1、泸州市高2021级第二次教学质鼠诊断性考试英语本试卷分笫1卷C选择题和谢II卷非选样題脚局部.与生作转时,侈密案答彷转鹰卡上答案 注意强项见答题卡八隹本试卷上答題JL效。与试结束后,務木试题卷和答融卡一并交回。第丨卷第一局部 听力共两节;淆分30分做題时先将答案标件试卷上求音结束后,休将冇期分钟的时冏林试卷|:的答菜转涂到 答題卡上3第一节共5小題;毎小题15分共7.5分听下面5段对话毎段対话后有一个小題,从題中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出量僮选取,并标 左试巻的相应位听宪毎段对话后,你林右10秒钟的时何来答复有关小題和阅谏下一小BL毎段对 话収读一嬉8I. What is the man
2、wearing now?C. A 剂wn T-4iirt.(:.Teacher and pupilC 100 dolhm.C. In a doctors office.A. A blur 沖rl烈 nhirt.B. green sports shirt.2. W hat *s thr rplationwhip lwtween the spBakpre?A. Mother avid hoi】.B. Nrighbors3. W hat dorb llir 何nan givr the man?A , Her account number.B. Thu g bill.4. VI here doe? t
3、he conversation probably take pla(*e?A. In tlw rnan I Iioum*H hi a dmgUure5. Wlial (lorn llic woman mean?A SlirI571I HHril anv more homvork,IB Hie inan often Ibrgeh hiw hottiewurk.C. Nobody has done tiirir luMiirork第二节共20小题;每题15分,共30分听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最正确选顼,并标住试卷的相应位听毎段对话或单独
4、前,你将有时间阅读各个小副,毎小& 5秒钟; 听宪后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。毎段对话或独白谡两通。听第6段材料答复粥6J题&6 Whrre does the woman want to go?C. The Orientfll Pearl Towrr.C Coll a taxi.A. Sliangfiai UniversityH. Disneyland7. Whal will thr 那Mak(TH prolmbly do next?A. Gall llirir iBrigliLMJDB. Cdncrl llicir flighl.二诠换诒第1页共10页听第7段材料答复弟8.9 So&
5、What is the man doing now?A. Building a wallB Doitig lesearrh9. What did I he* woman advim* (he man Io do?A. Go to the ianl.B. Uw thr Intrmrl.听U 8段初料,答复第10至12 aQ10. Why dow the woman want Io buy a clntw?X. Shr wunlf* to look more rnalurc.H She is ping to an event.C Shf i Inking wnight.IL Which (Iron
6、 du llir woman decide to luy?A. The blue oneB. Tlir black one.12. W hy doc tlie man apologize?A. He isnt able to give useful information.B. Ha doenn I have any larger siziG He canet Irt her return un)lhing听第9段材料,答复第13至16 Ho13. WIk)niigln llw uomaii be?A A porterB. A Customs officer.14. When dw 咲 lua
7、ii need the package tu arrive in Canada?A. Al the weekendB. Five days lalr.15. How dor怦 thr man dfMidr to M-nd hi% package?A. B)First Clahh mail.B. By regular mail.16. lluw much did the uuan pay at ial?A$ 30B. | 29.5.听第10段材料答复第仃至208-,17. What m the main purpose of the nctiitirs for the students?A. K
8、nowing cuch other well. R. Aniwcring qi.ir4innt18. Whal have the Ktudenlfi wrived almMiy?A. Backpacks.B Some 仏od.19. What should students do ance they find what they*re looking fcr?A Join a new group.B. Tak毛 a photograph20. When should the Atudont conw hack?A. By trn.R. Ry -If 口n.C Preparing for ail
9、 intervieu*.C. Head a lol of booksC. TV red one.C. A |M)tworker.C. Tb* next night.C By express mail.c. $ 10C. Winning 0仏C. Gift ranis.C. lit thoir fkg doun.(Ry rwlvp.二诊奂诰第2虫共10眞第二局部 阅读理解(共两节总分值40分)第一节(共15小0;毎小通2分.満分30分)阅读以下超立,从毎题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项SloATlir Thanlttgiving leftoven have
10、 all Inrn cdlrn urxl tlir gift buying Brabon h肋 really come. If you have*n * I completpl your to-do lil, yoi nprdn11 dRpair! Kpmain ealm and prppan1 yourself for the moM jam-packed month in the calendar year. A well tltought out plan will give vhi 皿阳:卩zr.During Drrcmlicn (hrparalr rateKorir.IloUdw*
11、cT(kTh* year. trarwf vqu can easily print lobub. My recoiumciKluLioii b to ux rleur lubMm In-cuum: Uiry go with any choice of rnvrlofw color Tip: if you arr mailing oversized rnvrloprs, go to rhr poM ofTice early to have n xiimplr weighed you can purrhu I hr nwesMan-PrenK presents, and more presents
12、Make a list of all the proplr you are going to give prrsrnlr lo. To minimize (fi:-zb IE) srnnr effort. ronMickr differRnt optiHix. If individuals ar? in the ame household, consider a group pifl If yi)u hae children fto bay for and their parents donBt have any sug巒timi斗 offer lo pay for a 粳比油 ncliviq
13、y or a iouplr of IrssvoiA of ihrir cliilit ly d-linr the v. Conirnumty r rharildblc mntributionfi an- also importfint during thr holiday waon Thcrr arr many people in yotir coininuiiitv that are 1吧声 fortunate, so. as s fainih r as an individuaL nuikt- sanif extra limr for iIiom? in nwnl. I beliele t
14、hin is wpntkrful opportunity for people make a difference ind experience the true holiday apiriL21. Whal holiday is m(t probably coming a thr authur talk?* liniut?A. ChriMnwi Day.R. Thanliving Day.C Valenfine4# Day.D. New Year *4 Day.22 WluTh llir puqiox of uning clear U!rh?A. To avoid forgetting th
15、e carthiB. To llif rnvel(q)n; c*(nvrFii(?nthC. To hve less trouble finding the cards.D. To make it omict to choonc proper envelopes23 Why(loe* the aullxnr uggeM 3 group gift?A. It ll pleNiu* ull th/* friendK.B. It II rrduce the trouble of giving gifts.C. Il II bring thmI of the thhIm down.1( V11 mak
16、e friends feel the senw nf gn)up honor.24. Whal reflrrls Ihr tmc holiday spirit acrnrrfing to the author?A Iblpin且 people in nerd R Gtnniuni(Mtififncnds.C Taking pail m social galheringsIX Enjoying meals with family membern*Rbunng ih广 War, 1 whm *Uhinxl jlard the naval amphibious hip L SS Nassau. As
17、 a senior Marine mtvUigenvv auaiy&L niy wvrkJay wvn? rouUnely twelve to Mxlmrt htnunr longoil the veterans, wc!x)keunl of HTn tiny rvi(r【nrnilx nutil from llic Shih*M. I nrvrr look nny of thw lrttrn;. fiinre I utote to my wife anJ two children on a daily basi“ and I didn *1 feel I had time to- write
18、 Io anyone rlsrAfter five r -ix tnontli i hearing the mini onkriy Hnnounving the availability of R Io any service member* mail. 1 decided Io take a few of the letters. I platifunl to drop thrm a line lulling them for their Mipport.I picked up three kttcr Ovof the nM(T (hr thin! Irttrr, I nolicrd it
19、had n)return addrps hill a Colonido postmark, which made me think of home. 1 bad missed spending holidays with my family, and I wa rrally lonesome for them.I o|wnc?(l the can! und slartrd In nl th leltrr nnekiwd Aboul the ihirti or fourth sentence duunv it rcadt My !addy i u Marint- uw lalrrrwnl n-a
20、lly Iimk IuhI mv iin3 Ewb rm1 miy m、family even more I looked doun to the signature and Ml in Munned silence a lem filled my ryesMy own flauhlfr Chris had Wgnrd therM letters were frumA. undituin citizensB. govcninunl ufGciakC retired soldiersD. school tudnU26. Why did ihr aullior lake a frw lettrn
21、from otheis?A. Ik missed his hometown.B. He meant to expneaj thanks.C. He was free at that tune.D He (Hi;nl many lh*ni doing; s.27. How did the author feel when reading the third letter?A. Sad.B. Suipriscd.C. Moved.D. Curious.cParlianirnL rhiefb have lxx*n Irfl bafllrd by Bi腐 B briny out of order by
22、 up tn hix M:cond. The Grra! (Jrwk ha Bpph behaving in an unreaofiahlp way. leaving clockgmilh刍 unurp how Io fix the 156-yrar-tjld liinrpitxe.Tha rurly chimes (钟声)caused interruption to BBC radio4 programming which rely on the bongs for live brcxidcasts But wh*n nMxhanicji lirnlwd lli 334 cp静 up dir
23、 Elizalicth Toner the clock became 1oo after adjustment were made. Thr ;p*rd of ih clock can h udjuMtrd by adding und ramming weigliu Io ibe (M ndultini (伸摆).CIring slow hl M-tllnl clown Irlling mii cnacth Ilu- righl Iime y no one will tnlk over our dnriies./Hr Mtil tlir clock was Mlrmpernmental add
24、ing: MVe don I know why it Kapjwnrd You * rr ialking about a l56-yrar-ll clcK-k; it !oes have a little fit even now and then Inpine ninnin vour car for 24 hour a day. 365 ynar for ihr li 156 yczCIbe team of three clckcksmiths aw manitnring th,p*niuliini air pressure and temrature and llie to uncover
25、 the extent of the problem Spot checks have increased from three limry p-r wrrk io rvrr)* daw, in?liiliri: ut*rkrnlsllimis per day.28. How dal die Clock bring trouble lo BBC radio 4?A. Il l(mt limr.B. Il gained 1“呎C. Il reused to tell time.D. Il (iavc thr wrong number of chimes.29 U hat did Welwvrth
26、 nuuniy want t tmy through hi* w(nk in Paragraph 4?A. ITie clock wa* n ally Mranpr.B. Il was time that made the clock fail.(:.Nobody knm what ihr problem was.I). It wan nalnral I ha! tlir clock liad |m)Merri 30 Xhat is the prrnt condition rf thrlock?A. It pives the right time.B. Il nerl4il rxHrnitui
27、tioti |Miihil)lr cl(Mwkmilli.B. Tq kll tlC Big B ay. becaude ibe English prebrence for the weather hs iiadung lu du witli the natural phenomena. The intewl is less in the phenomena ihftnselves. but in uncertainty.* According lo liinu llie weallier in England is ery changeable and mwertain jnd it att
28、raeU the English as uil as the utsidpr.Bqmmi and Paxman land f(r rouinMn miconcrplions uIkxjI thr wralhtT-M|x-ak among I he English.Both conimentatorb, Mimehow, arrthr |xint The Englinh wratlirr nvendtiQn is not really aboutLlie alter at all. English wvallieris- dof “和a. wlucli w developed. Io lielp
29、 tlie bpcakenoverrmnr the nntunil rPMrve and actually talk to rach other Evrrvn known convrsalionR RUirting with weatherKpeak are not requeue for weather data. Rather, they nn* rnutine greeting% convemalion Hinrirm or the bhnk “制1尸氏 In other wonk. English urlhcr貝尸恍匸 加 nM xm of social lomling32. Tlir
30、 author nienlionM Dr. Juhinnm I comment to show that4 lr. Johnson i?“、nD. EfigliKli (ulks inuallv start with llie uvallier33. What ilois (ho undrrlinml woolin Parraph 2 nioM pnibably mfrr lo?A. A Mcial trendIL A hislnricfll roru e ptC. Ail eiiwtivnal Utr.D An unknvv* u plimriM*riont34. According lo
31、the parage. Jeremy Faxman IjeJieve that .A. Kill HnKon has littlr knowledge of the went herB. I here is nothing special about the English weatherC the E!nglih weather altrarts people lo thrbhwD. English people Udk about Llie eallir for ih uikertuinty35 Whal con !、lhe bwt titk for thr text?A. U hat E
32、nglish weather-Hpeak i about?B. How changeahle the English weather it?C. Why the English weather intmesls the English people?It Who stnd for misconceptions alxmt the English weather-speak?第二节(其5小题;毎小霸2分,満分10分)根帽短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出醴填入空白处的量佳选项。选顼中有两项为冬余选念。Itraifi fitnew ha? busic principle: variety and cu
33、riosity. Wlirn onitliing you do becomes c(xri(l rtiitUfr, you tirc tliakr A change M you Cun(i ihr croNWorci puzzle- in your slf-p, il * s time for you t mavr on tn n new rhallrngr36 l;x the ideas below to help Attain yoiir quest for mpntal fitnr-s“ Eal for your brain37 Focus on dab oils frorn wild
34、fiahnon, n.ub uch a walnuts und olive oil. Eat more of theae- foodlet frre- fwm librarirs nnd filled wilh interesting rharucters information and fact*. 38 If you usually read history books, try a contemporary novel. Head foreign authors die rlasic and ruridorn lxMks.* Make implr ( hnge*We love our r
35、outines. We have hobbies und pastimes that ne could da for hmiz on rn(l. Bui llir nxirr sonw-lhirif; i* second vmlunn llir Hir brains have Io work Io do il. 39 (Jhngc(Q thegro(?eiy store, use your opposite hand Io open dooiB and eal dessert first.* Train your brainBrain training d Incoming a Irrnd.
36、Them arr fornwl couracN wM冷ilr and book, withonHaw In min your hrnin to workAnd hudHr. Rut thp pnncipl nw nwm*vy. viAiMAliahor .hi4reasoning. 40 And our brain will t)r nrady for anylhing.A. Your brain needs you lo edt health, fab.B. Bran h oul from fumiliar reeling topics.C Work on theie three conce
37、pts evenday.D. Challenge it Io nally help jour brain stay youngE h 2 helpful for your study Io keep on reading various books.K. Curiosity will keep your brain working fat and efficientlyC You 4ioill knU tohim either. 144la i&et mv ego (自尊心)oide and make the firsi moveAfter45 . in ournext plkne convc
38、nMlitii 1 blurted oul theT)wl 1 Ioyc you!There wi5 46nl the other end and hr47 rrplird. MWrlL XHinr Iwck 如 va? T,1 chuckled and said,Dud. I kiuiw you 48mi and whi-m you are49, 1 know you will aavvhat y w?re rolling dgp mv cheeks- as 1 fiiuiUv * 53 ihAm vhInith sul there in tears we54 that this mofnr
39、nt hud taken mir Githcr/son55 t(i a new level.A short while after ihiw 56 monirnL my(rttlier narmwlv escapedfulluuing lieart surgrrv Many Um mwr.1 have58 the thought, if 1did not take the first 59und Dad did not 60thesurgery, 1 would havenever hrunf the lsrtirnr42.A. riclierH wiserC. older1). lMK!r4
40、3.A. explainU rciiicinlxtrC rxprrHs1). wemder44.A. failedB. (iecidcdC. fcarwlD 1 idled45.A. diseuwionB conidrraliofiC connrclion1). hritation46.A. silncfB smile msh1). cough47.A. firmlyB. icratcfulhC. awkv*anllyD. proudly48.A. needB. knowC. k)w?D. mind49.A.B. pleasedC. calm1). ndy50,A, nervouslyB. l
41、oudlyC. carefullyD happily51A. concludedB. directedC. mied1). deM?ribed52.A. nirt-lingR pwlingC. conveisationD. artirwnl53,A. realizedB. beardC. lisH7Qvrrc. hoped55.A. intcroMB. benefitI. coinniiuncatioii1). rrlatiuiNlup56.A. |erfectB spMialG diffieull1 人 dranwtic57.A. operationB deathC. dnngrrD, pu
42、molinirnl58.A. expectedB. forgotC. avoidedD. hold59.A.B. wavC. slop1). measure60.A 5Up|xrtB. acceptC. arrangeD. ftunivr泸州市高2021级第二次教学质量诊断性考试英语注童:将答案写在答題卡上写在本试卷上无效,第II卷第三局部 英语知识运用(共两节,总分值45分)第二节(共10小题;毎小题1.5分,总分值15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Three years have (laswtl since I l)ecame a colleg
43、e student. I haven * t seen many of my classmales since we parted So we 61 (decide) to have a get-together party this summer vacationAm you can imagine. I could hardly wait 62 (have) the day for our reunion After waiting 6工 (anxious) for srvrnil nmnlhs. twenty厂 of my high school claHmalrs and three
44、leaclirrs were cniwded in a small n*Mldurunl nol Wr were nwirr thiui happy Io meet 於ilh each other aguin. Our former Chinese teacher wu 65 excited lluit he(x)uldrrt cMilrol himself. With gratitude, we lliaiikrd our trachea 66 tlwir hard work; with great joy, ur ex(hanged the happy 67 (thing) happeni
45、ng in each uf our colleges Wc talked and talked until it wab 11:30;68 no one would be thefirst to say good bye to othersI will never fiirgrt this grt-trthrr him I I believe, will) time 69 (pas). I will mrrt many nrv% friends Rm I think lhe friendship among high school classmates will be the 70 (pure
46、) anl the mostvaluable thing to cherish.第四局部写作共两节,总分值35分第一节 短文改错共10小题;每小111分,总分值10分假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处 11盲错澳,毎句中最多育两处.毎处错懊仅涉及一个单诃的增加、腸除或修改。增加:在按诃处加一个漏字杆号人并在其下面写出仅加飾诃。删除:把多余的词用餅钱划挣。修改:在4钓诃下划一横圾并在该诃下面写出修改后的词二注9:1.希处错谖及算修改均仅乐一词;2.只允许修及10处.$者从第11处足不计分。Il *05 afi nwl of my finU in a Imsy rrnlaurant. Both my foot aelud Exhaustrcl and discouraged. 1 didn*t seem able do
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