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1、.1practice makes perfectpractice makes perfect 1.syllabus 2.marking criteria 3.strategies 4.error analysis 5.exercises.2一、大纲要求一、大纲要求 1、测试要求: (a)能在全面理解内容的基础上逐字逐句写出所听材料。 (b)拼写和标点符号正确无误,错误率不超过8%。 (c)考试时间10分钟。 2、测试形式: 本部分为主观试题。所听材料共念4遍。第一遍用正常速度朗读,录音语速为每分钟120个单词,让学生听懂大意。第二、三遍朗读时意群、分句和句子之间留出约15秒空隙,让学生书写。第

2、四遍再用正常速度朗读,让学生检查。.3 3、测试目的: 测试学生听力理解能力、拼写熟练程度以及正确运用标点符号的能力。 4、选材原则: (a)题材广泛,体裁多样。 (b)听写材料难度以不超过大纲规定为准。 (c)听写材料长度约80-90个单词。back.4二、听写评分标准二、听写评分标准 1、听写共分10小节;每节1分。 2、每节最多扣1分。 3、重复错误,仅扣一次。 4、错误共分两类:小错误(minormistake)和大错误(majormistake)。back.5 a.小错误: 1)单词拼写错一到两个字母。 例如:inconvenient-unconvenient,inconvient;

3、 originally-origionally,original()y; knives-()nives. 2)标点符号错误: 例如:when-when; tosolvethisproblem,thetosolvethisproblem()the。.6 3)冠词、单复数错误:shells-shell();withasolution-withthesolution。 4)小错误扣分标准:小错误在一节中出现一次,留作总计,出现两次,扣0.5分;出现三次,扣0.5分留一小错做总计;出现四次(以上),扣1分。 5)未扣分小错误的扣分标准: 累计2-4个:扣0.5分。 累计5-8个:扣1分。back.7b

4、.大错误 漏写、加词、造词、换词(冠词作小错计),大移位,时态错误,原文一个词变两个词。每个错误扣0.5分。 例如:arestillpaid-isstillpaid;()stillpaid,()tillpay; wereused-weused;coinswere-coinwas;began-begun goods-good();cloth-cloths;slat-soit;paid-payed; throughout-allthrough;throughof;accepted-anacception; aspayment-forpayment;forgoods-togoods; they-th

5、ese,there.back.8 一些特殊的扣分标准: 1)下列情况不扣分:world war i world war one race car racecar well-balanced well balanced 90 percent 90% two thousands =2000 2)下列情况扣分: throughout-throughout;(小错误) apieceof-piecesof(两个小错,扣0.5)。 空白卷一律打0分 只写听写标题的给1分back.9三、三、strategies(策略)(策略) 1、充分了解听写的形式。多进行一些模拟实践,体会全过程。 2、根据朗读方式,选用

6、相应的书写技巧: 第一遍:重点听主题思想、重点单词和词组,掌握全局概念,不要一听录音就写,也许能写出前边的单词或句子,却有可能不知全文的大意。.10第二遍、第三遍:在第二遍朗读录音时,要以意群为单位去理解,因时间关系,不可能一字一字地写下,所以要分清主次信息,抓句型和关键词(主语、谓语等);第三遍,再把其他如修饰语,定冠词等遗漏内容补上,若有些词还来不及写,可用一些自己认识的缩略形式,甚至符号先代替,等最后一遍或复查两分钟时再恢复原形。.11如果在听的过程中有个别词或词组一下反应不出来,就不要苦苦纠缠单个的词,要跟着录音进行下一意群的听写,因为阅卷是以意群划分,每个意群最多扣1分,所以个别词或

7、句的错或漏不会影响其他的得分。而对于听不懂的单词,不妨写下音标,等回头检查时可再想。第四遍:边听边校对。检查记录内容是否与录音原文完全一致,单词拼写是否正确(包括大小写、标点符号、人称、同音异义词以及时态等)。.123、其他注意事项:大小写、标点和书写。字不要追求好看,但是一定要保持头面的整洁,以便于评阅,同样也能给阅卷老师留下一个好印象。back.13四、错误分析四、错误分析a. 由音变现象而导致的错误由音变现象而导致的错误 正确:more energy arrives at the earths surface in an hour than is consumed in the worl

8、d in a whole year. 错误:more energy arrives at the earths surface in a now than is consumed in the world in a whole year. 正确:it is up to the tour operator. 错误:its up to the tour operator.14 正确:can you imagine how difficult life would become. 错误:can you imagine how difficult life will become. 正确:everyw

9、here we turn, we find paper. 错误:everywhere we turn, we fine paper.15常见音变现象常见音变现象:连读连读连读,即语速加快时,两个或多个分属不同单词的相邻音连在一起读出的语音现象。常见的连读分为以下三种:辅音辅音+元音元音即第一个单词以辅音结尾,下一个单词以原因开头时,两个词连读。如:out and out sit up look out of.16辅音辅音+h音音即第一个单词以辅音结尾,下一格单词以清辅音h开头,前一辅音将击穿清辅音h,直接与h后的原因相拼。如:give her miss him is he busy字母字母r+

10、元音元音即第一个单词以字母r或者re结尾,下一个单词以原因开头,原本不发音的字母r或者re发辅音r,并与后面的元音相拼。如:far away there are more and more where am i.172004 flight 5125 scheduled to take off at 11:30 will be delayed for 20 minutes. please check in half an hour prior to departure.18常见音变现象常见音变现象:同化同化 英语口语中,某些音,特别是辅音连读通常发生音变,称作音的同化现象。 常见的同化变音有四个

11、 t+j not yet last year d+j did you could you and you z+j because you seize you s+j suit issue.19常见音变现象:弱音常见音变现象:弱音 弱音指元音的弱化,即一个单词中的元音在口语中,由于说话速度快或在句中处于次要位置而不发标准读音,变为弱化元音的现象。常见的弱音现象:长元音弱化为短元音 he been元音前的辅音省略或辅音前的元音弱读 his have元音弱化 us for .20常见音变现象常见音变现象:失去爆破失去爆破 /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/是英语中的6个爆破音。

12、(爆破音是指发音器官 在口腔中形成阻碍,然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音。)在 某些 情况下,发爆破音时,气流不必冲破阻碍 ,而只是发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,并稍做停顿,即做好发出这个爆破音的准备,但不要发出音来。这类情况就叫做失去爆破或不完全爆破 。 .21不完全爆破的几种可能不完全爆破的几种可能 1. /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/这6个爆破音中的任何两个音素相邻时,前者发不完全爆破音,后者则要完全地,彻底地进行爆破。 i has a ba(d) col(d) today. you shoul(d) ta(k)e care of the children. gla(d)

13、 to meet you.22 2.爆破音/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/在/t?/, /d?/, /?/, /?/的前面时不完全爆破。 have you rea(d) the book about tha(t) child? the thir(d) chair is broken. 3.爆破音/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/在/m/, /n/, /l/, /s/的前面时不完全爆破。 goo(d) morning, sir. goo(d) night. they are very frien(d)ly to us.232009 for many

14、people in the west, new years eve is the biggest party of the year. its time to get together with friends or family and welcome in the coming year.24b.由英美两种发音差异而导致的错误由英美两种发音差异而导致的错误 the fees and ceremonies vary (very) greatly from state and state. todays family, however, can be composed of diverse c

15、ombinations.(cambinations) there are carefully scheduled (.)stops.25英音和美音的几大区别英音和美音的几大区别 美音中除了mrs.中的“r”不卷舌之外,只要含有“r”字母的单词均要卷舌。 spare burglar purpose chairman horse dirty ladder lecture weather.26字母字母a的发音的发音 ask cant dance fast half path chance advantage answer .27字母字母o的读音的读音 bottle popular odd shop

16、box crop hot polish spot .28美音中美音中/t/ 出现在两个元音之间且处于非出现在两个元音之间且处于非重读位置的时候,发音近似重读位置的时候,发音近似/d/ letter matter city better pretty waitor winter chapter .29字母字母u在在l, d, n, t 之后之后,发音不同发音不同 due produce attitude student opportunity supermarket tune stupid .30ile的发音不同的发音不同 fertile hostile missile textile .31特

17、殊的单词特殊的单词 either neither record dictionary factory laboratory history .32总结总结 英语美语在读音上的差别主要表现在: (1)在/s/ /f/ /m/ /n/等辅音之前的字母a, 美国英语一般读作/音,而英国音则发作/a:/。如:美国人将pass, chance分别读作/ps/,/tns/;而英音则为/pa:s/,/ta:ns/。 (2)在英国标准音中,字母r在元音前才发音,如real,而在辅音前或词尾时时不发音的。但在美语中,r在辅音前发明显的卷舌音,在词尾时亦发音,如:farm /fa:rm/,car /ka:r/。.

18、33 (3)使用相同的音标,但发音情况不同。例如:当清辅音/t/加在两个元音之间,前一个是重读元音,后一个是轻读元音时,如writer,美国人习惯将清辅音浊化,所以writer和rider发音几乎相同。类似的例子还有latter与ladder; petal 与pedal. (4)非重读字母e,在美语中常读作/e/,而在英国英语中则读/i/。如美国人将except读作/eksept/,英国人则读作/iksept/。.34 (5)词尾-ile在美语中读作/il/或/i:l/,而英国人将这一词尾读作/ail/。如:hostile /hsti:l/; /hstail/。 (6)美国人说话往往把非重读音

19、节中的元音都读出来,如history/histri/。英国人说话则习惯省略其中的音节,读作/histri/。 (7)有些词在美国英语和英国英语中虽然词义和拼写相同,但发音不同。.35c.同音词与近音词同音词与近音词 同音词 air-heir,aisle-isle,arent-aunt, bare-bear, brake-break, bred-bread, buy-by, cell-sell, cent-scent, cereal-serial, coarse-course, complement-compliment, dam-damn, dear-deer, die-dye, eight-

20、ate, eye-i, fair-fare, father-farther, flour-flower, for-four, forth-fourth, groan-grown, hair-hare, heal-heel, hear-here, herd-heard, hole-whole, hour-our, idle-idol, knight-night, knot-not, know-no, .36同音词knows-nose, knew-new, made-maid, mail-male, wring-ring, meat-meet, one-won, pair-pear, passed

21、-past, peace-piece, plain-pear, poor-pour, pray-prey, principal-principle,profit-prophet,real-reel, right-write-rite, root-route, sail-sale, scene-sen,sea-see, seam-seem, sew-so-sow, sight-site,steal-steel, sun-son,tail-tale, there-their,threw-through,tire-tyre, two-to-two, way-weigh, wear-where, we

22、ather-whether, week-weak, weight-wait, wood-would,wore-war, worn-warn.37近音词 lead-lid, deed-did, peek-pick fool-full, pool-pull cart-cut, heart-hut mass-mess, bad-bed, dad-dead fight-fat, bike-back, lack-like veil-whale, vest-west, vet-wet.38近音词 sign-shine, sigh-shy, same-shame course-cause,fuss-fuzz

23、,house-house,loose-lose worth-worse,path-pass,think-sink thin-thing, sin-sing, ban-bang, right in-writing lace-race, collect-correct, light-right need-lead, night-light,nine-line.39近似音错误近似音错误 有些学生有时有些学生有时(尤其是当声音信号的质量不高时尤其是当声音信号的质量不高时)难以把相难以把相近的音素区别开来,对于元音尤其如此。例如:近的音素区别开来,对于元音尤其如此。例如: 正:when a slight

24、 breeze began to blow 误:when a slight bracebreathbreasebraze began to flowslow 正:this went on until a steamer came up to rescue them 误:this went on until a stimmer came up to rescue them .40 正:he pretended to be dead 误:he pretended to be died .41单词尾部弱读音节或辅音错误例子单词尾部弱读音节或辅音错误例子正:by the entire farm fam

25、ily with the help of a hired man误by the entire farm family with the help of a high man 正:for bears never touch dead men 误:for bear never touch dead men .42单词尾部弱读音节或辅音错误例子单词尾部弱读音节或辅音错误例子 正:.the piano turned over at every wave 误:.the piano turned over at every way 正:he hid himself among the trees 误:he

26、 hit himself among the trees 正:scientists tried to find 误:scientists try to find.43d.单词拼写错误单词拼写错误容易混淆的词尾 visitor-visiter builder-buildor distributor-distributer resistance-resistence independence-independance license-lisence .44 indispensable indispensible fundamental foundamental inconvenience inco

27、nvinence separate seperate foremost formost.45 benefit benifit buddhism buddism nowadays nowdays sophomore sophmore modern morden mordem.46词性转换引起的错误 explain exhibit complex sympathy.47拼写小结拼写小结 注意数字数字的书写,避免数字表达法引起的错误。 认真核查单词的拼写,句首单词首字母要大写。 注意单词中有不发音字母的拼写形式,并勤记录。如exhibit, honor,knife,island,comb,tomb

28、注意单词中辅音字母的单双写问题。如success,necessary,command,disappear,commonplace, attitude, communication.48e.语法错误语法错误 名词单复数the medicine men (man) were often successful for another reason, too.语法规则:名词前若有a,an,则该名词必为单数名字前若是the,则该名词可能为单数也可能为复数 名字前若是few, a few, a good many, a great many, a number of等词或短语,则该名词一定为复数.49名词

29、前若是little, a little, much, an amount of, a great deal of等词或短语,则该名词一定为不可数名词名词前若是some,any, a lot of, plenty of, a quantity of, masses of等词或短语,则该名词可能为单数也可能为复数名词后的谓语是is, was,则该名词一定为单数名词后的谓语是are,were,则该名词一定为复数.50因动词的时态,语态和单复数而引因动词的时态,语态和单复数而引起的错误起的错误 the language which remains (remain) unchanged (unchang

30、e) is nothing but dead.(2000) in most states, a waiting period is required (require) before the license is issued.51冠词使用不当引起的错误冠词使用不当引起的错误 单数可数名词前必须加冠词,听写完后,必须检查冠词的使用是否恰当。.52f.由于背景知识缺乏而导致的错误由于背景知识缺乏而导致的错误 正确:in victorian times 错误:in victory times 正确:the nuclear family 错误:the new clear family 正确:unit

31、ed nations day 错误:united nations day.53g.标点符号 the idea, for example, of being a painter or a musician may seem very attractive.(2008) the idea for example of being a painter or a musician may seem very attractive. a three-day wait is the most common.(1997) a three day wait is the most common. for many people in the west, new years eve is the biggest party of the year.(2009) for many people in the west, new years eve is the the biggest party of the year.54 阅读时多注意标点符号的应用。 注意插入语前后都应该用逗号,如it is said,it is believed,


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