1、致敬马克思(诗歌二首)在五月春风的感召下 我们在这里相聚与我们一道相聚的 还有一个叫做马克思的人的执着我们聆听“千年伟人”的内涵 “资本主义”脱胎成社会主义聆听智慧乐音自1848的历史深层急速蔓延致敬马克思你让无产阶级的横空出世在共产党宣言的厚重与凝练中 发现人类社会努力的方向而不是“殖民”、“暴力”背后的难堪致敬马克思你将追求真理的精神定格为工人运动翻身解放实践的灿烂而不是多次流亡失意后精神的萎靡散漫致敬马克思以科学和批判理念打败了中世纪神学谎言而不是迷信及其相关的盲目偏见从特里尔诞生到莱茵河畔从柏林大学的书斋到伦敦博物馆踏破的石板致敬马克思你自学多种外语如饥似渴你对社会的洞察与书本的创造作
3、的国富论致敬马克思你对于中西文化、古今文明作了逻辑上最为深刻的归纳你以百科全书般的精彩和辉煌、天才般的大脑留下智慧160多卷指引近代解放运动继续向前致敬马克思您在资本论中提到中国人王茂荫将宝钞转换成纸币具备怎样的商品流通内涵而不是封建地租形式简单的改变致敬马克思以慈善回报、利他的精神延续“最能为人类解放的事业”选择馈赠给人类先进理念而不是贪图享乐成家成名世俗的贪婪致敬马克思你的博大精深是哲学的灵魂 史学的骨肉 法学的框架 社会学美妙的表达经济学的一 国家学说的摇篮 以及今天人类思想起步繁衍的杠杆以哲学的贫困实践战胜了贫困的哲学的改良历史唯物主义植入政治经济学建构而不是抽象文化作秀玩弄经济时代的
4、肤浅致敬马克思那些解放的事业、我们的卑微却坚挺的脊梁改变着资本万恶带来的血泪涟涟以市场这样的方式激活了社会对真理和善良、美好生活的永恒呼唤 是中国梦的复兴文化的繁荣以及学术上的自由论辩而不是停留在“哲学家的解释”、经济欲望膨胀下的人情漠然马学是一种综合创新活力迸发而不是学派分立对生活热情的茫然致敬马克思你是一面伟大的旗帜指引着社会发展的方向 人类生活的质量面对岁月的骨灰,甘于洒下热泪的无数“高尚”已在神州大地无限绵延从鸦片战争炮火的肆掠到南湖上的小船以至百年后的今天从天安门城楼的宣告到中国梦实现的灿烂致敬马克思你启迪我们不走老路不走弯路不走邪路的智慧摇篮从十一届三中全会到十八届三中全会从一个改
5、革开放到另一个改革开放从过去到现在,从现在到未来明天从你的坚持到我的执着,他的发展致敬马克思,你是一棵参天大树指引并滋润着我们的营养开拓文明的方向只要有合适的土壤就能成长为天空 占据那片实事求是的蔚蓝而不是左的或右的错误在现实中成为翻版 来到革命圣地延安 来到革命圣地延安我阻止不住心中无比的震撼那一片片贫瘠的土地长成郁郁青山南泥湾之花处处盛开“最不适合人类生存的地方”在谁的指点下点铁成金 变成革命圣地的摇篮来到革命圣地延安我阻止不住心中无比的震撼站在梦牵魂绕的宝塔山下思索 这片唐朝的九层建筑在历史的长河中 辉煌、陨落以至凤凰涅槃变成无数中华儿女对胜利和解放的殷切渴盼来到革命圣地延安我阻止不住心
6、中无比的震撼站在一个叫做张思德的人的雕塑前思想 一个四川籍的贫困家庭的娃在谁的指点下将全心全意为人民服务的理念植入烧炭这份极其平凡的工作却展现出共产党人炙热如火的信念来到革命圣地延安我阻止不住心中无比的震撼杨家岭这片窑洞摇曳的灯光惊叹 这群自称农民的儿子的人在谁的指导下在炮火和坦克的“慰问”下 忍受着在最小的房子里指挥着世界上最大战争壮士断腕的艰难来到革命圣地延安我阻止不住心中无比的震撼枣园静静的阳光见证了来自加拿大一个叫做白求恩的人放弃优越的生活献身共产主义事业来到延安在自己生命垂危时仍大喊:“将头胸严重受伤的病患必须送给我”体现了怎样的“群众生命至上”的职业理念来到革命圣地延安我阻止不住心
7、中无比的震撼今天的和平年代呀今天的国际风云变幻需要我们深刻的铭记以及呵护我们心中的延安The manager admitted he hadoverspentmassively on an IT suite the business did not in fact need.2. Whether or not todereregulatehealth care is a divisive issue in many countries.3. When two of ourco-workersdisappeared, all the boss had to say was that theyd
8、left to pursue other opportunities.4. We design and manufactureultraout-efficientair conditioners for industrial use.5. The profit figures are excellent. Once again, weveoutdownperformedall our rivals.6. Theex(select)-presidentof Lexton Steel Corporation is suing for $1.5 million he says the company
9、 owes him as a retirement payment.7. Staff who never get any praise for their achievements may end upunder(select)ratingtheir own abilities.8. In the late 1990s, many countries experienced a severe economicdown(select)turn.9. Our company is thinking ofre(select)locatingits headquarters from Antwerp
10、to Bratislava.10. Of course I can see now that Brian is an asset to our company, and Im sorry I so badlymis(select)judgedhim when he started working for us.:Oh, thanks very much. Thats very kind of you.2. go ahead Just sure. Yes,A: Could I use the photocopier?B:Yes, sure. Just go ahead.3. to as alth
11、ough Yes, we well French actually, speak is used itA: Is Arabic your first language, then?B:Yes, it is actually, although we used to speak French as well.4. It in it? air let we some fresh is isnt ShallA: Its a bit stuffy in here, dont you find?B:It is isnt it? Shall we let some fresh air in? 5. Oh,
12、 fancy walking this rain dont really much. very in thanks IA: Would you like us to order a taxi for you?B:Oh, thanks very much. I dont really fancy walking in this rain.Are you in danger of burning out?Key:1.a) 2b) 3c) 12.a) 3b) 2c) 13.a) 3b) 1c) 24.a) 3b) 2c) 15.a) 1b) 3c) 26.a) 3b) 2c) 17.a) 3b) 2
13、c) 18.a) 3b) 2c) 119-24 pointsThe Olympic flame is more likely to burn out than you.You glow gently when necessary, but rarely get above Gas Mark 3. This is because your stress levels are comfortably low and you know what to do at the first sign that things are getting on top of you.11-18 pointsYou
14、are smouldering slightly, and any spark could set you off. You may not think that you are a candidate for burnout, but you are heading in that direction. Try to develop your life outside work, and if its the job itself thats causing the problem, think about looking for a new one.8-10 pointsIt is sim
15、ply a matter of time before there is a little pile of white ash on the chair where you used to sit. Take some positive action to prevent total burnout before its too late. Prioritise, delegate, improve your time management and, above all, ask for help immediately.I suppose I do have great people aro
16、und me, which is good, and I do enjoy coming to work, but my main motivation is the financial incentive. Being in sales means that I can really increase my salary because of my efforts the more I sell, the more I can earn. The only thing that worries me is that things are a bit unstable at the momen
17、t I dont think anyone is really safe. I just try to keep my head down and do a good job.What really motivates me is the variety I have at work. There are a lot of challenges. No two jobs are the same. Im learning all the time, you know developing. The other thing is, the company offers plenty of cha
18、nces to talented people. You can climb the ladder quickly if youre good. Thats very motivating you feel that if you do good work, itll be rewarded.Its a huge company, so Im just a small part of a very big machine. I dont really get to see the results of my work. The company could do more. Someone sa
19、ying well done now and again would be nice. The main thing for me is flexibility, and I guess freedom. Id like to work from home some of the time and be able to organise what I do and when I do it, but the company is keen on people being in the office.supportive colleagues, commission, threat of red
20、undancybigger salary、supportive colleagues、praise、motion opportunitiescommission、promotion opportunities3praise, more flexible working hourssupportive colleagues、working for a successful company、praise、more flexible working hours、more time offAre you in danger of burning out? Youre turning
21、 up for meetings at the right time, but in the wrong week. Youre pouring milk into the wastepaper basket rather than your coffee. Youve lost your temper with half of the office, and the other half are cowering under their desks. You could be suffering from burnout, a debilitating condition caused by
22、 working too hard for too long and failing to prioritise. Try this quiz to see if you are in danger of self-combusting.1. Your boss asks if you can work late for the third night in a row. Do you:a. say yes without giving it a second thought?b. laugh politely and close the door on your way out?c. say
23、 yes, but feel like crying?2. Some of your colleagues want to play a practical joke on your boss for April Fools Day. Do you:a. organise a brainstorming session to select the best idea?b. tell them that there are more important things to be done?c. go to your boss and tell them what they are plannin
24、g to do?3. You arrive home one Friday night with a pile of work only to discover that your partner has arranged a surprise weekend away. Do you:a. leave the work behind and take Monday off to catch up?b. tell him/her that youre sorry, but you cant afford the time?c. agree to go, but insist on taking
25、 the work with you?4. There is a rumour going around that a proposed company merger may mean some job losses. Do you:a. take a cursory glance at the job adverts in the paper and look for your CV?b. bite your nails until your fingers hurt?c. find yourself hyperventilating?5. Its bedtime and you are e
26、xhausted after a stressful day at the office. Do you:a. lie awake for two hours, then make a start on next weeks assignment?b. lie awake for five minutes, then sleep right through until morning?c. lie awake for one hour, then read for a while until you fall asleep?6. Some colleagues ask if you could
27、 help them with a problem, but youre in the middle of a project with a tight deadline. Do you:a. schedule some time in your diary to work with them when youre free?b. agree to help, but become irritated when they dont grasp the solution straight away?c. tell them to speak to someone who cares?7. The
28、re are a lot more things on your to do list than you realistically have time for. Do you:a. divide the items into urgent and important and start with the urgent things?b. pick out he easy tasks and start with them?c. work overtime until theyre all done?8. An old friend you havent seen for ages asks
29、you to go out for a meal. Do you:a. have a fantastic evening of reminiscence?b. refuse the invitation as you are always too tired to go out on weekdays?c. accept the invitation, and spend the evening telling them all about your job?Low pay and poor working conditions createdissatisfiedworkers.c. Sma
30、ll European companies are top of jobsatisfactionsatisfyingleague tables.2. MOTIVATEa. What are the strongestmotivatingfactors in peoples lives?b. Workers becomedemotivatedmotivatingif they work long hours for low pay.c. What was yourmotivationfor becoming a salesperson?3. FRUSTRATEa. You could see t
31、hefrustrationfrustratedbuilding up in the workforce.b. I find talking to himfrustratingbecause he never listens.c. I felt sofrustratedwith their attitude that I decided to resign.4. RECOGNISEa. Employees are more likely to change jobs if they feel their work isunrecognisedrecognisedor that others ta
32、ke credit for it.b. Because of her people skills, she was able to achieverecognitionrecognisationand respect at the company.c. The companyrecognisedhis lifelong service on retirement with a formal dinner and a substantial golden handshake.1 AchievementAchievement, i.e. a sense ofaccomplishmentor pri
33、de whenever a demanding task iscarriedout successfully. One way managers can contribute to this is by encouraging employees to set clear, realistic professional goals for themselves.2 RecognitionRecognition, i.e. theacknowledgementof an individuals or groups efforts, or contributions. For example, managers can highlight staf
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