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1、1组员: 昝凌达 李馨 李林洧2history of christianitycontents:background and reasonsmajor events(lutheranism,calvinism,anglicanism)influences3christianity(found in roman empire during 1st century)catholicism (rome)eastern orthodox(constantinople)catholicismprotestantismeastern orthodoxlutheranism calvinism anglic

2、anismfirst division in 1054 adsecond division in 1517 adbecame the state religion of roman empire in 392 ad4history of christianitycontents:background and reasonsmajor events(lutheranism,calvinism,anglicanism)influences5 1416century capitalism began to sprout in west europenew social class: bourgeoi

3、s and fresh aristocratsbackgroundrenaissance emancipated peoples minds powerful enemy:catholicism6reasons the catholicism amass huge fortunes by different ways.e.g. indulgence, tithe evoked intense dissatisfaction of bourgeois and fresh aristocrats.the power of church override imperial power.soverei

4、gns were resentful.theology & asceticismv.s.renaissance broke bondage of thinking and confirmed peoples values.7history of christianitycontents:background and reasonsmajor events(lutheranism,calvinism,anglicanism)influences8the religious reformation in germany germany had always been politically fra

5、gmented at that time people of all ranks are not satisfied with catholicism the renaissance liberated thought of people9martin luther(1483-1546)roman catholicism sell the indulgence in 151710the ninety-five theses the beginning of the reformation11the core idea of luther is “justification by faith”t

6、he only basis of faith is the holy bibleall believers are priestbuild a disinterested churchbuild a national church12influencesit hit the rule of roman catholicism it push the movement of opposition to the feudalismthe lutheranism was established it cleaned up a road for religious reformation.13calv

7、in religious reformation in switzerland john calvin(1509-1564)the core idea of calvin is the ideas of predestination and electpeople shouldnt be passivehe thinks the talent of management is bestow of god, and the occupation and personal effort are sacred, so people can pursuit wealth as much as poss

8、ible. 14huldrych zwingli(1484-1531)he established the first protestant in switzerland he agreed and supported luthers religious ideashis church combined with the calvinism 15henry viii religious reformation in englandin 1554, the act of supremacy made henry the supreme head of the church of englandi

9、n 1571, the england state religion -anglicanism was establishedengland was a unified national 1553, henry viii ruptures with the pope16the reformation is top-down and the new church keep many traditions of catholicismpuritan movement.the most famous and well-known emigration to america wa

10、s the migration of the puritan separatists from the anglicanism, they establish the colonies of new england , which later became the united states17history of christianitycontents:background and reasonsmajor events(lutheranism,calvinism,anglicanism)influences18influences:(1)cracked down the catholic

11、ism severely,collapsed its unified theocracy in europe. new religion branches were born and shaped a new religion pattern. (2)promote the development of national consciousness and national countries in western europegave impetus to the development of capitalism.rejected the prestige of catholicism and emancipated peoples mind further.(2) brought


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