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1、 teaching plan (51) 非谓语动词(三)难点突破:过去分词在句子中的作用知识目标:通过操练、专项练习等方式复习过去分词的使用方式,以达到熟练使用的目的。复习步骤设计:(一)词汇复习revision of the words and expressions listed in the revision book, dictate some main ones before each revision class begins.(此环节可根据导航中的短语顺序,依次实行听写检查)。(二)对话操练(dialogue actingask ss to act out some dialog

2、ues about each item,for example, using noun forms, adjective forms, adverb forms , etc.(此环节也能够采取学生达标积分制实行,即复习阶段课前对话必须人人参与,教师事先布置并适当指导)(三)语法复习:过去分词能够作表语,也能够作定语和宾语补足语等。例解:、 the boy looked very _ and _.a. surprising , worrying b. surprised, worried c.surprising, worried d. surprised, worrying此题的答案应为b项。

3、从“the boy looked very”中能够知道是“男孩看起来又吃惊又忧虑”,故应该用过去分词表示男孩的表情,故只能用表语形容词“surprised, worried”。2、when autumn comes, there are many _ leaves on the ground. a. falling b. fell c. fallen d. being falling 此题的答案应为b项。从“when autumn comes”中能够知道是“每当秋天来临时,地上有很多落叶”,而不能说“正在落下的叶子”。故应该用过去分词“fallen”作为“leaves”的定语。3、i must

4、 have my hair _ tomorrow. a. cut b. cutted c. being cut d. to cut 此题的答案应为a项。从“i must have my hair”中能够知道是“明天我必须要把我的头发剪掉”,表示了“叫人做事而非自己动手的意思”。故应该用过去分词“cut ”作为“my hair”的补语。4、when we got there, we found all the wondows _. a. opening b. closing c. opened d. closed此题的答案应为d项。从“we found all the wondows”中能够知道

5、是“我们发现所有的窗户都开着/关着”之意,而作为“wondows”的补语应该是“ open或 closed”,此句中没有“open”,故只能选用“closed”。 teaching plan ( 50 ) 非谓语动词(二)难点突破:现在分词、动名词在句子中的作用知识目标:通过操练、专项练习等方式复习现在分词的使用方式,以达到熟练使用的目的。复习步骤设计:(一)词汇复习revision of the words and phrases begin with x-y-z, dictation of some main words and phrases before each revision c

6、lassbegins.(此环节可根据中考词汇表a/b/c 字母顺序依次实行听写检查)。(二)对话操练(dialogue actingask ss to act out some dialogues about each item,for example, using noun forms, adjective forms, adverb forms , etc.(此环节也能够采取学生达标积分制实行,即复习阶段课前对话必须人人参与,教师事先布置并适当指导)(三)语法复习:例解:1、_ is good for our health. a.eating too much b.getting up e

7、arly c.going to be late d.running after supper 此题的答案应为b项。从“is good for our health”中可以知道是“某事对于身体健康有好处”,四个动名词短语中应该选用符合逻辑的一个,故应该是“ getting up early ”,意思为“ 早起对于人身体有好处”。2、the girl enjoys _ to light music very much. a. to listening b. listening c. listen d. listened 此题的答案应为b项。从“enjoys _”中可以知道是固定搭配“enjoy d

8、oing”,故应该使用的是“listening ”,意思为“喜爱听轻音乐”。3、china as well as india is a _ country. a. developed b. developing c. to develop d. being developed 此题的答案应为b项。从“china as well as india”中可以知道是 “中国和印度都是发展中国家”之意,故应该使用的是现在分词“developing”作定语。4、a lot of good land has gone ,_ only sand. a. to leave b. leaving c. left

9、d. being leaving 此题的答案应为b项。从“a lot of good land has gone”中可以知道是“大片良田已经消失”之意,故后面应该使用的是现在分词“leaving”作伴随状语。 teaching plan ( 49 ) 非谓语动词(一)难点突破:动词不定式在句子中的作用知识目标:通过操练、专项练习等方式复习动词不定式的使用方式,以达到熟练运用的目的。复习步骤设计:(一)词汇复习revision of the words and phrases begin with u-v-w, dictation of some main words and phrases b

10、efore each revision classbegins.(此环节可根据中考词汇表a/b/c 字母顺序依次进行听写检查)。(二)对话操练(dialogue actingask ss to act out some dialogues about each item,for example, using noun forms, adjective forms, adverb forms , etc.(此环节也可以采取学生达标积分制进行,即复习阶段课前对话必须人人参与,教师事先布置并适当指导)(三)语法复习: 非谓语动词又叫非限定性动词,在句子中不能用作谓语,不受主语的限制,因此没有人称和数

11、的变化,但是在句子中可以作主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、状语等。例解:1、_ healthy is very important and necessary.a. to keep b. keep c. kept d. not to keep 此题的答案应为a项。从“ is very important and necessary.”中可以知道是“保持健康很重要”,故应该用动词不定式“to keep ”作为句子的主语。2、i find it necessary _ wild animals. a. protecting b. to protect c. to be protecting d

12、. to be protected此题的答案应为b项。从“i find it necessary”中可以知道是“形式宾语it后面的真正的宾语成分”,故应该用动词不定式“to protect ”作为句子中“find”的宾语。3、our teacher _ us not to be late next time. a. hopes b. wishes c. wants d. both b and c 此题的答案应为d项。从“not to be late next time”中可以知道是“动词不定式的否定形式”,故前面应该用可以与此动词不定式配套的动词进行连接,根据句意,a,b,c三项全部符合句意,

13、但是“hope sb to do sth ”是错误的。故只能选用d项才是正确的。2、 do you have something _ in your food shop ? a. drinking b. drank c. to drink d. to be drunk 此题的答案应为c项。从“do you have something”中可以知道是需要修饰“something”的定语,故只能选用“to drink”才是正确的。3、 he knows what_ and what _.a.to do, to not do b.to not do, to do c. to do,not to do

14、ing d.to do, not to do 此题的答案应为d项。从“ what_ and what”中可以知道是 “他知道该做什 teaching plan ( 48 ) 主谓一致难点突破:主语单复数的判断知识目标:通过操练、专项练习等方式复习主语单复数的判断方式,以达到熟练运用的目的。复习步骤设计:(一)词汇复习revision of the words and phrases begin with s, dictation of some main words and phrases before each revision classbegins.(此环节可根据中考词汇表a/b/c 字

15、母顺序依次进行听写检查)。(二)对话操练(dialogue actingask ss to act out some dialogues about each item,for example, using noun forms, adjective forms, adverb forms , etc.(此环节也可以采取学生达标积分制进行,即复习阶段课前对话必须人人参与,教师事先布置并适当指导)(三)语法复习:主谓一致指的是谓语动词在人称和数上面与主语保持一致。()在语法上保持一致:当主语是一个单数名词、代词、不定式短语、动名词、主语从句时,谓语动词只能用单数形式;()主语是单数时,其后面跟有

16、together with, along with, as well as, but, except, besides, like,such as等词或短语时,位于动词也只能用单数形式。例解:、lucy with her twin sister lily often _ to the library.a. go b. goes c. going d. get 此题的答案应为b项。从“with her twin sister lily”中可以知道是“伴随状态”,真正的主语只有“lucy”,为三单人称,故应该用“goes”才符合逻辑。、what he says and what he does _

17、 agree. a. does not b. are not c. do not d. is not 此题的答案应为c项。从“what he says and what he does”中可以知道是“说的和做的两件事情”,故谓语动词应该用复数的形式,所以应该用“do not ”才符合逻辑,其他三项均为语法错误。、my family _ having supper at home now.a. is b. are c. was d. were此题的答案应为c项。从“now”中可以知道是“现在进行时态”,故可以排除c项和d项,而“在吃饭的”肯定是“一家人”,而不是抽象名词“family”在吃饭,所

18、以应该用“are”才符合逻辑。4、the rich _ always happy.a. is not b. are c. are not d. was 此题的答案应为c项。从“the rich ”中可以知道是“有钱的人”,故可以知道是一类人,为复数形式,首先排除项和项,而有钱人并非快乐,说明了金钱非万能的道理,所以应该用“are not”才符合逻辑 teaching plan ( 47 ) 动词(四)情态动词难点突破:情态动词的区别用法知识目标:通过操练、专项练习等方式复习情态动词的不同形式,以达到熟练运用的目的。复习步骤设计:(一)词汇复习revision of the words and

19、phrases begin with r, dictation of some main words and phrases before each revision classbegins.(此环节可根据中考词汇表a/b/c 字母顺序依次进行听写检查)。(二)对话操练(dialogue actingask ss to act out some dialogues about each item,for example, using noun forms, adjective forms, adverb forms , etc.(此环节也可以采取学生达标积分制进行,即复习阶段课前对话必须人人参

20、与,教师事先布置并适当指导)(三)语法复习: 情态动词表示能力,义务,必要,猜测等说话人的语气或情态.情态动词是助动词,没有人称和数的变化,有词义,但是不完整,不能单独作谓语,必须与动词原形一起构成谓语动词.常用的情态动词有: can, may, must, need,have/has to, 等,can 表示能力和可能性, may表示可以或可能,其否定形式应该用mustnt ,意思为不可以, must表示必须,应该, 其否定回答要用neednt,表示不必要,have to 着重于客观需要,意思为只得,不得不,例解: 1. man _ live without air or water. a.

21、 can b. may not c. mustnt d. cannot 此题的答案应为d项。从“live without air or water”中可以知道是“没有空气和水的生存”,这是常识题, 人人都知道没有空气和水一切都不能生存的, 故应该用“cannot ”才符合逻辑。2. _ i leave my school bag in the classroom after school ? no, you _. a. can, mustnt b. may, mustnt c. may, neednt d. may, may not此题的答案应为b项。从前后问答的逻辑性上面可以推断出来是may

22、, mustnt. .3. as a student, he _ come to school on time. a. may b. can c. must d. needs此题的答案应为c项。从“as a student”中可以知道是“作为一名学生必须做到事情”,而不是可以和能够, 故应该用“must”才符合逻辑。4. as he had broken leg, he_ lie in bed . a. has to b. will have to c. had to d. must 此题的答案应为c项。从“ as he had broken leg”中可以知道是“发生于过去的事情”,所以可以

23、排除a项和b项,而由于腿伤这一客观制约,所以只得躺在床上,并非主观愿望,故应该用“ had to”才符合逻辑。. the light in jims house is on. he _ be at home now.a. can b. may c. must d. need 此题的答案应为c项。从“ the light in jims house is on”中可以知道是“房间里的灯亮着”,所以为第二句的“”打下了理论基础,故应该用“must”才符合逻辑。teaching plan ( 46 ) 动词(三)助动词难点突破:助动词的区别用法知识目标:通过操练、专项练习等方式复习助动词的不同形式,

24、以达到熟练运用的目的。复习步骤设计:(一)词汇复习revision of the words and phrases begin with q, dictation of some main words and phrases before each revision classbegins.(此环节可根据中考词汇表a/b/c 字母顺序依次进行听写检查)。(二)对话操练(dialogue actingask ss to act out some dialogues about each item,for example, using noun forms, adjective forms, a

25、dverb forms , etc.(此环节也可以采取学生达标积分制进行,即复习阶段课前对话必须人人参与,教师事先布置并适当指导)(三)语法复习:助动词只能和主要动词一起构成各种时态, 语态和语气等动词形式.常用的助动词有: do,does, did,shall, will, have/has/had等.例解: 1. the boy_ like meat at all. a. dont b. doesnt c. isnt d. does此题的答案应为b项。从“at all ”中可以知道是“否定句”,而 like是实义动词,故应该用助动词进行否定,而主语是the boy,为第三人称单数,故应该用

26、“doesnt”。2. i bought a mobile phone yesterday,but it _ work now. a. didnt b. doesnt c. dont d. isnt此题的答案应为b项。从“work now. ”中可以知道是“现在破掉了”,而work是实义动词,故应该用助动词进行否定,而主语是it ,为第三人称单数,故应该用“doesnt”,不能用be动词isnt来进行否定.3. tom. dont forget to come to my birthday party.i _.a. didnt b. wont c. cant d. dont此题的答案应为b项。

27、从第一句中可以知道是“对方的提醒”,而tom 必然会说“我不会忘记的”, 故应该选用“ wont”.4. he _ the station until the train had left. a. didnt reach b. reached c. doesnt d. hasnt reached此题的答案应为a项。从“until the train had left. ”中可以知道是“与过去有关的某一时态”,故不可以用现在时态的助动词, b项是不符合句意的,故应该选用“didnt reach ”.teaching plan ( 45 ) 动词(二)连系动词难点突破:连系动词的区别用法知识目标:

28、通过操练、专项练习等方式复习连系动词的不同形式,以达到熟练运用的目的。复习步骤设计:(一)词汇复习revision of the words and phrases begin with p, dictation of some main words and phrases before each revision classbegins.(此环节可根据中考词汇表a/b/c 字母顺序依次进行听写检查)。(二)对话操练(dialogue actingask ss to act out some dialogues about each item,for example, using noun f

29、orms, adjective forms, adverb forms , etc.(此环节也可以采取学生达标积分制进行,即复习阶段课前对话必须人人参与,教师事先布置并适当指导)(三)语法复习: 连系动词在句子中作谓语动词,后面跟表语,表语有形容词、名词、介词短语等充当。常见的连系动词有:look, smell, taste, sound, feel, become, get, grow, appear, keep,etc. 此类动词没有被动语态结构。例解: 1. roses _ very sweet.a. are smelt b. is smelt c. are smelling d. sm

30、ell 此题的答案应为d项。从“very sweet. ”中可以知道是“气味很芬芳”,而smell是连系动词,故没有被动结构,故应该用“smell”。2. that music sounds really _.a. badly b. wonderfully c. nice d. beautifully此题的答案应为c项。从“ sounds”中可以知道是“ 连系动词”,后面要加形容词,故应该选用“ nice”。3. do you like the cloth ? yes, it _ very soft.a. felt b. feels c. is felt d. is feeling 此题的答案

31、应为b项。从“very soft ”中可以知道是“ 非常柔软”,前面肯定是连系动词“feels”,但是不可以用被动结构。 teaching plan ( 44 ) 动词(一)实义动词难点突破:实义动词的区别用法知识目标:通过操练、专项练习等方式复习实义动词的不同形式,以达到熟练运用的目的。复习步骤设计:(一)词汇复习revision of the words and phrases begin with o, dictation of some main words and phrases before each revision classbegins.(此环节可根据中考词汇表a/b/c 字

32、母顺序依次进行听写检查)。(二)对话操练(dialogue actingask ss to act out some dialogues about each item,for example, using noun forms, adjective forms, adverb forms , etc.(此环节也可以采取学生达标积分制进行,即复习阶段课前对话必须人人参与,教师事先布置并适当指导)(三)语法复习: 实义动词又称行为动词,它包括及物动词和不及物动词两类。及物动词必须带宾语,不及物动词可以不带宾语,如果要加宾语的话,必须加介词后才可以,在变疑问、否定结构时,必须用助动词构成疑问句和否

33、定句。常见的助动词有:do,does, did, shall, will, have,has, had, 和复合结构:had better, would rather,etc.例解: 1. we can use qq to with each other on the net.a. speak b. talk c. say d. tell此题的答案应为b项。从介词“ with”中可以知道必须用动词“talk ”搭配,意思为“与人聊天”。 2. he _ his key everywhere but he couldnt _ it. a. look for, find b. looked for

34、, find c. looked, found d. found, look for此题的答案应为b项。从前后句中可以知道是“从寻找发展到没有找到”的过程,故应该先用“ look for”,再用“ find”才符合逻辑,而时态也应该同一,故只能选用“looked for, find”。 3. the dirty river _ because the water gives out a bad smell. a. is smelt bad b. smells badly c. smells bad d. smell bad此题的答案应为c项。从“ the dirty river”中可以知道“气

35、味很难闻”但是“smell”是连系动词,不可以有被动结构,其后面要加形容词,故应该选用“smells bad”。4. the teacher told the class to _ their books. a. put on b. put off c. put away d. put in 此题的答案应为c项。从整句话理解,可以知道“老师叫同学们放好书本”故应该选用“put away”。5、i can hardly hear the radio. would you please _ ? a. turn it down b. turn it on c. turn it up d. turn

36、it off 此题的答案应为c项。从第一句话“ i can hardly hear the radio.”中可以知道是“几乎听不见”,所以第二句必然是“能调高点声音吗?”故应该选用“turn it up ”。 teaching plan ( 43 ) 连词难点突破:各种连词的不同含义、功能的区别与用法知识目标:通过操练、专项练习等方式复习连词的不同形式,以达到熟练运用的目的。复习步骤设计:(一)词汇复习revision of the words and phrases begin with m and n, dictation of some main words and phrases be

37、fore each revision classbegins.(此环节可根据中考词汇表a/b/c 字母顺序依次进行听写检查)。(二)对话操练(dialogue actingask ss to act out some dialogues about each item,for example, using noun forms, adjective forms, adverb forms , etc.(此环节也可以采取学生达标积分制进行,即复习阶段课前对话必须人人参与,教师事先布置并适当指导)(三)语法复习:常见的并列连词有and,but,or,so,bothand, neithernor,

38、not onlybut also, eitheror, as soon as, as well as 等。引导时间状语从句的有:when ,before, after, as soon as, while, until , since, as 等;引导原因状语从句的有:because, as, since, for等;引导结果状语从句的有: so that, suchthat, 引导目的状语从句的有: so that, in order that.,引导比较状语从句的有:than, asas,not soas等;引导让步状语从句的有: though, although.例解: 1. why d

39、oesnt he walk on? -he is walk on.a. so tired that b. too tired to c. so tired to d. too fired that此题的答案应为b项。本题考查了sothat和tooto句型的用法,sothat的用法是so+(形/副)+that从句,而tooto句型的用法是too+形+to do sth,因为walk为动词,故只能用“ tooto”连接。 2、 the baby is only three months old. he can _ read _ write.a. neithernor b. either or c.

40、 both and d. notbut 此题的答案应为a项。从“the baby is only three months old. ”中可以看出是“三个月大的孩子”,故按照常理推测应该是“既不会读也不会写”,故只能用“neithernor ”连接才符合句意。 3、 english isnt easy, _ i really like it. a. so b. but c. and d. because 此题的答案应为b项。从前后半句中可以看出是转折的关系,故只能用“but”连接才符合逻辑。 4、 i got home, my parents were reading newspapers.a

41、. before b. as soon as c. after d. when此题的答案应为d项。从“my parents were reading newspapers.”中可以看出是过去某一时刻正在发生的事情,故只能用“when ”连接才符合句意。 5、my shoes are small, _ i need a new pair. a. because b. but c. so d. if 此题的答案应为c项。从前后半句中可以看出是顺接的关系,“鞋子小了,所以要买新的了”,故只能用“so ”连接才符合句意。 teaching plan (42 ) 介词难点突破:各种介词的不同用法知识目标

42、:通过操练、专项练习等方式复习介词的不同形式,以达到熟练运用的目的复习步骤设计:(一)词汇复习revision of the words and phrases begin with k and l, dictation of some main words and phrases before each revision classbegins.(此环节可根据中考词汇表a/b/c 字母顺序依次进行听写检查)。(二)对话操练(dialogue actingask ss to act out some dialogues about each item,for example, using no

43、un forms, adjective forms, adverb forms , etc.(此环节也可以采取学生达标积分制进行,即复习阶段课前对话必须人人参与,教师事先布置并适当指导)(三)语法复习:介词再英语中是一种虚词,介词不能单独使用,常常放在名词或代词前面,与之一起构成介词短语。常见的介词有: in, on, at, from, with,for,without ,to,by,under, beside, near, opposite, between, behind,before,after等,介词后面若是动词,则应该用其动名词结构进行搭配。例解: 1. if every one

44、in the world makes a contribution the environment. the world will become much more beautiful.a. to protect b. protect c. to protecting d. protects此题答案应为c 项。此题中“make a contribution to ”是一个短语,意思为“对作为贡献”,其中“to”是介词,故后面要用动名词“protecting”进行搭配。 2. do you have any ink to write ?a. about b. / c. in d. with此题答

45、案应为c项。此句的意思是“你有墨水写字吗?”首先排除a、b两项,因为“用墨水写字”而不是“写墨水”,用“钢笔写”为“write with a pen”,“用墨水写”为“write in ink”,属于固定用法。 3. its dangerous one to do it.a. for b. of c. on d. in此题答案因为a项。此题的基本句型为“it is (not)+形容词+for sb to do sth,其中it是该句的形式主语,而不定式的短语to do sth是真正的主语,“for sb ”是动词不定式的复合结构,意思为“对某人而言 ”。4. the bridge is mad

46、e stone.a. with b. from c. of d. by此题答案因为c项。“桥有石头制成”,是显而易见的,因为“质量没有改变”,故不能用“from ”,而要用“of ”表示。5、he found his place _ the big crowd. a. between b. along c. across d. among 此题答案因为d项。从“the big crowd ”中可以知道是“人群中”,故不是“沿着/横穿人群”,“ ”只表示两者之间,故也是错误的,应该用“ among”才符合句意。 teaching plan ( 41 ) 形容词、副词难点突破:形容词和副词的区别使

47、用知识目标:通过操练、专项练习等方式复习形容词、副词的不同形式,以达到熟练运用的目的复习步骤设计:(一)词汇复习revision of the words and phrases begin with i and j, dictation of some main words and phrases before each revision classbegins.(此环节可根据中考词汇表a/b/c 字母顺序依次进行听写检查)。(二)对话操练(dialogue actingask ss to act out some dialogues about each item,for example,

48、 using noun forms, adjective forms, adverb forms , etc.(此环节也可以采取学生达标积分制进行,即复习阶段课前对话必须人人参与,教师事先布置并适当指导)(三)语法复习:形容词用于修饰名词和代词,表示人和事物的特征。副词既可以修饰动词,又可以修饰形容词,其他副词,甚至整个句子。副词的位置十分灵活,可以放在句首,句中或者句末。而形容词的位置相对比较固定于名词和代词之前,在修饰如something 之类的不定代词时,形容词后置于something之后,enough修饰形容词/副词时须后置,else修饰代词时也后置于代词。大多动词应该用副词修饰,但连

49、系动词后面要用形容词连接。例解: 1. lucy writes _. she is as _ as lily. a. careful,careful b.carefully,carefully c.careful,carefully d.carefully, careful此题应选d项。从“lucy writes ”上可以看出需要用副词“carefully”,从“she is”中看出需要用“careful”,故只能选用“carefully, careful”。2. that old man is still _. he is a _ lei feng .a. alive, living b.

50、living, living c. living, alive d. alive, alive 此题应选a项。“alive 和 living ”均为形容词,但是“alive”为表语形容词,不能用于名词前,而“living”可以用来修饰名词,故只能选用“alive, living ”。3. the winter in beijing is much colder than .a. hong kong b.that hong kong c. that in hong kong d.it of hong kong此题答案应为c项。两者之间相比较,所比较的内容(词性,句子成分)应保持一致,为避免重复,

51、后一部分比较内容用that 代替,此题是两地冬天气候之比较,故只能选用“that ”。 4. hangzhou is one of in china.a. beautiful city b. more beautiful city c. most beautiful cites d. the most beautiful cities此题答案为d项。表示三者或三者以上的比较时,要用最高级,本题beautiful是多音节词,其前应加the most,再者,“one of”是“之一”的意思,故后面的名词要用复数形式。 5. the river is three times as long as t

52、hat one, that is to say: it is two times _that one.a. longer as b. long than c. longer than d. so long as此题答案应为c 项。此题中“as long as”的意思是“和一样长”即表示“the river”和“that one”的“three times”一样长,因此the river比that river要长出two times(两倍)。 teaching plan (40 ) 数词难点突破:基数词和序数词的区别用法知识目标:通过操练、专项练习等方式复习数词的不同形式,以达到熟练运用的目的复习步骤设计:(一)词汇复习revision of the words and phrases begin with g and h, dictation of some main words and phrases before each revision classbegins.(此环节可根据中考词汇表a/b/c 字母顺序依次进行听


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