block签名栏签名栏) ) En

5、c: invoice for consulting services (Enclosure (Enclosure Notation)Notation) 商务信函实例2 1117 The High Road Austin TX 78703 6 June 2006 MR. David Patricks 3005 West 29th, Suite 130 Waco. TX 77663 Dear Mr. Ptricks, I received your June 5th letter requesting consultation and am providing my recommendation

6、in the following. First, let me review my understanding of your inquiry. The question you raise revolves around whether the heating registers should be located in a low sidewall, or in the ceiling,and if ceiling registers are used, which type stepdown or stamped-facedwill deliver the best results.Ad

7、ditionally, the problem concerns whether there isany benefit to have heating registers near the floor,whether moving heated air “down” in ducts egativelyaffects blower performance. My recommendations are as follow: I can find nothing in either Carrier, Trane, orASHRAE design manuals that indicates d

8、rop asbeing a factor in duct design any different fromnormal static losses. If you have different informationon this, I would like to have references to it. I cannot see any advantage to low sidewall application. The problem is injection and pattern. I do see an advantage to low sidewall return; Car

9、rier Design ManualAir Distribution is a good reference on both items. I recommend step-down diffusers with OBD because they have pattern and volume control that is superior to stamped-faced diffusers. I am opposed to low sidewall diffusers or floor diffusers in the application you describe. The incr

10、eased static losses that result from trying to get the ducts to down through the walls will only increase installation cost and reduce efficiency. If there is anyone in your organization who is uncomfortable with these recommendations, let meknow. Id be very interested in reviewing any actualdocumen

11、ted test results. Let me know if you have anyfurther questions or if I can be of any furtherassistance. Sincerely, Jane A McMurrey Jane A McMurrey, P.E. HVAC Consultant, Inc. JAM/dmc Encl.: invoice for consulting services 2. 2. 涉外商务信函语篇风格的特点,也称涉外商务信函语篇风格的特点,也称7C7C原则原则2.1 2.1 完整完整 (completeness)(comp

12、leteness)2.2 2.2 简洁简洁 (conciseness)(conciseness)2.3 2.3 具体具体 (concreteness)(concreteness)2.4 2.4 正确正确 (correctness)(correctness)2.5 2.5 清晰清晰 (clarity)(clarity)2.6 2.6 体谅体谅 (consideration)(consideration)2.7 2.7 礼貌礼貌 (courtesy)(courtesy)2.1 2.1 完整完整 (completeness)(completeness)实例解说: Cellulose Tape 1/2

13、x 3yds, with plastic dispenser Cellulose Tape 1/2x 3yds, with plastic dispenser 700 doz./700 doz./ditto-but 1/2“ x 5 yds, 1,000doz.”ditto-but 1/2“ x 5 yds, 1,000doz.” 这是出口商接到的一份定单中有关商品品名,规格和数量的内容。中文意思是:“纤素带(幅)宽半英寸,长5码,带塑料包装容器,700打;同上,但(幅)宽宽半英寸,长5码,1000打。问题问题是后半句不清楚。 “ditto”在这里表示前面提到的商名称纤维素带,但不能包括“带塑

14、料包装容器”,因此,幅英寸长码的纤维素带是否要塑料包装容器没有说清楚,不完整。所以最好改成: “Cellulose Tape 1/2”x 3yds, with plastic dispenser 700 doz. Cellulose Tape 1/2“ x 5yds,with plastic dispenser 1000 doz. 这样既完整,又清楚明确,不引起误解。2 22 2 简洁简洁 (conciseness)(conciseness)“简洁”是有客观标准的。虽然西方国家的作者之间在怎样用词才算简洁方面还是有争论的,不过他们的一些看法还是有一定参考价值的。 怎样才能使商业书信“简洁”?

15、西方国家作者有很多建议,先介绍如下: (一)(一) 避免使用陈旧的商业术语避免使用陈旧的商业术语 陈旧的与传陈旧的与传统的商业术语(统的商业术语(Commercial jargonCommercial jargon)对信的内)对信的内容没有什么作用,应该避免使用。容没有什么作用,应该避免使用。 例1:Wordy:Wordy: We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 14 with the check for Stg.10 enclosed and wish to thank you for sameConcise:Co

16、ncise: We appreciate your letter of November 14 and the check for Stg. 10 you sent with it. 例二: Wordy:Wordy: We take liberty to approach you with the request that you would be kind enough to introduce to us some exporters of cotton textiles in your cities. Would you please introduce to us some expor

17、ters of cotton textiles in your city? Concise:Concise: Please introduce to us some exporters of cotton textiles in your city. (二)要长话短说,避免罗嗦。通常商业人士(二)要长话短说,避免罗嗦。通常商业人士每天需要阅读大量的书信,对开门见山,长话每天需要阅读大量的书信,对开门见山,长话短说,直接切题的信特别欢迎。因此,写信要短说,直接切题的信特别欢迎。因此,写信要力求长话短说。力求长话短说。例如: 不要写Please see that an enquiry is con

18、ducted to determine the reason. 应写作Please find out the reason. 不要写We express our regret at being unable to fulfill your order on this occasion.应写作We are sorry we cannot meet your present order. 要使用简洁的语言,有可能的话, 尽量使用单词来代替某些娇柔做作的短语。 删去不必要的形容词,如下列句子中的形容词或副词删去后并不影响句子的原意:l The proposal is under (active) c

19、onsideration. The proposal is under (active) consideration. l The answer is (definitely) correct. The answer is (definitely) correct. l I would (rather) think the fare is too high. I would (rather) think the fare is too high. l The (true) facts are as stated . The (true) facts are as stated .(三)(三)

20、要注意每句句子的长短要注意每句句子的长短 例如: “We would like to know whether you would allow us to extend the time of shipment for twenty days, and if you would be so kind as to allow us to do so, kindly give us your reply by cable without delay.” 这句话过分“客气”,使句子过长而不清楚。内容要求对方同意延期交货20天,一般情况下,应尽可能提出延期到那一天的具体日期。这句话可压缩为: “Ple

21、ase reply by telegram immediately if you will allow us to delay the shipment until April 21.” 2.3 2.3 具体具体 (concreteness) (concreteness) 2.4 2.4 正确正确 (correctness)(correctness)商业书信必须写得正确,因为它涉及到买卖双方的权利,义务,厉害关系,是各种商业单据(如合同)的根据。 广义的说,商业书信的正确性表现在:(一) 运用正确的语言水平 (二) 叙述得正确 (三) 数字要正确 (四) 正确理解和运用商业术语 (五) 合适的

22、写作技巧或方法,以及正确运用其他的六个“”。 (一)运用正确的语言水(一)运用正确的语言水(二(二) ) 叙述得正确叙述得正确叙述得正确: 商业书信的内容要叙述得正确,既不要说得不够(Understatement),更不要说得过头(Overstatement)。 例一 This stove is absolutely the best (or: the very best) on the market. (这种炉子是市场上绝对最好的炉子。) 这句话是用来介绍商品的,但没有具体介绍商品的性能,而是抽象地断定这种炉子是“市场上最好的”。这样介绍商品,不但不能达到推销的目的,反而使人对写信人有“卖狗

23、皮膏药”的感觉。改写 Our model A195 is designed on modern lines, without any increase in fuel consumption, 25% more heat than the older models. So you will agree that it is the outstanding stove for economy of fuel. (我们的型炉子是按近代样式设计的,在不增加燃料消耗的情况下,比其他各种旧式炉子温度高。所以,你会同意,这是优良的节约燃料的炉子。) (三)(三) 字要正确字要正确字要正确: 做对外贸易离不

24、开数字。对商业书信中的数字的正确性要特别加以注意,有时“失之毫厘,差之千里”。甚至引起不同的理解。 (a)“以上”,“以下”,“以前”,“以后”,“从.到. ”等的表达法 (b)二美元和二美元以上 $2 or (and) $2 above (over) 不少于罗的定单 50gross or (and) up (upward, upwards)(四)(四) 正确理解和运用商业术语正确理解和运用商业术语理解和运用商业术语 :一般常用的商业用语用字简洁,意义明确,使用得好,工作进行得顺利,使用得不好,就会引起混乱,误解,甚至产生不必要的纠纷.例如:You ask very short deliver

25、y for your order.写信的人原意是说“你们要求赶快交你们的定货” 可是short delivery不是快点交货的意思,而是“短交”的意思,这就用错了商业术语。因此,应该说:Your require quick (prompt) delivery of your order.(五)正确运用其他的六个(五)正确运用其他的六个 。2.5 2.5 清晰清晰 (clarity)(clarity)(一)避免使用可能产生不同理解或意义不明确的(一)避免使用可能产生不同理解或意义不明确的词词例一 As to the steamers sailing from Hongkong to San Fr

26、ancisco, we have bimonthly direct services. (从香港到旧金山有直达船,) 但是bimonthly 究竟是一个月两次即半月一次呢,还是两个月一次?不明确。 因此,最好清楚明白说明一个月两次还是两个月一次” (a) We have two direct sailings every month from Hongkong to San Francisco. (每月两次直达船) (b)We have semimonthly direct sailing from Hongkong to San Francisco. (每半月一次直达船) (c)We hav

27、e a direct sailing from Hongkong to San Francisco every two month. (每两个月一次直达船) (二)注意修饰词的位置,有时修饰词的位置不同(二)注意修饰词的位置,有时修饰词的位置不同,会导致不同的含意如:,会导致不同的含意如:a) Please let us know what you wish us to do about this matter as soon as possible; b) Please let us know as soon as possible what you wish us to do about

28、this matter. 以上两句中的“”修饰的内容不同: a) 你们要求我们尽快做些什么。 b) 请尽快告诉我们。 a) 可译成“请告诉我们你们要我们为此尽快做些什么”; b) 可译为“请尽快告知,你们要我们为此事做些什么”。 (三)注意代名词,关系代词和先行词的关系(三)注意代名词,关系代词和先行词的关系 按照英语习惯,句子中的代名词和关系代词一按照英语习惯,句子中的代名词和关系代词一般是指离得最近的名词,因此要特别注意,以般是指离得最近的名词,因此要特别注意,以免引起误解或不清楚。免引起误解或不清楚。例句: 不好 :They informed Messrs. John & Smi

29、th that they would receive an answer in a few days. 较好: They informed Messrs. John & Smith that latter would receive an answer in a few days. ( (四四) )注意前后一致和紧凑,连贯注意前后一致和紧凑,连贯 不一致: Being a certified public accountant, I Being a certified public accountant, I am sure you can help us.am sure you ca

30、n help us. 一致: Being a certified public accountant, Being a certified public accountant, you can surely help us.you can surely help us. or: As you are a certified public or: As you are a certified public accountant, I am sure you can help us.accountant, I am sure you can help us.(五)仔细和恰当地分段落(五)仔细和恰当

31、地分段落 商业书信要写得使人一读就明白,因此必须按照内容仔细和恰当的分段落, 一般的分段落原则是一个段落一个意思(A paragraph for each point is a good general rule.). 现举例说明: Dear Sirs, It is reported in a domestic newspaper that the Iranian Central Bank has instructed the commercial banks to suspend their business of opening a new letter of credit as from

32、 the 3rd May for financial reason of foreign currency. Although it is said that this arrangement would be a temporary one and with establishment of new import policy this emergency arrangement would be lifted, we are much concerned about the outcome of this movement toward restriction of import to I

33、ran and shall be obliged if you will kindly keep us well advised of development of this new arrangement especially in connection with import from France. Yours faithfully, 以上这封信只有一段,供两句。第一句39字,第二句66句。 读后虽然能基本了解其内容,但读起来很舒服。信的内容大体有三点: .伊朗中央银行因外汇原因,通知个商业银行从五月三日起停止开立信用证;.这临时措施,新的进口政策一订,这个措施可能取消;.希望对方随时告

34、之有关情况。 按照这三点,适当地分段,把信重新改写,读起来比原按照这三点,适当地分段,把信重新改写,读起来比原来的清楚易懂:来的清楚易懂:Dear Sirs, It is reported in a vernacular newspaper that the Iranian Central Bank has instructed the commercial banks to suspend their issuing new Letters of Credit as from the 3rd May because of its decreasing foreign currency fun

35、ds. Furthermore it is said that the suspension seems a temporary one and will be released with establishment if a new import policy. We are much concerned, however, about the outcome of this movement toward restriction of import to Iran. We, therefore, shall be obliged if you will keep us well infor

36、med of development of this new state of affairs, especially in connection with imports from France. Yours faithfully, 2.6 2.6 体谅体谅 (consideration)(consideration)2.7 2.7 礼貌礼貌 (courtesy)(courtesy)COURTESY译成“礼貌”。但是根据西方国家函电书籍作者普遍的看法,所谓COURTESY是“客气而又体谅人”的意思。这样的形式很多,现在提供一些常见的供参考: (一)(一) 把命令变成请求的常用形式:把命令变成

37、请求的常用形式: Please, Will Please, Will you., Will you please.,you., Will you please.,如:如: a) Will you give us more detailed information a) Will you give us more detailed information on your requirement?on your requirement? b) Will you please (kindly) let us hear from b) Will you please (kindly) let us h

38、ear from you on these two points?you on these two points? (二)(二) 虚拟式(虚拟式(Past Subjunctive FromPast Subjunctive From)如:)如: a) Would you compare our sample with the goods a) Would you compare our sample with the goods of other firms?of other firms? b) We would ask you to ship the goods by the b) We wo

39、uld ask you to ship the goods by the first available vessel. first available vessel. c) We wish you would let us have your reply c) We wish you would let us have your reply soon.soon. d) This would seem to confirm our opinion. d) This would seem to confirm our opinion. e) We should be grateful if yo

40、u would help us e) We should be grateful if you would help us with your suggestion. with your suggestion. f) We might be of some service to you in a f) We might be of some service to you in a similar case. similar case. 以上的b, 也可用 will, shall, may, 但是用Past Subjunctive Form则表示更客气和婉转些。 (三)(三) 缓和用法(缓和用法

41、(MitigationMitigation) 为了缓和过分强调或刺激对方,常用: We are afraid, we would say, we may (or, might) say, we (would) think, it seems (or would seem) to us, we (would) suggest, as you are (or: may be) aware, as we need hardly point out等等表达法来缓和语气,如: a) It was unwise of you to have done that. We would say that it

42、was unwise of you to have done that. b) You ought to have done it. It seems to us that you ought to have done it. c) We cannot comply with your request. We are afraid we cannot comply with your request. d) Our products are the very best on the market. We might say that our products are the very best

43、 on the market.符合7C原则的信函实例Dear Sirs, Our client in Mumbai requests us to obtain from you a pro forma invoice for color TV sets with the following specifications: “Haier” brand color TV sets 25-inch and 34-inch(each 500sets). Would you please airmail us the soonest possible your pro forma invoice for

44、 1,000 color TV sets with prices CIF Mumbai, so that we obtain our clients confirmation. There is no question about our getting the necessary import license from our authorities. As soon as the said license is approved, we shall establish an L/C in your favor. Thank you for your close cooperation in

45、 this respect. Yours Sincerely, John Smith敬启者: 我们的一个孟买客户要求我们从贵方取得下列规格的彩色电视机形式发票:“海尔” 彩色电视机25英寸和34英寸各500台。 请尽快航邮注有孟买到岸价格的1,000台彩色电视机的形式发票,以便我们取得客户认。从当局取得必要的进口许可证当无问题。 一俟获得许可证即开以贵方为受益人的信用证。 感谢贵方的密切合作。 你真诚的, 约翰史密斯第二节第二节 商务信函的翻译原则商务信函的翻译原则准确不仅指用词用句和语言结构上的准确,还包括对信函内容的准确把握;规范指译文必须符合本行业的专业规范。(1)要准确理解各种术语、外

46、来词汇、套语和习惯表达的专业含义和固定译法,尽量保留原文风格,译成符合汉语商务语言规范的术语或套语。The duplicate shipping documents including bill of loading, invoice, packing list and inspection certification were airmailed to you today. 包括提单、发票、装相单和检验证书在内的装运单证副本今日已航邮贵处。Please be informed that, on account of the fluctuations of foreign exchanges

47、the quotation is subject to change without previous notice. 兹告知贵方,由于外汇的波动,报价随时可能改变,不另行通知。Full information as to prices, quality, quantity available and other relative particulars would be appreciated. 请详告价格、质量、可供数量和其他有关情况。We are looking forward to a favorable reply. 静候贵方佳音。Would you let us know your

48、 terms of payment? 能否告知贵方付款条件?We should be grateful/ pleased if you would give us further details of Chinese leather shoes. 如能告知中国皮鞋的详情,将不胜感激。Please inform us how soon you can make delivery. 请告知何时能交货。(2)了解词汇的特定含义1 1Discharge Discharge 可做名词或动词,一般为可做名词或动词,一般为“卸货卸货”,但要分场合。,但要分场合。Routine duties of the J

49、oint Venture Company are to be discharged by the general manager appointed by the Board of Directors. 董事会任命的总经理,负责履行合资公司的日常职权。Party A agrees that the expiration of this license shall not discharge party B from its obligation. 甲方同意在许可证到期时并不免除乙方应尽的义务。Mr. Smith, chartered accountant, has been appointed

50、 as liquidator to wind up the business and will discharge all the firms liabilities and receive all payments due to it. 注册会计师史密斯先生已被任命为本公司结束业务的清算人,他将代理本公司清偿一切债务并收取一切应收的欠款。Party B shall check the quality of each discharge in accordance with the contract.乙方应按合同规定检查发出的每批货物的质量。2. Commission 2. Commissio

51、n 做名词,但有两个意思,做名词,但有两个意思,“佣金佣金”或或“委员会委员会”Please let us have your quotation in USD on the basis of CIF Port Shanghai including our 5% commission. 请用美元报上海港到岸价,包括我方5%的佣金。The decision made by the Arbitration Commission shall be regarded as final and binding on both parties. 仲裁委员会所作的决定应视为终局决定,对双方都有约束力。(3)

52、要正确理解原文结构,理清全文的句法结构和逻辑关系。The goods we received contrary to our instructions are packed in wooden cases without iron hoops. 收到的货物是包装在没有铁箍的木箱里,而这种包装和我们的指示不符。商务英语信函翻译的注意事项(1)商务信函大都以传递信息的功能为主,较少运用修辞手段,一般不存在语言与文化的差异,在翻译时无须作太多变动,多数情况下可按原句结构直译。I have pleasure in apprising you that, under the auspices of se

53、veral highly respected and influential houses here, I have commenced business as a shipping and assurance broker and general agent.我十分高兴地通知您,在本地几家有名望、有影响力的公司的支持下,我做起了运输与保险经纪以及总代理的生意。 2)由于商务英语信函重在纪实,因此要求译文不求虚饰但求简洁、严谨、准确。确保术语、缩略语、具有商务术语性质的词语以及商务套语翻译的规范性和准确性,就要采用对应的汉语术语翻译原文中的商贸术语。原文中的一般性叙述,在翻译时应当采用简明、易

54、懂的汉语加以传译,保留原文的简洁流畅与易懂性。此外,还须确保事实细节(如日期、数量、金额等)等的准确翻译,不得疏漏。The market here for this product is active, and the best price we can offer is US $150 or over per long ton. 该产品在本地销售看好,我方出价可达每长吨150美元或以上。If you can accept $275 and send us a pro forma invoice, we will open a letter of credit for 1,000 sets.

55、如果贵方能够接受275美元的价格并寄送形式发票,我方即开立1,000套的信用证。(3)翻译时应注意保留原文的文体正式性和委婉礼貌性,对原文情态、礼貌程度、语气和态度应当仔细分析、整体把握并在译文中充分再现。(4)汉语商务信函用语和行文都讲究郑重,常用文言词语,套语亦多。常用的信函词语包括“收悉、承蒙、乞谅、见告、为盼、赐复”等,这些词现在都还可以使用。(5)在实际工作中,商务信函翻译者往往并不要求将信函全译,而只是摘译。摘译信函时需注意以下要领:a. 摘译之前必须通读全文,弄清信件中的所有事实。翻译之前还应当通读在此以前的有关此事的相关往返信函,并应特别注意时间顺序,力求理清事件的来龙去脉,这

56、是能做到准确摘译的先决事件。千万不要任意猜测,不清楚时,应多请教承办过此事的相关人员。b. 摘译应包括信中所有主要事实的梗概,包括时间、地点、条件等。摘译有很大的伸缩性,其内容取决于材料使用者的要求。最简略的摘译是函件摘要,往往要求只用一两句话概述来函意图或涉及何事、有何要求或建议等。c. 如函件使用者要求了解较多的具体情况,则可将信中最重要(一般说来也就是最具体的)语句加以摘译。d. 摘译公函不必拘泥于原文词句的形式,但必须做到不仅在事实上符合原件内容,而且在语气上也不失分寸。词类转译方法介绍 一、转译成动词英语和汉语比较起来,汉语中动词用得比较多,这是一个特点,往往在英语句子中只用一个谓语

57、动词,而在汉语中却可以几个动词或动词性结构连用。例如,在He admires the Presidents stated decision to fight for the job. (他对总统声明为保住其职位而决心奋斗表示钦佩)中,英语的谓语动词只有admires一个词,其他用的是过去分词(stated)、动词派生名词(decision)、不定式(to fight)和介词(for)等。汉语没有词形变化,但可以几个动词连用。因此,英语中不少词类(尤其是名词、介词、形容词和副词)在汉译时往往可以转译成动词。(一)名词转译成动词1. 由动词派生的名词转译成动词,在政论文体中出现比较多。如:1)Th

58、e 1967 UN document calls for the settlement of the Middle East conflict on the basis of Israeli withdrawal from occupied territories and Arab acknowledgement of Israelis right to exist. (1967年联合国文件要求在以色列撤出所占的土地以及阿拉伯承认以色列的生存权利的基础上来解决中东冲突。)2) Rockets have found application for the exploration of the u

59、niverse. (火箭已经用来探索宇宙。)2.含有动作意味的名词(在记叙、描写文体中出现较多)往往可以转译成动词。如:1)The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing. (看到我们的喷气式飞机,听见隆隆的机声,令我特别神往。2)A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. (从他的办公室窗口可以一眼看到华盛顿纪念碑和林肯纪念馆

60、的全景。)3. 英语中有些加后缀-er的名词,如teacher教师,thinker思想家等等,有时在句中并不指其身份和职业,而是含有较强的动作意味,在汉语中没有恰当的对应名词时,往往可以译成动词。如:1)I am afraid I cant teach you swimming. I think my little brother is a better teacher than I. (我未必会教你游泳。我想我的小弟弟比我教得好。)2)Talking with his son, the old man was the forgiver of the young mans past wrong doings. (在和儿子谈


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