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1、unit 1 the changing world topic 3 the world has changed for the better .section a 风华学校九年级英语组风华学校九年级英语组【学习目标】【学习目标】1.学习含有学习含有since和和for的现在完成时;的现在完成时;2学会关注和描述社会发展变化。学会关注和描述社会发展变化。用since和for填空1._twoyears2._twoyearsago3._lastmonth4._19995._yesterday6._4oclock7._4hours8._anhourago9._wewerechildren10._i c

2、ame to china11._shelefthere【自主探究】【自主探究】 在文中找到并划出下面的短语在文中找到并划出下面的短语1.在电话中交谈在电话中交谈_2.习惯于做某事习惯于做某事_3.过去常常是过去常常是_4.几年前几年前_5.过去过去_6.事实上事实上_7.来参观一下来参观一下_8.照顾照顾_1b listen to 1a and tick what was mentioned about new york. in the past p terrible traffic p dirty streets p unfriendly people p dangerous to live

3、 p less shopping centers nowadaysp beautiful parksp clean and fresh air p huge markets p famous museums p good schools p excellent restaurants【小组合作】【小组合作】 一、在文中划出下面的句子并分析一、在文中划出下面的句子并分析1. how do you like living there? 同义句:同义句:what _?练习:你认为长城怎么样?练习:你认为长城怎么样?a._b._2. but i heard that the traffic there

4、 was terrible and almost everyone drove too fast.点拨:点拨:hear 听见听见+宾语,听说宾语,听说+宾语从句宾语从句 拓展:拓展:hear of听说听说 hear from收到收到的来信的来信思考:思考:2句中的句中的heard在此意思是在此意思是_, 后面是后面是that引引 导的导的是是_译:译:_点拨:点拨:the traffic there 那儿的交通,那儿的交通,there在此做在此做the traffic的后置定语的后置定语练习:练习:the food there_ 那儿的生活那儿的生活_ 北京的天气北京的天气_点拨:点拨:dro

5、ve too fast开车太快开车太快总结:总结:fast 表示表示“快快”,侧重指速度方面。,侧重指速度方面。3. you will get used to it very soon if you come. 译:译:_点拨:点拨:get(be) used to习惯于,习惯于,to在这里是介词在这里是介词 区别:区别:used to过去常常过去常常, to在这里是不定式符号在这里是不定式符号 4. they used to be, but the city has improved a lot since i came here a few years ago.译:译: _思考:思考:sin

6、ce在句子中做在句子中做_词,后面只能使用词,后面只能使用_时态时态二、填写二、填写3的空格,分析现在完成时中的空格,分析现在完成时中since和和for用法的不同用法的不同 for + _; since + _broadway is a street in new york . it has been there_ 1811. it _ be dirty. but it _ sincethe 1920s. the area near times square is the home of broadway theaters . there have been many famous _ al

7、ong the street for many years . a lot of artists perform plays , concerts and operas there . every year millions of visitors come to enjoy the _ music and dance on broadway . _ , broadway stands for the american theatre industry .sinceused tohas improvedtheaterswonderfulas a matter of fact 3 look ca

8、refully and think about the differences between since and for in 1a. then complete the sentences with since or for and listen and check.1.i have lived in beijing _ three years. _2011. 2. he has waited for tom _ two hours ago. _ two hours. 3. we have learned chemistry _ one month. _ the new term bega

9、n. forforforsincesincesince 【课后练习】【课后练习】一、一、 用用for和和since填空。填空。1. he has been here _ two hours. 2. the old man has lived in the town _ 1993. 3. my father has been away _two days. 4. kate hasnt heard from him _he left china. 5. i have known him _he came to the city. ( )1.hetriedhisbesttofindaplaceto

10、_. a. live b. livein c. livewith ( )2.mymother_agoodexampleformesincei was young. a. was b. hasbeen c. willbed. is( )3.hisfatherhasworkedinthisfactory_hecameherein1980. a. since b. for c. when ( )4.ihearyourhometownhaschangedalotalready. itsverybeautiful. certainly. youcancome_avisit. a. to b. with

11、c. for d. on( )5.he_toschoolbytaxi, but now he_toschool onfoot. a. usedtogoing;getsusedtogo b. usedtogo; getsusedtogo c. usedtogo; getsusedtogoingd. getsusedtogoing;usedtogothank you!根据句意及汉语提示,用适当的短语完成句子,每空一词。1. _ _ _ _(你认为怎么样)living in the city?2. itissocoldinthenorthofchina in winter but youwillso

12、on _ _ _(习惯)it.3. _ _ _ _ _(事实上),therearemany excellent restaurantsonthatstreet.4.thereare_ _(数以万计的游客)comingto yunnan every year.5.ourschoolhasimprovedalot_(自从) mr. zhangcamehere.( )1.everyyear, _birdscometothelaketospend winter. a. millionsof b. millionof c. twomillions( )2.i_mr.zhaosincei_herethreeyearsago. a. knew;came b. haveknown;came c .knew;havecome( )3.atwh


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