1、This sub-paragraph shall list all definitions of key terms used in the document. The definitions should help the user understand the material. If there are no definitions, type “None” as the text for this paragraph. 4.0Finish Appearance Requirements最终表面要求4.1Color (ASTM D1729)颜色(ASTM D1729)Color spec
2、ifications will be defined by the Industrial Design team (or its approved agent). Color tolerances will be specified in the Dell Color document (example in addendum). Finish color shall be determined from the piece part drawing or other applicable documents, and conform to the following spec: Dell C
3、orporate Cosmetic Specification, P/N 6724U, “SPEC,DELL,COSMETIC,CORP-STD”.颜色规格将由工业设计团队(或其认可的代理机构)定义。色彩公差将在戴尔色彩文件(如附录)中指定。最终颜色应由零件图纸或其他适用的文件确定,并符合以下规格:戴尔公司外观标准,P /N 6724U,“戴尔外观企业标准”。Applicator shall measure L*, a* and b* at the locations specified on the piece-part drawing or other applicable documen
4、t as stipulated in the Dell Corporate Cosmetic Specification, 6724U. If the location is not specified, the locations shall be approved by Dell Mechanical Engineer.检验员应按零件图或戴尔公司外观标准6724U中规定的其他适用指定位置的文件,测量L *、a *和b *。如果文件未指定,则应由戴尔机械工程师批准。4.2Gloss (ASTM D523)光泽度(ASTM D523)Gloss specifications will be d
5、efined by the Industrial Design team (or its approved agent). Gloss tolerance will be specified in the Dell Color document (example in addendum). Finish gloss shall be determined from the piece part drawing or other applicable documents, and conform to the following spec: Dell Corporate Cosmetic Spe
6、cification, P/N 6724U, “SPEC,DELL,COSMETIC,CORP-STD”.光泽度规格由工业设计团队(或其认可的代理机构)定义。戴尔的颜色文件中(如附录)中指定了光泽度公差。最终光泽度应由零件图纸或其他适用文件确定,并符合以下规格:戴尔公司外观标准,P /N 6724U,“戴尔外观企业标准”。Applicator shall measure the gloss at the locations specified on the piece-part drawing or other applicable document. If the location is n
7、ot specified, the locations shall be approved by Dell Mechanical Engineer.检验员应测量在零件图或其他适用文件上注明的光泽度。如果位置未指定,则位置应由戴尔机械工程师批准。4.3Texture or Roughness, (Ra, Rz, Rpc)纹理或粗糙度(Ra,Rz,Rpc)Texture or roughness will be defined by the Industrial Design Team (or its approved agent). Applicator shall measure the te
8、xture or roughness at the locations specified on the piece-part drawing. If the location is not specified, the locations shall be approved by Dell Mechanical Engineer. Ra, Rz, & Rpc must all be reported.纹理或粗糙度由工业设计团队(或其认可的代理机构)定义。检验员应测量在零件图上指定位置的纹理或粗糙度。如果位置未指定,则应由戴尔机械工程师批准。Ra,Rz,和Rpc都必须报告。4.4Oxide,
9、(ASTM B244), or Dry Film Thickness氧化物(ASTM B244),或干膜厚度A wide variety of measurement equipment and techniques are available based upon film or finish type. These can include the following:基于膜厚或成品,广泛的测量工具和技术都适用。如下:1. Cross section 2. Scribe 3. Tape test (using micrometer) 4. Acoustic reflection5. Elec
10、tromagnetic Conductance6. ProfilometerAny equipment used for thickness measurement shall be calibrated and traceable to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) and comply with ISO (International Organization for Standardization) requirements.用于厚度量测的任何仪器均要可校正和可追溯(国家标准技术局),符合ISO要求。The ma
11、ster standard plaque and the applicable Dell Color document (examples in addendum) shall define the minimum dry film or oxide thickness in microns to achieve the appearance and performance requirements. It is the finish applicators responsibility to ensure that all coatings on the piece part meet th
12、e appearance and performance requirements as prescribed in this specification and in the applicable Dell Color Standard document.主标准板和适合的Dell颜色文件(如附件)需用微米级定义最小的膜厚或氧化层厚度。检验员要确保零件上的所有涂层符合本规范以及适用的戴尔颜色标准文件中规定的外观和性能要求。Soft touch DFT is to be measured using only cross section or tape method. Other methods
13、 are not permitted for soft touch DFT measurement.5.0Finish Performance Requirements最终性能要求5.1Adhesion (ASTM D3359)附着力测试(ASTM D3359)For all coatings EXCEPT Conductive Coatings:除了导电涂层以外的所有涂层:Test Parameters: 测试参数:测量参数Curved surfaces or surfaces too small (with one dimension less than 10mm) for Cross-c
14、ut use Method A, “X-cut Tape Test” Permacell, 3M 250 tape, (or equivalent) shall be used for testing purposes.弯面或太小的表面 (有一尺寸小于10mm)要用交叉切割的方法测试的话,使用方法A,“x cut胶带测试”- 应使用3M 250胶带 (或同等的胶带)用于测试。Flat surfaces where possible, use Method B, “Cross-cut Tape Test,” Permacell, 3M 250 tape (or equivalent) shall
15、 be used for testing purposes.平面-在可行的位置,使用方法B,“交叉切割胶带测试”- 应使用3M 250胶带 (或同等的胶带)用于测试。For DFT 125 mm, use X-cut method. 膜厚 125mm,使用x切割的方法。Piece part test location for adhesion test shall be determined by the piece part drawing. If the specific test location is not called out, test will be performed in
16、the same area as color and gloss measurements.零件附着力测试位置应由零件图确定。如果指定的测试位置未指出,测试将在与颜色和光泽度测量相同的区域进行。Adhesion testing shall be conducted prior to and after temperature / humidity conditioning. A separate area shall be tested for each adhesion test. The cuts (cross cut or x-cut) for the adhesion test tha
17、t is performed after heat / humidity conditioning, shall be made after completion of heat / humidity conditioning.附着力测试前后需温湿度测试。每次粘附试验都要测试一个单独的区域。在温湿度测试后进行百格(交叉切或x切)。For Conductive Coatings ONLY:In order for conductive coatings to meet UL 746C requirements, the conductive coating must meet a 4A or 4
18、B minimum adhesion rating after the piece part or coupon has been subjected to 35C/90%RH for 14 days.仅供导电涂层:为了使导电涂层满足UL 746C的要求,在零件或样品被置于35C /90% 湿度环境中14天后,导电涂层必须满足4A或4B的最低粘附等级。Rate the adhesion in accordance with the following scales:附着等级按照以下等级:Pass Criteria:通过标准:4A minimum, (trace peeling or remov
19、al along incisions or intersection), for all coating technologies when using method A, (X-cut).当使用方法A时(X切割),所有覆膜技术至少满足4A等级。4B minimum, (less than 5% of the area removed), for all coating technologies when using method B, (cross-hatch).当使用方法B时(交叉切割),所有覆膜技术至少满足4B等级。Adhesion classification scale is ill
20、ustrated in Figure 1. Area calculation from any image analysis software package, (e.g. ImageJ), may be used to calculate the affected areas.附着分类等级如图1所示。任何图像分析软件包(如ImageJ)的面积计算,都可以用来计算受影响的区域。Figure 1Classification of Adhesion Test Results图1附着力试验结果的分类 5.2Film Hardness by Pencil Test (ASTM D3363)涂层硬度铅笔
21、测试(ASTM D3363)Test Parameters: 测试参数:测试参数Follow the test method as defined in the ASTM D3363 standard with a 500 gram loading. 2.0 mm calibrated Mitsubishi Uni pencils that meet the hardness scale described in section 5.1 of the ASTM D3363 standard are required.按照ASTM D3363标准中定义的加载500克载荷来测试的方法。需要符合AS
22、TM D3363标准第5.1节所述2.0 mm校准过的三菱铅笔硬度等级。Piece part test location for hardness test shall be determined by the piece part drawing. If the specific test location is not called out, test will be performed in the same area as color and gloss measurements.零件做硬度试验的位置应由零件图确定。如果测试位置未指出,测试将在与颜色和光泽度测试相同的区域进行。Penc
23、il preparation / use:铅笔准备Begin testing with the hardest lead in an environment controlled to 25C 2C, 50% 5% relative humidity on a flat, firm, horizontal surface with the pencil positioned at a 45 angle to the surface. Repeat the process of selecting and testing with progressively softer leads until
24、 a lead is identified which fails to scratch the surface. Record the pencil hardness as the hardest lead that will not scratch the surface, (scratch hardness). Repeat 3 times to confirm the accuracy of your conclusion.在温度25C2C, 相对湿度50%5%的环境中,基于一个平坦的、坚固的、水平的表面,铅笔与上述表面呈45夹角,用最硬的铅开始测试,逐渐降低铅的硬度,重复选择和测试的
25、过程,直到铅没有在表面留下划痕。将该铅笔硬度记录为不会划伤表面的最硬铅笔硬度,(划伤硬度)。重复3次,确认结论的准确性。Pass Criteria:通过标准:Checks shall be made by close visual inspection and fingernail feel. There shall be no visible cuts or scratches per ASTM D3363 when viewed under cool white fluorescent light of 80 to 120 foot-candles at a distance of 18
26、inches, (460 mm). Inspectors should hold the part 30 degrees from the horizontal plane and rotate the part 30 degrees to the left and right along the vertical axis. Pencil hardness is indicated by the hardest pencil that will leave the film uncut and unscratched. Any defacement of the surface other
27、than a cut (gouge) is considered a scratch. In some cases pencil lead transfer to the surface may be misinterpreted as a scratch. Verify that scratches are indeed scratches by removing any residual pencil lead marks with dry or moist cloth before making the scratch determination.检查应通过近距离的目视检查和手指甲感受来
28、进行。当在18英寸(460毫米)远、照度80到120英尺烛光的白冷光源下观看时,应当没有可见的划伤或划痕(ASTM D3363)。检查人员应将零件保持在与水平面成30度的平面上,并沿垂直轴左右旋转30度进行检查。铅笔硬度由无划伤、无划痕膜层实验反映的最硬铅笔硬度决定。除了切割(凿孔)外,表面的任何损坏都被认为是划痕。在某些情况下,铅笔芯的痕迹可能会被误解为划痕。在做出划痕是否真实的决定前,先用干布或湿布去除残留的铅笔痕迹,以验证划痕确实是划痕。1. 2K low bakeH or harder2. 1K high bake2H or harder3. Powdercoat2H or harde
29、r4. UVH or harder 5. 1K low bakeHB or harder6. Soft TouchF or harder7. IMRHB or harder8. Thermal Ink TransferH or harder9. Plated FinishH or harder10. Conductive CoatingsH or harder11. NCVMH or harder12. EDH or harder13. Carbon Fiber CompositeH or harder5.3Solvent Cure (ASTM D4752)耐溶剂(ASTM D4752)Tes
30、t Parameters: 测试参数:测试参数1. 2K low bake 2K低温烘烤 50 double rubs MEK (100%)2. 1K high bake 1K高温烘烤 50 double rubs MEK (100%)3. Powdercoat 粉末涂层 50 double rubs MEK (100%)4. UV 紫外线 50 double rubs MEK (100%)5. 1K low bake 1K低温烘烤 50 double rubs IPA (70%)6. Soft Touch 柔软感触油墨 50 double rubs MEK (100%)7. IMR 模内转印
31、 50 double rubs MEK (100%)8. Thermal Ink Transfer 热传墨 50 double rubs MEK (100%)9. Plated Finish 表面电镀 50 double rubs MEK (100%)10. Conductive Coatings 导电涂层 50 double rubs MEK (100%)11. Silk Screen / Pad Print 丝印/打印 50 double rubs IPA (70%)12. NCVM 不导电电镀 50 double rubs MEK (100%)13. ED电泳 50 double rub
32、s MEK (100%)14. Carbon Fiber Composite 炭纤维复合材料 50 double rubs MEK (100%)IPA Isopropyl Alcohol 异丙醇 - CAS # 67-63-0MEK Methyl Ethyl Ketone 丁酮- CAS # 78-93-3Applicator shall perform the cure test on the piece-part at the location specified on the piece-part drawing with moderate finger pressure, (50g).
33、 If the specific location is not called out, the test shall be performed in the same area as color and gloss measurements.检验员应在零件指定的位置上用手指适度按压( 50g),来进行试验。如果没有指定具体位置,则应在颜色和光泽度测试的同一区域内进行测试。Pass Criteria: 通过标准:Minimum resistance rating of 4 on a fully cured sample as described in ASTM D4752 (reference
34、 table 3.0). Ink removal in printed areas shall not be considered in the rating assessment.样品最低耐受等级为在ASTM D4752(参考表3.0)中描述的4级。印刷区域内油墨的去除不应被考虑在评估中。5.4RCA Abrasion/Cure (ASTM F2357) RCA耐磨测试(ASTM F2357) Test Parameters: 测试参数: 测试参数Abrade the test specimen with a 175g weight on a Norman Tool or RCA abras
35、er for the specified number of cycles below. Abrasive paper tape acquired from Norman Tool and calibration paint chip with #1680 top coat acquired from Red Spot Paint & Varnish shall be used to conduct this test. Piece part test location for abrasion test shall be determined by the piece part drawin
36、g. If the specific test location is not called out, test will be performed in same location as color and gloss measurements.在纸带耐磨测试仪上加载175g的重量摩擦测试样品并达到下面指定的循环次数。耐磨试验的零件位置应由零件图确定。如果测试位置未指出,测试将在进行颜色和光泽度测试的相同位置进行。Testing shall be conducted where the environment is controlled to 25C 2C, 30 to 60% relati
37、ve humidity with paper no older than 6 months that has been stored continuously in a cool, dry atmosphere. Periodic calibration of the equipment shall be conducted to ensure that wear-through of the Red Spot paint chip top coat is 15 to 20 cycles with a 175g load.测试应当在温度25C2C,30 - 60%相对湿度的环境下进行,纸张在阴
38、凉、干燥的环境中储存不超过6个月。对设备要进行定期校准,以确保在175g负荷下,外涂层Red Spot漆的磨损周期为15 20个循环。Pass Criteria: 通过标准:No visual wear through the primary paint layer to adjacent underlying layer shall be present after completion of the specified number of cycles listed below.在完成以下指定的循环次数后,视觉上不能透过原漆看到相邻的底层漆。1. 2K low bake 60 cycles
39、2. 1K high bake50 cycles3. Powdercoat150 cycles4. UV150 cycles5. IMR50 cycles6. Thermal Ink Transfer50 cycles7. Plated Finish50 cycles8. Conductive Coatings50 cycles9. Silk Screen / Pad Print50 cycles10. NCVM150 cycles11. ED50 cycles12. Carbon Fiber Composite50 cycles13. Anodized150 cycles14. Untint
40、ed Soft Touch over Base CoatDFT is specified in the Dell color document.(DFT 50 um) 100 cyclesTinted soft touch Norman Abrasion specifications will be developed and specified separately as required per the specific Dell Color document.带色柔软感触油墨Norman磨损规范将按照特定的戴尔颜色文件单独制定和指定。5.5Temperature/Humidity温湿度T
41、est Parameters: 测试参数:Following suppliers recommended pretest delay or rest time, place test specimens in controlled environment chambers and subject to the following conditions:按供应商推荐的预测延迟或停顿时间指导,将测试样本放置在受控环境中,并服从以下条件:Adhesion testing shall be conducted prior to and after temperature / humidity cond
42、itioning. A separate area shall be tested for each adhesion test. The cuts (cross cut or x-cut) for the adhesion test that is performed after heat / humidity conditioning, shall be made after completion of heat / humidity conditioning.温湿度测试前后需进行粘附性测试。每次粘附试验都要测试一个单独的区域。在温度/湿度调节后进行的粘附试验的切割(交叉切或x切),应在温
43、度/湿度调节完毕后进行。Pass Criteria: 通过标准:All finishes shall maintain DEcmc 1.0 with F2 illuminant, 10 observer, specular component included when compared to a non-exposed control sample. There shall be no adhesion loss, (per section 5.1 Adhesion), or water related failures (permanent stains, crazing, crackin
44、g, lifting) when viewed at 18 inches (460 mm) for 15 seconds under cool white fluorescent light of 80 to 120 foot-candles. Inspectors should hold the part 30 degrees from the horizontal plane and rotate the part 30 degrees to the left and right along the vertical axis.相比于无暴露的样本,包括镜面组件,用F2光源,10的观察角度,
45、所有完工表面需达到DEcmc 1.0。在照度80到120英尺烛光的白冷光源下,在18英寸(460毫米)距离观察15秒,将不会有附着损失(5.1附着力测试),或与水有关的失效(永久污迹、开裂、突起)。检查人员检查时应将零件保持在与水平面成30度,并沿垂直轴左右旋转30度进行检查。5.6Thermal Shock (DELL REL 0035)冷热冲击(DELL REL 0035)Test Parameters: 测试参数:Cycle between -40C to +65C with a 20 minute dwell at the extremes. Execute 50 cycles at
46、a minimum temperature ramp rate of 40C per minute. Perform the cold portion of the cycle first so that the test ends in the hot condition. After completing 50 cycles, return to the high temperature for a minimum of 4 hours to evaporate any accumulated moisture. Return to room temperature prior to re
47、moval of test specimens from the chamber.温度-40C + 65C 的极端环境内保持20分钟为一个周期。执行50个循环,最低温度变化率为每分钟40C。先执行低温部分,以至于测试在高温条件下结束。完成50个循环后,回到高温至少4小时,以蒸发所有累积的水分。回到室温再取出测试标本。Pass Criteria: 通过标准:There shall be no adhesion loss and no visual cracking when viewed at 18 inches (460 mm) for 15 seconds under cool white
48、fluorescent light of 80 to 120 foot-candles. Inspectors should hold the part 30 degrees from the horizontal plane and rotate the part 30 degrees to the left and right along the vertical axis.在照度80到120英尺烛光的白冷光源下,在18英寸(460毫米)距离观察15秒,不能有附着损失和目视开裂。检查人员检查时应将零件保持在与水平面成30度,并沿垂直轴左右旋转30度进行检查。5.7Color Stabili
49、ty (ASTM D4459)颜色稳定性(ASTM D4459)Test Parameters: 测试参数:Per ASTM D4459, expose 3 replicates to 10.8 KJ/ cm2 of light. Only xenon arc weathering devices may be used to perform this test. Operate the calibrated tester in accordance with ASTM G151 & G155 at a black panel temperature of 55 5 C. Ensure tha
50、t the tester is calibrated per the manufacturers instructions. The xenon arc lamp(s) are to be changed on a regular basis. Lamp(s) with more than 1500 light hours are not to be used. Lamp age at the start and end of the test are to be recorded in the test report.依据ASTM D4459,暴露3个复制品在10.8 KJ/ cm2的光下。
51、只有氙弧风化装置可以进行该试验。按照ASTM G151 & G155,在555C温度下的黑色平台上操作校准过的测试仪器。确保测试仪按照制造商的指示进行校准。氙气灯需定期更换。有超过一千五百小时的灯不能使用。在测试报告中,灯的年龄将在测试开始和结束时的被记录。In a xenon arc chamber, equipped with a Q-Lab Window-Q optical filter or equivalent set the following exposure conditions:在氙气电弧室中,配备Q-Lab Window-Q光学滤波器或等效以下曝光条件的设置:Control
52、 PointSet PointDuration in Hours340nm(preferred).30 .02 w/m82.5420nm(preferred).80 .05 w/m83300-400nm (TUV)(acceptable)36.5 2.5 w/m82.6300-800nm (Global)(acceptable)300 10 w/m100Table 4.0Conditioning Chamber ParametersPass Criteria: 通过标准:Follow suppliers recommended pretest delay or rest times, meas
53、ure DEcmc with F2 illuminant, 10 observer, specular component included.1. AnodizedDEcmc 3.02. All other finishesDEcmc 1.0when compared to a non-exposed control sample. There shall be no blistering or deformation and external surface shall not be tacky or sticky to the touch. There shall be no visual
54、 crazing or cracks when viewed at 18 inches (460 mm) for 15 seconds under cool white fluorescent light of 80 to 120 foot-candles. Inspectors should hold the part 30 degrees from the horizontal plane and rotate the part 30 degrees to the left and right along the vertical axis.按供应商推荐的预测延迟或停顿时间指导,在F2光源
55、下以10角度,测量DEcmc, 包括镜面组件在内。1.阳极氧化膜 DEcmc 3.02.所有其他表面 DEcmc 1.0与无暴露控制的对照样品相比。不能起泡、变形或接触表面不得粘稠或粘滞。在照度80到120英尺烛光的白冷光源下,在18英寸(460毫米)距离观察15秒,不能有视觉上的开裂或裂缝。检查人员检查时应将零件保持在与水平面成30度,并沿垂直轴左右旋转30度进行检查。5.8Chemical Resistance (ASTM D4752)耐化学品(ASTM D4752)Test Parameters: 测试参数:Chemical resistance testing shall be done using the same ASTM D4752 double rub method using the following: 耐化学品测试应使用与ASTM D4752双搓法相同的方法进行:1. Simulated Sweat 模拟汗液(Basic Solution)50 Double RubsTo: 100ml de-mineralized water去矿物质水5g NaCl 氯化钠5g di-sodium-phosphate二磷酸钠Add NaOH until pH = 8.8 (0.5g)加氢氧化钠直到PH=8.82.
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