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1、湖北骆驼蓄电池股份有限公司Hubei Camel Storage Battery Co.,Ltd.蓄电池使用手册User Manual of Battery第一章 基本知识Chapter 1 Basic knowledge安全防护Safty Protection防护: 操作安装蓄电池需佩戴防护眼睛。Protection: To wear the protective goggles when operate on battery.防短路:避免金属工具和导线同时接触正负极,以防止短路。Preventing short circuit: avoid the metal tool and wire

2、to touch the positive and negative plates together, or thatll be short circuit.防爆: 蓄电池在充电、搬运或震动过程中会产生易爆气体,并从排气孔中排出。环境中氢气浓度超过4%. 遇明火即会发生爆炸。故需保持环境通风,严禁明火。Explosion Prevention: Its easy to produce explosive gas and vent from the vent hole. If the denseity of hydrogen over 4%, it will be burst when ther

3、es open flam. So need to keep the environment ventilative, and far away from the open flam.蓄电池在充电时严禁在未断开电源的情况下搬动或挪动电池;刚充电完毕的电池禁止附近有明火和撞击及摔置。When charge the battery,it cant be moved before power off; There cant be open flam and it cant be striked or fell over.防酸: 蓄电池内的液体为稀硫酸,需小心搬运,垂直放置,防止硫酸溢出。如皮肤接触硫酸

4、,需立即脱去受污染衣物,并立即用大量清水冲洗;如眼睛接触硫酸,需立即用干净的清水冲洗至少2分钟后立即就医;如意外吞食硫酸,立即饮用大量的清水和牛奶,必要时就医。Acid-proof: The liquid in battery is dilute sulphuric acid,so please be careful to move ,and keep upright to prevent acid overflow.If there is acid on skin,please use clean water to wash at least 2 minutes immediately th

5、en go to the hospital; If eat the acid accidently, please drink a lot of water and milk, if necessary, go to see a doctor.两极断开及连接顺序 The order of connection and cutting the poles off 断开:先负后正cut off:first negative then positive 连接:先正后负 connection: first positive then negative 心法诀窍:任何情况下避免负极单独连接蓄电池!Key

6、: Never only connect the negative pole to the battery.蓄电池的运输 Delivery of battery 运输过程中避免过度颠簸、避免撞击 To prevent over shake and strike. 运输环境避免高温(不超过45)。 To prevent the environmental temperature too high (keep below 45 ) 蓄电池不可以倒置或斜置。 Never put the battery slantwise or invertedly. 搬运时蓄电池避免倾斜超过40度角,以防止酸液从排

7、气孔中流出 When transport the battery, the elevation angle cant be over 40, to prevent the acid flow from the air hole.蓄电池存储 Store of battery 叠放:蓄电池叠放层次不超过6层,层与层之间要求增加软质绝缘隔离板,严禁挤压,以防蓄电池外壳变形破裂。Stack: The height of stack layer cant be over 6, request to add the soft insulate division board between layer an

8、d layer. 环境:高温(45)会导致蓄电池自放电和电解液中散发加快。避免在高温环境中存放蓄电池,并保持通风。Environment:high temperature(45)can cause the battery self-discharge and distribute fast.Never store the battery in high temperature and keep ventilation.库存:对蓄电池的库存管理,需坚持先进先出的原则。以防止蓄电池因存储时间过长而失效,产生不必要的损失。material held in reseve:to manage the b

9、attery which is held in reseve, it must keep an principle: first-in, first out(FIFO), so,to prevent store too long to make some unnecessary loss.补充电:请定期检测蓄电池,如电压小于12.4V或电眼变黑,必须进行一次完全补充电。Supplementary charge: please check the battery in time, if the voltage is below 12.4V or the electric eye turns to

10、 be black, it mist be full recharged.故障名称的解释 Explanation of error 硫化:电池6个单格中正极板表面呈黄色或黄白色(正常为棕褐色),板栅酥脆,解剖电池见正负极板活性物质坚硬结实,一折就断,电压明显低于标准,且不能检出其它故障。Sufulration:the colour of positive plates in battery is yellow or yellowish-white(the normal colour is brown), the grids are brickle,if dismantle the batter

11、y,we can see the active material is hard, itll broke off, the voltage is less than the standard set,and other errors cant be checked out.电解液污染:加入杂质(铜、铁、氯、锰等)不符合要求的电解液或杂质超标的补加液(如以塘水.河水.井水.溪水.田水.自来水.饮用矿泉水等作为电池的补加液)。会出现极板、隔板出现异常颜色,有时会有异味产生。Electrolyte pollution: to add the unexpected electrolyte(such a

12、s include in copper iron chlorinemanganese,ect.) or over impurity electrolyte(for example, add the pool waterriver waterwell waterstream waterwater in fieldrunning waterdrinkable water,ect.) The colour of plates and clapboard turn to be abnormal, and sometimes there is peculiar smell.寿命到:电池出厂日期至退回公司

13、的日期超过公司规定的时间,加水帽发黑,池壳色泽变暗,明显陈旧,池壳底部活性物质脱落较多,隔板变黑(炭化),电液混浊,板栅腐蚀。Life is over:The release date to salesreturn date of battery is too long to exceed , the water hat turn to be black, the container turn to be dark, its old obvious,and more active material on batterys bottom shed off ,clapboard turns to

14、be black(charing),electrolyte is turbid, and plates turn to be corrosion .用户损坏:端子烧损,电池槽盖非制造质量原因引起的爆裂,使用不当造成的电池槽盖损坏,用户更改端子的形状,恶意的损坏电池的极板、隔板、汇流排、铅件等。Damaged by customer: the terminal damaged, container and cover bursted because of the quality problem,and damaged by wrong using method, customer change

15、the shape of terminal, damage the platesclapboard cylinder manifold and lead parts spitefully.过充电:电池壳盖上附有铅沉积物,隔板变黑(炭化)、有高温变形收缩现象;电解液面降低于水位线以下或呈现浑浊;极板活性物质严重脱落,槽体有沉淀物;电解液比重高于标准值(1.28g/3,25);板栅腐蚀断裂,负板发泡/膨胀;电池外壳起泡、发鼓、变形;汇流排变红、变黄,有积物。Over charged: there are lead fouling on the surface of battery containe

16、r,the clapboard turn to be black(charing), thatll transform and shrink in high temperature;The electrolyte is nepheloid or below the hypsogram level ;The active material in plates shed off seriously, there is sediment in the container; the propotion of electrolyte is higher than standard setting(1.2

17、8g/3,25); the grids are corrosive and broken, negative poles expand;the container of battery turn to be expansiontympanitestransformation; the cylinder manifold turn to be red, yellow and theres sediment.运损:电池未上车使用前的任意部位损坏,指未上车使用前端子、槽盖损伤,运输中非制造质量原因引起的电池漏液(常见的倒置)、爆裂等。Damaged in delivery:before the ba

18、ttery on the truck,if any parts damaged,include in terminal,container and cover, battery electrolyte leakage(normal system) bursting,ect.which caused by some other problems but not about quality in delivery.第二章 蓄电池更换Chapter II To change the battery更换流程 Flow of changing1.关闭发动机和车辆上所有用电器。Stop engine an

19、d other electro-devices in vehicle.2.先断开蓄电池的负极,再断开正极。Cut off the negative pole first, then cut off the positive pole.3.取下蓄电池。Remove the battery.4.确认新蓄电池和旧蓄电池性能相一致,使用万用表确认电池的极性符合及电池质量状态。To confirm the performance of new battery and old battery can be consistency,to use the multimeter to verify the ba

20、ttery polarity can go well with the battery quality state.5.清洁蓄电池端子和车辆连接线头。Clean the battery terminal and vehicle connecting line.6.安装并固定蓄电池。Install and fixed the battery.7.连接蓄电池与车辆的连线(先正后负)。To connec the battery and connecting line(first positive then negative).具备电脑控制车辆的换电池须知 Some necessary knowled

21、ge to change the battery which controled by computer1. 取一只备用蓄电池。Get a spare battery.2. 将备用电池用导线接到原电池夹头。Connect the spare battery to clip of the primary cell with wire.3. 正接正,负接负。Positive to connect positive , and negative to negative.4. 松开夹头取出要更换的电池。Loose the clip and remove the battery which need t

22、o be changed.5. 新电池更换后,锁紧夹头,再将备用电池拿掉(电脑绝不能断电,否则系统将错乱)After changing the new battery, lockin the clip, then remove the spare battery(keep computer on, or the system will be disorder).注意事项Attention matters安装过程中,防止蓄电池正负极意外短路。During installing, to prevent positive and negative to be short circuit accide

23、ntly.注:部分高档车车辆完全断电时,可能需要重新设定参数,故在更换此类车辆电池时,需保持车辆电器不断电,或要求用户携带新购的电池,去特约维修站更换。Remark: when some superior vehicle cut off the power fully, maybe, it need to set the parameter again,so if change the battery for the vehicle, it need keep the power on, or request customer to take the new battery to go to

24、pointed maintenance station to change it.第三章 汽车厂家相关部分Chapter III Some parts about automobile factory第一部分 适用于汽车厂家下线后及售中库存(售前、售中)First part: used for “off line”and store in selling (before selling, during selling) for automobile factory电池保养及检查判定流程 Battery maintenance and checking flow车辆下线入库库存Off line

25、then store in storage取掉负端子线Remove the negative terminal line每周例行检查Routine Inspection every week电眼黑色,且电压低于是12。5V The electric eye is black, and the voltage is below 12.5V.无电眼,电压低于12。5VWithout electric eye, the voltage is below 12.5V.电眼绿色,电压高于12。5V. The electric eye is green, the voltage is higher tha

26、n 12.5V.保持负端子线断开,可继续库存 Keep negative terminal line off, it can still store.按第四章方法充电,静止24小时,测电压 Charge as the method set in section 4, keep in rest 24 hours, measure the voltage电压12.8V,放电后再充电静止24小,测电压 voltage is not higher than 12.8V, rest and charge 24 hours after discharge.11V电压12.8V,放电后再充电,静止24小时,

27、测电压11Vvoltage12.8V, charge it after discharge, rest for 24 hours, measure the voltage电压12.8V,装车断开负端子线库存voltage12.8V,car loading cut off the negative terminal then store电压11V,退返物流库或主机厂充电检查voltage11V,return to logistic store or vehicle factory to charge and check第二部分:售后车辆电池检查及分析流程Part two:vehicle afte

28、r market inspection and analysis flow按本手册第四章售后电池检测流程及判断和第六章售后车辆电池检查分析。第四章 售后电池检测流程及判断Chapter Inspection flow and judgement for battery after market(适用于电池经销商,汽车制造厂家的售后车辆)(used for after market battery which is selled by battery agency and vehicle factory)一 检测流程 Inspection flow检查电眼、电压Inspect the elect

29、ric eyevoltage搭火起动Light to start更换电池Change battery更换电池Change battery电眼发白电眼绿色,电压12.3V indicator is green,voltage12.3VOKindicator turn to be whit电眼黑色,电压12.3V indicator is green,voltage12.3V检查发动机皮带及卡套松紧Check the engine belt and sleeve ferrule tightness起动失败或起动 Fail to start or start电器系统、导线材质或起动马达问题Probl

30、em of electro-device systemwire material or starting engine皮带及卡套连接问题Problem of belt and sleeve ferrule connection 皮带松驰,卡套不紧Belt and sleeve ferrule loose,正常normal汽车处于起动状态,关掉负载,检查充电电压The vehicle is in starting state,cut off the load,check charging voltage.发电机问题Problem of engine13.8V或14.4V Voltage of e

31、ngine is about13.814.4Vless than 13.8V,higher than 14.4V 发电机电压在13.814.4V1.车辆附件负载超过发电机输出功率.vehicle load is more than engine output .2.行驶情况不能对电池有效补充电(长期行驶路程较短或市区行驶频繁启动).steer state cant supplement power effectively(drive not far or just drive in city and start oftenly)3.电池与汽车电器系统实际不相符(型号不匹配)Battery ca

32、nt go well with vehicle system(type is not the same)4.发电机或调节器问题.Problem of engine or adjustor.5.以上问题的组合.All of the above problems.电池及汽车漏电测试Electric leakage of battery and vehicle汽车系统、附属器件或导线材质问题Problem of Vehicle systemsubordinate parts material of wire20mv 漏电过高 20mv less than 20mv电量消耗正常Power consum

33、e normally 使用或电池问题 problem of using method or battery itself充电后进入第六章分析流程 To start analysis flow in section 6 after charging二 检测方法 Test method负载检测;在室温下,用放电叉以1/2起动电流(BIC,参考电池顶盖标签)放电15秒。Test with load: in room temperature,discharge 15 seconds as one half starting current(BCI standard,see lable on batte

34、ry cover)with discharge clip.漏电测试:关闭发电机和车辆上所有用电器。在保证回路无断点的条件下,将一只带有毫安刻度的电流计(可使用万用表测量)串联入电路,接在蓄电池的负极上,将量程调为最大。观察表盘,调整量程直到获得精确的数值为止。Electric leakage test: cut off all electro-device on engine and vehicle。Under the condition of loop has no breakpoint,cascade a amperemeter which is in milliamp(aslo can

35、use a multimeter to replace), to connect on negative electrode, set the measuring rang to the nax. Look at the indicator dial, adjust the measuring rang till get the precise data.搭桥起动:bridging starting1、 用一跟搭桥连线连接两蓄电池的正极。Use a bridging wire to connect two batterys positive electrod.2、 用另一跟搭桥连线连接良好蓄电

36、池的负极和起动困难车辆的发电机上远离蓄电池和化油器的适当部位。Use another beidging wire to connect the better batterys negative and the fitable place which is far away from battery and carburetor on engine of vehicle that difficult to start.3、 确认搭桥连线不会影响车辆风扇/皮带和其他零件的运动。Please be sure that bridging wire cant influence vehicle fan

37、or belt and other parts.4、 发动车辆后按照上述相反的顺序撤除搭桥连线。After starting vehicle,please remove the bridging wire according to the opposite order above.第五章 蓄电池充电Chapter 5 charging of battery注意事项 Precautions1请在蓄电池充电前严格按照第六式退回蓄电池检测流程对蓄电池作出判断,符合充电条件后再开始以下充电程序。 Judge the conditions of battery strictly as per the 6

38、th item- battery inspection procedure. Execute the following charging procedures after fulfilling the conditions. 2不可对外壳破裂/电眼呈白色或电解液已凝固的蓄电池充电。The batteries which will be charged up should be free of enclosure cracking, electric eyes bleaching and electrolyte solidified.3蓄电池的充电必须在通风良好的环境中进行。The charg

39、ing process should be taken in an environment which is ventilating.4充电过程中,若蓄电池温度超过50摄氏度,则适当降低充电电压,或停止充电;如蓄电池排气孔有酸液喷出或电眼呈白色,则立即停止充电,蓄电池报废。In the process of charging, the voltage should be decreased ,or stop the process in case of the battery temperature exceeds 50. If theres acid solution spilling fr

40、om the air vent of the battery or the electric eyes beached, stop charging immediately, and the battery scrapped.充电流程Charging procedure选择合适的充电设备,操作前仔细阅读设备说明书,并按要求操作。Choose the suitable charging equipment. Read the instructions carefully before operation and do as follows.1. 在充电设备关闭的状态下,连接蓄电池的端子。conn

41、ect the terminals in the state of the charging equipment is off.2. 充电机输出的正极(一般为红色)与蓄电池的正极端子相连,输出端负极(蓝线或黑线)与蓄电池的负极端子相连,并确认连接牢固。connect The positive electrode(usually red) which is output by battery charger with the positive terminal of the battery. Connect the negative electrode(blue or black wire) w

42、ith the negative terminal, and assure the very firm conjunction3. 开通充电机的充电开关,通过充电机调节器,从小致大缓慢调节充电电压或电流,直到达到要求的设定范围。Turn on the switch of the battery charger, adjust the charging voltage and current gradually from low point up to setting high point via the adjuster of the charger.4. 按照充电器类型判断充电时间长短和结束

43、条件(参考下页恒压充电器及恒流充电器充电建议)。Judge the charging period and the exit criteria by the type of the charger.5. 充电结束时,须先关闭充电机电源开关,然后断开蓄电池的充电连接线(充电过程中切勿在未断开电源的情况下拆卸充电连接线)。Once the charging is over, turn off the charger first, and then cut off the charging wires of the battery. (Do not tear down the wires in th

44、e charging process )蓄电池充电电压及电流设定 Settings of the charging voltage and current of battery蓄电池的充电依据充电形式的不同,可分为依据车载充电系统充电和脱离车体的恒压充电。The battery charging can be divided into charge the charging system on vehicle and charge with constant voltage off vehicle in accordance of the different types of charging

45、.1. 车载充电受车载电器系统的控制,注意测量车载电器系统充电电压的设定。Charge on vehicle is controlled by the on-vehicle system, pls notice the settings of the charging voltage of the car-mounted system.若设定电压高于14.4V以上时会因过量充电,将使蓄电池内电解液中水强烈分解或导致极板脱粉,严重降低电池的使用寿命,甚至报废。If the setting voltage is higher than 14.4V, the water of the electro

46、lyte will be decomposed or the in cause of over charged. The service life of the battery will be drastically reduced, even scrapped.低于13.8V时发电量将不能满足使用要求,造成电池长时间亏电容易产生硫酸盐化。因此合理选择浮充电压和电流将有益于电池的使用性能。If the setting voltage is lower than 13.8V, it will not able not meet the using requirement, and will ma

47、ke the battery in a long time of power shortage which easily leads to sulfitation. Therefore, Choosing the float charging voltage and current reasonably is beneficial to performance of battery.2. 脱离车体恒压充电维护性均衡充电,宜使用专用充电设备进行。其电压设置以15V/单只为宜,随充电时间的延续,待充电电流下降0.006C且稳定3小时以上时,即表明充电量已充足,即可以适时终止充电。Charging

48、with constant voltage off vehicle is a kind of maintainable equalizing charge which should use special charging equipment. The setting voltage should be 15V/item. As the charging time went by, once the charging current decreases 0.006C and is stable for more than 3 hours, it indicates the capacity i

49、s in full and the charging can be terminated.3. 充电电压设置低时,相应因充电电流小难以保证电池的容量值;反之电压设置高,充电电流大,温升快,则易消耗电池内的电解液,严重影响电池的使用寿命。When the setting voltage is low, the capacity limitation of the battery can not be assured as the charging current is low. Whereas, if the setting voltage is higher, the current will

50、 be higher, and the temperature will rise more rapidly. All the above factors lead the electrolyte will be easier to be expended. And the service life of the battery will be drastically reduced4. 充电过程中,应将电池置于空阔、干燥的环境中,且保持环境通风良好。蓄电池闲置时,其容量会自然损失。请于一个月内进行一次补充电。During the process of charging, the batter

51、y should be placed in a spacious and dry environment. The environment should be well ventilated. Please charge up the battery once a month as the capacity limitation will be reduced if the battery is left unused.During the charging procedure, the air vent of the battery should be unobstructed. Flame

52、, spark and open fire are strictly prohibited so as to prevent the accident of explosion.5. 蓄电池在充电使用过程中应注意电池排气孔的通畅、避免火焰、火花及明火的靠近,防止爆炸等意外事故的发生。Please keep vent hole to be clear, keep no firespark or open flame,prevent explosive and other contretemps. Battery using life table of floating charge 恒压充电机(

53、电池开路电压大于11V使用较好)Constant voltage charger( battery open circuit higher than 11v is better.) 最大充电电压The largest charging voltage:16.0V 最大充电电流The largest charging current:25A 充电时间:取决于电池的亏电程度,一般为416小时(参考端电压与充电时间的关系图)。Charging time: depend on power shortage degree of battery, commonly its 416 hours(accord

54、ing to the relational table of terminal voltage and charging time)充电终止的条件 Conditon of stopping to charge 电眼转绿充电完成 Electric eye turns to be greencharging finished 电眼转白电池报废(过充电导致电池缺液)Electric eye turns to be whitebattery is out of service. 充电电流小于2A充电完成(用于可加液电池充电完成判别参考)Charging current is below 2Acharg

55、ing finished(used for liquid battery,to be judgment ) 恒流充电机(对于长期欠充电而硫化即电池开路电压低于11V的电池必须此种设备进行恢复性充电)Constant charger(for some battery which cant be fully charged for a long time and sulfuration, it is that the open circuit voltage is below 11V, so the battery must be recovery charged by this equipmen

56、t.) 充电电流:电池标称容量的二十分之一(单位:A),当电池亏电后端电压低于10V时,充电时间可能要达到2436小时。Charging current: 1/20 of the norminal capacity of battery (unit:A),after battery power shortage, the terminal voltage is below 10V, time of charging may be about 2436 hours.充电电流应用举例:如6-QW-60MF即电池标称容量是60Ah,充电电流为60Ah/20h=3A 。Example of charging current applicati


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