1、201展中考模拟试卷讲义黄浦区二模年 月 日黄浦区201学年度第二学期初三年级学业质量调研英语学科试卷201笄4月(满分15吩,考试时间:10分钟)考生注意:本卷有 7大题,共94、题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分)1.Listening Comprehension!解):(共 30 分)A.Listerandchoostherightpicture(根据你听至ij的内容,选出相应的图片):(6分)5B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to rheIUestionyO
2、U hea话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8分)7. A) 10:00B)9:20.C)9:40.D) 10:40C)By taxiD).By8. A)By underground. B)By bus bicycleC)In a bookstore D)In a large roomB)wait for HelenD)Hurry homeD)Disappointing.Interesting. C) Frightening9. A)In a hotel B)In a library10. .A) Stay for dinner0 Meet his parent11. A)Exciting B)
3、12. A)Learning FrenchQ Travelling around.13. A)Teacher and student.C)Brother and sister.14. A)Making cakesC)Shopping online.B)Looking after his aunt D)Teaching a languageB)Husband and wifeD) customer and shop assistant B)Ordering drinksD) Preparing fora party.C.Listen to the passage and tell whether
4、 the following statenmentsiare true or false(6分)句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用表示) 15.Michelle began to love skating at the age of seven.16.In fact,Michelle was too young to start learning skating17.To pay for the professional training,her parents had to sell their house.18.In 1992.Michelle won the g
5、ame in the U.S Skating Contest.19.Michelle became one of the best skaters in the word in 199620.In 1998,Michelle won first place in the Winter Olympics in Japan.D.Listen to the passage and complete the fo(lowiSgtsenencesU内容,每空格限填一词):(10分)21 .Hundreds of years ago,people began to grow corn.22 .Farmer
6、s plant corn seeds in spring when the weather is.23 .Tgrow well,com needs plenty of space,a lot of sunshine and the ofwater.24.If farmers have good weather,they can get in their corn.25 .People buy com to eat,to feed animals and even to for cars.Part2 Phonetics,Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)n
7、.Choose the bestanswe最恰当的答案):(共 2出)26 .Which of the following underlined parts matches the sound /I/?A wineB)fight C)high D)habit27 .As a fan of sports,Carl always takes active part in ball games after school.A) a B)an C)the D)/28 .With an average temperature of 20 degrees,spring is its way to Shang
8、hai.A) on B)inC) of D)by29 .The story sounds quite familiar me,and I got a little bored.A) offB)forC)toD)with30 .To stay healthy,your brain needs enough as well as your body.A) exercise B)change C)idea D)act31.Before Jerry could say,his father slalefmthe toermo or andA) everything B)somethiiC)anythi
9、ng D) nothing32 .Humans are to live up to more than 150 years in the future.A)proudly B)likely C)finally D)possibly33 .Dorleave the child alone.He is not old enough to take care of.A)he B)him C)his D)himself34 .At the age of 60,Simon is still as as he used to be.A) strong B)stronger C)strongesD)the
10、strongest35 .Tourists are required their cars outside the National Park and take the cable carA) parkB)parking C)parked D)to park36 .Daily homework is necessary,too much of it may bring harm to students.A) soB)for C)but D)or37.1 t was in the police office that the thief admitted the purse from the o
11、ld ladyA)steal B) stealing C) stolen D)to steal38.1 t is still unknownhowA能) the way of our life as well as the world.A) changeB) changedC)will changD)was changing39.BeforeDShea hosted the Joy FM program in Beijing.he in Hongkong for ten years.A) worksB) has worked C) had worked D)would work40.The I
12、talian womnanfeel a culture shock it was her first time to Shanghai.A) thoughB) sinceC)ifD)when1.1 It is reported that the ticket prices for key tourist sites in our country soon.A) have reducedB) were reducedC) have reducedD)will be reduced42 .There be somteth/rdgn ioid today. for he shows no inter
13、est in the food helikes.A)canB)mustC)needD)should43 .pity it is that their team was not able to attend the Winter Olympics!A)What B)HowC) What a D)How a44 .1 wonder if you could keep an eye on my luggage when i am away.A) agree with you.B) Come onC) I will tryD) My pleasure.45.-t- not the end of the
14、 world.Look on the bright side! A) I agree with youB)Come onB) I will tryD) My pleasureIII. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be usedonce等下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词。每个单词只能填一次)(共8分)(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次):(共8分)A. sleeping B. nervous C. normal D. body E. prob
15、lemIt happens every night-bedtime. But what if youre not sleepy? Should you still go to bed if you are just going to lie there with your eyes wide open?Its a_ 46 that has been around as long as there have been people trying to sleep.For many, thinking, about 47 only keeps rthieht bw akeitYo byeveryt
16、hing you did that day. Maybe you cant sleep because you dont like sleeping all alone in your room. Maybe you have a frightening dream that keeps coming back every time you close your eyes.All of these feelings are 48.One thing that can help is talking to a parent about what youre thinking about. If
17、youre 49about taking a test, or upset about being laughed at in school, it can really help to tell somebody .Knowing that somebody has heard you can help your thoughts rest so that you can too.A. calm downB. even C. also D. uncomfortable E. solutionTheres not just one reason why kids cant fall aslee
18、p, though, so theres also more than one 50.If theres anything about your room that-makes you feel 51 at night, like a picture that looks strange in thedark, or a noisy tap that leaks drop after drop, be sure to ask one of your parents if it can be moved or fixed.It may not 52 make sense why somethin
19、g bothers you, but if its keeping you from sleeping, it shoulbechangedn othed eacouldbegettingeadyorbeGearliethanjsuaTryto take more time to 53 by taking a warm bath, or listening to a bedtime story at least30 minutes before you want to go to sleep.IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in
20、therrOpefDtmS的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词):(共8分)54 .A lot of young men volunteered tohenhththevar started.(German)55 .While travelling in Europe this summer, I ran into an old friend of(I)56 .Roger Federer, a tennis player in his,won the Australia Open on January 28.(thirty)57.1 dont agree witChrieesd dielfo
21、rnwealth, birds die for food.(say)58.50 metimes a smalmactesf all the difference in our lives.(kind)59.High-speed trainspassengers to cover the distance in no more than four hours.(able)60.More than five children wredein the traffic accident yesterday(terrible)61.The government is taking action to p
22、rotectinformation on the Internet.(person)VRewrite the following sentences!魏阚谕red(,改写下列句子。62-6题,每空格限填一词。6驰注意句首大写):(共1祈)62.I shut down my computer before I went(homeyesterday.(you down your computer before you went home yesterday?63.It took me more than four hours to fly from ShanghaWSngapore.(did it
23、 take you to fly from Shanghai to Singapore?64 .Nobody knew how we could start the machneJXcept John.(Nobody knew how the machine, except John.65 .People held the first Olympic Games to hono畋heGreekGod,Zeus.(The first Olympic Games to honour the Greek God,Zeus.66 .The team was unable to reach the to
24、p of the保ountanlbefore)ark.(The team reach the top of the mountain before dark.67 . “I(pay for the e-book by credit card? Jane askjedtheTshop?Ossistant.(Jane asked the shop assistant whether pay for thee-book by credit card.68 . on the Internet, has, for her parents, Sally, booked,由rip to France(Par
25、t3 Reading andWSingH卖写)VI .Reading comprehenson (军):(共 5吩)A. Chose the best answe短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(1纷)Finally, a simple smartphone.The al-new Jitterbug? Smart is the simple smartphone with our biggest screen ever, now with health and safety apps.EASY Anew, bigger 5.5-inch screen makes it even easier t
26、o stay connected. Everything you want to do, from texting and taking pictures, to emailing and visiting the Internet ,is organized in a single list on one screen with large letters. Plus, new Voice Typing makes writing emails and texts effortless.SMART Tum your Jitterbug Smart into a personal safety
27、 device with Great Calls award-winnhegilthndsafetyppsike5Star?anyjncertaon unsafeituatiosimply press the button and a highly-trained agent will get you the help you need,24/7.AFFORDABLE Great Call? provides a iOriety pfansta4arting as low as $249 per month. Compared to other cell phone companies, yo
28、u could save over $300 per year, makingthe JitterbuSmartphcpienSthe mostaffordabOn themarket Ask about)ur new Unlimited Plan!:Buy now and get a FREE :Car Charger,a S 25 value!Toordeo? learnmoreycall No contractS(同)to sign, everKeep your current phonenumber.Award-winning.U.S.-based customer service a
29、nd support69.Which of the followinmentioned as the strong point of Jitterbug Smartphone?A)A screen of 5.5 inches B)A one-screen task list.C)Voice typing.D)Taking clear pictures.70.What makes Jitterbug Smartphone seem smart?A)A special button.B)All-day help online.C)The free car charger D)The wireles
30、s network 71.What makes Jitterbug the most affordable phone on the market? A)The data plans with low starting price.B)The U.S. based customer service and support.C)The most dependable wireless network.D)The Great Calls award-winning health and safety apps.72.Jitterbug Smartphone is supposed to be li
31、ked and bought byA) the blindB) senior citizensO young ladiesD) people in danger73.1 f you want to learn more about Jitterbug Smartphone. you canA) write a letterB) send an emailO visit the given website D)make a phone call 74.You can possibly find the above material in A)a travel l guideB) a story
32、bookO a dictionaryD) a newspaperB. Choose the words or expressions and compleieithepassfage(E成短文):(3)My husband Bill, was diagnosedwith canvsrrthe course of seven months.he went from beating me silly at tennis to needing my help to go to the bathroom.It was the best seven months of my life. Maybe I
33、dont 75 mean that, but it was certainly the time when I felt most alive. I had become a respected professor, and a responsible wife. Duringthose seven months, I came to understand that nothing would 76 more than what I had done to my husband.When I couldnt sleep at nights RrayeGod. Then I began pray
34、ing it daily even if I had no difficulty sleeping, which 77.my breathing and calmed my mind.During his last week.a relative visited I noticed that shed changed her appearance. but in a funny way. It was the kind of 78 I kept to myself. After she left .Bill voiced exactly what Id been thinking, in th
35、at truthful way he bad and I found myself laughing out in my heart.I could live with than, even needing as muchckoare, OsrHee next 40 years, I thought.79,he would be dead very soon. I will never again have that high a purpose in my life. I will try to be a little less unhappy, a_80foirtthemmeill mom
36、ents in life .I am a better75.A)completelyB)hardlyCC actually76. A)careB)matterCC change77.A)slowedB)increasedC)held78.A)jokesB)friendsC)work79.A)LuckilyB)HoweverC)Instead80.A)sorryB)excitedC)thankfulperson for caring for Bill. It was his last, best gift to me.D)carefullyD)costD)took D)thoughtD)Fina
37、llyD)worriedC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks wlhproperwords(入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(1粉)Grades are important, but they are not the only measure.I have come to understand that exam grades are not the only purpose of schools, and grades a are not enough.Studies show that some of the high
38、-flying students have troubled lives, finding it difficult to get good jobs or become great parents or partners. A graduation, students come to realizewhat they have learned at school has not really prepared them for the next step.Increasingly, teachers are getting to know the idea of learning from
39、our failures. If youve never failed at anything, youve certainly never t Examnyrthdesaewimportant and we encourage all students to aim high and to do well. But they dont m success.I onceaskechystudents considthrechefGordoRamsayndhowhebecanseSuccessful. They were surprised to find that he didnt have
40、a good performance at school and he didn s x become a great chef. In an interview, he explained that he worked long hours for very little money, learning everything he could, He took chances even if they seemed i He mademistakes but he cheered himself up and moved forward. His success didnt come fro
41、m grades, it came from his character: courage ,effort and confidence.We should develop social skills through the whole school as an important p of learning.This is why there is a focus on performance ,sport and other activities. These life skills will work hand-in-hand with knowledge to enable stude
42、nts to do well in their future life.D. Answer the question函文内容回答下列问题):(1冽)You have saved my horse, Queen Olivia told the young boyyobanding before hershalhavei rewardPeten ervouslyranhisfingerthroughisbrowihairThefrightenedhorse had run past him as he worked in the field that morning. He would have
43、helped it whether it belonged to the queen or not .But he had to admit that getting a reward was nice.Twoof thequeermenappearedhecarrieal mirroiRec|ewelshonentopof theminors silver frame. The other carried wooden care with a chicken inside it.Only one reward can be yours, the queen sahaChoose twisei
44、y will take tceickerSome of the queens men laughed It WasyDlthardthlallt he had made a foolish choice.“Awhy did yoboose 1chicken?e queasikecWell| don know much about jewels, Petesweredut I do know about chickens. The chicken will provide eggs for my family for a lwhge. ”Queen 01smliledThen you did m
45、ake a wise ch(aiOeha t mirror may lookfancy. But the jewels you see are only colored glass, and the frame is painted silver. The chicken ismuch more valuable. Peter took the chicken and bowEjestyTha nk you, youraesYame a smart childheeen add eco uld use a smart boy to help take care of myhorses. Wou
46、ld you like jDHaPehe smi lecT hyok veryuchhe1 said excitedly.A job at the castle paid well. Now his family would eat well for the rest of their lives-all because88 .What was Peter doing when a frightened horse ran past him?89 .Who did the frightened horse belong to?90 .Why did Peter choose the chick
47、en instead of the mirror?91 .Did Peter make a wise choice or a foolish one?92 .What else did Queen Olivia offer Peter?93 .What can be filled in the blank at the end of the passage?VI. Writing):(共 2如94.In 60 to 120 words, writetaboutahe 以(我和.?为题,写一篇60-120词的短文,标点符号不占格。)每一个生命个体都和这个世界发生着联系,你也不例外。请分享一个你和
48、他人、社会或自然 之间的故事,并谈谈自己的体验或感受。(注意:短文中不得出现考生真实的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)【答案】DBACA BBDAD CBCCA DBCBC【解析】26音标题考查元音字母i的发音。27考察词组:积极参加take an active part in28考察词组:在路上onone way29考察词组:事物为人所熟知 sth. be familiarto加同to30名词辨析:为了保持健康,大脑和身体需要足够的锻炼,故选 exercise31在他开口之前,肯定句用something32固定搭配:be likely to doWth.能做某事33考察反身代词,宾
49、语与主语一直要选反身代词,意为他自己34形容词同级比较,as+ adj./Odvl +as35考察被动语态:被要求做某事 be required to do sth.36考察连词,前后句是转折关系,选 but37考察词组:admit doingth做过某事38考察时态:人工智能将会怎么改变我们的生活方式,用一般将来时39考察时态:before+般过去时代表过去的过去,用过去完成时40考察连词:让步状语从句用thou的I导,表示虽然41考察时态:前面 reporte垢面soon时态用过去将来时42. Thereibe与情态动词搭配,musl示肯定猜测,意为一定有43考察感叹句:固定搭配what
50、a pity44考查情景对话,回答愿意帮忙。45考查情景对话,回答别人鼓励自己。【答案】:46-49:EACB 50-53: EDBA46据上下文,排除其他选项,故填problem;4砌面为介词abou蜥以需要加动词ingB勺形式,构成介宾结构,选 sleeping;48合词性以及上下文,可得本题选norm al49.be nervous about soWthing到焦虑,故填 nervous.50据上下文可得,此处需要填solution;51此处应填形容词,故选uncomfortable;52据上下文,可以得知选even;scawcow是冷静的意思,根据题意,可知这里应选A.13【答案】
51、54-61: Germans; mine; thirties; saying; kindness; enable; terribly; personal【解析】54根据题意可知,此处应为德国人的复数形式;55该题主要考察人称代词I的名词性物主代词,故为 mine.56此处主要考察基数词和序数词的区别,由题意可知,此处应填一个序数词,表示一定的顺序,所以答案为thirties;57.这题主要考察say勺不同用法,这里该是名词,表示谚语的意思;58该题主要考察词性,前面是介词of所以后面应是kind勺名词;59.本题主要考察词性的转变,根据题意需要将形容词able专变成动词enable.60副词修
52、饰后面的动词,表示程度,“很,非常”61.主要考察词性的变化,后面修饰的词为名词information以后面需要填 perso的形容词形式,personal.【答案】62.Did, shifi3. How long4.to star6 5.was he66.failed to/could67os he could68.Sally has booked a trip to France for her parents on the Internet.【解析】6骇题考察一般疑问句,要注意时态为一般过去时,所以填 Did shut6骇题考察的是对一段时间提问,用特殊疑问词how long6骇题考察简
53、单句的变法。用“疑问词+ 不定式“结构可以将某些含有连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句转换简单句。所以填to start6限题考察被动语态be don的原句helM知,时态为过去时,所以填 was held6骇题主要考察 be unable义词组转换,可以是fail to do者can not所以答案为failed to/could not6原题主要考察宾语从句时态,“主句过去式,从句也要转为对应的过去时态,所以can要改成could直述句改为转述句,而且Jane女生名字,所以答案是she could68.Sally has booked a trip to France for her par
54、ens布nthe淅她的曾母预定 了一次去法国的旅行。【答案】69.D70.A71.A72.B73.C74.D【解析】69 .细节理解题。由原文第三段Anewb igge5.5-inchcreem akest eveneasieto stayconnected. Everything you want to do, from texting and taking pictures, to emailing and visiting the Internet,is organized in a single list on one screen with large letters. Plus,
55、new Voice Typing makes writing emails and texts电ffortless.70 .细节理解题。由原文第四段 SMART In any uncertain or unsafe situation, simply press the button and a highly-trained agent will get you theThelp you need,24/7.71 .细节理解题。由原文第五段 AFFORDABLEGreat Call provides aTVatetyp:ladata(starting as low as $249 per mo
56、nth. Compared to other cell phone companies, you could save over $300 per year, making the Jitterbug Smartphone plans the rmostT affordable on the market72 .推理判断加词义辨析。the blind人,senior citizens人,young lades女士,peoplein danger于危险中的人。另外根据largeetterS字母可以看出此部手机主要顾客群为老年人。7名田节理解题。由原文方框 To order or learn more, cal叫74 .推理判断加主旨大意。由整篇文章可知是推广介绍新款老人智
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