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1、In order to ensurenormal teachi ng or der,protecti ng students healthy growth,ensuring that national (property) is not lost, to prevent or minimize theoccurre nceof safety acci dents, follow the prevent, rescue each othe r, ensuresafety and reduce losses princi ple, according to the loca l condition

2、s, make t he management system. 1, the princi pal is the responsibility of school safety,school se curity under the leadership of President security work leading group. Thehead teacher to the leadership team is responsible for, impl ementation of the accountability system.2, school monthly student k

3、nowledge about safety education, education shouldbe diversified in the form every safety education for st ude nts of classe s per we ek should be targeted. To carryon emerge ncy issue s dealing with education i n Ge neral, self-help and mutual rescue knowledge. Emergency calls (such as110,119, 122,

4、120,and soon) use commonsense in eSchool stude nts report majoraccide nt within a n hourof education; student run and disappearance s to report; reportof the a ccident t o a written report in triplicate, a correctionalce ntre, a police station, a townshi p peopl es Government shall not conceal the a

5、ccident. 4week, teachers areon duty system, establish and improvethe leadership val ues; strengthen t he education, management of teachingactivities in school s to ensure normal teachingorder; responsible for school safety leadership always maintained cl ose contact a nddistri ct policestations, can

6、vassi ng support from the policestationon school safety and help. 5, stre ngthe ning teachers moral education, establish a dedicated lov e, improving education quality,observe thestudents psychological changes at any time and take preventivemeasures, no corporal punishme nt and covert corporal punis

7、hmentonstudents, stude nt out of theclassroom, schools maynot be. 6, units ordeparticipate in the celebrations, as well a s participating in ot her socialwork,without approvalof the CorrectionalCentre, school princi pals conse nt, withoutorganization. Without theapproval of relevant departments, may

8、organizestudents toparticipate in fire fighting, disaster relief and soon. 7, schools shouldeducate stude nts toobey the school rules a nd regulations,on time,on timehome t o prevent accidents. 8, school toschool inspectionson a regular basis, found hidden i n time, and insevere cases, it is hard to

9、eliminate immediatelyclosed,and reported to the localpeoples Government, educati on, and ruleof law section. 9, the schoolshould alwayscheck the internal walls, retaining walls,ponds, railings,handrails,doors,Windows, staircases and a variety of sports, extracurricular activities, fareliable. Song L

10、in Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 songLin XiangLiu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety,protectionof public property and the life andproperty safety of teachers and stude nts, school fire safety intoday -to-day management, isdeveloping the following fir

11、e safety system. 1, strengthen fire safety education of the whol e school. According to the requirements of the Fire Services Act, so that everyone has of keeping fire control safety,protecting fire control facilities, fire prevention, reports of fire餐饮部规章制度及工作流程1 、无条件服从上级领导与工作安排,并保质保量完成工作任务。2 、不得擅自

12、迟到、早退或旷工。3 、不得私拿公物或么藏客人遗留物品或暗示向客人索取钱物小费。4 、不准私自接受礼品,不准乘工作之便,私自同客人交际建立不正当关系。5 、不准与客人发生口角、争吵,不得有对客人不理不睬的不礼貌行为,客人投诉时,应转交主管,或值班经理处理。6 、不准使客用物品(餐具、电梯)等,下班后非因公事不得在酒店逗留。7 、工作期间不得越区、串岗、擅离职守,不得私自会客,亲戚朋友来就餐,应按服务程序来送餐。8 、上下班必须走员工通道。9 、不允许利用工作之便,给亲友以特别优待,不准随意更改价格。10 、食品原料不得私自拿用,违者按盗窃论处,不得随意丢失、损坏、浪费。lectricity l

13、ines, e qui pment inspections, found hidde n in time for rectification, mai ntena nce , and security.9, do notuse a n open flame in the classroom, pr ohibit burningstove, lit ca ndles, mosquito repellent,no smoking, andbanning messy wiring.Without using any householdapplian ces is not allowed. 10, l

14、ive on campus fa culty members, must leadby example, and e ducate families and children ready to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, to masterproper usage, pay attention to the leak-proof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure security. 12, dining room must bequalified

15、, and annual testing of pressure vessels, to regularlyche ck, thecanteen worker s must becertified, strictly by operation operation, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, to prevent accidents. 13, the adverseconseque nce s ca usedby ignoring fire safety regulations, will bepunishe d, unt

16、il investigated for legal responsibility. Song Li n Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary schoolMarch 2016XiangLiu Jia ping elementary school,pineslopes surrounding safety management system 1 teachers andstudents, the surrounding areaof the school governa ncecoverspersonal and foodhygiene , cultural events

17、and other aspects, integrated governanceshall obtain wide support and full cooperationof the community. On thesurrounding environment inschools shouldbe cl ose ly monitored. 2, school work at the same time,should pay attention to the safety management of school environment, should take the initiativ

18、e tocontact the district policestation, the village Committee,Correctional Centre,ownship government,business management and other departments todoa good job management. 3, teacher on dutywith the exception of inspections in schools, should al sopay attention to environme ntal inspections near theca

19、mpus, found that the jobless migrants from rural ares, for example, harassmentofficials or the policestation in a timely manner, toprote ct the safety of students. 4, everyday beforeschool, teachers remind students, pay attention to traffic safety.5, should educatestudents to respe ct social ethics,

20、 and various regulations, maintaining public or der, a nd fight the ba d guys, and grasp thecorre ct ways and means of maintaining and improving students self-car e ability. 6, the establishment of emergency rescue teamsof teachersin school s, on hig h alert and deploye d. Song Lin Xia ng Liu Jia pi

21、 ng elementaryschool March 2016 song Lin Xiang Li u Jia pi ng primary school teachers and students organizations out of safety management system organization a ctivities between teachers and students, to draw up aprecise plan and security measures must be signe d by the school officials to review th

22、e programme of activities agreed upon Correctional Center agreed to implement. Organization to the field relatively far or activities require approvalby the De puty Director of the EducationBurea u incharge of se curit y. 2, ea ch activity should have a specific responsibility, pay attention to the

23、persons age, physical match. Route 3, activities, location, field surveys should be carried out i n advance. 4, activities for the meansof transport should explain the situation to theschool to comply with vehicle, safety requirements,before the line for repairs. 5, each activity must have security,

24、 emergency response plan for accidents. 6,picnics, hiking, pi cni c to pay attention to fire prevention, food poisoning, preventionof fall accidents 7, the activities near the rivers, reservoirs, no measures or donot meet thesecurity requirementsof the Organization a ndnot let students into the wate

25、rIn order to ensurenormal teachi ng or der,protecti ng students healthy growth,ensuring that national (property) is not lost, to prevent or minimize theoccurre nceof safety acci dents, follow the prevent, rescue each othe r, ensuresafety and reduc e losses princi ple, according to the loca l conditi

26、ons, make t he management system. 1, the princi pal is the responsibility ofschool safety,school se curity under the leadership of President security work leading group. Thehead teacher to the leadership team is responsible for, impl ementation of the accountability system.2, school monthly student

27、knowledge about safety education, education shouldbe diversified in the form every safety education for stude nts of classe s per we ek should be targeted. To carryon emerge ncy issue s dealing with education i n Ge neral, self-help and mutual rescue knowledge. Emergency calls (such as110,119, 122,

28、120,and soSchool stude nts report majoraccide nt within a n hourof education; student run and disappearance s to report; reportof the a ccident t o a written report in triplicate, a correctionalce ntre, a police station, a townshi p peopl es Government shall not conceal the accident. 4week, teachers

29、 areon duty system, establish and improvethe leadership val ues; strengthen t he education, management of teachingactivities in school s to ensure normal teachingorder; responsible for school safety leadership always maintained cl ose contact a nddistri ct policestations, canvassi ng support from th

30、e policestationon school safety and help. 5, stre ngthe ning teachers moral education, establish a dedicated love, improving education quality,observe thestudents psychological changes at any time and take preventivemeasures, no corporal punishme nt and covert corporal punishmentonstudents, stude nt

31、 out of theclasparticipate in the celebrations, as well a s participating in ot her socialwork,without approvalof the CorrectionalCentre, school princi palsconsent, withoutorganization. Without theapproval of relevant departments, mayorganizestudents toparticipate in fire fighting, disaster relief a

32、nd soon. 7, schools shouldeducate stude nts toobey the school rules a nd regulations,on time,on timehome t o prevent accidents. 8, school toschool inspectionson a regular basis, found hidden i n time, and insevere cases, it is hard toeliminate immediatelyclosed,and reported to the localpeoplesGovern

33、ment, educati on, and ruleof law se ction. 9, the schoolshould alwayscheck the internal walls, retaining walls,ponds, railings, handrails,doors,Windows, staircases and a variety of sports, extracurricular activities, fareliable. Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 songLin XiangL

34、iu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety,protectionof public property and the life andproperty safety of teachers and stude nts, school fire safety intoday-to-day management, isdeveloping the following fire safety system. 1, strengthen fire safety education of the whol e

35、 school. According to the requirements of the Fire Services Act, so that everyone has of keeping fire control safety,protecting fire control facilities, fire prevention, reports of fire11 、宾客遗留物品,应设法迅速寻找失主,归还失物。12 、下班时应向主管报到,请求后方下班,如需加班,应服从安排。13 、不能因私人情绪怠慢客人,影响工作。14 、上班不得陪客人饮酒,更不准带醉意上班。15 、下班后未经领导批准

36、, 不得以任何理由重新进入生产服务场所休息、闲聊、睡觉。16、坚持独立服务,不得,在岗位上任何时候,不得有下列行为:看书报、吃东西、吸烟、喝酒、喧哗、嬉闹、叉腰、抱臂、修指甲、剔牙、挖眼、抠鼻、梳头、照镜梳妆、唱歌、吹口哨、手插口袋,吃异味食物,工作散漫,精心大意。工作流程一、餐前准备1 、按本餐厅的要求着装 , 按时到岗 , 接受领班给自己的工作。2 、按卫生标准进行卫生工作。3 、按“摆台规格”进行摆台。4 、参加餐前会,了解客情和分配的工作区域,以及工作内容。二、餐前检查1 、台面布置是否符合摆台规格。lectricity lines, e qui pment inspections,

37、found hidde n in time for rectification, mai ntena nce , and security.9, do notuse an open flame in the classroom, pr ohibit burningstove, lit ca ndles, mosquito repellent,no smoking,and banning messy wiring.Without using any householdappliances is not allowed. 10, live on campus fa culty members, m

38、ust leadby example, and educate families and children ready to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, to masterproper usage, pay attention to the leak-proof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure security. 12, dining room must bequalified, and annual testing of pressure v

39、essels, to regularlyche ck, thecanteen worker s must becertified, strictly by operation operation, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, to prevent accidents. 13, the adverseconseque nce s ca usedby ignoring fire safety regulations, will bepunishe d, until investigated for legal responsi

40、bility. Song Li n Xiang Liu Jia ping elementary schoolMarch 2016XiangLiu Jia ping elementary school,pineslopes surrounding safety management system 1 teachers andstudents, the surrounding areaof the school governa ncecoverspersonal and foodhygiene , cultural events and other aspects, integrated gove

41、rnanceshall obtain wide support and full cooperationof the community. Onthesurrounding environment inschools shouldbe cl ose ly monitored. 2, school work at the same time,should pay attention to the safety management of school environment, should take the initiative tocontact the district policestat

42、ion, the village Committee,Corre ctional Centre,ownship government,business management and other departments todoa good job management. 3, teacher on dutywith the exception of inspections in schools, should al sopay attention to environme ntal inspections near thecampus, found that the jobleofficial

43、s or the policestation in a timely manner, toprote ct the safety of students. 4, everyday beforeschool, teachers remind students, pay attention to traffic safety.5, should educatestudents to respe ct social ethics, and various regulations, maintaining public or der, a nd fight the ba d guys, and gra

44、sp thecorre ct ways and means of maintaining and improving students self-care ability. 6, the establishment of emergency rescue teamsof teachersin schools, on hig h alert and deploye d. Song Lin Xia ng Liu Jia pi ng elementaryschool March 2016 song Lin Xiang Li u Jia pi ng primary school teachers an

45、d students organizations out of safety management system organization a ctivities between teachers and students, to draw up a precise plan and security measures must be signe d by the school officials to review the programme of activities agreed upon Corrctional Center agreed to implement. Organizat

46、ion to the field relatively far or activities require approval by the Deputy Director of the EducationBurea u incharge of se curit y. 2, ea ch activity should have a specific responsibility, pay attention to the persons age, physical match. Route 3, activities, location, field surveys should be carr

47、ied out i n advance. 4, activities for the meansof transport should explain the situation to theschool to comply with vehicle, safety requirements,before the line forrepairs. 5, each activity must have security, emergency response plan for accidents. 6,picnics, hiking, pi cnic to pay attention to fi

48、re prevention, food poisoning, preventionof fall accidents 7, the activities near the rivers, reservoirs, no measures or donot meet thesecurity requirementsof the Organization a ndnot let students into the waterIn order to ensurenormal teachi ng or der,protecti ng students healthy growth,ensuring th

49、at national (property) is not lost, to prevent or minimize theoccurre nceof safety acci dents, follow the prevent, rescue each othe r, ensuresafety and reduce losses princi ple, according to the loca l conditions, make t he management system. 1, the princi pal is the responsibility of school safety,

50、school se curity under the leadership of President security work leading group. Thehead teacher to the leadership team is responsible for, impl ementation of the accountability system.2, school monthly student knowledge about safetyeducation, education shouldbe diversified in the form every safety e

51、ducation for stude nts of classe s per we ek should be targeted. To carryon emerge ncy issue s dealing with education i n Ge neral, self-help and mutual rescue knowledge. Emergency calls (such as110,119, 122, 120,and soSchool stude nts report majoraccide nt within a n hourof education; student run and disappearance s to report; reportof the a ccident t o a written report in triplicate, a correctionalce ntre, a police station, a townshi p peopl es Government shall not conceal the accident. 4week, teachers areon duty system, establish and improvethe


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